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Gen 6...who are the sons of God?

Oh it does not! What on earth has happened that all this inability to interpret the Bible through proper hermeneutics---even simple common sense----has reared its ugly, mythical head? The passage "just like in the days of Noah" interprets itself within the context. Ordinary life going on and then the sudden arrival of Jesus---the consummation of salvation. You read a "form of trans-humanism" into Gen 6 carry it into Jude, and now even into the words of Christ when He was having a discussion about something else entirely. I am very surprised at the ones who are doing this for the most part. "Tran-humanism!" Jimmeny crickets and for Pete's sake!
Yes, the "Ordinary life going on and then the sudden arrival of Jesus"...as in the days of Noah is pre-trib.
WHERE IS THAT IN THE BIBLE? Do you not see that in order to hold to this atrocious distorted rendering of the word of God, you (and others) are adding to the Bible all over the place? And misusing it? That there is not even a resemblance of rightly dividing the word (handling it correctly so that it all fits together smoothly; one thing leading to the next; nothing added, nothing taken away; no contradictions. I am appalled.
Last time I checked satan was sitting on a throne running earth....It's done through proxied via angels such as the prince of Persia influencing groups of satanic worshippers.
Why do you keep using the book of Enoch as though it was even better than the Bible or at least equal to it? There is a reason why it is not a part of the canon. Just because a NT writer quotes something from it or anywhere else, does not mean that the entire writings of Enoch are valid. I might quote something true written by an atheist for example. Would that mean that everything an atheist says is true? Paul quoted something from a pagan idol. "To the unknown God." I don't have any YouTube videos that deny whatever you are trying to say. I don't depend on youtube to arrive at the things of God. Are you really young? I have a feeling that might be what we are dealing with here.
Why not? You act as if the book is worthless. Sheeze, Enoch the seventh from Adam wrote it.
No I am not. I got the information from reading Gen 1 and 2. Plus there is no speculation that species do not propagate with any species but their own. I probably knew by the time I was two, that cats always give birth to baby cats, dogs to baby dogs, sheep to baby sheep, cows to baby cows. Yes, I know, they are kittens, puppies, lambs, calves.
Do you know the make up of Angel DNA? If not your speculating.
In Gen 6 the bible tells us they had offspring with human women.....apparently the DNA was similiar enough. Why would it not be?
Why not? You act as if the book is worthless. Sheeze, Enoch the seventh from Adam wrote it.
At that time?
Man did not even have writing yet ....
And ligers (mix of lion & tiger) that produce giant offspring.

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View attachment 856
Hercules - 922 lbs

Men eat food of angels and angels eat food of men.
Men as messengers (apostles ) Not angel a fake word.

Angel the fake word sounds the same as Angelos, the Greek for messengers/apostles but has a different meaning . . and a false authority, the spirit of lies Lucifer or Legion oral traditons of dying mankind

Oral traditons of dying mankind under a curse. The appointment to die once and never raise to new spiritual life.

Men apostles sent messengers (UPS FEDX) eat the food of messenger (apostles) the living word. The spiritual unseen food that the apostles knew not of at first . Manna (what is it?) our daily bread. Doctrines. . that fall like rain called the water of the word Christ the teaching, husband, .

John 4:33-35King James Version Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat? Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

Some like Jonah murmured and kicked the pricks (the letter of the law death) and desired to die not wanting to share the gospel . .but wanted to eat it all for his own self.

God is not served by the dying hands as a will of mankind. Jesus the Son of man did the will of the father with delight

The key both. do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

Philippians 2:13-14 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings (Jonas ) and disputings:
At that time?
Man did not even have writing yet ....
Our Holy Father moved men of old to write his living abiding words a witness of one who was there in the beginning "Let there be"

Many years after he moved Moses to record creation and future events. Just as he powerfully moves believers today
First things first. .

2 Peter 1:20-21King James Version Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Put on the whole Armor. .
Do you know the make up of Angel DNA? If not your speculating.
Do you know that angels have DNA? Do you have any evidence that they possess the abilities of procreation? If they do not procreate in heaven, why would they do so on earth with the daughters of men? Evidence? They are spirit beings. They are created beings, created for God's purposes.

Can you see the design for this creation (the world He made for us) in the creation account?

Have I given alternate interpretations for Jude and Gen 6 that do not go outside of the scriptures, stay consistent with the whole, and do not bring anything from the outside into the scripture? The answer is yes.

