I do. But you don't believe the OT prophecy in Jeremiah in which NO GENTILES are mentioned. IF God was to include Gentiles that would have been the prophecy in which to say so. But He doesn't.Non-responsive to NT apostolic teaching authoritative to the church (Lk 10:16), where there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, only between In Christ and not in Christ.
"If you be in Christ (no exceptions stated), then you are Abraham's seed (descendants) and heirs according to the promise" to the Jews.
The OT is understood in the light of the NT, where the laws of defilement, food, cleansings, etc. are obsolete (Eph 2:15), being part of the obsolete Mosaic covenant (Heb 8:13).
You simply do not believe the NT.
31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
That I will make a new covenant
With the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Jer. 31:31.
33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel;
After those days, saith the LORD,
Jer. 31:33.
Show me in the original prophecy of the New Covenant Gentiles being mentioned let alone included.
So, who's REALLY misinterpreting Scripture to support their beliefs? Me? No, it is you.
Show me Gentiles mentioned in the original promise/prophecy of Jeremiah and I'll cede the discussion.