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Gen 6...who are the sons of God?

Part of Satans plan was to destroy this seed...with fallen angel DNA.
We obviously see that Satan was always trying to destroy the Seed with in the Scripture historical account. What we do not see is anything about Satan having a plan to destroy the seed with fallen angel DNA. DId he tell you this? Does God tell us this? Or did you simply believe something you read or saw on youtube, and think it sounded legit to you so without further ado accepted it as fact?

You have no way of proving angels even have DNA. You have no way of knowing that angels (one type of creature) can procreate with an entirely other type of creature (mankind). Such a thing is found nowhere in nature and is in direct opposition to God's command at creation to all creatures---"of their own kind." And in His design, he made certain that it was impossible. Angels in the Bible are seen as manifesting as human, but they do not take on humanity. They remain angels, do what they are commanded to do, and return to their proper condition.

What possible purpose does it serve for us to " believe/know" fallen angels supposedly married human women and had strange children? It is not the answer to evil in the world, or evil men. The answer to that question is back there in Gen 3. The serpent did all he needed to do in that regard in the Garden of Eden.
Sons of God (Christians) born of God.
Rom 8:14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

There were many calling upon the Lord and walking with God before and after the flood. There is now only one way to do so, by the faith of Jesus Christ.
Ummm, yes, it was. Satan's design was to corrupt the human gene pool so that a fully-human descendant of the race of Adam could not arise to crush his own head, as God had promised Eve in Genesis 3:15.
Did you forget who Jesus is and where He came from? Gene pools have nothing to do with it. Every child of Adam including Seth was already corrupted and a sinner. That was enough. It is about the Seed bearer, not a gene pool. And since when have you or anyone else sat in the council of Satan and heard his design to corrupt the human gene pool? I don't understand how it is, that obviously intelligent and God fearing, serious students of the Bible, can also say such astonishingly rediculeous things!
Part of Satans plan was to destroy this seed...with fallen angel DNA.
Is that like stardust?

The angels fell when they sinned, not before. There's no such thing as sinful bodies, whether terrestrial or celestial.

Angels can still visit earth in man's bodies, and eat and drink earthly things. There is no Scripture anywhere that natural seed, blood, and flesh are sinful. Only lust produces sinning with the body, first celestial with Lucifer, and then terrrestrial with Adam.

All men are of the same one blood. There is no Scripture for any man ever having a 'tainted' bloodline, as opposed to others. That's a pseudo-science produced for the fable of the fallen 'Adamic race'. Of which Jesus would be born of. That fabulous tale of false science is much suited for another Marvel Comics book and movie, than Bible teaching.

All we know by Scripture, is that there were giants in the earth in the days of Noah. But there were also giants in the earth in the day of David.

We know those giants in the old world, were before the sons of God mated with daughters of men to produce mighty men of renown. There were also angels that sinned by forsaking their celestial habitation in a manner of fornication with strange flesh. When the old world was not spared from the flood, those angels were likewise not spared and cast into hell.

If the angels produced the giants of old, then the new giants of David's day were not the same produced by the angels of old. For those angels were cast down to hell in the days of Noah, and remain chained today until their judgment. The Scripture does not speak of any other angels that sinned after the old world was flooded.
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It was going to take the Son of God / Son of Man to be the true representative of the human race and to die in their place. If the gene pool had remained corrupted by angels blending their species with that of humans, then no redeemer for humanity could have arisen.
Nonsense. That is like saying God couldn't do what He did do. Come Himself as one of us. That the mixture of fallen angel DNA with human DNA (do angels even have blood?) would prevent God from bringing forth the Son of God, Son of man. Who by the way was the seed of a fallen corrupt woman---no matter how good of a person she was.
Hence the command of God in Deut. 20:16-17 to destroy anything that breathed in the 7 nations of the land of Canaan where those people as a race of giants had again grown up.
God tells us why He told them to destroy the inhabitants (and the command was not given as "anything that breathed" and it was not the same command for all seven nations. Sometimes women and children and animals were not to be destroyed. Sometimes they were to be taken captive.No where does He say it is because they are an angel/human hybrid. Why read that into it? What purpose does it serve? Isn't what God did say enough?
Christ did not take on the nature of angels. He became flesh like unto us as being fully human so that He could be our divine / human Great High Priest (Heb. 2:16-17). God's plan of redemption for mankind marched forward in spite of Satan's evil designs in Genesis 6 to foil God's plans.
Are you trying to presume that God's choice of Mary was DNA based? That He chose her because she had no angel DNA? I am just trying to make sense of a nonsense statement.

