You did not give an answer to the request for a definition of the full counsel of God.
That's because I didn't say "full counsel of God." I don't claim to give the counsel of God. I said I was giving the full counsel of scripture.
You gave examples of you using the full counsel of God that completely defy it definition.
Where did I say "full counsel of God?"
You begin your search for the meaning of the scripture with the mindset of proving that Jesus is not God, when that is not even the subject of what Jesus is pointing out in this passage. Your idea of the whole counsel of God becomes jumping from one isolated scripture to another, that also are not discussing the deity of Christ specifically, in order to prove your point. The very definition of proof texting. You start with Jesus is not God and to prove it you say that if God laid the cornerstone, and Jesus is the cornerstone, that means God is not the cornerstone, therefore Jesus is not God but a created human being only who God installed in Zion.
The Bible says Jesus isn't God. It's pretty hard to avoid because it's all over the Bible. Just how it is. If someone is talking about the Bible the topic of Jesus and God should come up almost immediately.
It sets out to disprove the Trinity without acknowledging the doctrine of the Trinity (the hypostatic union of the theology/doctrine)but only your own doctrine. IOW it merely states your own beliefs and proof texts scripture to do it. You do not even bother to include who God is as self revealed, who the creature man is in relation to God, or the dynamic and the magnitude of the work that Christ did or what that was. To do so and carefully and systematically, would be making use of the whole counsel of Scripture. You could start by acknowledging and addressing the utter uniqueness of Christ as outlined in post #167. Find the scriptures that verify what I said. It should be easy with a simple google search using the list I gave, one by one.
I would love to get into who one can be in Christ and and God's purpose for people today. We can be sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters to Jesus, be glorified with him, and reign with him.
No one has wanted to talk about any of this yet. People are too busy trying to deify Jesus. Progress can't be made until that error is resolved and I am under not impression I can change anyone's mind. I know that quoting Jesus' denials of deity, all of the passages about Jesus not being God, etc will just result in people playing their hypostatic union card.
All it does it keep the goal posts moving... just when it's been proven Jesus isn't God then boom that's just his "human side" but when Jesus does a miracles people are saying he's God. Why hasn't anyone ever bothered to explained why every. single. last. miracle that Jesus did others also did? And why does no one talk about the fact that Jesus' power and authority are not exclusive to Jesus either? Maybe because allegedly being God and then Peter comes and walks on water, too, is a problem for the hypostatic union?
Now reread Romans 10---the full chapter, and tell me what Paul is talking about, instead of this preposterous assertion that you have arrived at Jesus not being God by using the whole counsel of God because you found one cross reference to one half phrase in the whole chapter, and then make the assertion that YHWH (as though the Hebrew adds a speck of weight to your argument) laid the Cornerstone, therefore Jesus is not YHWH. That is scarcely even using your mind, let alone the full counsel of God.
Romans 10:11 is about Jesus being the cornerstone. Romans 10:12,13 are about the Lord YHWH. Those soundly prove that Jesus isn't YHWH. I recommend you being with those verses and look into them carefully and prayerfully.
Tell me, using the full counsel of God, how what you claim does not contradict Romans 9:5 (note chapter 9 comes before 10 which you used to declare Paul knew Jesus was not God) To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen.
As you may well know, there was not punctuation in the original Koine Greek. So when they translated Romans 9:5 and added all of those commas, those were added by the translators. They weren't actually in the original manuscripts because they didn't use punctuation in Greek.
Here's the correct version of Romans 9:5 from the RSV and it proves Jesus isn't God.
Romans 9
5 to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ. God who is over all be blessed for ever. Amen.