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Gen 6...who are the sons of God?

As I showed you!-----The celestial bodies Paul was referring to in 1 Cor 15:40 were the celestial bodies of verse 41. SUn, moon, stars. Not angels. I do not understand when one is shown how scripture is interpreting itself---as I did---one still clings to the false thing they were believing. Why, why, why?
The commentaries are pretty evenly divided that those "celestial bodies' either ARE or ARE NOT the sun moon and stars. It's not a unanimous viewpoint by any means. Those celestial bodies were set in antithesis to the terrestrial body forms of men. Why would the terrestrial bodies of men be contrasted with the inert substance of the sun moon and stars? Especially when Paul begins a different comparison of the stars in contrast with each other in the very next verse, as a separate category.

Why also would Christ mention what the glorified bodies of the saints are like in the resurrected state in Luke 20:35-36, saying they are "equal to the angels" in heaven, if angels had no kind of body form?
It's possible one of Noahs son's wives could have had Nephilim DNA contained in their genetic make up.
Well, let's walk through that theory.

If sons of Seth marrying daughters of Cain made them unrighteous then Noah's son & daughter-in-law were unrighteous because he would have married a woman descendant of Cain.
Were there any unrighteous on the ark?

Again, that would exclude the Sethite view from being valid.

But for the angel view, it wouldn't matter because the angels were marrying any women of mankind no matter what their bloodline was.
The question never asked , nor answered?

Why were those angels able to sexually reproduce?
Why did God not provided them with female angels?
Good question.
The Book of Enoch gives an answer.
The angels said they mated with human women because God did not make female angels for them to mate with.
God answers it is because they are already eternal and did not die off like man does.
Therefore they have no need to procreate to sustain an "angel race"; but mankind did need to procreate to sustain the human race.

...............................................Vines Expository Dictionary......................................................

"a messenger" (from angello, "to deliver a message"), sent whether by God or by man or by Satan,
"is also used of a guardian or representative in Re. 1:20, cp. Mt. 18:10; Ac. 12:15 (where it is better
understood as = 'ghost'), superior to man, Heb. 2:7; Ps. . 8:5, belonging to Heaven, Mt. 24:36; Mr. 12:25,
and to God, Lu. 12:8, and engaged in His service, Ps. . 103:20. "Angels" are spirits, Heb. 1:14, i.e., they
have not material bodies as men have; they are either human in form, or can assume the human form
when necessary, cp. Lu. 24:4, with Lu. 24:23, Ac. 10:3 with Ac. 10:30. "They are called 'holy' in Mr. 8:38,
and 'elect,' 1Ti. 5:21, in contrast with some of their original number, Mt. 25:41, who 'sinned,' 2Pe. 2:4,
'left their proper habitation,' Jude. 1:6, oiketerion, a word which occurs again, in the NT, only in 2Co. 5:2.
Angels are always spoken of in the masculine gender, the feminine form of the word does not occur."*
[* From Notes on Thessalonians, by Hogg and Vine, p. 229.] Note: Isangelos, "equal to the angels," occurs
in Lu. 20:36."
It is also interesting that Genesis 6 doesn't seem to have any daughters born of the sons of God.
Those children were only called men --- mighty men, men of renown.
And when the Israelites mention giants in the land of Canaan they are all male (such as Og and Goliath); but no women are ever called giants.
The angels sinned and were cast into hell in the days of Noah.
Maybe, but it's debatable since Genesis 6 does not say they were imprisoned right away at that time.
Many scholars have theorized that they were not imprisoned until the death and resurrection of Christ when He got control of the key to the gates of hell, rose to the right hand of God and all dominion and authority were given to Him.

I've seen good arguments for both sides.
Good question.
The Book of Enoch gives an answer.
The angels said they mated with human women because God did not make female angels for them to mate with.
God answers it is because they are already eternal and did not die off like man does.
Therefore they have no need to procreate to sustain an "angel race"; but mankind did need to procreate to sustain the human race.

Was Adam created with the ability to procreate?

