I am curious because you know I use the word allow, it's softer language..
Do you feel it truly misrepresents God to soften our language?
People jump up and down screaming even using language that's a little softer, use of too much determinist language and I don't think they will listen will they? I kinda figured using softer language was at least a kind push in the right direction.
There's a time for everything. But generally, yes, I'd say the hard truth is much better than 'softer'; God even uses the truth to drive away those he hardens. (For example, the fact that I am only what God is using me for, is a much happier and comforting thing than any other self-esteem I may come up with. The 'softer' "truth", that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and made in God's image, and therefore in and of myself worthy of dignity and respect and value from God, is misleading and dangerous. (At least, I think so.))
In this context, it doesn't usually very much bother me, depending on who is using it. I know your thinking well enough that I don't get upset when you do. Yet I feel compelled to be sure it is understood by your readers, what God is doing here.
Ironically, the self-determinist softens his language the other way, saying "allow" in order to be sure it is understood that God did not cause the sin of anyone, while we do it to make the fact of God's absolute sovereignty a little more palatable to those who would have 'spiritual indigestion' at the notion that absolutely everything "whatsoever cometh to pass" is by God's causation.
So, yeah, it does bothers me that we use the same language those insisting on self-determinism do. But I can't say it is wrong to do so.
Lol, once or twice, and I probably will do it again, from time to time, I feel like I have to add a note to something that
@Eleanor says, that 'free will' means that "a person is free to choose according to their inclinations". She even goes so far as to say that she agrees with a dictionary definition that includes, "without constraint...", which I disagree with, unless she does not mean, "independently of any outside influence". (Nothing we do is independent of influences from outside ourselves. With that, even the most animalistic of atheists would have to agree, if they are intellectually honest.)
FWIW, Sister, I know very well, that my point-of-view and my way of expression are not The Correct ones. More than that, I know well that no matter how accurate any of us are, we still miss the mark. Our notions are directed AT the truth, but are not THE TRUTH. And our words, even less so, unless they are the words of Scripture.