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Israel Sacrificing of The Red Heifer


Jun 13, 2023
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Scripture indicates the sacrifices will be reinstated before the revealing of the son of perdition / abomination that maketh desolate / the beast and his Antichrist. Now Israel has five red heifers and apparently without spot or blemish. Ready to begin the ritual of Sacrificing and how soon will they rebuild the third Temple.
Scripture indicates the sacrifices will be reinstated before the revealing of the son of perdition / abomination that maketh desolate / the beast and his Antichrist.
Greetings Sheila3...

Can you show me where scripture indicates sacrifices to be reinstated as you suggest? Perhaps you can explain why this would be of importance? Maybe share with me what is the purpose? Here's why I ask.

Initially animal sacrifice symbolically pointed to the ultimate sacrifice for sin...the spotless Lamb of God...the Lord Yahshua Christ.

The old system of living under the law presented us with only a faint shadow, a crude outline of the reality of the wonderful blessings to come in Christ. Even with its steady stream of sacrifices offered year after year, there still was nothing that could make our hearts perfect before God.

For if animal sacrifices could once and for all eliminate sin, they would have ceased to be offered and the worshipers would have clean consciences. Instead, once was not enough so by the repetitive sacrifices year after year, the worshipers were continually reminded of their sins, with their hearts still impure.

let me ask you this...what power does the blood of bulls and goats have to remove sin’s guilt? None...then what's the point?

When Yahshua the Messiah came into the world He said to His Father...“Since your ultimate desire "was not another animal sacrifice" This seems patently obvious...Sheila?

The Lord Yahshua goes on...you have clothed Me with a body that I might offer Myself instead! Multiple burnt offerings and sin-offerings cannot satisfy your justice. So He told His Father "I will be the One to go and do your will, to fulfill all that is written of Me in your Word!"

Again He said, “Multiple burnt-offerings and sin-offerings cannot satisfy your justice” [even though the law required them to be offered]. And then He said, “Father, I will be the One to go and do your will.” So by being the sacrifice that removes sin, He abolishes animal sacrifices and replaces that entire system with the New Covenant in His own blood. This is Hebrews 10.

Though "animal sacrifices" may be "reinstated" as you say...along with "another temple"...it won't be by authority from The Lord Yahshua Christ...He in Himself...already took care of the entire purpose for a "blood sacrifice"...and "temple accommodations" here on earth. So in God's perspective...if you believe Hebrews...there would be no need nor any value for any of this in the Kingdom of God in heaven or on earth.

If any of what you are saying were to happen...granted it may...it would be purely a "satanic ritual" to deceive "Christians, Jews and the unsuspecting"...this is a kingdom of darkness event...it won't be affiliated with the Kingdom of God at all.

Scripture indicates the sacrifices will be reinstated before the revealing of the son of perdition / abomination that maketh desolate / the beast and his Antichrist. Now Israel has five red heifers and apparently without spot or blemish. Ready to begin the ritual of Sacrificing and how soon will they rebuild the third Temple.
Greetings Sheila3...

Can you show me where scripture indicates sacrifices to be reinstated as you suggest? Perhaps you can explain why this would be of importance? Maybe share with me what is the purpose?
Yes, @Sheila3, I'd like to know as well.
Can you show me where scripture indicates sacrifices to be reinstated as you suggest? Perhaps you can explain why this would be of importance? Maybe share with me what is the purpose? Here's why I ask.
It's not that simple.
Dan 9 tells us....."but in the middle of the week he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. " The middle of the week is believed to be in the middle of the soon to come tribulation period. The red heffer will pave the way for the sacrifices. Keep in mind from the christian point of view the sacrifices will be useless as Christ Jesus was the final sacrifice.

Why is it important? It's part of the prophecy.

The christians have a reason.
The religious Jews have a reason.
The kabbalist and Zionist have a reason.
The antichrist has a reason.

Never the less...it will happen.
Greetings Sheila3...

Can you show me where scripture indicates sacrifices to be reinstated as you suggest? Perhaps you can explain why this would be of importance? Maybe share with me what is the purpose? Here's why I ask.

Initially animal sacrifice symbolically pointed to the ultimate sacrifice for sin...the spotless Lamb of God...the Lord Yahshua Christ.

The old system of living under the law presented us with only a faint shadow, a crude outline of the reality of the wonderful blessings to come in Christ. Even with its steady stream of sacrifices offered year after year, there still was nothing that could make our hearts perfect before God.

