The Royal Law ~ by ReverendRV * November 8
James 2:8 KJV; If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing well.
There was a time when Jesus commissioned several disciples and he was instructing them in the way of his ministry. During this time an Expert spoke up and asked Jesus how to inherit Eternal Life, this is what was said; “Behold, a Lawyer stood up to put Jesus to the test. ‘Teacher, what shall I do to inherit Eternal Life?’ Jesus said, ‘What is written in the Law? How does it say?’ The Lawyer answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your Heart and with all your Soul and with all your Strength and with all your Mind, and your neighbor as yourself.’ Jesus said ‘You have answered correctly; do it, and you will live.’ The lawyer desired to justify himself, ‘Who is my neighbor?"’ ~ Saint James taught about Loving your Neighbor, about not showing partiality; which the Expert had in spades! ~ How could you ever keep this Royal Law with all your Heart?
Jesus answered the Lawyer’s question with an example of a foreigner who helped an injured man on a road. A Priest and a Levite wouldn’t stop to help the man. The Lawyer knew that if this ever occurred, Jesus would be right; because those two wouldn’t touch anything unclean. Have you ever helped someone when they were in dire straits? Most people can answer Yes to this; but none can say that they kept the Law of God by doing this! You object, “Saint Paul said Loving your Neighbor as yourself fulfills the Law!” Yes he did; but only a Royal Prince from Heaven can fulfill this Royal Law of God. A Pauper only has a Commoners Law that was given to Sinners; the Ten Commandments. These ten Laws were given to show us that we are guilty as Sin, and that we’re outlaws who will be locked away in a devil’s Hell for all Eternity. ~ The Baptist Theologian John Gill said this of the Royal Law; ‘Which is the Law of love to Man, without distinction of rich and poor, high and low, bond and free; and is so called, because it’s the Law of the King of kings, it is the Law of Christ, who is King of Saints; and because it is a principal Law, the chief of Laws; as Love to God is the sum of the first and great commandment in the Law, and may be called the King of Laws; so Love to the Neighbor is the second and next unto it, and may very well bear the name of the Queen of Laws, and has Royalty in it; and indeed this last is said to be the fulfilling of the Law, and it is also submitted to, and obeyed by such who are made kings and priests to God; and to be done in a Royal manner, with a Princely Spirit, Willingly, and with all readiness:’
What we need is to be made Kings and Priests of God in order to be able to fulfill the Queen of Laws and live! There’s only one way to receive this Coronation and it’s by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ the King of Kings; without Works lest we boast. His shed blood pays our Sin debt for us, but his Resurrection from the dead grants us our Royal title. Repent from Sin, Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord God; and you will be Forgiven. Gain your commission from him and you’ll be Saved from your Sins; you will be spiritually Born Again with a Prince’s birthright! Jesus will grant it that you rule and reign with him in his Kingdom forever in Eternity. You’re now able to keep the Royal Law of God since you’re under the jurisdiction of Heaven as a citizen who can exercise your new found rights. ~ Give up your life as a dying Pauper and exchange it for the Life of an everlasting Prince; an Heir of the one true King. Read the Bible and find your Kingdom Agenda…
Revelations 1:6 KJV; To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.