There is no plan of Satan mentioned or hinted at in Gen 6. Fallen angels were not responsible for the evilness that prompted God to destroy the earth and all that was in it. It was their own evilness. And if, as you say, that was His reason, then where did all the giants you speak of as being in the land of Canaan come from?
Did you forget who Jesus is and where He came from? Gene pools have nothing to do with it. Every child of Adam including Seth was already corrupted and a sinner.
Every man coming into the world, beginning with Adam, is created in the image of God, but has corrupted himself with lust of the devil, and sinned to make themselves sinners, beginning with Adam.

The only exception being Jesus the 2nd Adam.

That was enough. It is about the Seed bearer, not a gene pool.
Exactly. Well said. A new truism to remember. It is about the Seed becoming the sin bearer. It's not about the gene pool He came with, nor bearing His own sin.

And since when have you or anyone else sat in the council of Satan and heard his design to corrupt the human gene pool? I don't understand how it is, that obviously intelligent and God fearing, serious students of the Bible, can also say such astonishingly rediculeous things!
Love your dismantling of the old tired 'sin gene'.
I've heard this verse several times...but I realized it doesn't have to be past but forward fom the time it was written.
For example it says the whole land "will" be destroyed.

Are you one of those who believes the dinosaur fossils were from that world?

Giant dinosaurs with their threatening presence would have been mentioned much more often then lions and elephants if they walked the same world as those who lived in Bible times.

You don't get it?

I think so.

Now let us who do get it continue to discuss without you trying to crash the party.
That the mixture of fallen angel DNA with human DNA (do angels even have blood?)
Scripture doesn't say for sure about their bodies in heaven. However, they certainly don't have flesh and blood, unless they appear on earth to visit for a while, and dine and drink with hospital people.

Jesus' immortal resurrected body is flesh and bone.

Who by the way was the seed of a fallen corrupt woman---no matter how good of a person she was.
Exactly. Scripture makes special effort to ensure no one can possibly think Jesus came as an angel, but in the same flesh and blood as His brethren by the seed of David and Abraham, and so Noah and Adam.

Of course, a simple reading of Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, means is come in the same flesh of all men.

However, blaspheming the pure virgin Queen Bee of heaven, is not nice.

Why read that into it? What purpose does it serve? Isn't what God did say enough?

With few exceptions, I have found the desire to believe in being born with sin, is justification for sinning with the flesh from cradle to grave. And it's the body's fault, or at least partly responsible.

There is no plan of Satan mentioned or hinted at in Gen 6.
True. It's assumed only. However, the Dragon casting a third to earth at least hints at His leadership. When they sinned, they are cast into hell by the Lord.

Fallen angels were not responsible for the evilness that prompted God to destroy the earth and all that was in it.
This is also an ssumption that the giants were the cause. But they were in the earth before the sons of men married the daughters that produced men of renown. And it is closely after that the Lord judges the wickedness of men.

Gen 6 is a great example of God revealing things in such a manner, that requires disciplined reading and study to teach it right and in order.
And if, as you say, that was His reason, then where did all the giants you speak of as being in the land of Canaan come from?
True again. If the angels sinned and did produce gaints in the old world, then they could not have done so again after being cast down to hell with the flood of the old world. Where they are still chained today.