Did Adam have a female when he was created?

She was given to him only after Adam finished an assignment given to him by God.
Adam had to first name all the animals...
That could have taken a long time to do.

Like Adam who was created male, and all alone?
Male angels were created with the ability to procreate, but without a female.
Yes.... its a parallel.

But, for the angels, no female was to be given until after they finished their assignment given them by God.
What was that assignment?
It had to do with the prehistoric creation.
We do not know the specifics as to what that was.

Yet, we can know that Lucifer rebelled during that time.
In doing so, it put a halt to the angels ever being able to finish what God had assigned them.
Then at some point, that prehistoric created world became "toho wa bohu." Utterly destroyed.

Until Genesis 6?
The angels really did not know what it was they had been denied of by God.
But they soon found out what they lost when Lucifer fell and caused the angelic rebellion.
For, the beautiful women amazed them with desire.....
Not all succumbed.
Those who did?
Caused a second wave of angelic rebellion against God.

That is why it says the angels who rebelled in the days of Noah were given their own unique punishment.

Jude 6

And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—
these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.


1 Peter 3:18-20

18~~ Also Christ once has died {spiritual death} for sins.
The just/'pure righteousness' as a substitute for the unjust.
That He might bring us face to face to The God,
being put to death in the sphere of His human body,
but was made alive {the resurrection}
by the Spirit {God the Holy Spirit}.

19~~ By means of Whom {God the Holy Spirit} also He {Jesus}, having been transported,
made the pronouncement to the spirits {fallen angels} in prison.

{Note: The fallen angles (sons of god) of Genesis 6 are imprisoned still today in Hades. Jesus made a pronouncement to them in Tartarus that their efforts were in vain - they did not prevent Him from coming to the cross as a pure human (genetic attack in Genesis 6).}

20~~Who {the fallen angels} before time were disobedient,
when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark which was being prepared,
in which few, that is, eight souls were delivered through the water {literal deliverance}.

grace and peace ...................
Yet, we can know that Lucifer rebelled during that time.
In doing so, it put a halt to the angels ever being able to finish what God had assigned them.
Then at some point, that prehistoric created world became "toho wa bohu." Utterly destroyed.
Now this is a topic unto itself....

It is my belief the earth is young....no pre-Adamic race or earth and satan fell sometime after day 7.
Gen 6...who are the sons of God?

Are they descendents of Seth?
Are they descendents of Cain?
Are they powerful human rulers?
Are they angels?

Who and or what are the Nephilim the offspring of the marriages?

Gen 6
1 Now when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.

3 So the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days shall be 120 years.”

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and afterward as well—when the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men. And they bore them children who became the mighty men of old, men of renown.
The offspring of the disobedient godly line of Seth with disobedient daughters of men were without law or restriction and conscience. They were tyrants and bullies. Later, Nimrod would be born, and he was a mighty hunter. He hunted men (and women.)
It is bad hermeneutics to even thing their offspring were some kind of human-angel hybrid. The command and ordination of God is that His creatures in creation - including man - would have offspring "after their kind."
Women and angels are not "after their kind."
I am astounded there are people that believe angels and human women married and had children. How stupid is that.
Now this is a topic unto itself....

It is my belief the earth is young....no pre-Adamic race or earth and satan fell sometime after day 7.

You need to read Jeremiah where he quotes the Hebrew of Genesis 1:2 spoken in Jeremiah 4:23, as a means to warn the rebellious degenerate Jews concerning kind of judgement God was about to bring upon them.

Jeremiah also described the some of the destruction that the prehistoric world went through. Then Jeremiah had to add... "But you will not be utterly destroyed" to let them know what they were to receive was not an exact parallel to Genesis 1:2!

Jeremiah 4:23-27​
I looked at the earth,
and it was formless and empty;
and at the heavens,
and their light was gone. (Genesis 1:2!)
I looked at the mountains,
and they were quaking;
all the hills were swaying.
I looked, and there were no people;
every bird in the sky had flown away.
I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert;
all its towns lay in ruins
before the Lord, before his fierce anger.
27 This is what the Lord says:
“The whole land will be ruined,
though I will not destroy it completely.

