is it possible for the "Elect" to not be saved?
@donadams entitled the forum
"Predestination?" his OP was the question...
"In your understanding what does predestination mean or imply?" Am I incorrect in thinking he desired a discussion concerning "predestination?"
In post #3 you
@1Thess521 changed the context of the discussion to
“election and salvation.” While I can see the relationship among these concepts…and it is likely that donadams can as well…these were not his subjects…things started to look very unfriendly at this point as I see it…as I have already mentioned.
Do you feel that co-opting his discussion and changing the topic…and then in what appears to be a disrespectful manner…demand that he respond to you…is acceptable? Your post #8…
”Will you be commenting in the thread that you started?” Surely you can see how he may be justified in some level of frustration here right? You changed it on him…this looks like manipulation.
He was cordial…he made an attempt to accommodate you…post #11, in #16 he looked to be asking for some detailed clarification as to the specifics of what is now “your forum”…concerning “elect and salvation”…in #20 donadams asks a question, makes a statement lists some scriptures.
Then in #21 you
@1Thess521 repost your own question from post #3 that changed the subject of the forum altogether…which was not donadams concern for this forum…and wrote…
”still waiting” almost a demand that donadams respond to you? It just gets more offensive from there.
The reason I went through all of this is twofold…
one…donadams response in post #22 of this forum is grievous and heartbreaking here is a quote of his post…
Balls in the air, & you move the goal posts!...Un-level playing field!....Double standards!...No response,…ignore most of my points!...Six against one!...Rude people butting when we are trying to have a discussion!...Your understanding, interpretation, meaning is valid and acceptable mine in not!...Sick and tired of being on the down side of these and at the bottom of the pile!...Just saying
I realize that this is not uncommon in the forum atmosphere…however to do this to a brother is not acceptable in the Kingdom of God and it often times turns constructive forums into argumentative battles that create division to no good purpose.
At times it looks like people are just looking to fight and debate to no realizable or effective end for the people of God. At that point it simply becomes a “dead work” that offends…the Kingdom of God is not built in this way...perhaps Kingdom of God value was never the intention for these forums all along?
I understand that I do not have to patronize this forum website…it has been my choice up to this point to occasionally join in…if this type of behavior is allowed to continue there would be no reason to come here for dialogue, fellowship, learning, sharing and testimony at all…and perhaps others may see it the same…the Kingdom of God is not divided.
Two…are there responsible elders in the house to bring moderation to these forums?