Nor does Scripture speak of other angels sinning after the old ones.
The commentaries are pretty evenly divided that those "celestial bodies' either ARE or ARE NOT the sun moon and stars.
It makes no difference that commentaries are evenly or unevenly divided. What do the scriptures say? What did Paul mean? I suspect the division is based on presupposed beliefs. Both of which may be wrong but both cannot be right, and one of them may be right. It must be weighed against the other clear teachings of Scripture, the immediate context, and what it is Paul is communicating, why and to whom.
Those celestial bodies were set in antithesis to the terrestrial body forms of men. Why would the terrestrial bodies of men be contrasted with the inert substance of the sun moon and stars? Especially when Paul begins a different comparison of the stars in contrast with each other in the very next verse, as a separate category.
In 1 Cor Paul is dealing with several issues that plagued the church at Corinth. When he gets to verse 12 he begins to deal with the fact that some were saying there was no resurrection. When he gets to vs 35-58 he deals with the question of "How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?"(35)

So the subject of these passages remains all the way through the resurrection and the type of body with which humans are raised. It does not vere off into the subject of angels----angels are never resurrected, because those who are fallen are never redeemed.

Paul makes the comparison of each type of creation having its own body. Some have a body of flesh, like the animals and birds and fish. When he begins to speak of the celestial bodies, celestial here does not mean spirit beings such as angels, but rather epouranios, above the sky or heavenly. Sun, moon, stars. And even if it does refer to the bodies of angels, he is making a distinction from those of beasts and mortal men. The point Paul is making is 37-38 And what you sow is not the body that is to be. But God gives it a body as he has chosen and to each kind of seen its own body.

Humans are sown perishable---of the dust, of Adam--- those in Christ are raised imperishable. Sown in dishonor. Raised in glory. Sown in weakness, raised in power. Those not in Christ through faith are raised to judgement.
Why also would Christ mention what the glorified bodies of the saints are like in the resurrected state in Luke 20:35-36, saying they are "equal to the angels" in heaven, if angels had no kind of body form?
I never said they did not have body. But the scripture you use has no application to what you are using it to support. Equal in Luke 20 has nothing to do with a type of body. It means we are no longer a little lower than the angels.
We obviously see that Satan was always trying to destroy the Seed with in the Scripture historical account. What we do not see is anything about Satan having a plan to destroy the seed with fallen angel DNA. DId he tell you this? Does God tell us this? Or did you simply believe something you read or saw on youtube, and think it sounded legit to you so without further ado accepted it as fact?
I am not the one who said angels have "DNA". Whatever kind of flesh the angels have, it is not a duplicate of mankind's. They are simply presented as another, different created species in scripture. God did not design for ANY of the species to cross-populate with each other. Hence the laws against bestiality in the OT. Hence God planning to destroy ALL flesh which had corrupted its way on earth before Noah's flood. This wasn't just humanity's flesh corrupting itself on earth. It was the sons of God marrying human women who had also corrupted their own flesh with those forbidden unions. And I believe it is possible that angels united themselves with the flesh of beasts as well in those days (giving rise to all the half animal / half human mythological creatures - Centaurs, mermaids, Sphinx-like creatures, all the Egyptian type of human/animal gods, etc.).

God told us that in marriage, the two "become one flesh". With the sons of God marrying human women in Genesis 6, those angelic sons of God corrupted themselves by becoming united with the fallen daughters of Adam. Uncleanness resulted for those originally-righteous angelic sons of God. The hybrid angelic / human sons which their human wives gave birth to that grew to be giants were likewise born with an unclean spirit (which explains why there are multitudes of "UNCLEAN spirits" possessing many in Israel in Christ's days).

A redeemer of fallen mankind was REQUIRED to be made just like them in order to take their place as their representative High Priest. If the human race had remained corrupted by being mingled with the angelic species of the sons of God, then there would have been no way for God to redeem the fallen human children of Adam.

Satan wasn't stupid. He knew it was going to be the "Seed of the woman" who was predicted to crush his own head. Satan and the fallen angels did their best to ruin the race of mankind by interjecting the angelic species within it. God stamped out that problem by the flood of Noah and by having the race of the giants totally eradicated during Joshua's days - and in King David's days, whose "mighty men" destroyed the remnant of the giants - the hybrid seed of angelic / human marital unions.

Nonsense. That is like saying God couldn't do what He did do. Come Himself as one of us. That the mixture of fallen angel DNA with human DNA (do angels even have blood?) would prevent God from bringing forth the Son of God, Son of man. Who by the way was the seed of a fallen corrupt woman---no matter how good of a person she was.
Again, I have not said that angels have DNA, and we don't know if their bodies had blood or not. That isn't the point. It was the fact that by their marital unions with the daughters of men and becoming "one flesh" with them and bearing hybrid angelic / human sons by them, they cross-populated the species which God designed to remain separate from each other. Christ didn't come to redeem angels. He came to redeem fallen mankind and become their representative high priest. To do that, He had to descend from a bloodline of a human-only species with no angelic mingling with it.