Jeremiah had to add that God would not destroy the land completely. Why?
Because verse 23 - was quoting Genesis 1:2 that the Hebrew speaking Jews knew spoke of utter destruction!

Fake doctrine misleads to one's own destruction.
Correction saves one from it.
Its just like the fake news media which is run by Satan..

grace and peace .......
Why do people try to change Scripture so obviously today? Any layman can now look at word definitions and know their regular meaning, including Hebrew.

The sons of God were sons born of women. Not angels.
Sons of God (Christians) born of God.
Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:40 made reference to the different type of bodies - "celestial bodies" and "terrestrial bodies". He had just been listing the different types of flesh - men, beasts, birds, and fish. The glory of celestial bodies Paul wrote is different from the glory of terrestrial bodies. These species were not supposed to mingle with each other in marital unions, as was the problem back in Genesis 6 and Jude.

Hi I would offer. .

Words have meaning attached. Change the meaning of one word it changes the outcome of the whole And mankind violates the commandment not to. . "spiritual plagiarism" in violation the first commandment.

Deuteronomy 4: 2 Ye shall not add unto the word(singular) which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it,(singular) that ye may keep the commandments ( many. . . legion) of the Lord your God which I command you.

No such thing a invisible creation. There are two spirits we are to be concerned with. Light and dark.. .truth and lies

The Spirit of Christ (light) that works in those born again from above. And the one spirit of darkness the one spirit of lies. .

lucifer the false light . He is know as legion or the "man of sin" (all men are sinners) .

He as the antichrist legion (false teacher, false prophecy, teaching oral traditons of dying mankind a "legion" of false apostle (antichrists' plural )

Mark 5:9 And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many
needed form to spread his lies. His spirit of lies works in (all deceived)

Legion is shown as the gods. Today called patron saints his and hers gods( 3500 and rising)

13 And the king said unto her, Be not afraid: for what sawest thou? And the woman said unto Saul, I saw gods ascending out of the earth.

Like Peter in Mathew 16. when Satan through pet used as one on the many antichrsts (false apotles false prophets rebuke the inviable head and forbid the Son of man Jesus from doing the will of the father

Mathew 16: 22;23 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.
But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

Peter was forgiven of his blasphemy against the Son of man Jesus.(dying mankind) That 33 year window of opportunity died when the Son of man left never to return

No such thing s angels (fake word) The Greek word Angelous is "messenger" .How beautiful are the feet to the apostles shod with the gospel

The celestial body are the new incorruptible body (Hebrew 11:39 ) all die not receiving.

Land of the giant a science fiction, Hollywood idea.

The word "renown" used 11 times in the Bible "Giant of faith" In Genesis 6 is used to represent the renown of Christ sons of God born of God and other instances renown of the enemy Goliath .God's renown. David the shorter one taking a round stone Gods positioning stone (GPS) Goliath the renown of the enemy he fell flat on his face.

Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Numbers 1:16These were the renowned of the congregation, princes of the tribes of their fathers, heads of thousands in Israel.

Numbers 16:2 And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown:

Isaiah 14:20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

Ezekiel 16:14 And thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty: for it was perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God.

Ezekiel 16:15 But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and pouredst out thy fornications on every one that passed by; his it was.

Ezekiel 23:23The Babylonians, and all the Chaldeans, Pekod, and Shoa, and Koa, and all the Assyrians with them: all of them desirable young men, captains and rulers, great lords and renowned, all of them riding upon horses.

Ezekiel 26:17 And they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and say to thee, How art thou destroyed, that wast inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, which wast strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it!

Ezekiel 34:29 And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more.

Ezekiel 39:13 Yea, all the people of the land shall bury them; and it shall be to them a renown the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord God.