Have you done the same for your interpretation of Jude and Gen 6? No.

So if we abide by the Protestant view of Christian doctrine concerning the Bible, of scripture interpreting itself which requires a consistency throughout; and that difficult passages are to be made clear by those that are clear on the same subject; which teaching is arrived at correctly? And that does not mean that the use of right means will always be correct----we learn as we grow---but the use of wrong means will likely, if not always, introduce confusion and a focus wrongly placed, leaving one open to all sorts of fallacies.

There will always be mysteries in the Bible, things we cannot fully grasp given we are finite dealing with the things of the infinite. Just don't look outside the Bible in order to bring answered into it where God has not given them.

I suspect that Moses as he penned these things, and the audience who first received them, did not suffer the same confusion or speculation of what sons of God meant in the context, or the sons of God marrying the daughters of men, as is a common and natural thing to us. And writings that are not God inspired (breathed) are just that---the writings and traditions of fallible men. Those teachings are not to be brought into God's word. They can serve in better understanding culture, and cultural differences in historic settings, the times in which they are addressing and the original recipients etc. And that does not bring anything into the Bible from the outside. It simply gives us a better understanding of what we are reading in the Bible, and therefore its meaning.
Man didn't have writing yet? How do you know that?
Search it out!
The history of writing!

What did Enoch do?
Carry all those stone tablets with him as he wrote his "book."?

Beastiality does not produce offspring so the laws against it had nothing to do with offspring.
That doesn't preclude that the fallen angels would have attempted this. And we don't know what would have resulted from angelic / beast couplings. The bodies of angels are something of a mystery to us. We can read scripture's accounts of what righteous angels could accomplish and how they appeared and performed, as well as what the fallen angels' actions were. Angels as originally created were said to be "greater in power and might" than humanity, and from the scripture we know that they could appear to resemble human males. But that still leaves unexplained how the rise of pagan cultures that "worshipped devils" consistently had gods depicted as a hybrid blend of various animals with human-looking features. Even though this didn't result from human / animal couplings, it could have arisen from fallen angels with a human appearance having coupled with beasts. Of course, you understand that this is theoretical musings about possible causes for the source of these pagan hybrid gods.

If God said in Genesis 6:12 that "ALL flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth" before Noah's flood, that tells me that not only human bodies, but angelic bodies and the bodies of beasts had likewise been corrupted and filled the earth with violence. This was something more than just the state of mankind having fallen into sin in Eden.

You have yet to prove scripturally that "sons of God" in that passage refers to angels. That expression only sometimes refers to angels. All the redeemed are called sons of God, which only adds more credence that the Seed bearer was in focus here, and that line being corrupted by the practices of extremely corrupt and powerful men.
If you are thinking that a godly line of males marrying ungodly daughters of men was what Genesis 6 wrote about, there is absolutely no proof even today that believing males marrying non-Christian females results in giant male offspring. This goes down the slippery slope of saying that salvation is genetic somehow. The ethnic Jews fell for that idea, but Paul proved them wrong.

The "sons of God" in Genesis 6 marrying the daughters of men were the same angelic "sons of God" which sang together at the creation of the world in Job 38:7. Because those angelic "sons of God" married the human daughters of men, God announced that His Spirit would not always strive with man, "for that he ALSO is flesh". This was speaking of BOTH the angelic "sons of God" having bodies of flesh, AND humanity having bodies of flesh. Because these species had become blended on the earth, resulting in the earth being filled with violence, God determined to destroy everything on the earth with the breath of life, saving Noah's family and the beasts which God selected to be preserved.
The "sons of God" in Genesis 6 marrying the daughters of men were the same angelic "sons of God" which sang together at the creation of the world in Job 38:7. Because those angelic "sons of God" married the human daughters of men, God announced that His Spirit would not always strive with man, "for that he ALSO is flesh". This was speaking of BOTH the angelic "sons of God" having bodies of flesh, AND humanity having bodies of flesh. Because these species had become blended on the earth, resulting in the earth being filled with violence, God determined to destroy everything on the earth with the breath of life, saving Noah's family and the beasts which God selected to be preserved.

Jacob and Esau were twins!
One was a believer.
One was destined for the lake of Fire.

God does not determine someone to be evil simply based upon genes.

What was produced in Genesis 6 was not simply another human being destined to play basketball.
The sons of Seth theory is weak for that reason alone.

The problem was?