Yes, Mary was likewise in need of a Savior as a fallen daughter of Adam. But God did not design for females to carry the representative role as Adam did. Christ needed to come from Mary as "the Seed of the woman" , but He simply could NOT come from an earthly father, because that would have endowed Christ with a sin nature through our representative Adam.

I never said they did not have body.
That's good, because I have read others who do claim that angels never had a body form of any kind that could have engaged in marital relations with the daughters of men.
Equal in Luke 20 has nothing to do with a type of body. It means we are no longer a little lower than the angels.
Being "equal to the angels" in a resurrected person having a deathless body form like the angels in heaven is very much a description of what type of body that resurrected humanity will have. Our bodies in the resurrection process will share the same deathless condition that the bodies of the elect angels now enjoy.
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Nor does Scripture speak of other angels sinning after the old ones.
I believe it does speak of this in Deuteronomy 32:16-17 when it is giving the list of the people of Israel's past sins.

"They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger. They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to NEW gods THAT NEWLY CAME UP, whom your fathers feared not." This refers to angels falling on a case-by-base basis over time in Israel's past history since the past days of Israel's patriarchal fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.

For an originally-righteous angel to eventually fall to the temptation to accept human worship - this was another sin which angels could commit which resulted in their becoming devils instead. Evil angels were still desiring to have the upper hand over humankind by this means back in the days of Israel's bondage in Egypt and in their wilderness wanderings. That is one reason why Paul warned the believers in those first-century days not to fall into the error of a "voluntary humility and worshipping of angels" (Colossians 2:18).

There was a re-emergence of the same problem of a race of giants which had grown up in the land of Canaan in Joshua's days. That only illustrated that the ancient Genesis 6 problem of angels choosing to interject themselves into mankind's affairs to corrupt them by producing hybrid angelic / human sons that grew into giants as a result was still an ongoing issue at that time of Israel entering the promised land.
God did not design for ANY of the species to cross-populate with each other. Hence the laws against bestiality in the OT.
Beastiality does not produce offspring so the laws against it had nothing to do with offspring.
This wasn't just humanity's flesh corrupting itself on earth. It was the sons of God marrying human women who had also corrupted their own flesh with those forbidden unions.
You have yet to prove scripturally that "sons of God" in that passage refers to angels. That expression only sometimes refers to angels. All the redeemed are called sons of God, which only adds more credence that the Seed bearer was in focus here, and that line being corrupted by the practices of extremely corrupt and powerful men. Read about some of them that are related to the ones listed in Gen chapter 5. The chapter that leads to chapter 6. The Law had not yet come---those unions were not forbidden. The passage does not say they were forbidden unions. It tells us the result of it which is increased corruption, more and more vile. No different that what happened with Nimrod and His tower that prompted God to confuse the language and scatter the people. (A very interesting take on that can be found in Far As the Curse is Found: The Covenant Story of Redemption by Michael D. Williams.)
And I believe it is possible that angels united themselves with the flesh of beasts as well in those days (giving rise to all the half animal / half human mythological creatures - Centaurs, mermaids, Sphinx-like creatures, all the Egyptian type of human/animal gods, etc.).
Saying things like that removes credibility. Basic biology shows us that even if differing species mate, the union cannot produce offspring. The necessary ingredients to do so or their ability to mix are not there.
God told us that in marriage, the two "become one flesh". With the sons of God marrying human women in Genesis 6, those angelic sons of God corrupted themselves by becoming united with the fallen daughters of Adam. Uncleanness resulted for those originally-righteous angelic sons of God. The hybrid angelic / human sons which their human wives gave birth to that grew to be giants were likewise born with an unclean spirit (which explains why there are multitudes of "UNCLEAN spirits" possessing many in Israel in Christ's days).
Credibility on the subject---- gone.