For if animal sacrifices could once and for all eliminate sin, they would have ceased to be offered and the worshipers would have clean consciences. Instead, once was not enough so by the repetitive sacrifices year after year, the worshipers were continually reminded of their sins, with their hearts still impure.

let me ask you this...what power does the blood of bulls and goats have to remove sin’s guilt? None...then what's the point?

When Yahshua the Messiah came into the world He said to His Father...“Since your ultimate desire "was not another animal sacrifice" This seems patently obvious...Sheila?

The Lord Yahshua goes on...you have clothed Me with a body that I might offer Myself instead! Multiple burnt offerings and sin-offerings cannot satisfy your justice. So He told His Father "I will be the One to go and do your will, to fulfill all that is written of Me in your Word!"

Again He said, “Multiple burnt-offerings and sin-offerings cannot satisfy your justice” [even though the law required them to be offered]. And then He said, “Father, I will be the One to go and do your will.” So by being the sacrifice that removes sin, He abolishes animal sacrifices and replaces that entire system with the New Covenant in His own blood. This is Hebrews 10.

Though "animal sacrifices" may be "reinstated" as you say...along with "another temple"...it won't be by authority from The Lord Yahshua Christ...He in Himself...already took care of the entire purpose for a "blood sacrifice"...and "temple accommodations" here on earth. So in God's perspective...if you believe Hebrews...there would be no need nor any value for any of this in the Kingdom of God in heaven or on earth.

If any of what you are saying were to happen...granted it may...it would be purely a "satanic ritual" to deceive "Christians, Jews and the unsuspecting"...this is a kingdom of darkness event...it won't be affiliated with the Kingdom of God at all.


The abomination that maketh desolate is supposed to reign for 7 years, cut in half to 3 1/2 years and he will take the daily sacrifice away..... In order for him to cease the daily sacrifices, the sacrifices must be resumed and the temple must be rebuilt after the destruction Rome placed upon Jerusalem. Some may attribute this prophecy to a different era in time but it is more fitting to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans / the destruction of the second temple.
Yes, @Sheila3, I'd like to know as well.

The abomination is to cut off the daily sacrifices and set in the temple of God. He will reign for seven cut to three and a half years. That is pertaining to events just before the coming of Christ is it not?

So in order for him to cut the daily sacrifices they have to be resumed because they were stopped when Rome destroyed Jerusalem.

The abomination that maketh desolate is supposed to reign for 7 years, cut in half to 3 1/2 years and he will take the daily sacrifice away..... In order for him to cease the daily sacrifices, the sacrifices must be resumed and the temple must be rebuilt after the destruction Rome placed upon Jerusalem. Some may attribute this prophecy to a different era in time but it is more fitting to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans / the destruction of the second temple.
It may appear to be more fitting in reference to the 70 AD destruction...until it happens in the not to distant future.
It may appear to be more fitting in reference to the 70 AD destruction...until it happens in the not to distant future.
It is about the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans and the tearing down of the Temple not one brick was left upon another. So when the Beast and his Antichrist comes to power, scripture says he will take away the daily sacrifice which indicates sacrificing of the red heifer must be reinstated as well as a third temple being rebuilt.

Sorry about the mistake in the writing space.
I am familiar with all of that. What I do not know is whether and how you can show where the scriptures indicate sacrifices to be reinstated. I know I can find extra-biblical sources all day long but websites are not scripture wan what @TATII (and I) asked for is scripture. I do not want to know why Jews or some unidentified missionary to the Jews thinks the raising of five red heifers is eschatologically important. I want to know how and why you think so, and how you read scripture, not websites, to support that view. What do you think is the purpose? To what degree are your end times views based on scripture (and scripture well read) versus having them based on extra-biblical sources?

So let's start over. TATii's inquiry is valid, imo, and I am interested in your answers. I would tack a didferent tack that TAT, but that doesn't change the validty of his inquiry or our interest in your answers.

Can you show me where scripture indicates sacrifices to be reinstated as you suggest? Perhaps you can explain why this would be of importance? Maybe share with me what is the purpose?

  • Can you show me where scripture indicates sacrifices to be reinstated as you suggest?
  • Can you explain why this would be of importance?
  • What do you think is the purpose?

