@ReverendRV Maybe you thought I was not the one who deleted the post.

Well new day, seven hours of uninterrupted sleep and a few cups of coffee later, I am invigorated again. Sometimes I feel Christian and Theology forums are the devil's playground (and they certainly can be) where the people of Christ are tempted and yield to the hidden desires of our flesh that are not fully sanctified. It can either expose them to ourselves and we can go to God for both His mercy and His further sanctification, or they can remain hidden from us though they are quite visible to us in others.
But as with all social media platforms, and especially for the very young, who can completely lose sight of reality and who they are, we need to recognize when it is creating a distance within our own personal communion with God. When the life and power has gone out of His word for us, and in its place we have only knowledge.