Jesus was to die for the sin of Adam.... who is the father of all humans as we know it.
Die as a man for all men.
He could not die for a hybrid creature no matter how closely it resembles a man.

If God did not destroy all the hybrids?
Jesus could not have paid the sins for all mankind!
For Jesus had only one kind of body.

And, that is why the hybrids were all given spirits, not souls.
Like angels, those spirits (being spiritual) could have chosen to accept the Lord.
But, they rebelled and refused...

That is why they are included with the "spirits" locked up in chains of darkness.
For they and the rebellious angels are spirits, not souls.
Jesus as a man could not die for the hybrids of Genesis 6.
That doesn't preclude that the fallen angels would have attempted this. And we don't know what would have resulted from angelic / beast couplings. The bodies of angels are something of a mystery to us. We can read scripture's accounts of what righteous angels could accomplish and how they appeared and performed, as well as what the fallen angels' actions were. Angels as originally created were said to be "greater in power and might" than humanity, and from the scripture we know that they could appear to resemble human males. But that still leaves unexplained how the rise of pagan cultures that "worshipped devils" consistently had gods depicted as a hybrid blend of various animals with human-looking features. Even though this didn't result from human / animal couplings, it could have arisen from fallen angels with a human appearance having coupled with beasts. Of course, you understand that this is theoretical musings about possible causes for the source of these pagan hybrid gods.
You are right about what I think about it. So, I have a question? Does any of that speculation and mental wanderings serve one single useful, enlightening, edifying, theological purpose? IMO it is not the stuff of mature Christians.
If God said in Genesis 6:12 that "ALL flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth" before Noah's flood, that tells me that not only human bodies, but angelic bodies and the bodies of beasts had likewise been corrupted and filled the earth with violence. This was something more than just the state of mankind having fallen into sin in Eden.
Look at the way things were in the creation account before the fall.

Now look at Romans 8:19-25. Who subjected all of creation to futility on account of man's fall? Where is redemption headed? And take note, that if man cannot be allowed to live forever in his sinful state, neither can anything else.

The flood did not destroy all of mankind or all the beasts, and it did not destroy angelic bodies. Beasts cannot be corrupted, they are not a moral agent. Corrupt man corrupts the creation, the creation is not itself corrupt.
If you are thinking that a godly line of males marrying ungodly daughters of men was what Genesis 6 wrote about, there is absolutely no proof even today that believing males marrying non-Christian females results in giant male offspring. This goes down the slippery slope of saying that salvation is genetic somehow. The ethnic Jews fell for that idea, but Paul proved them wrong.
That is not what I am saying. The genetics of the Seed bearing line is not what is involved. It is the appointed (by God) male who will be the one that brings forth the Messiah. And this God planned, knew, ordained from before the foundation of the world. It was prophesied repeatedly---beginning in Gen 3. There were many sons of all these different seed bearers, and they built nations, (see Gen 5) where genetic markers were mixed, which theoretically (because even though we are not told the genetic story in the Bible, we now have the science that shows how characteristics differ) will produce things such as eye and hair color, skin color, stature etc that are characteristic of a particular people. Mixing these genetic markers with different genetic markers will bring about a change.

We see this in Deut 9:1-2 "Hear, O Israel: you are to cross over the Jordan today, to go in to dispossess nations greater and mightier than you. cities great and fortified up to heaven, a people great and tall, the sons of the Anakim, whom you know, and of whom you have heard it said, 'Who can stand before the sons of Anak?"

This leaves open the possibility that Gen 6 is speaking of the sons of God as being those descendants of Seth who would be father of Israel through Abraham who were sons of God in that sense. Not all were faithful to God but married with the daughters of pagan nations and took on their evil ways. The daughters of Cain iow, in the sense, not the chosen sons of God.

There is a major problem for some Christians.

Its with those who think within a rigid, inculcated, theological box.
On the other hand?
There is nothing wrong with being inflexible as long as what one sticks to is sound and sane.

The rigid minded do not have the ability for the following:

This is my prayer: that your love might become even more
and more rich with knowledge and all kinds of insight."
Philippians 1:9​

Some fail to see and discern between what is fantasy, and what is insight.

Its a problem ....

For God wants believers to face problems.
Especially, for those who have enough knowledge of sound doctrine to overcome with in their thinking.
To overcome as we learn to walk in harmony with the Holy Spirit who will be guiding us into all truth
with the sound doctrine we have learned. Into all truth we should need in our lifetime to reach spiritual maturity.
Spiritual maturity in Christ, which requires insight and breakthroughs with sound doctrine!

