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Issues with a doctrine(s) of grace?

%100 percent of our Being is touched by Sin.
Sorry, I don't know what that means. It's too abstract. My finger nail and thyroid are somehow involved in sin?

According to @Arial Total Depravity does not mean:
What it does not mean:
That man is as evil as he possibly can be.
That man is completely incapable of doing any good deeds or thinking any good thoughts.
That he does not know right from wrong and never chooses what is right.
That man has no will at all
I understand Arial observations and agree but not your statement:
%100 percent of our Being is touched by Sin.
Genez, God chose a bride for Christ. That's a reason. If there are other reasons, you're going to have to ask God. I know it was for His good pleasure. He chose who He would have mercy and grace on.
OK... we agree that God chose out of all whom He knew would believe? Out of all, only some to be His Bride.
Those whom He chose in Him to be His Bride, He predestined to be living and believe during the church age.

Moses is an example of a wonderful believer whom God did not choose in Him before the foundations of the world
to be born during the Church age. Moses is to be a friend of the groom, not to be His bride.
Sorry, I don't know what that means. It's too abstract. My finger nail and thyroid are somehow involved in sin?

:geek: .............. only if its your middle finger nail!
Ok, I thought faith was a gift that came by hearing. How did it become your faith?
I came to my Faith by the Grace of God Alone, and my Faith is the Gift of God to me...

But it is my Faith after it was given...

I don't know any Arminians who will say Faith is not a Gift from God. Provisionists though; that's another story...
Sorry, I don't know what that means. It's too abstract. My finger nail and thyroid are somehow involved in sin?

According to @Arial Total Depravity does not mean:

I understand Arial observations and agree but not your statement:

Everything that dies is touched by Sin...
I don't know any Arminians who will say Faith is not a Gift from God. Provisionists though; that's another story...
I don't either, are you saying you are at home in that camp?
I came to my Faith by the Grace of God Alone, and my Faith is the Gift of God to me...

But it is my Faith after it was given...

I don't know any Arminians who will say Faith is not a Gift from God. Provisionists though; that's another story...

Arminians do not understand that God's grace is His supernatural power He uses to cripple and suppress our flesh while faith is being offered to the soul. Offered to decide for, or against.

That without God's Grace dividing asunder the flesh and the soul? No soul under the influence of his depraved flesh would have some natural good in them to be utilized in deciding for Christ.
I don't either, are you saying you are at home in that camp?
I'm a 5-Point Calvinist, and hold to the 5-Solas. I got Saved in a Reformed Baptist ARBCA Denomination Church. I got married and moved to an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. One Church Conservative, one Church Liberal; I call those my formative years. Therefore, I'm the most liberal 5-Point Calvinist you will ever meet. I call myself an Evangelical Reformed Independent Fundamental Baptist; an ABC and 123 mini theologian who can say the same thing as a High Theologian; but in an easy-to-understand way...
I'm a 5-Point Calvinist, and hold to the 5-Solas. I got Saved in a Reformed Baptist ARBCA Denomination Church. I got married and moved to an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. One Church Conservative, one Church Liberal; I call those my formative years. Therefore, I'm the most liberal 5-Point Calvinist you will ever meet. I call myself an Evangelical Reformed Independent Fundamental Baptist; an ABC and 123 mini theologian who can say the same thing as a High Theologian; but in an easy-to-understand way...
I was a Jew who walked into Christianity with a blank sheet. All those things you mentioned were the type of mind set that kept me keeping my distance from Christianity. It was just a bad in religion as I saw Judaism.

I got saved reading a tract. Took me ten years to figure out why I was never the same after that day I made that decision to say the prayer on the paper...
I got saved reading a tract. Took me ten years to figure out why I was never the same after that day I made that decision to say the prayer on the paper...
Today's Gospel Tract...

Oh how Time flies! ~ by ReverendRV * July 27

Ephesians 5:16 KJV
; Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Time flies when you’re having fun. Have you noticed that when you’re busy, the day goes by faster? The weekend is here one day but is gone the next, it’s over way too soon! Christmas gets here sooner every year, birthdays pile up quick and your children grow up so fast. Is there a way to slow things down?? In the movie ‘Remote Control”, a man was given a device that not only controlled the TV, it controlled people and the world. At the beginning it was very helpful to him but soon he found the Fast Forward button. Near the end of the movie his life was ruined because of all the things he missed in his life; but by the end he had his second chance. ~ The way to slow things down is to redeem the Time. We need to make wise and sacred use of every opportunity to do Good. How are you doing with your opportunities?