Take your time. The thread is not going anywhere.
It may appear to be more fitting in reference to the 70 AD destruction...until it happens in the not to distant future.
Exactly when in "the not-too-distant future" do you believe this will happen? Please be as specific as you feel comfortable being.
Exactly when in "the not-too-distant future" do you believe this will happen? Please be as specific as you feel comfortable being.
Within this generation.

The heffers are a big deal now.
Temple furniture and clothing has been completed.
The temple is a big deal now.
Israel is a nation. 1948
The Abraham Accord has been written, though not finalized.
A.I. is going crazy.
One World Government is being heavely pushed. WEF, UN...
The USA is crashing as we speak.
Central bank Digital Currency is well on it's way.
Digital ID is taking off in several countries.
The Peace and Security Statue at the UN.
Fertilizer is being cut in many countries.
Patent 2020-060606
Mark of the beast technology is just about complete.
World wide censorship of non-narrative information.
Wars and rumors of war are at an all time high.
Very probable stage set for Gog Magog war is just about in position.
The gospel has for the most part been preached around the world.
Knowledge has increased dramatically and people are traveling to and fro.
Euphrates rive appears to be drying up.
Goverments are talking about the reality of UFO's
GMO's and other junk in our foods, the covid jab, weather modification, chem trails, forced EV's, fradulent climate change
Human trafficking, fentanyl, abortion, extreme wokeness.
Homage to Satan at major sports events and concerts.
CERN and it's demonic ties
Cannibalism appearing on the scene
Plus many other events as It only took me several minutes to think of these off the top of my head.

So, to answer your question... where are we? Well into the birth pangs...
....I haven't seen the earthquakes or great famines world wide as of yet....though it looks like there may be some signs in the heavens about to appear. That's a list unto itself.

My advice to you...look up.

So, where do you believe we are in prophetic history?
It's not that simple.
Scripture indicates the sacrifices will be reinstated
Greetings Crowcross & Sheila3

My post…inquiry which is in response to Sheila3’s post concerning the “scripture indicating animal sacrifices being reinstated” was not intended to be complicated. Animal sacrifice and then the one time offering for “all sin” that was realized in the Lord Yahshua Christ are central themes in all of scripture.

A better covenant replaced a fulfilled covenant. If this was not necessary and the “first covenant” [blood of bulls and goats] was acceptable…there would not have been need for a second or “New Covenant” [blood of the Lamb of God.]

As I pointed out from Hebrews…a book that most assuredly was written to the “Hebrew” congregation of “Jewish people” well familiar with the practice of animal sacrifice…likely in Rome. Here the author clearly lays out the…purpose for and the effect of…the “animal sacrifices” and the time frame [beginning and ending] for its practice under the law and in relationship to the cross.

Additionally king David is quoted along with the writer of Hebrews as saying that…”God has not desired nor does He take any pleasure in animal sacrifices and burnt offerings.”

This is completely understandable…right? Of course…His Son…the “Lamb of God” which is the fulfillment of all the “animal sacrifices” and burnt offerings during the reign of the Law and Prophets in Israel. This “perfect Lamb of God” did what all the “animal sacrifices” could “never” do…take away sin and its accompanying guilt.

In terms of the subject matter…It is that “simple” Crowcross & Sheila3…no need to make it difficult…there is no longer any need for “animal sacrifices” to atone for sin. If people want to do that…it’s ok…if they want to make something out of “red heifers” it’s ok…if they want to build a “new temple” it’s ok…however there is no effectual Kingdom of God purpose or significance to any of it.

My questions…are basically brought forth from the “light” of what each of these things [animal sacrifice and a rebuilt temple] mean when looked at from a “better covenant” or the “New Covenant” standards of either or both…which is what leads me to ask…what would be the point of either a reinstated animal sacrifice or a rebuilt temple?

I never inferred that it was not in the bible…nor did I say that it could never happen…in fact…I am of the opinion that the “potential” for both the reinstatement of “animal sacrifices…and the building of another temple” are possible.

It’s the motivation, intention and purpose behind them that I am questioning here. To intimate or infer that the work of the cross is in some way “incomplete in its sacrifice” and that there is need for more “animal sacrifices and burnt offerings” and that the existent temple of God on earth is in some way inadequate” in the Lord’s eyes…thereby requiring a “physically…by the hands of men…a rebuilt temple”…is…well…an open rejection of Christ…right?