One flesh means joined in purpose and duty. Not that they now become a two headed, four armed etc. hybrid but an indivisible unit. It is the design that has been corrupted---not by fallen angels---but by fallen sinful man. The buck stops there.
A redeemer of fallen mankind was REQUIRED to be made just like them in order to take their place as their representative High Priest. If the human race had remained corrupted by being mingled with the angelic species of the sons of God, then there would have been no way for God to redeem the fallen human children of Adam.
The human race did remain corrupted since Adam, and not by fallen angels but by their own actions, thoughts, words, intents, desires. And even if what you said were true----and nonsense is never true---God could still come to us as the Son, Jesus, just as He DID. Do you not believe in the deity of Christ? I can't figure out your thought processes to arrive at the above. It did not take fallen angels propagating with human women in order for all of mankind to become corrupt. All it took was one bite of the forbidden fruit.
Satan wasn't stupid. He knew it was going to be the "Seed of the woman" who was predicted to crush his own head. Satan and the fallen angels did their best to ruin the race of mankind by interjecting the angelic species within it
The human race was already ruined. It had been since "she gave to her husband and he took and ate" and they were cast out of the Garden and away from the tree of life. Not even Satan that old serpent of old corrupted mankind. He only tempted them. Adam and Eve did the corrupting themselves.And we do likewise. It did not take angelic beings to do that. I have to lose my cool here for a second and ask "What is wrong with you?" ;) Where is this coming from? It is so anti biblical it is taking my breath away.
Again, I have not said that angels have DNA, and we don't know if their bodies had blood or not. That isn't the point. It was the fact that by their marital unions with the daughters of men and becoming "one flesh" with them and bearing hybrid angelic / human sons by them, they cross-populated the species which God designed to remain separate from each other. Christ didn't come to redeem angels. He came to redeem fallen mankind and become their representative high priest. To do that, He had to descend from a bloodline of a human-only species with no angelic mingling with it.
There is no such thing as cross populating of species. I think you need to go back to the beginning---Gen 1---and see exactly what God's order of creation is. Seriously.
Yes, Mary was likewise in need of a Savior as a fallen daughter of Adam. But God did not design for females to carry the representative role as Adam did. Christ needed to come from Mary as "the Seed of the woman" , but He simply could NOT come from an earthly father, because that would have endowed Christ with a sin nature through our representative Adam.
So why did God have to destroy all these cross populated and cross populating angels and humans again? You are boxing yourself in. Take heed, and change direction. Plus in your theory you have all these hybrids destroyed in the flood, those evil angels bound, and yet their offspring showing up in Canaan long after the flood.
That's good, because I have read others who do claim that angels never had a body form of any kind that could have engaged in marital relations with the daughters of men.
Just because they have a body does not mean they can engage in martial relations with the daughters of men. They do not have the same type of body as humans do. Remember 1 Cor 15?
Being "equal to the angels" in a resurrected person having a deathless body form like the angels in heaven is very much a description of what type of body that resurrected humanity will have. Our bodies in the resurrection process will share the same deathless condition that the bodies of the elect angels now enjoy.
Keep a distinction between the resurrected saints and the resurrected unbelievers. They do not receive the same fate. Jesus did not become and angel in His resurrection and He does not resemble an angel now. The resurrected Jesus---a resurrected human body--is what we will be like. 1 Cor 15.