Daniel 9:15 And now, O Lord our God, that hast brought thy people forth out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and hast gotten thee renown, as at this day; we have sinned, we have done wickedly.
You need to read Jeremiah where he quotes the Hebrew of Genesis 1:2 spoken in Jeremiah 4:23, as a means to warn the rebellious degenerate Jews concerning kind of judgement God was about to bring upon them.

Jeremiah also described the some of the destruction that the prehistoric world went through. Then Jeremiah had to add... "But you will not be utterly destroyed" to let them know what they were to receive was not an exact parallel to Genesis 1:2!

Jeremiah 4:23-27​
I looked at the earth,
and it was formless and empty;
and at the heavens,
and their light was gone. (Genesis 1:2!)
I looked at the mountains,
and they were quaking;
all the hills were swaying.
I looked, and there were no people;
every bird in the sky had flown away.
I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert;
all its towns lay in ruins
before the Lord, before his fierce anger.
27 This is what the Lord says:
“The whole land will be ruined,
though I will not destroy it completely.

Jeremiah had to add that God would not destroy the land completely. Why?
Because verse 23 - was quoting Genesis 1:2 that the Hebrew speaking Jews knew spoke of utter destruction!

Fake doctrine misleads to one's own destruction.
Correction saves one from it.
Its just like the fake news media which is run by Satan..

grace and peace .......
I've heard this verse several times...but I realized it doesn't have to be past but forward fom the time it was written.
For example it says the whole land "will" be destroyed.

Are you one of those who believes the dinosaur fossils were from that world?
If sons of Seth marrying daughters of Cain made them unrighteous then Noah's son & daughter-in-law were unrighteous because he would have married a woman descendant of Cain.
Were there any unrighteous on the ark?
The only one on that ark God called righteous was Noah.

And the only way Noah would be righteous is the only way anyone is righteous----through faith. His faith in God kept him from the evil deeds that surrounded him. and his faith in God set him to building the ark.

The primary importance of Noah's sons and their wives being on the ark was Shem. Secondary was the repopulation of the earth. All three sons became the father of many nations. All three also exhibited very unrighteous behavior after the flood. The flood did not kill sin and death or the seed of Adam. That is what Jesus came to do and did. Shem became the head of the lineage that later became Israel. It is in the line of Shem that the lineage of David and Jesus are found. Noah was the Seed bearer, Shem after him was the seed bearer and so on.

It is not about angels propagating with human women creating hybrid "giants". It is about "The seed of the woman will crush your head (Satan) and you will bruise His heel."
It is not about angels propagating with human women creating hybrid "giants".
Ummm, yes, it was. Satan's design was to corrupt the human gene pool so that a fully-human descendant of the race of Adam could not arise to crush his own head, as God had promised Eve in Genesis 3:15.

It was going to take the Son of God / Son of Man to be the true representative of the human race and to die in their place. If the gene pool had remained corrupted by angels blending their species with that of humans, then no redeemer for humanity could have arisen. Hence the flood in Noah's days. Hence the command of God in Deut. 20:16-17 to destroy anything that breathed in the 7 nations of the land of Canaan where those people as a race of giants had again grown up.

Christ did not take on the nature of angels. He became flesh like unto us as being fully human so that He could be our divine / human Great High Priest (Heb. 2:16-17). God's plan of redemption for mankind marched forward in spite of Satan's evil designs in Genesis 6 to foil God's plans.
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I've heard this verse several times...but I realized it doesn't have to be past but forward fom the time it was written.
For example it says the whole land "will" be destroyed.

Are you one of those who believes the dinosaur fossils were from that world?

H I would offer.

Land throughout the Bible is in reference to the residence "City:", not a GPS location .Used in Revelation 21 to represent the bride. Christian .A demonym. . . residents by location.

A vision of he wife or bride of Christ coning down on the last day under the Sun prepared for the bride the Eden . . meaning "city of Gods good pleasure that he works in and with the creation. The city founded by Christ the husband .