The pseudo mature will think they are the ones I speak of..
That is why.. The Lord will evaluate each one of us when we appear before Him.

So... Conflicts must come.

grace and peace ...............
You are right about what I think about it. So, I have a question? Does any of that speculation and mental wanderings serve one single useful, enlightening, edifying, theological purpose? IMO it is not the stuff of mature Christians.
Yes, mulling these things over does serve a useful purpose. It has to do with the "mark of the beast" found in Revelation 13.

We know that God did not design for the different species to intermingle with each other. Everything of creation was to produce "after its kind". For the beasts, birds, fish, etc., this reproduction was to replace themselves when animal death naturally occurred. Fallen humanity likewise was designed to reproduce originally, but became subjected to death by their own sinfulness, and thus needed even more to have that level of conception increased.

The angelic, celestial sons of God were NOT to reproduce, since God originally designed for them to be deathless - needing no replacements. They are all presented as male in scripture - no female among them. But when some rebelled against their "first estate", and left their heavenly habitation to marry human women and produce offspring, this broke God's rule for their angelic species, and resulted in hybrid angelic / human sons who became giants, and "men of renown" in the days of Genesis 6.

Even in ancient pagan religions, there are depictions of hybrid demi-gods that were a mix of human and divine. The image of one of these demi-gods (Melqart /Herekles /Hercules) was stamped on the face of the Tyrian shekel that the Jewish high priesthood had required for use in the temple. No one could either buy or sell sacrificial items for worship in the Jerusalem temple without using that profane Tyrian shekel with its forbidden, abominable images and inscriptions.

This Tyrian shekel coin with that demi-god image on the front was what Revelation 13 called "the mark of the Beast" which gave homage to the Roman phase of the Rev. 13 Sea Beast. Everyone high or low was required to use this Tyrian shekel coin when they came to the temple for worship. And everyone coming to the temple from any other nation had to exchange their own foreign currency for the priesthood-approved Tyrian shekel which the Jews had begun to mint for themselves after the priesthood in 19 BC had asked Rome's permission to do so. This transaction fee was collected by the money-changers: the ones which so angered Christ for turning His Father's house into a "den of thieves" by this profane requirement.

Long ago in Deuteronomy 7:25-26, God had made strict commands against using the silver or gold of the graven images of Canaan's gods. "The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is one them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the Lord thy God. Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing." Achan who broke this rule found out that God was absolutely serious about this command when he and all of his were stoned to death and burned for this offense.

In spite of this very clear command in Deuteronomy 7 NOT to take the gold and silver images of Canaan's gods unto themselves, those high priests in Christ's days had not only been doing this, but they were requiring this for everyone coming to the temple, and in addition were making everyone pay a fee for participating in that forbidden practice which went against God's laws.

Once we understand that God in Genesis 6 had to flood the entire world to kill off the hybrid angelic / human sons which had grown to be giants in the earth, we can understand just why that high priesthood-required Tyrian shekel image of a demi-god was so utterly offensive to God, and why that Tyrian shekel deserved to be excoriated as "the mark of the Beast".
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The angelic, celestial sons of God were NOT to reproduce, since God originally designed for them to be deathless - needing no replacements.
Adam was created to go forth and multiply.... Yes? No?
And, as he was created? Before he fell?
Adam was created to be deathless.

You need to take your logic back to the drawing board for some adjustment.

Since angels have been shown to be able to procreate, as seen in Genesis 6?
Like Adam beginning as deathless... The angels, too, were created to be able to reproduce.

Satan's rebellion and unrepentance is what called off God's plan to give the angels a helpmate.

Its now become apparent that God has planned a limited number of humans to be reproduced sexually.
Likewise... if certain angels did not rebel, fall, and refuse to repent?
A limited number of angels as God would have determined it, would have been born until God had the number He desired for eternity.

God does not create a creature to reproduce with no reason for it to be able to do so.

Perhaps, your concept needs some refinement? :)

grace and peace ............
Adam was created to go forth and multiply.... Yes? No?
And, as he was created? Before he fell?
Adam was created to be deathless.
I have not denied that Adam was created to multiply, as we know by the original command given to the sinless pair at the beginning. Yet that rate of conception was much less before the Fall than it was after the Fall. "I will GREATLY MULTIPLY thy conception", God told the fallen Eve. Once this pair had sinned and part of the price of that sin was physical death coming in their future, they needed to have human conception multiplied greatly, so that God's plans for humanity to have dominion over the planet and its creatures could continue.

