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Man's responsibility.

Everybody has eternal life...somewhere.

There is a resurrection unto damnation (John 5:29, Daniel 12:2).
However Jesus says what eternal life He is referring to. "that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day."

Now, can you prove John 6 is not saying what it is saying?
But I realize that I am simply preaching to you and that the Holy Spirit is going to have to testify to you that what I am saying is true, if you are going to be able to receive it.

Because you decidedly have a different point of view.
The Holy Spirit will never testify to me that what you are saying is true, because it isn't. You have been shown by many different people on the forum that what you say is nothing more than a faulty interpretation from a faulty premise, with out of context isolated scriptures from here and there, with no exegesis, and no consideration as to whether or not it is consistent with other clear scriptures on the same subject. You have been shown this by putting those scriptures into their context and comparing them with clear scriptures on the same subject. Each one of these many different people adding the depth of their own wording and own work, articulating it in their unique way, yet all agreeing on what is being said. You have no excuse.
You have been told multiple time that the Calvinist calls it "unconditional" only in that God's decision is not based on any condition in that person he chooses.
So if it is based on NOTHING, then it's "Arbitrary".

In the "Jacob and Esau" case ire you seriously proposing that Jacob was chosen instead of Esau for absolutely no reason or consideration of either one's nature/character??
God is very specific in whom God chooses, and creates, for God's own particular purposes. Nothing random there.
SO "election" isn't and never was "unconditional" (it's nothing but "Theology" after all).

I agree.
God has the absolute right to make anything and anyone for whatever purposes he chooses to make them for.
No problem with this.
Okay...if it is not random, then on what basis does God choose some and then condemn others?

If the Calvinist had an answer to this question, he would also have an answer to the question, "What must I do to be saved?"
The Calvinist has the only answer God gives to that question. According to his pleasure---meaning His purposes---and His will. Beyond that He does not tell us, yet you expect the Calvinist to be able to give you His reason, one that will satisfy you? The reason is in the mind of God.

If it is according to His psychic abilities to look down the long tunnel of time and see who will choose Him, and then He chooses them, as you say, then He absolutely would be choosing them according to some goodness in them. It would not be unconditional. It would be conditioned on worthiness of the creature. And it would not be grace or mercy or love.
Yet, there are those, who believe that His Spirit bears witness with their spirit that they are children of God, who ultimately don't persevere to the end.

Were not these, never saved in the first place?

Did God give them a false assurance that they were saved?
They gave themselves a false assurance by trusting in their choice instead of believing.
In the "Jacob and Esau" case ire you seriously proposing that Jacob was chosen instead of Esau for absolutely no reason or consideration of either one's nature/character??
Do you think Jacob was more righteous than his brother? His name means deceiver and he did plenty of that. He stole Esau's birthright through deception.
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Okay...if it is not random, then on what basis does God choose some and then condemn others?
So if it is based on NOTHING, then it's "Arbitrary".

In the "Jacob and Esau" case ire you seriously proposing that Jacob was chosen instead of Esau for absolutely no reason or consideration of either one's nature/character??
Arial indirectly answered this below:
In Him we live, and move, and have our being. That means that in Him we live, and move, and have our being. There is nothing, absolutely nothing autonomous about us.

God is the potter (created each person) and we are the clay. God fashions some for salvation and others for hell. Therefore, the selection is NOT ARBITRARY or RANDOM; rather, according to God's specs.
In the same fashion God creates our will. You do not use your will to create your will (circular logic).
So if it is based on NOTHING, then it's "Arbitrary".
It isn't based on nothing. The something is in the mind of God. That is all He tells us about it. Eph 1:3-6 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.

Surely you are not going to use the illogic that if a Calvinist cannot tell us what is in the mind of God on the matter, then unconditional election means arbitrary election!
Do you think Jacob was more righteous than his brother? His name means deceiver and he did plenty of that. He stole Esau's birthright through deception.
Not the question. Was Jacob more suited AS A HUMAN to be the progenitor of the Israelites than Esau Was?

Or were they both Equals, and God had no reason to have a preference about which one to choose.
Arial indirectly answered this below:

God is the potter (created each person) and we are the clay. God fashions some for salvation and others for hell. Therefore, the selection is NOT ARBITRARY or RANDOM; rather, according to God's specs.
In the same fashion God creates our will. You do not use your will to create your will (circular logic).
So "U" is meaningless.
It isn't based on nothing. The something is in the mind of God. That is all He tells us about it. Eph 1:3-6 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.