As man, Jesus had human flesh and his human flesh died. Like we will. His human flesh was raised. He was recognizable. He had the wounds of his crucifixion on him. He was the first fruits of the resurrection, and our resurrection will be like his. Our bodies will come out of their graves if we have died in Christ before his return, immortal, imperishable, incorruptible. If we are alive when he returns, we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye, at the sound of the trumpet. But we will not have the same type of body as angels.
We obviously see that Satan was always trying to destroy the Seed with in the Scripture historical account.
Yes, and that happened prior to the flood.
In fact part of "just like the days of Noah"....points to a form of trans-humanism.
What we do not see is anything about Satan having a plan to destroy the seed with fallen angel DNA.
Besides destroying the seed....Satan used the Nephilim as a proxy for dominion of the earth
DId he tell you this? Does God tell us this? Or did you simply believe something you read or saw on youtube, and think it sounded legit to you so without further ado accepted it as fact?
The book of Enoch that some of the authors of the NT and OT quoted from does. But you can watch all of your youtube videos that try to deny it.
You have no way of proving angels even have DNA. You have no way of knowing that angels (one type of creature) can procreate with an entirely other type of creature (mankind). Such a thing is found nowhere in nature and is in direct opposition to God's command at creation to all creatures---"of their own kind." And in His design, he made certain that it was impossible. Angels in the Bible are seen as manifesting as human, but they do not take on humanity. They remain angels, do what they are commanded to do, and return to their proper condition.
You do know you reply in the world of speculation?
What possible purpose does it serve for us to " believe/know" fallen angels supposedly married human women and had strange children? It is not the answer to evil in the world, or evil men. The answer to that question is back there in Gen 3. The serpent did all he needed to do in that regard in the Garden of Eden.
I know the difference between a word for sons and another word for angels, even in Hebrew thanks to modern technology for laymen. Now we see a willingness to change the words of the Author, in order not to teach something else.

The great fool in Dan 7 thinks to change times and laws themselves, which includes the laws of nature and grammar.

OK, word-wiz man....

What about Genesis 18:1-2?

The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance
to his tent in the heat of the day. Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When
he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground."

Genesis 18 begins with the appearance of what?

The appearance of three "men" to Abraham as he sat in front of his tent.

Now. sir?

What do we learn later in the same chapter about these "men?"

One turned out to be the Lord (who stayed behind talking with Abraham)...
and the other two turned out to be the two angels who went to Lot's house .
to deliver his family from the destruction of Sodom.

Now... word wiz man... You would say?
"But it says men!" "I know the difference!"

Lot's of luck with you, Charlie.
One can stall the progress in understanding for only so long by playing dumb.
Satan plays stupid when its to his advantage.

You got to stop identifying with that approach...
You have yet to prove scripturally that "sons of God" in that passage refers to angels.

I want to remind you of some things you already know: Remember that the Lord saved his people
by bringing them out of the land of Egypt. But later he destroyed all those who did not believe.
And remember the angels who did not keep their place of power but left their proper home.
The Lord has kept these angels in darkness, bound with everlasting chains, to be judged on the
great day. Also remember the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the other towns around them.
In the same way they were full of sexual sin and people who desired sexual relations that
God does not allow.
They suffer the punishment of eternal fire, as an example for all to see."
Jude 5-7

Jude gives a time frame that is found outside of the time that Satan and his angels fell.

These angels mentioned in Jude were a second wave of angels falling, which resulted in
a different consequence than what Satan and his angels face in judgment.


Satan is not now locked up in everlasting chains of darkness!.....
Angels are spirits....

For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God,
having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; in which also He went and made
proclamation to the spirits now in prison, who once were disobedient, when the patience of God
kept waiting in the days of Noah
, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight
persons, were brought safely through the water.."
1 Peter 3:18-20​

Angels are spirits with bodies.
Men are souls with bodies.
Fallen angels have been denied their bodies.
That is why we see in Scripture they seek to possess a body.

Men are souls (not spirits) with bodies.
Men and angel bodies have enough similarities as to physically be able to reproduce a hybrid offspring.
Such as....
The mating of a donkey and a horse is called a hybrid. Resulting in offspring called a mule.

And....in Genesis 18...

We see Abraham offering hospitality, and served angels human food.
And, they ate!
Likewise, the manna in the wilderness for men? Was the food of angels given to man.

Evidently, both angels and men physically share some common attributes.
So? We find hybrids being produced in Genesis 6.

