How do you make that leap?
The Bible SAYS that temptation = Human desire + external enticement, so no leap involved. The Bible says that Jesus was tempted in every respect
You look at temptation as existing in only one way. Having a desire for something.
SO what's the "Other way". You don't specify. I only know of one way, as covered in James 1.
And you look at sinning in only one way. Giving in to that desire. It is somewhat true of us because we have sinful desires in us that we do battle with. But the thing we desire is both outside (offered) and insdie (in our heart,)
The thing we desire (lust after) IS ALWAYS INSIDE. no inside desire/lust = NO temptation.
Things outside may be offered, but if there's no "INSIDE desire", then there's no temptation.
They can show me "Mercedes Benz Convertible" ads till the cows come home, but since I have no interest/desire, there's no temptation. If they showed me a Model "A" Ford for sale, then things would be (were) different.
I can (and do) have whiskey on my shelf, but since I don't care for the taste of it, There's no "Temptation" (and my medications don't "play nice" with alcohol).
Show me a pack of Lucky Strikes, and NOW there's "Lust"!!!! I haven't smoked since 1968, but there are times that I'd give my right arm for a smoke. But I can't let that happen, because I know that if I did, I'd be totally "Hooked" again. My desire for a smoke isn't SIN no matter how intense it becomes. Lighting one up would be (thinking about it makes me want one -).
Such was not the case in Adam as he was created.
That's only an assumption.
There's no reason to assume that Adam had no "Personal desires"/Lusts when he was created and was given all the dominion over the earth.
Adam was offered what was forbidden and because Eve gave it to him, he desired to please her rather than God.
That's only an assumption.
Adam was there when the Serpent was working on Eve, and could well have been enticed with the possibility of "Becoming like God", like the serpent promised, along with all the temptations listed in Eve's mind. Since He apparently believed the serpent that he wouldn't die (even though he did spiritually), regardless of any other considerations, Adam KNEW not to eat of the tree, but did anyway. His desire conceived, and resulted in sinful actions.
Can you not see that if Jesus, to use your example, had ever lusted after a woman, that in itself would make Him a sinner.
Being TEMPTED isn't "Sin", and if Jesus was a FUNCTIONAL HUMAN MAN then there would have been a biological response to sexual stimulation, which isn't SIN.
SIN only exists when a person allows that temptation to CONCEIVE, and birth SINFUL ACTS as a result of the temptation / enticement.
I have no issue whatsoever with Jesus being TEMPTED by a promiscuous sexual display, which I'm sure satan would have arranged for Him now and again. The sexual drive in humans is a powerful force, and satan would have taken advantage of that, I'm sure.
in the same way we became sinners in Adam?
I didn't become a "Sinner" in Adam. I became a sinner because I allowed MY LUST(s) to conceive, and result in the birth of sinful actions.
Jesus was presented with several specifically recorded temptations:
The hunger thing, when God had told Him to FAST.
The desire to prove by "human sensory demonstration" (pinnacle of the temple) to demonstrate who HE was by "Natural display" (not spiritual conviction).
The desire to HAVE POWER from a source other than God (in this case, Adam's domination over the earth which Adam had turned over to satan in the garden).
As a HUMAN, with a HUMAN NATURE, Jesus would have desires, that He didn't allow to conceive.
If Jesus DIDN'T have human lusts/desires, then He WAS NOT tempted AS WE ARE, and wasn't "Touched by our infirmaties".