You aren't really looking for a defence of Pre-Mil, Amil, or Post-mil though. You are looking for positive components of each. There have been several books written attempting to outline the positive and negative "statements" of each stream by proponents of each. Generally these show up in Systematic Theology tomes...not the shortest of books.I'm not an expert in this subject at all. I know a few bits and pieces, and I lean towards Amil.; but I couldn't present a proper defence of it.
In other words, for the shy, you are look for things like
Positive: Amil believes distinctive X.
As opposed too negative: Amil does not believe distinctive X.
What complicates things is that the distinctives can change even within the stream of "Amil". Even more complex ( and you Postmil brothers and sisters correct me if I'm wrong here ) is that the Postmil position is considered within or downstream of Amil.