If so, then it would be male/human sperm produced in male/human testicles, ejaculating from a male/human penis impregnating the women, meaning the conception especially human.They possessed the men.
That's the Constantinian Gentile belief of centuries gone past. I suppose God did destroy the fifty righteous souls with the wicked as He did with Sodom and Gomorrah then.The reason God wiped out the world was because the offspring were irredeemable.
Human sperm with human egg and the offspring were not "fully human"? That's like saying a Hebrew man and a Hebrew woman having non-Hebrew offspring.
No, it should make sense because God is "REASONABLE" (Isaiah 1:18) and is very sensible, too. One might think God's way of our being exalted is to humble oneself doesn't make sense, or that if you want to be rich then give away everything you have to the poor, or to have eternal life you must give your life up in this world today.We have no idea what God has created, but the Bible says it happened, so therefore there was a way that it happened. I mean, sure, throw away the Bible since it doesn't make sense to you, but you really shouldn't.
To the unbeliever it may seem not to 'make sense' but to believers it makes all the sense in the Church.
Doesn't it say God ordained that apple seed bring forth apples as orange seeds bring forth oranges?
I'm a son of God. Jesus is a Son of God. Why don't you insert your unreasonable interpretation that sons of God are angels with me and Jesus? Could be. Some women have at times called me "an angel." The word "satan" means "adversary." It is also used of men in the Old Testament: 1 Sam, 29:4, 2 Sam. 19:22, 1 Kings 5:4, 1 Kings 11:14, and verse twenty-three. Only among bible students do they take an adjective and change it into a noun or personal pronoun making for bad grammar.
I also know there is only ONE God, there is NONE like Him, and He gives His shekinah glory to NO ONE. Sinlessness is a glory of God. But you violate what Isaiah said God said about Himself by having God give His glory of sinlessness to man in his creative make up, failing to recognize that if anyone does possess any one Deific nature and attribute of God, he/she would by necessity must possess ALL deific nature and attributes of God or they would fall short of His glory. The word for that is sin.No...no they aren't. Again, read Job, which supposedly occurred BEFORE the flood.
The sons of God who are considered so, ARE NOT SINNERS. All humans, no matter who they were were all sinners. Why would you mark God with sin? Why??? God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
Try studying under the anointing.I find it difficult to impossible to read commentaries. I didn't get it from a commentary.
So, when a person becomes born-again and is created "in righteousness and true holiness" (Eph. 4:24) there really is no change, no conversion from darkness to light, no restoration into the image of God since they already possess the image of God. I mean, I've heard it countless times how people say we are "all children of God" even the wicked, but do we ALL really have the same Father? Do we ALL really come from the one same seed? There is no distinction between seed of the woman and seed of the serpent.Too much gnosticism in your belief. You deny what God said in Genesis. Let's make man in our own image, and thus He did.
The image of God is Christ and God looked forward, ordained actually, in so many words that it is the new believer who is born of the Spirit that is made in the image of God because the true image of the Father is the Son, and the Son is Christ in us. Mirror. But not before conversion.
15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: Col. 1:15. (firstborn of every born-again creature because we become children of God in our conversion, but not before. )
3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, Heb 1:2–3.
Just as Jesus told Philip "if you see me, you are seeing the Father" the same applies to us in our conversion and we live holy, righteous lives and are an epistle to be read of men that some may see a distinction in living the light in our lives that elicits comment of being a "Christ-ian" separated unto God, and as Saul, "under the law blameless."
We are NOT all children of God - depraved and atoned together - because that doesn't work. THINK!
There is no "create" when we invent things from that which already exists. True creation must be original and not just an improvement of something that already exists.However, we are but a very dim reflection of that. We can do things that God does, to a MUCH LESSER degree. Why? We aren't God. We can create... from things that already exist.
So, in all our "creating" it still falls short of the glory of God. But we can't "create" anything original like God can except only improve of what already exists.We can design, but nothing even coming close to approaching the grand design.
You're doing a bang-up job believing angels and women can procreate and violate the decree of God of like begetting like (after their kind.)You really need to pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you what the Bible is saying.
No, and the word "good" proves that the created man and the creatures and the herb-yielding seed were created "to specification" and in line with the plan of God. Consider we do the same thing with a 'job well done' or a recipe that comes out "good" (to specification.)We all fall short of His glory, and you don't even need this argument.
Adam and the woman were already sinners. Adding to God's words ("neither shall ye touch it") proves they were sinners before the debunked "Fall of man" (Prov. 30:6.) It's called "lying" and lying is a sin.His purpose was for them to be...to add to His glory. When they fell, the fell short of their purpose.
There is a reason WHY a "lamb was slain from [before] the foundation (creation) of the world." The same principle exists where the high priest must go through purification and washings and cleansings BEFORE he can enter the Holy of Holies in the Presence of God. There must be at-one (ment), an atonement of sorts before a Righteous God can even consider creating an unrighteous being: man. God cannot reduplicate Himself in Himself. I also know you've never considered or thought through the question as to why a lamb was slain from [before] the foundation (creation) of the world. Nobody has. But you heard it here first. God was busy in the Heavenly Tabernacle which is why it was extremely important Moses had the earthly Tabernacle built EXACTLY patterned after the Heavenly Tabernacle. Sacrifices in the earthly Tabernacle were to represent PERFECTLY the sacrifice performed in the Heavenly Tabernacle "from [before] the foundation (creation) of the world." Sacrifices in the earthly Tabernacle made the people blameless the same way the sacrifice in the Heavenly Tabernacle made a Righteous God BLAMELESS in creating a sinful being: man.Then God created sin. God created imperfection. That means that His nature is sinful and imperfect.
I have no eyes for I don't walk by sight but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.Apparently you never learned the lesson shown through Apollos. He had two commentaries (Aquilla and Priscilla) who scripture says taught Him about God from scripture, PROPERLY.
And that is the Truth.