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Introduction to Eschatology Schemes...

  • Thread starter Thread starter ReverendRV
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Yes, it's funny how I think Amillenialism is best; because I grew as a Christian on it...
God told Miriam, in defense of Moses, that he gave prophecy in riddles and not clearly (Nu 12:8).
Being a riddle, that makes unfulfilled prophecy subject to more than one interpretation.

However, our authority for God's truth is NT apostolic teaching.
Therefore, all private interpretation of prophecy must be in agreement with NT apostolic teaching.

Amillennialism does not contradict the NT as do others.
God told Miriam, in defense of Moses, that he gave prophecy in riddles and not clearly (Nu 12:8).
Being a riddle, unfulfilled prophecy is subject to more than one interpretation.

However, our authority for God's truth is NT apostolic teaching.
Therefore, all private interpretation of prophecy must be in agreement with NT apostolic teaching.

Amillennialism does not contradict the NT as do others.
I agree. I believe Amilennislism harmonizes with the NT. 🙂
Well, I for one ain't a believer in the pre-mill rapt....
You can stay behind if you want ... we'll save a place for you when you are ready. ;)
[just kidding ... you can go to the back of the line] :ROFLMAO:

On a serious note, they make a fair case from scripture. It is the Jesus Returning Twice (or three times depending on the details of end of the Millennial Kingdom) that is "sand in the ointment" of NT Scripture.
You can stay behind if you want ... we'll save a place for you when you are ready. ;)
[just kidding ... you can go to the back of the line] :ROFLMAO:

On a serious note, they make a fair case from scripture. It is the Jesus Returning Twice (or three times depending on the details of end of the Millennial Kingdom) that is "sand in the ointment" of NT Scripture.
Agreed. . .making it in disagreement with authoritative NT apostolic teaching.

God does not contradict himself in his word.
You can stay behind if you want ... we'll save a place for you when you are ready. ;)
[just kidding ... you can go to the back of the line] :ROFLMAO:
On a serious note, they make a fair case from scripture. It is the Jesus Returning Twice (or three times depending on the details of end of the Millennial Kingdom) that is "sand in the ointment" of NT Scripture.
Indeed. That sure is an issue.
Agreed. . .making it in disagreement with authoritative NT apostolic teaching.

God does not contradict himself in his word.
I don't see it as so much "disagreement" as "extra-Biblical" ... it contains information that is not directly contradicted by scripture, but is not explicitly mentioned (or hinted at). That makes it "heterodox" rather than "orthodox" in my opinion.

Things that actually CONTRADICT scripture are HERETICAL (by definition) and typically do not survive long term. People once claimed that Jesus was not really a man, He only appeares to be a man (God casting an illusion) ... That view contradicts Scripture and didn't last long. Views like Calvinism vs Arminianism or Amilenialism vs Dispensationalism have too great a following among men of honest faith to not have at least some legitimate basis in scripture (even if men have misunderstood scripture).
I don't see it as so much "disagreement" as "extra-Biblical" ... it contains information that is not directly contradicted by scripture, but is not explicitly mentioned (or hinted at). That makes it "heterodox" rather than "orthodox" in my opinion.

Things that actually CONTRADICT scripture are HERETICAL (by definition) and typically do not survive long term. People once claimed that Jesus was not really a man, He only appeares to be a man (God casting an illusion) ... That view contradicts Scripture and didn't last long. Views like Calvinism vs Arminianism or Amilenialism vs Dispensationalism have too great a following among men of honest faith to not have at least some legitimate basis in scripture (even if men have misunderstood scripture).
Would y'all like to take turns presenting a Positive Point for each Eschatological Paradigm?

Basically, that's what the Thread is about; I want to learn...
I don't see it as so much "disagreement" as "extra-Biblical" ... it contains information that is not directly contradicted by scripture, but is not explicitly mentioned (or hinted at). That makes it "heterodox" rather than "orthodox" in my opinion.
Is it Sola Scriptura, only Scripure, nothing else?
Things that actually CONTRADICT scripture are HERETICAL (by definition) and typically do not survive long term. People once claimed that Jesus was not really a man, He only appeares to be a man (God casting an illusion) ... That view contradicts Scripture and didn't last long. Views like Calvinism vs Arminianism or Amilenialism vs Dispensationalism have too great a following among men of honest faith to not have at least some legitimate basis in scripture (even if men have misunderstood scripture).
Would y'all like to take turns presenting a Positive Point for each Eschatological Paradigm?