In terms of the subject matter…It is that “simple” Crowcross & Sheila3…no need to make it difficult…there is no longer any need for “animal sacrifices” to atone for sin. If people want to do that…it’s ok…if they want to make something out of “red heifers” it’s ok…if they want to build a “new temple” it’s ok…however there is no effectual Kingdom of God purpose or significance to any of it.
I don't disagree...as I said in my previous post.... Keep in mind from the christian point of view the sacrifices will be useless as Christ Jesus was the final sacrifice.

As for those of the synagogue of satan....they have a different use for the temple.
I don't disagree...as I said in my previous post.... Keep in mind from the christian point of view the sacrifices will be useless as Christ Jesus was the final sacrifice.

As for those of the synagogue of satan....they have a different use for the temple.
True Crowcross...true...I see you now...however let me add what is likely an important element to all of this...

If "Christians" are watching this that you and Sheila3 have specified here [reinstatement of sacrifices, rebuilt temple, red heifers etc...] and most are...their eyes are not on Christ. I say this because the Lord Yahshua is bringing forth the plan of his Father right now...which few are speaking of...and fewer can receive because the multitude is watching the the dragon...i.e. people like Sheila3 perhaps.

The "Christian" only benefits or grows from "every word that proceeds from the mouth of God"...the Holy Spirit...who is "living and active and sharper that any two edged sword" is not telling the "Body of Christ" to watch and stay focused upon the dragon and his beast Crowcross...right?

The "Holy Spirit" has the "Body of Christ" focused upon the "Royal Priest Himself"...as always. He...has a different message than merely to "watch the dragon"...though for those in Body of Christ who are called to do so...they are doing so. These are the very mature brothers and sisters "specifically called" to such works by the will of God...but it is not everyone.


Scripture indicates the sacrifices will be reinstated before the revealing of the son of perdition / abomination that maketh desolate / the beast and his Antichrist. Now Israel has five red heifers and apparently without spot or blemish. Ready to begin the ritual of Sacrificing and how soon will they rebuild the third Temple.
A new covenant restoring the old before the ashiest Jew demanded of the judge Samael an apostle sent by God They wanted a king reigning over them like all the pagan nations of the world, because of thier jealously again of all the surrounding pagan nations (out of sight out of mind) as in who believe in worshiping a God not seen.

God gave them over till the time of first century reformation when he restored as a new covenant replacing the abomination of desolation "dying mankind as king of kings" in the invisible place of our Holy Father The shadows of the ceremonies a sign to the world that could do nothing to those who displayed . the walls of separation between the Jew men and Jewish woman ,(no female prophets) during the that time and the wall between the Gentiles men and woman both came down .

The veil was rent there was no Jewish man as King of kings siting in the holy of holies Satan fell according to the parable Revelation 20 and no longer deceive all the nation that God is a Jewish man as King of king

Revelation 20King James Version3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

He will be released at the end of the age to again deceive all the nations of the world that God is a Jewish man as King of kings.

Third temple made with the dying hands as a will of mankind or third abomination of desolation .Strike three. .

The unseen Holy father is King of kings
Exactly when in "the not-too-distant future" do you believe this will happen? Please be as specific as you feel comfortable being.

Within this generation.
Yahuda Singer is 71 years old. If "this" generation means Mr. Singer's generation then @Sheila3's "not too distant future" and your "this generation," that means the described event will happen in the next 9 years. Even if Mr. Singer lives to be 100 years old, it's not likely those heifers will live that long (average lifespan 18-20 years). So, at the most, the heifer's sacrifice might be delayed for as long as 20 years, and since that sacrifice is intended to consecrate ground for a future temple, we can add the period of time necessary to build that temple onto the time period before the temple is completed and other ritual sacrifices can begin. Since it took 46 years to build the last temple (it might take a few less years given modern technology or a few more years given the political climate in the Middle east), but let's round that down to 40 years, for the sake of this thread. That means it will likely be 50-60 years before the temple is finished.

Which means most of us here who are over 40 will never see it come to pass.

