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Gen 6...who are the sons of God?

You are posting from ignorance....you have no clue if the antedeluvian could write or not....

Why would they not be able to write on parchment? Do you think these people who lived to be 6,7,8 hundred of years old were stupid?
What would that have to do with God moving mankind to write his book of law ?
You, just in effect, were saying God wanted angels to perform bestiality?

Do you read what you write?
I always take time to review what I write, and edit accordingly. If that is the conclusion you get from my statement that angels were created exclusively male and were not to multiply after their kind, then you have a serious reading comprehension problem.

Adam was also created male intentionally.
Created alone. No female.
Adam's being alone without female companionship lasted no more than part of day 6. Apparently, God decided that the male Adam couldn't even last a full 24-hour day without having a helper created for him.
Adam's being alone without female companionship lasted no more than part of day 6. Apparently, God decided that the male Adam couldn't even last a full 24-hour day without having a helper created for him.
You just said that Adam named the entire animal kingdom in less than one day?....

Adam must have been like this guy....

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You just said that Adam named the entire animal kingdom in less than one day?....
I didn't say that - scripture did. You are presuming that all of the variants of the basic animal species that we see today were present back then at Creation. For instance, if all the multiplied number of dog breeds we have today are descended from a single wolf-like creature, then it would not have taken Adam as long as you think to name each of the basic species which gave rise to all the later variations of that species.
I always take time to review what I write, and edit accordingly. If that is the conclusion you get from my statement that angels were created exclusively male and were not to multiply after their kind, then you have a serious reading comprehension problem.

Adam's being alone without female companionship lasted no more than part of day 6. Apparently, God decided that the male Adam couldn't even last a full 24-hour day without having a helper created for him.

I would offer. .

Mankind Adam and Eve they were created at the same time (Let there be husband and wife two as one It was needed to establish the law of two working as one. Dynamic dual.

The unseen Father and the Son of man Jesus. The promised three days and nights demonstration revealing God has spoken fulfilling his promise

Genesis 1:27 So God created humans in his own image. He created them (2)to be like himself (1) He created them male and female. (like himself)

The image of God is represented by two working as one .Male (husband )and female (bride)

I think you could say God is neither male nor female .He is not a man. He created a bride to be with forever and ever . In that way beleivers in principle are no longer male and female, Jew nor gentile . What we will be is not know. What is known it will be glorious with no more darkness as night
I didn't say that - scripture did. You are presuming that all of the variants of the basic animal species that we see today were present back then at Creation. For instance, if all the multiplied number of dog breeds we have today are descended from a single wolf-like creature, then it would not have taken Adam as long as you think to name each of the basic species which gave rise to all the later variations of that species.
He did not think their names. Adam was a prophet declaring what God named them . Christ called them into existence. Let there be a giraffe and it had a long neck .
Genesis 1:27 So God created humans in his own image. He created them (2)to be like himself (1) He created them male and female.

God created the male and female souls in Genesis 1:27.
Its the immaterial invisible soul that was created in His image.

The bodies for those souls were not created out from nothing like the souls in 1:27.
The bodies were not existing until Genesis chapter Two.

The bodies are biological means for the immaterial souls to navigate about in the material world ...
The soul lives on after the body dies.
You're very lazy. You could have answered that yourself with a search...

parchment, the processed skins of certain animals—chiefly sheep, goats, and calves—that have been prepared for the purpose of writing on them. The name apparently derives from the ancient Greek city of Pergamum (modern Bergama, Turkey), where parchment is said to have been invented in the 2nd century bc.
We have basically no clue as to the antediluvian technology.....but your certain they couldn't write. OK dude, whatever,
You just said that Adam named the entire animal kingdom in less than one day?....
Why would that be problem?

Did Adam have to name each bird....sparrow, eagle, dove, blue jay, mocking bird, humming bird....or did Adam only have to say...those are birds?
I'm going with Adam only had to say...those are birds, those are fish, those are elephants, those are dinosaurs...and not name each and every species.
We have basically no clue as to the antediluvian technology.....but your certain they couldn't write. OK dude, whatever,
Not to write a book!!!!!!!

How many would you say of these would it take to write the book of Enoch?

Why would that be problem?

Did Adam have to name each bird....sparrow, eagle, dove, blue jay, mocking bird, humming bird....or did Adam only have to say...those are birds?
I'm going with Adam only had to say...those are birds, those are fish, those are elephants, those are dinosaurs...and not name each and every species.

God inspired the name his creatures.

What are you trying to prove?
God created the male and female souls in Genesis 1:27.
Its the immaterial invisible soul that was created in His image.

The bodies for those souls were not created out from nothing like the souls in 1:27.
The bodies were not existing until Genesis chapter Two.

The bodies are biological means for the immaterial souls to navigate about in the material world ...
The soul lives on after the body dies.
Whose soul lives on after the body dies?
As I've been telling you....GEN 6
That isn't evidence. That is interpretation. If it were evidence, I could also say the evidence for my view is Gen 6.
The angels were all created male intentionally, because God did not want them to procreate after their own kind. Theirs was a fixed number that was designed to remain unchanged.
Then why would He create them capable of procreation? You claim to know as fact a lot of things you can't possibly know, and have no evidence for.
Not to write a book!!!!!!!

How many would you say of these would it take to write the book of Enoch?

Do you not know what a scroll is? Sheeze, a first grader does.
That isn't evidence. That is interpretation. If it were evidence, I could also say the evidence for my view is Gen 6.
You have the accounts presented in the NT of the angels leaving their first estate and their punishment.
You have the book of Enoch and the quotes from it found in the Bible.
You have the mentioning of Giants in the OT.
You have archeology recovered concerning Giants.
You have Gen 6.....we can go deeper if you want.
Yes, mulling these things over does serve a useful purpose. It has to do with the "mark of the beast" found in Revelation 13.
Well, I have found your eschatological views
to be cattywampus, as they in no way align with Bible teaching if one considers the full counsel of God on the matter. But like most false teaching and falsely derived teaching, those that present it are unmovable from their position to the point of refusing to be reasoned with or even reason, from the Scripture.

But that is just my observation and opinion.
The angelic, celestial sons of God were NOT to reproduce, since God originally designed for them to be deathless - needing no replacements. They are all presented as male in scripture - no female among them. But when some rebelled against their "first estate", and left their heavenly habitation to marry human women and produce offspring, this broke God's rule for their angelic species, and resulted in hybrid angelic / human sons who became giants, and "men of renown" in the days of Genesis 6.
So He created a species that had no need of reproducing and who were not allowed to reproduce, able to produce offspring?

I will ask you this: Anywhere in the Bible before the flood do we see these fallen angels manifesting as men? (The question does not include using your interpretation of Gen 6. It must be other than that.) We are told of only one fallen angel manifesting and that was not as a man but as a serpent.

The rest of this post I will not even stoop to engage with. It has nothing to do with anything.