Since angels have been shown to be able to procreate, as seen in Genesis 6?
Like Adam beginning as deathless... The angels, too, were created to be able to reproduce.
The angels were all created male intentionally, because God did not want them to procreate after their own kind. Theirs was a fixed number that was designed to remain unchanged. Some of those angels broke that rule for their species by interjecting themselves into the human race and begetting sons by human women.

God does not create a creature to reproduce with no reason for it to be able to do so.
God also created mankind with the option to remain holy and deathless, but with the possibility of sinning and bringing death upon their species. It was a test, and mankind in Adam failed that test.

The angels also were granted conditions that tested whether they remained obedient or not. God preserved the "elect angels" from sinning in any way whatever. Those angels that fell only demonstrated that any race of created beings, when offered a choice to obey or disobey, will inevitably fail that test sooner or later, unless God preserves them in a state of righteousness.
The angels were all created male intentionally, because God did not want them to procreate after their own kind.

Adam was also created male intentionally.
Created alone. No female.
Angels were created male collectively.... No females.
Angels are able to be rapidly transported by God all over the prehistoric world.
In contrast. Adam was to stay in a Garden.
So, there were major differences in how their origins took place.

You are not making the needed connection.

Adam faithfully completed the work God had assigned him by God.
Until it was finished? Adam was able to procreate. But with no place to go...

Now? If the angels finished their assignment in the prehistoric world?
Then, they would have been given their females when it was over.

Why else would God give them the ability to procreate sexually?
Does God do anything in vain?

Not everything is spelled out in black and white for us.
God wants us to become thinkers.
Not, robots to be programmed simply by academic knowledge of God's Word.

God is infinitely creative.
And man was created in His image!
Out thinking should become more creative over time.

OK... one more time, please.

Why were those angels in Genesis 6 able to sexually procreate?
They were created to do so.
For they were able to have sexual intercourse and fertilize the ovum of human women!

God intended (in His perfect will for them) to be given a mate when their assignment was completed
for the prehistoric world. But, Satan rebelled, and took angels with him, thus putting a stop to the blessing
that was to be a surprise that God would have given to them at the right time.

grace and peace ............
The angels were all created male intentionally, because God did not want them to procreate after their own kind. Theirs was a fixed number that was designed to remain unchanged. Some of those angels broke that rule for their species by interjecting themselves into the human race and begetting sons by human women.

You, just in effect, were saying God wanted angels to perform bestiality?

Do you read what you write?

The angels also were granted conditions that tested whether they remained obedient or not. God preserved the "elect angels" from sinning in any way whatever. Those angels that fell only demonstrated that any race of created beings, when offered a choice to obey or disobey, will inevitably fail that test sooner or later, unless God preserves them in a state of righteousness.

God's original intention was to have Adam while alone and male to go forth and *multiply.*
No sinning there! Blessings and happiness there!
Adam was also created male intentionally.
Created alone. No female.
Angels were created male collectively.... No females.
Angels are able to be rapidly transported by God all over the prehistoric world.
In contrast. Adam was to stay in a Garden.
So, there were major differences in how their origins took place.
Where in the bible does it say God created spirits bring without form ?.. What purpose would they before .

God finished all the work in 6 days "Let there be"

Christ in us .He works in us not some unknown creation some call a fake name angel. He sends messengers apostles. How beautiful are their feet shod with the gospel .
Search it out!
The history of writing!

What did Enoch do?
Carry all those stone tablets with him as he wrote his "book."?

You are posting from ignorance....you have no clue if the antedeluvian could write or not....

Why would they not be able to write on parchment? Do you think these people who lived to be 6,7,8 hundred of years old were stupid?
You are posting from ignorance....you have no clue if the antedeluvian could write or not....

Why would they not be able to write on parchment? Do you think these people who lived to be 6,7,8 hundred of years old were stupid?
You're very lazy. You could have answered that yourself with a search...

parchment, the processed skins of certain animals—chiefly sheep, goats, and calves—that have been prepared for the purpose of writing on them. The name apparently derives from the ancient Greek city of Pergamum (modern Bergama, Turkey), where parchment is said to have been invented in the 2nd century bc.