Christian a befitting name to name the bride of all nations . Literally, residents of the heavenly city prepared for his Christian bride the church

The earthly corrupted (dying) land. a shadow of the heavenly city of Christ it will be destroyed up in smoke

Genesis 4:8 And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; ( the city of God's good pleasure) and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.And a river (Gospel) went out of Eden (city of pleasure)to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

Four heads.... all the nations of the whole world. four = universal north, south, east, west . four corners

Four corners used that way 19 times .

Today His living word the gospel can literally go out to the whole world Like all tools like the internet they can be used in two ways. To promote or deny the authority of it as it is written (sola scriptura) the shield of Christ's faithfulness a labor of his love

Let the finger do the walking preaching and Christ do the teaching .

The new non-denominational internet denomination. Jesus wept @ ye of little faith. com
2 comes before 4.
Really. All Scripture is written in chronological order? No repeats, clarifications, expansions later on? The histories of Kings are all chronologically before Chronicles?

4 is a repeat of 2 with new insert and expansion.

You got it reversed. And, chopped and edited to fit your desired outcome.

Gen 6:4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,
when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they
bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old,
men of renown.
The giants were in the earth, and after that when sons of God came to daughters of men, they bare mighty men of renown.

The problem with refusing simple correction for too long, is that one will even begin to abandon standard grammar and sentence structure.

No one can know what any author of literature is saying, if they refuse to allow for literary freedom in chronology and narrative building.
You are very confused......
I know the difference between a word for sons and another word for angels, even in Hebrew thanks to modern technology for laymen. Now we see a willingness to change the words of the Author, in order not to teach something else.

The great fool in Dan 7 thinks to change times and laws themselves, which includes the laws of nature and grammar.
Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:40 made reference to the different type of bodies - "celestial bodies" and "terrestrial bodies". He had just been listing the different types of flesh - men, beasts, birds, and fish. The glory of celestial bodies Paul wrote is different from the glory of terrestrial bodies. These species were not supposed to mingle with each other in marital unions, as was the problem back in Genesis 6 and Jude.
Including today. At least with men and women coupling with beasts of the field.

I don't even want to hear how it works between modern sex change beasts.

2Pe 2:12But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
Dan 7:25And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Shem became the head of the lineage that later became Israel. It is in the line of Shem that the lineage of David and Jesus are found. Noah was the Seed bearer, Shem after him was the seed bearer and so on.
Part of Satans plan was to destroy this seed...with fallen angel DNA.
Maybe, but it's debatable since Genesis 6 does not say they were imprisoned right away at that time.
Reread 2 Peter 2, which does confirm it.

2Pe 2:4For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

God neither spared the angels nor the old world in the days of Noah.

Confining any history, prophecy, and doctrine of Scripture to one place, leads to unnecessary guess-work, and even worse false teaching.

Rightly dividing the Scriptures is by teaching any Scripture from all Scripture taken together. Christ has written His Scriptures, so that we must study all the Book in order to rightly teach any of it.

Such as, Gen 1 reveals God in the beginning created the heaven and the earth. John 1 reveals the Word was with God in the beginning, and created all things by Him.

Is 53 prophecies the coming Messiah that would suffer on earth. Matthew 27 first reveals His name was Jesus, and He was crucified to death on a cross at the hands of wicked men.

Genesis reveals God flooded all the earth in the days of Noah. 2 Peter 2 calls it the old world, that was not spared along with the angels that sinned. The old world was flooded, and the angels that sinned were cast into hell.

Many scholars have theorized that they were not imprisoned until the death and resurrection of Christ when He got control of the key to the gates of hell, rose to the right hand of God and all dominion and authority were given to Him.
Many scholars prefer the intellectual game of endless back and forth guess-work, rather than just letting Scripture say for sure, and end any debate.

2 Timothy{6:20} O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane [and] vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith.

For some, it's just too easy and simple to let Scripture teach Scripture, rather than the fund and excitement of intellectual surmisings.

Some people do the same with 'spiritualizing' sure propehcy of Scripture into fabulous symbols, and deep mysteries of their own.

2Pe 1:16For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.