Basically, that's what the Thread is about; I want to learn...
I'll take a shot. Lets start with historic "Millenialism" (now commonly called "Pre-Millenialism")

From Got Questions:

What is often referred to as the “millennial kingdom” is mentioned in Revelation 20:1–7:​
“And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.​
“I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.​
“When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison” (emphasis added).​
This period of 1,000 years is marked by a binding of Satan and the reign of Jesus Christ. When that period of 1,000 years is over, Satan will be released for a short period for a final period of rebellion before the final end of all things.​
Much of Christian eschatology (teaching about the “last things”) is couched in terms of a particular view of the millennial kingdom and of when Christ returns in relation to the inauguration of that kingdom.​
The premillennial position teaches that Christ will return to earth to inaugurate the millennial kingdom. Despite the best efforts of Christians to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, the world will never be “Christianized,” and culture will continue to grow worse and worse. However, Christ will come and establish His kingdom visibly on earth, and Satan will be bound—unable to have any impact on world affairs. The governments of the nations of the world will submit to Christ, and there will be a “golden age” of human existence. Truth and justice will be the hallmarks of government instead of the self-centeredness and corruption that is common today. However, because there will still be human beings with fallen natures inhabiting the kingdom, there will still be sin and rebellion. At the end of the literal 1,000-year period, Satan will be loosed, and there will be a final rebellion of humanity against Christ. The Lord will put down the rebellion once and for all and usher in a new heaven and new earth where there is no opportunity for any sin.​
Those who are looking forward to a future kingdom of 1,000 years’ duration that begins with the return of Christ (premillennialists) are also often referred to as “millennialists.” The term millennialism was in use before the pre-, a-, and post- prefixes were added to the word. In older literature, the position that might be called “premillennialism” today would simply be called “millennialism.” This is the only position that holds to a literal 1,000-year kingdom inaugurated by Christ and characterized by His visible, earthly reign.​

  • It takes Revelation 20 literally. Taken as merely "symbolism", most of the chapter becomes somewhere between "meaningless" and merely "irrelevant". Taken as a LITERAL kingdom, it becomes PROPHETIC.
  • Jesus reigning over a literal kingdom fulfills many OT promises that otherwise really appear to go unfulfilled in any meaningful sense of the term. I will leave it to you to figure out which promises to Israel and David seem presently unfulfilled.
  • Jesus just RETURNS. The details need to be worked out after His return, but Jesus said He would leave and Jesus said He would return and in Millenialism, Jesus does. Some other schemes make this more complex.
  • It is predicated on a world that gets progressively worse ... so far we seem to be on track.
  • This may be a little harder to explain ... it presents ALL OPTIONS in God's "Angelic Play".
    • In Genesis, God allowed Man freedom and personal instruction and demonstrated that we (people) were incapable of choosing to do right unaided. Someone might say ... "but if only God would LEAD us, then ..."
    • Following Moses, God created a country with an actual THEOCRACY and demonstrated that people did not want God as their ruler. Then God demonstrated that people did not want to obey Prophets or Written Laws.
    • Jesus came, and presented a choice (not for is, for the watching Angels to observe). People could attempt to follow rules (and continue to fail), people could create their own gods (and everyone do what they think is right), or people can be indwelt by God (revealing that with GOD, all things are possible). Someone might say "What if God removed all of the EVIL influences? Could Adam have succeeded if God had governed him like He governed Israel?
    • Millenialism answers this possible objection for the Angelic Audience. God's glory is enhanced as even this last possible objection is shattered. Jesus returns, evil is restrained for 1000 years, GOD rules PERFECTLY ... and then people still choose to rebel.
    • God's PERFECT WISDOM is PROVEN! There really IS only one way to salvation, EVERYTHING ELSE was tried and ONLY the drawing of the Father, the blood of the Son and the indwelling of the Spirit was able to save people.
So that's what I like about "Millenialism".
I'll take a shot. Lets start with historic "Millenialism" (now commonly called "Pre-Millenialism")

From Got Questions:

What is often referred to as the “millennial kingdom” is mentioned in Revelation 20:1–7:​
“And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.​
“I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.​
“When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison” (emphasis added).​
This period of 1,000 years is marked by a binding of Satan and the reign of Jesus Christ. When that period of 1,000 years is over, Satan will be released for a short period for a final period of rebellion before the final end of all things.​
Much of Christian eschatology (teaching about the “last things”) is couched in terms of a particular view of the millennial kingdom and of when Christ returns in relation to the inauguration of that kingdom.​
The premillennial position teaches that Christ will return to earth to inaugurate the millennial kingdom. Despite the best efforts of Christians to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, the world will never be “Christianized,” and culture will continue to grow worse and worse. However, Christ will come and establish His kingdom visibly on earth, and Satan will be bound—unable to have any impact on world affairs. The governments of the nations of the world will submit to Christ, and there will be a “golden age” of human existence. Truth and justice will be the hallmarks of government instead of the self-centeredness and corruption that is common today. However, because there will still be human beings with fallen natures inhabiting the kingdom, there will still be sin and rebellion. At the end of the literal 1,000-year period, Satan will be loosed, and there will be a final rebellion of humanity against Christ. The Lord will put down the rebellion once and for all and usher in a new heaven and new earth where there is no opportunity for any sin.​
Those who are looking forward to a future kingdom of 1,000 years’ duration that begins with the return of Christ (premillennialists) are also often referred to as “millennialists.” The term millennialism was in use before the pre-, a-, and post- prefixes were added to the word. In older literature, the position that might be called “premillennialism” today would simply be called “millennialism.” This is the only position that holds to a literal 1,000-year kingdom inaugurated by Christ and characterized by His visible, earthly reign.​

  • It takes Revelation 20 literally. Taken as merely "symbolism", most of the chapter becomes somewhere between "meaningless" and merely "irrelevant". Taken as a LITERAL kingdom, it becomes PROPHETIC.
  • Jesus reigning over a literal kingdom fulfills many OT promises that otherwise really appear to go unfulfilled in any meaningful sense of the term. I will leave it to you to figure out which promises to Israel and David seem presently unfulfilled.
  • Jesus just RETURNS. The details need to be worked out after His return, but Jesus said He would leave and Jesus said He would return and in Millenialism, Jesus does. Some other schemes make this more complex.
  • It is predicated on a world that gets progressively worse ... so far we seem to be on track.
  • This may be a little harder to explain ... it presents ALL OPTIONS in God's "Angelic Play".
    • In Genesis, God allowed Man freedom and personal instruction and demonstrated that we (people) were incapable of choosing to do right unaided. Someone might say ... "but if only God would LEAD us, then ..."
    • Following Moses, God created a country with an actual THEOCRACY and demonstrated that people did not want God as their ruler. Then God demonstrated that people did not want to obey Prophets or Written Laws.
    • Jesus came, and presented a choice (not for is, for the watching Angels to observe). People could attempt to follow rules (and continue to fail), people could create their own gods (and everyone do what they think is right), or people can be indwelt by God (revealing that with GOD, all things are possible). Someone might say "What if God removed all of the EVIL influences? Could Adam have succeeded if God had governed him like He governed Israel?
    • Millenialism answers this possible objection for the Angelic Audience. God's glory is enhanced as even this last possible objection is shattered. Jesus returns, evil is restrained for 1000 years, GOD rules PERFECTLY ... and then people still choose to rebel.
    • God's PERFECT WISDOM is PROVEN! There really IS only one way to salvation, EVERYTHING ELSE was tried and ONLY the drawing of the Father, the blood of the Son and the indwelling of the Spirit was able to save people.
So that's what I like about "Millenialism".
Thanks! This is an example of what I was asking for. I knew this, but I do want a Fundamental view first. I would start out asking why the Millenium should be understood as literal?
Is it Sola Scriptura, only Scripure, nothing else?
That would depend ... for what?

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."

Thoreau said that and it is NOT found in scripture. Nonetheless, I believe it to be true and it has been of great value to me over the years.
On the other hand, for determining THEOLOGICAL TRUTH, Scripture (those 66 books) are the YARDSTICK against which Everything must be measured. That which CONTRADICTS Scripture must be rejected. That which SCRIPTURE AFFIRMS must be acknowledged. That on which scripture is silent ... scripture is silent.