I'm also curious what the modern futurists will do when nothing predicted comes to pass. The test of a prophet being moved by the Holy Spirit, after all, is whether or not what is predicted comes to pass (Dt. 18:22). A missionary in Israel, ministering to the Jews, writes an article about some folks raising red cows in hopes of one day consecrating ground for a future temple based on things they are taught by others to supposedly be stated in the Bible about the 21st century (there is no explicit mention of any red heifers or another future temple of stone in the New Testament). People taught modern futurist eschatology think this is valid and true and they respond accordingly by getting up their hopes and telling everyone they can about red cows as a fulfillment of end-times prophecies. What happens if none of what is predicted, none of what is expected comes true in the specified period of time?

Most modern futurists start over with new speculations and new time frames creating new hopes that, again, never come true.

Wise modern futurists begin facing the facts: Not a single modern futurist in the last 2000 years has ever made a prediction that came true, and the model that drives the 100% fail rate is a corrupt model to which no one should subscribe. When nothing predicted pertaining to these red heifers comes true, will you start over or begin suspecting the model?
So, where do you believe we are in prophetic history?
I do not find any explicit statement anywhere in the Bible explicitly stating a future temple of stone will be built. The people who invented that eschatology and those who've kept that teaching going over the last 200 years have never once made a single correct prediction that has come true. I, therefore, do not consider any of them to be moved by the Holy Spirit and the view of end times they teach solely a product of their flesh, not God's word. It's ironic because one of the signs said to be present in the end times is false teachers.

The ends of the ages and the last days existed in the first century. This is plainly stated by several NT authors, so it is not a matter of eschatological interpretation. It is a matter of accepting and believing scripture exactly as written. Some will respond by saying the last days began in the first century, but if the last days have any correlation to the ends of the ages then the ends had also fallen in the first century. Not the beginning of the ages, but their end. Since I cannot find any precedent in scripture for the end of something lasting two millennia (or more) I conclude the last days are over, done and gone, and we now live in a post-last-days time in history and what we're supposed to be doing isbe fruitful, multiply (both physically and theologically) subduing the world, rolling over it as we baptize all the nations, teaching them Christ's commands - not waiting on predictions that never come true made by generations of false teachers who deny what is plainly stated in scripture.
My advice to you...look up.
I'm too busy spreading the kingdom. It's very difficult because as obstructing sin and those outside of the body can be it is the modern futurist who poses the greatest obstacle because non-Christians point to the history of failed-predicting modern futurists and think all Christians are like that, so they want nothing to do with Christ. In their mind Jesus is all about people constantly look for red heifers, future temples, and raptures giving them an escape from the world's travails. They find it irrational, hypocritical, and want nothing to do with Christianity.

So, you keep looking up and waiting.

While you do that I will be about God's business; one life at a time, whatever small smidgen of the kingdom God seems fit to bring me this day when I walk out my front door. It is a much different experience praising God over what He has done than praising God for hopes that never happen.
The ends of the ages and the last days existed in the first century. This is plainly stated by several NT authors, so it is not a matter of eschatological interpretation. It is a matter of accepting and believing scripture exactly as written. Some will respond by saying the last days began in the first century, but if the last days have any correlation to the ends of the ages then the ends had also fallen in the first century. Not the beginning of the ages, but their end. Since I cannot find any precedent in scripture for the end of something lasting two millennia (or more) I conclude the last days are over, done and gone, and we now live in a post-last-days time in history and what we're supposed to be doing isbe fruitful, multiply (both physically and theologically) subduing the world, rolling over it as we baptize all the nations, teaching them Christ's commands - not waiting on predictions that never come true made by generations of false teachers who deny what is plainly stated in scripture.
I would agree not waiting on predictions. We have the perfect whole revealed will of God sealed with 7 seals to the last day under the Sun

We know the last days began when the prophecy of Joel came God pouring out His Holy Spirt upon all dying flesh "all the nations of the world" .The first century reformation came restoring the order back to Judges men and women prophets from al the nation of the world

A great tribulation one like never before or ever again for the Jew that was trusting his dying flesh could profit. the same tribulation going on in the middle East.

A great joy for the Jew and gentile one like never before or ever again all the nations coming togethter as one bride . The two walls that separated the Jew from the gentile fell down a gospel explosion

Acts 2:17And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

Ten times the words last days (plural) are used as a continuations of days .

Six times in John last day . . the end of time under the Sun. Last day the day of final judgment simotaniiously the day of ressurection when all receive the promise of a new incorruptible body. and the old corrupted heaven and earth pass away up in smoke

John 6:39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

John 6:40And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 6:44No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 6:54Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 11:24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

John 12:48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.