Surely you are not going to use the illogic that if a Calvinist cannot tell us what is in the mind of God on the matter, then unconditional election means arbitrary election!
So election IS NOT "unconditional" at all, and "U" is meaningless.
Not the question. Was Jacob more suited AS A HUMAN to be the progenitor of the Israelites than Esau Was?

Or were they both Equals, and God had no reason to have a preference about which one to choose.
We have a record of what God said about it. "Jacob I loved but Esau I hated." He says He chose Jacob over Esau before they had done anything good or bad, that He showed mercy on whom He showed mercy. And Paul used this text in Romans applying it specifically to those whom God saves. Otherwise he would not have asked the rhetorical question, "Does this make God unjust?" and answered it, "Who are you o man to talk back to God?" (People really ought to listen when they read the Bible.) If it is as you and others say that God looks down the long tunnel of time and knows who will choose Him and then elects them to salvation (!!!!!) He does so by seeing the good they will do.

Let's take that exact application back to "Before either had done anything good or bad I chose Jacob." If you are going to be consistent, God chose Jacob by looking down the long tunnel of time and finding a reason in Jacob to choose Him. Which would mean God lied when He said it had nothing to do with the good or the bad they did. And in fact evidence shows that the were both pretty bad at times. And Jacob did not choose God, God chose Him and did with him according to His purpose.

So saying that God found Jacob more suited AS A HUMAN to be the progenitor of the Israelites, in order to get around what was said about Jacob being as bad as Esau when it was pointed out, did not solve the problem. Not to mention the scripture mentioned only good and bad, nothing about being more SUITABLE AS A HUMAN.
So election IS NOT "unconditional" at all, and "U" is meaningless.
WHat is wrong with you people? Or should I say mules?

Explain the doctrine of unconditional election. Not according to you but according to the Calvinist doctrine. Can you do that instead of just gaslighting?
So election IS NOT "unconditional" at all, and "U" is meaningless.
It is not conditioned on anything good or bad IN THE PERSON. The elect are created to belong to Christ for HIS glory. A'ists need to get over themselves and and start realizing that all God does is for His glory and praise and honor. That God is the center of the universe and steps down to man in HIS GRACE and MERCY because of who HE IS. God needs nothing from us and does not count on us for the effectiveness of anything He does. It is time they began actually seeking the face of God in His word instead of looking to see their position in the grand scheme of things. The self centeredness needs to go.
So "U" is meaningless.
Not the best grammar .. I think you are stating that an individual is meaningless.
I have no clue how you came to that conclusion.
A potter (God) makes a bowl (a man) and the bowl (a man) has whatever meaning the Potter (God) intended. So the bowl could be highly prized and hold things of value for the Potter or it could be used to hold trash. Thus you have "meaning".

To think a person can create meaning out of nothing, for that is what he was at one time is impossible. From nothing, nothing comes. A person is what the creator designed. A person is not a creator. In Him we live and breathe and have our being...we are dependent on God for everything...now if you're believe in deism or dualism you might think differently.
Not the best grammar .. I think you are stating that an individual is meaningless.
I have no clue how you came to that conclusion.
A potter (God) makes a bowl (a man) and the bowl (a man) has whatever meaning the Potter (God) intended. So the bowl could be highly prized and hold things of value for the Potter or it could be used to hold trash. Thus you have "meaning".

To think a person can create meaning out of nothing, for that is what he was at one time is impossible. From nothing, nothing comes. A person is what the creator designed. A person is not a creator. In Him we live and breathe and have our being...we are dependent on God for everything...now if you're believe in deism or dualism you might think differently.
Like and :ROFLMAO:
Not the best grammar .. I think you are stating that an individual is meaningless.
WHere'd you come up with THAT fiction?? "U" in TULIP states that "Election" is "Unconditional", and then the same Calvinists state that "Election" IS conditional. so which is it???
WHere'd you come up with THAT fiction?? "U" in TULIP states that "Election" is "Unconditional", and then the same Calvinists state that "Election" IS conditional. so which is it???
You simply make up what they mean by unconditional instead of accepting what they say it means. Twiddling your thumbs and trying to tear down what you are unable to tear down. Define unconditional according to the Calvinist doctrine. I asked you to do that before and you still haven't. Gaslighting only weakens your position.