The opinions of the POPE or ECFs are of little concern to me. I am a Baptist. I hold to 5 Baptist Distictives:
  • BIBLICAL AUTHORITY: The Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice. It is the final authority on all matters of faith, practice, and polity. The tradition of men, human opinion, false science, religious creeds, nor popular opinion override the plain teaching of God’s Word. The Bible is inspired and preserved by God and carries His absolute authority. Baptists believe the Bible and strive to live according to its teaching. It is the Divine Revelation of God to man and is the complete and infallible guide to faith and life.
  • AUTONOMY OF THE LOCAL CHURCH: Each local church is an independent body accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Head of the church. Each church is autonomous, or self-governing, and contains all human authority for leadership within its congregation. No denomination, governmental body, or religious hierarchy may dictate the church’s beliefs or practices. A Baptist church may choose to associate with other churches of like faith around mutual interests or ministry opportunities, but one church cannot exert authority over another.
  • PRIESTHOOD OF THE BELIEVER: All born-again believers have the privilege of direct access to God. Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and man. We need no other human agent or spiritual mediator. As God’s priests, we can study His Word, pray for our needs, intercede for others, offer worship, and serve in His work. Every child of God has equal access to their Heavenly Father.
  • INDIVIDUAL SOUL LIBERTY: No one should be forced to any belief against his or her will. God speaks to individuals through His Word and His Spirit. Every person is individually responsible to God and will be judged according to the beliefs and practices he or she freely chooses.
  • SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: God established both civil and local church governments. They have distinct responsibilities and operations. Neither should control the other. Believers in a free society should influence government toward righteousness, but should not make an unholy alliance for control, influence or favors. A government should not interfere with the locals church’s preaching, activities, and ministry.
That would depend ... for what?
For supernatural and spiritual truth.
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."

Thoreau said that and it is NOT found in scripture. Nonetheless, I believe it to be true and it has been of great value to me over the years.
On the other hand, for determining THEOLOGICAL TRUTH, Scripture (those 66 books) are the YARDSTICK against which Everything must be measured. That which CONTRADICTS Scripture must be rejected. That which SCRIPTURE AFFIRMS must be acknowledged. That on which scripture is silent ... scripture is silent.

The opinions of the POPE or ECFs are of little concern to me. I am a Baptist. I hold to 5 Baptist Distictives:
  • BIBLICAL AUTHORITY: The Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice. It is the final authority on all matters of faith, practice, and polity. The tradition of men, human opinion, false science, religious creeds, nor popular opinion override the plain teaching of God’s Word. The Bible is inspired and preserved by God and carries His absolute authority. Baptists believe the Bible and strive to live according to its teaching. It is the Divine Revelation of God to man and is the complete and infallible guide to faith and life.
  • AUTONOMY OF THE LOCAL CHURCH: Each local church is an independent body accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Head of the church. Each church is autonomous, or self-governing, and contains all human authority for leadership within its congregation. No denomination, governmental body, or religious hierarchy may dictate the church’s beliefs or practices. A Baptist church may choose to associate with other churches of like faith around mutual interests or ministry opportunities, but one church cannot exert authority over another.
  • PRIESTHOOD OF THE BELIEVER: All born-again believers have the privilege of direct access to God. Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and man. We need no other human agent or spiritual mediator. As God’s priests, we can study His Word, pray for our needs, intercede for others, offer worship, and serve in His work. Every child of God has equal access to their Heavenly Father.
  • INDIVIDUAL SOUL LIBERTY: No one should be forced to any belief against his or her will. God speaks to individuals through His Word and His Spirit. Every person is individually responsible to God and will be judged according to the beliefs and practices he or she freely chooses.
  • SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: God established both civil and local church governments. They have distinct responsibilities and operations. Neither should control the other. Believers in a free society should influence government toward righteousness, but should not make an unholy alliance for control, influence or favors. A government should not interfere with the locals church’s preaching, activities, and ministry.
Thanks! This is an example of what I was asking for. I knew this, but I do want a Fundamental view first. I would start out asking why the Millenium should be understood as literal?
I am unsure that it should. MY best reason FOR is presented under the bullet for "Angelic Play" ... It completes God's GRAND OPUS; displaying His Glory and closing all mouths.
I am unsure that it should. MY best reason FOR is presented under the bullet for "Angelic Play" ... It completes God's GRAND OPUS; displaying His Glory and closing all mouths.
I would think it should be interpreted literally first, because that's the Prima Facie meaning...
Since you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting an "Amillenial", why don't one of them present a summary of Amilenialism and what is "spiffy" about it for someone like me to hear your POV?
I'll take a shot. Lets start with historic "Millenialism" (now commonly called "Pre-Millenialism")

From Got Questions:

What is often referred to as the “millennial kingdom” is mentioned in Revelation 20:1–7:​
“And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.​
“I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.​
“When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison” (emphasis added).​
This period of 1,000 years is marked by a binding of Satan and the reign of Jesus Christ. When that period of 1,000 years is over, Satan will be released for a short period for a final period of rebellion before the final end of all things.​
Much of Christian eschatology (teaching about the “last things”) is couched in terms of a particular view of the millennial kingdom and of when Christ returns in relation to the inauguration of that kingdom.​
The premillennial position teaches that Christ will return to earth to inaugurate the millennial kingdom. Despite the best efforts of Christians to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, the world will never be “Christianized,” and culture will continue to grow worse and worse. However, Christ will come and establish His kingdom visibly on earth, and Satan will be bound—unable to have any impact on world affairs. The governments of the nations of the world will submit to Christ, and there will be a “golden age” of human existence. Truth and justice will be the hallmarks of government instead of the self-centeredness and corruption that is common today. However, because there will still be human beings with fallen natures inhabiting the kingdom, there will still be sin and rebellion. At the end of the literal 1,000-year period, Satan will be loosed, and there will be a final rebellion of humanity against Christ. The Lord will put down the rebellion once and for all and usher in a new heaven and new earth where there is no opportunity for any sin.​
Those who are looking forward to a future kingdom of 1,000 years’ duration that begins with the return of Christ (premillennialists) are also often referred to as “millennialists.” The term millennialism was in use before the pre-, a-, and post- prefixes were added to the word. In older literature, the position that might be called “premillennialism” today would simply be called “millennialism.” This is the only position that holds to a literal 1,000-year kingdom inaugurated by Christ and characterized by His visible, earthly reign.​

  • It takes Revelation 20 literally. Taken as merely "symbolism", most of the chapter becomes somewhere between "meaningless" and merely "irrelevant". Taken as a LITERAL kingdom, it becomes PROPHETIC.
  • Jesus reigning over a literal kingdom fulfills many OT promises that otherwise really appear to go unfulfilled in any meaningful sense of the term. I will leave it to you to figure out which promises to Israel and David seem presently unfulfilled.
  • Jesus just RETURNS. The details need to be worked out after His return, but Jesus said He would leave and Jesus said He would return and in Millenialism, Jesus does. Some other schemes make this more complex.
  • It is predicated on a world that gets progressively worse ... so far we seem to be on track.
  • This may be a little harder to explain ... it presents ALL OPTIONS in God's "Angelic Play".
    • In Genesis, God allowed Man freedom and personal instruction and demonstrated that we (people) were incapable of choosing to do right unaided. Someone might say ... "but if only God would LEAD us, then ..."
    • Following Moses, God created a country with an actual THEOCRACY and demonstrated that people did not want God as their ruler. Then God demonstrated that people did not want to obey Prophets or Written Laws.
    • Jesus came, and presented a choice (not for is, for the watching Angels to observe). People could attempt to follow rules (and continue to fail), people could create their own gods (and everyone do what they think is right), or people can be indwelt by God (revealing that with GOD, all things are possible). Someone might say "What if God removed all of the EVIL influences? Could Adam have succeeded if God had governed him like He governed Israel?
    • Millenialism answers this possible objection for the Angelic Audience. God's glory is enhanced as even this last possible objection is shattered. Jesus returns, evil is restrained for 1000 years, GOD rules PERFECTLY ... and then people still choose to rebel.
    • God's PERFECT WISDOM is PROVEN! There really IS only one way to salvation, EVERYTHING ELSE was tried and ONLY the drawing of the Father, the blood of the Son and the indwelling of the Spirit was able to save people.
So that's what I like about "Millenialism".
Pre-mil yuck!

Pre-mil yuck!

"The coward dies a thousand deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once."

... fancy way of saying "put up or shut up!" ;):D:ROFLMAO:😂:ROFLMAO:😂🤣
What do YOU believe?
Since you can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting an "Amillenial", why don't one of them present a summary of Amilenialism and what is "spiffy" about it for someone like me to hear your POV?
I would say Amillenialism teaches we are in the Church Age, that the Millenium is Now and Allegorical; as the Sheep on a Thousand Hills represents the Fullness of Time within the Church Age. There won't be a Great Tribulation, only the Return of Christ to Judge the World...
I would say Amillenialism teaches we are in the Church Age, that the Millenium is Now and Allegorical; as the Sheep on a Thousand Hills represents the Fullness of Time within the Church Age. There won't be a Great Tribulation, only the Return of Christ to Judge the World...
Respectfully, and at the risk of sounding too Pentecostal, Satan doesn't seem particularly BOUND in the world I see around me and Jesus does not seem to be ruling THIS WORLD with an iron scepter. Did John get it wrong?

The largest student organization in my daughter's HS is the LGBQT Club. Even Sodom knew that there were only two genders, not my DMV.