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  • Thread starter Thread starter jeremiah1five
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The First Covenant has been abrogated (Hebrews 8:13).
Can't be for several reasons.
1. God's Word is eternal.
2. Every jot and tittle of the First Covenant of Law, Psalms, and Prophets still hasn't been fulfilled.
3. The Holy Spirit IS THAT LAW God Promised to put in the inward parts of the House of Israel.
4. The Holy Spirit is the Personification of the Law of God given to the children of Israel and instead of it being written on stone and without, it is written on fleshly tables of the 'heart' and from within. And why not. The Kingdom of God who is Christ is within.
5. If the First Covenant is abrogated then this also means the Holy Spirit is abrogated as well since HE IS the Law (and Command) of God.
Zero proof that the name of Judas is there. Your ramblings and guesses don't constitute proof.
The term "apostles of the Lamb" dates these apostles as when Jesus was on the earth a Lamb of God. These twelve are the only apostles of the Lord in Scripture.
Where does it say he did so to God?
Doesn't have to. He was under the Law and the high priest was representative of God's mediator on earth regardless of the religious leaders being corrupt. They still offered sacrifices every year and on special occasions for the people of God.
See above.
See above.
Study it.
It's there in the Script.
Get a hold of yourself.
Is that like a self-hug?
Honestly, I do that when I read some responses, and the stuff others say. I have to get a hold of my head as it shakes side to side in astonishment.
I've had to grab hold of myself reading your content mostly.
Does that count?
Can't be for several reasons.

Hebrews 8:13
In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete.

1. BDAG (3rd Edition): treat the first covenant as obsolete Hb 8:13a (palaioō, page 751).
2. Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains: to cause to become old and obsolete, and hence no longer valid -'to make old, to make out of date.' 'by speaking of a new covenant, he has made the first one out of date' He 8.13 (67:103, palaioō, page 643, J. P. Louw and Eugene Nida).
3. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT): by setting up the new covenant God has declared the old to be outdated. God Himself cancels its validity (5:720, palaioō, Seesemann).

Thanks for making this easy for me.
What is the book, chapter and verse which supports your assertion?
I don't believe you don't know with all the telling me I'm wrong.
One would think you're a spiritual giant (like the giants in Noah's day.)

You mean I know something you don't know???!!

Woo-Hoo! Fireworks! Balloons! Confetti! More Woo-Hoo's!

47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:47.

OK, now explain it away or spiritualize it or allegorize it or mutilate-ize it.

Go ahead. I wanna see.
Hebrews 8:13
In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete.

1. BDAG (3rd Edition): treat the first covenant as obsolete Hb 8:13a (palaioō, page 751).
2. Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains: to cause to become old and obsolete, and hence no longer valid -'to make old, to make out of date.' 'by speaking of a new covenant, he has made the first one out of date' He 8.13 (67:103, palaioō, page 643, J. P. Louw and Eugene Nida).
3. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT): by setting up the new covenant God has declared the old to be outdated. God Himself cancels its validity (5:720, palaioō, Seesemann).

Thanks for making this easy for me.
You make it easy for yourself thinking that adding another person's erroneous bible study will suffice it with me when God commands His kids to "study to make yourself approved unto God" and to ask, seek, and knock.

Everything I post is original. I put away childish things a long time ago and are no longer under tutors.
It's me, a KJV, Strong's, and the Holy Spirit utilizing my place in the body, my call, and my spiritual gifts.
I don't believe you don't know with all the telling me I'm wrong.

Your longwinded posts are not Scripture.

One would think you're a spiritual giant (like the giants in Noah's day.)

I never made that claim. You are very confused,

You mean I know something you don't know???!!

Give yourself a high five.

Woo-Hoo! Fireworks! Balloons! Confetti! More Woo-Hoo's!

There comes a time to stop I won't get in the way of your Yoo-Hoo keg party

47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:47.

He add to the church those who are being saved. This says nothing about other things He replaces.

Go ahead. I wanna see.

Your eyes need to be opened first.
You make it easy for yourself thinking that adding another person's erroneous bible study

But then you want others to believe you!

Real consistent, eh?

Yeah, I know the Greek lexicons are all wrong, but you are to be believed instead of them.
Get real.

"One would think you're a spiritual giant (like the giants in Noah's day.)"
Your longwinded posts are not Scripture.

I never made that claim. You are very confused,

Give yourself a high five.

There comes a time to stop I won't get in the way of your Yoo-Hoo keg party

He add to the church those who are being saved. This says nothing about other things He replaces.

Your eyes need to be opened first.
I knew you'd reject the plain Word for your own pet theory.
Thanks for playing.
But then you want others to believe you!

Real consistent, eh?

Yeah, I know the Greek lexicons are all wrong, but you are to be believed instead of them.
Get real.

"One would think you're a spiritual giant (like the giants in Noah's day.)"

You funny.
I knew you'd reject the plain Word for your own pet theory.
Thanks for playing.

How long have you been playing make believe with how the words of the Bible are properly defined?

It's time for you to put away the fairy tales.