Most people think they are doing pretty good, especially compared to others. Since it’s okay to compare yourself to others to be rated, it’s okay for God to compare himself to rate you; right? ~ Have you ever told a Lie? What does God call people who Lie? The Bible says that God cannot Lie; we are a little worse than he is. Have you ever Stolen anything? What does God call a person that Steals? God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, this is a metaphor that means he owns it All; can someone steal from themselves? We’re a lot worse than God! Have you ever Hated someone? Jesus said that Hatred is Murder from the heart before it comes by the hand. We are Evil compared to God and these are only three of the Ten Commandments; shall we continue? If God judged you by his standard, instead of by your standard that you’re better than your neighbor; would you be innocent or guilty? Sinners go to Hell for all Eternity…

The ‘Times’ once asked a question to famous Authors, ‘What’s wrong with the world?’ G.K. Chesterton responded by saying, “Dear Sir, I am.” ~ When you realize that the days are Evil because we are Evil, you are ready for some Good News. There was a Man who lived his Life without ever Sinning; this is the Lord Jesus Christ. As the Redeemer of Mankind, he made wise and sacred use of every opportunity he had to do Good. He will trade you his Righteousness for your Evil, he suffered the Wrath of God for us. On ‘Good Friday’ he died on a Cross and shed his blood for the Remission of our Sins. On Sunday he left the grave and was seen by 500 people before he returned to Heaven; and was presented Alive to the LORD. We’re Redeemed by Grace through Faith in the risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without our trying to redeem ourselves through good Works. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus as LORD, read your Bible and go to a Church that teaches this Gospel. ~ These days we live in are fraught with all kinds of Evil. The Bible says that before God destroys the world, it will be like the Days of Noah when he sent a flood. Let’s Redeem the Time, what little there is left! Now explain it to the person who you thought you were better than…

2nd Timothy 4:18 NASB; The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
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I don't either, are you saying you are at home in that camp?
I see you put a laughing Like on my Post where I described myself. There are good reasons the Calvinistic Administration made me a Moderator. As you get to know me, you will see why ;)
I see you put a laughing Like on my Post where I described myself. There are good reasons the Calvinistic Administration made me a Moderator. As you get to know me, you will see why ;)
That's pretty much a ditto for us all. I tend to be a phlegmatic type. The 🤣, had more to do with your statement...
"Therefore, I'm the most liberal 5-Point Calvinist you will ever meet."
Disregard my Q. in post #186, that was dumb on my part.
Today's Gospel Tract...

Oh how Time flies! ~ by ReverendRV * July 27

Ephesians 5:16 KJV
; Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Time flies when you’re having fun. Have you noticed that when you’re busy, the day goes by faster? The weekend is here one day but is gone the next, it’s over way too soon! Christmas gets here sooner every year, birthdays pile up quick and your children grow up so fast. Is there a way to slow things down?? In the movie ‘Remote Control”, a man was given a device that not only controlled the TV, it controlled people and the world. At the beginning it was very helpful to him but soon he found the Fast Forward button. Near the end of the movie his life was ruined because of all the things he missed in his life; but by the end he had his second chance. ~ The way to slow things down is to redeem the Time. We need to make wise and sacred use of every opportunity to do Good. How are you doing with your opportunities?

Most people think they are doing pretty good, especially compared to others. Since it’s okay to compare yourself to others to be rated, it’s okay for God to compare himself to rate you; right? ~ Have you ever told a Lie? What does God call people who Lie? The Bible says that God cannot Lie; we are a little worse than he is. Have you ever Stolen anything? What does God call a person that Steals? God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, this is a metaphor that means he owns it All; can someone steal from themselves? We’re a lot worse than God! Have you ever Hated someone? Jesus said that Hatred is Murder from the heart before it comes by the hand. We are Evil compared to God and these are only three of the Ten Commandments; shall we continue? If God judged you by his standard, instead of by your standard that you’re better than your neighbor; would you be innocent or guilty? Sinners go to Hell for all Eternity…

The ‘Times’ once asked a question to famous Authors, ‘What’s wrong with the world?’ G.K. Chesterton responded by saying, “Dear Sir, I am.” ~ When you realize that the days are Evil because we are Evil, you are ready for some Good News. There was a Man who lived his Life without ever Sinning; this is the Lord Jesus Christ. As the Redeemer of Mankind, he made wise and sacred use of every opportunity he had to do Good. He will trade you his Righteousness for your Evil, he suffered the Wrath of God for us. On ‘Good Friday’ he died on a Cross and shed his blood for the Remission of our Sins. On Sunday he left the grave and was seen by 500 people before he returned to Heaven; and was presented Alive to the LORD. We’re Redeemed by Grace through Faith in the risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, without our trying to redeem ourselves through good Works. Repent of your Sins, Confess Jesus as LORD, read your Bible and go to a Church that teaches this Gospel. ~ These days we live in are fraught with all kinds of Evil. The Bible says that before God destroys the world, it will be like the Days of Noah when he sent a flood. Let’s Redeem the Time, what little there is left! Now explain it to the person who you thought you were better than…

2nd Timothy 4:18 NASB; The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Mind telling me what that's all about?