Patience... patience... patience.
In fact part of "just like the days of Noah"....points to a form of trans-humanism.
Oh it does not! What on earth has happened that all this inability to interpret the Bible through proper hermeneutics---even simple common sense----has reared its ugly, mythical head? The passage "just like in the days of Noah" interprets itself within the context. Ordinary life going on and then the sudden arrival of Jesus---the consummation of salvation. You read a "form of trans-humanism" into Gen 6 carry it into Jude, and now even into the words of Christ when He was having a discussion about something else entirely. I am very surprised at the ones who are doing this for the most part. "Tran-humanism!" Jimmeny crickets and for Pete's sake!
Satan used the Nephilim as a proxy for dominion of the earth
WHERE IS THAT IN THE BIBLE? Do you not see that in order to hold to this atrocious distorted rendering of the word of God, you (and others) are adding to the Bible all over the place? And misusing it? That there is not even a resemblance of rightly dividing the word (handling it correctly so that it all fits together smoothly; one thing leading to the next; nothing added, nothing taken away; no contradictions. I am appalled.
The book of Enoch that some of the authors of the NT and OT quoted from does. But you can watch all of your youtube videos that try to deny it.
Why do you keep using the book of Enoch as though it was even better than the Bible or at least equal to it? There is a reason why it is not a part of the canon. Just because a NT writer quotes something from it or anywhere else, does not mean that the entire writings of Enoch are valid. I might quote something true written by an atheist for example. Would that mean that everything an atheist says is true? Paul quoted something from a pagan idol. "To the unknown God." I don't have any YouTube videos that deny whatever you are trying to say. I don't depend on youtube to arrive at the things of God. Are you really young? I have a feeling that might be what we are dealing with here.
You do know you reply in the world of speculation?
No I am not. I got the information from reading Gen 1 and 2. Plus there is no speculation that species do not propagate with any species but their own. I probably knew by the time I was two, that cats always give birth to baby cats, dogs to baby dogs, sheep to baby sheep, cows to baby cows. Yes, I know, they are kittens, puppies, lambs, calves.
Oh it does not! What on earth has happened that all this inability to interpret the Bible through proper hermeneutics---even simple common sense----has reared its ugly, mythical head?
Drop that routine, please?

Just show the proper way.
Maybe, but it's debatable since Genesis 6 does not say they were imprisoned right away at that time.
Many scholars have theorized that they were not imprisoned until the death and resurrection of Christ when He got control of the key to the gates of hell, rose to the right hand of God and all dominion and authority were given to Him.

I've seen good arguments for both sides.
I would think. The law not to be unevenly yoked

The Grands Canyon into affect immediately . . the flood the stamp of approval or the sign that followed prophecy. Let there be a law and it was "God alone good".

Good question.
The Book of Enoch gives an answer.

Jude 14King James Version And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

Book? It would seem the prophecy given below the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, Jude a reminder

Deuteronomy 33:2
And he said, The Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them.
Angels are spirits with bodies.
Men are souls with bodies.
Fallen angels have been denied their bodies.
That is why we see in Scripture they seek to possess a body.

Men are souls (not spirits) with bodies.
Men and angel bodies have enough similarities as to physically be able to reproduce a hybrid offspring.
Such as....
The mating of a donkey and a horse is called a hybrid. Resulting in offspring called a mule.
I would offer

Spirit, the life of the soul.

The soul that sins. . the spirit essence of life dies.

God's messengers (Greek Angelos ) as apostles. How beatiful are there feet shod with the gospel of peace

No scripture to defend the idea of a legion of invisible gods as workers with a familiar spirit. Departed apostle or relatives. Today called patron saints.. . . 3500 and rising

Satan the king of lying signs to wonder, wonder, wonder after (His only voice as the god of this world ) Rather than believing prophecy (sola scriptura) sealed with 7 Seals

Dying mankind continues to wonder,. . . . . wonder. Out of sight out of mind (paganism). No vision from scripture as it is written

Angel self-styled fake word sounds the same different meaning. . coined in the 11th century
Men and angel bodies have enough similarities as to physically be able to reproduce a hybrid offspring.
Such as....
The mating of a donkey and a horse is called a hybrid. Resulting in offspring called a mule.
And ligers (mix of lion & tiger) that produce giant offspring.

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Hercules - 922 lbs

And....in Genesis 18...

We see Abraham offering hospitality, and served angels human food.
And, they ate!
Likewise, the manna in the wilderness for men? Was the food of angels given to man.
Men eat food of angels and angels eat food of men.
Men eat food of angels and angels eat food of men.
And, Jesus - after his resurrection - broke bread and ate fish ...

Luke 24:41-45

And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them,
“Do you have anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he
took it and ate it in their presence.
He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you:
Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses,
the Prophets and the Psalms.”
Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.