I must have stepped on a trigger.
Mind telling me what that's all about?

I must have stepped on a trigger.
It's about taking the opportunity to preach the Gospel in season and out of season. Triggered fits here...
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It's about taking the opportunity to preach the Gospel in season and out of season. Triggered fits...
Why should we always be preaching the Gospel to the already saved?

That's the problem with way too many churches. They never grow. All they ever get is the Gospel at church and no teaching that advances very far.

Or, they stick to some basic denominational doctrines that can not sustain a Christian who will remain afraid to mature because they would not be able to resist the demonic realm that fiercely resists where genuine spiritual growth is becoming evident. That is when the meaning of "suffering for righteousness sake" takes on meaning and significance.

Besides! It does not say preach the Gospel in and out of season!

It says this..

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort,
with complete patience and teaching." 2 Timothy 4:2​

That means we need to get into The Word of God. First by praying for a good teacher that God raised up (who can lead those so inclined by grace) to desire reaching full maturity in Christ. Dwelling on the same controversial pet doctrines all the time? Is like one running in place when God wants all believers to get somewhere to advance to the point of blessing He wishes to bestow.

Romans 9:21 is about the "wrong doer" trying to blame God for being a wrong doer.

For the potters wheel is about the pressures God puts us all through....

They excuse they make goes something like this....

"How the heck can God blame me for turning out bad?
If anyone went through what I did? They would turn out the same way!"
In other word.. God in His sovereignty will test every soul by testing with pressures that He decreed will take place!
God in doing so does not make them reject Him. Nor, does He not want anyone to reject Him.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge
of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between
God and men, the Man Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 2:3-5​

If God simply does all as He pleases, because He is sovereign? All men ( according to 1 Timothy 2:3-5) would therefore be saved!

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge
of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between
God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.

In His sovereignty He chooses to provide all the pressures that are needed to make those who are inwardly wrong
with Him to openly reject Him.

They who end up wrong are without excuse. For, what they blame their downfall on? Others were put through the same pressures by God. The other ones, because of the pressures, drew closer to God.

Romans 9:21 was Paul shutting the mouths of excuse makers who wished to blame God for turning out bad.

In Christ ..............
Brother, here is my way of trying to understand....God see the heart of all men/ woman doesn’t he?

He sees the beginning of everyone’s lives to the very end of their lives doesn’t he?

So, my point is...he chooses who he chooses...because he can see the heart, he knows everyone’s heart, he could even choose a murderer, whoever he pleases.....is it about turning that person around back to where they came from, God?

He uses his children for his purpose and his plan, he can use them however he wills/ chooses...it’s complicated...as we aren’t God.

All I know is when he birthed me in the Spirit, it was out of his mercy and grace...he’d been watching me all of my life.....then decided to birth me....for “ HIS” purpose..for “ HIS” plan...everything is about God, again we learn this through the Holy Spirit.....we die daily to self and live the remainder of our lives on earth for God, feeding on his living word and getting to know an intimate and living relationship with God through the spirit...which is overwhelmingly exciting!!...imo/ belief.....after all God is Alive in us isn’t he?

Probably the human way of looking at it...I dunno...I just felt the need to type what I just typed.lol.
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Brother, here is my way of trying to understand....God see the heart of all men/ woman doesn’t he?

He sees the beginning of everyone’s lives to the very end of their lives doesn’t he?

So, my point is...he chooses who he chooses...because he can see the heart, he knows everyone’s heart, he could even choose a murderer, whoever he pleases.....is it about turning that person around back to where they came from, God?

He uses his children for his purpose and his plan, he can use them however he wills/ chooses...it’s complicated...as we aren’t God.

All I know is when he birthed me in the Spirit, it was out of his mercy and grace...he’d been watching me all of my life.....then decided to birth me....for “ HIS” purpose..for “ HIS” plan...everything is about God, again we learn this through the Holy Spirit.....we die daily to self and live the remainder of our lives on earth for God, feeding on his living word and getting to know an intimate and living relationship with God through the spirit...which is overwhelmingly exciting!!...imo/ belief.....after all God is Alive in us isn’t he?

Probably the human way of looking at it...I dunno...I just felt the need to type what I just typed.lol.
It is a human way of looking at it.

Nothing wrong with that as long as it makes you know what was said can not satisfy the question that needs to be answered.