To continue….
Adam’s sin brought death to all mankind. So death is the enemy. And the way in which people die are numerous. They die of all sorts of physical and mental diseases and illnesses. Which is the direct result of sin.
So what caused sin? We can’t say demon angels because that is to create false gods that do not exist. There is only one God and none other but He. All the gods of the Gentiles are false.
In Romans 7 Paul speaks of how sin has killed him. It did not kill him directly but indirectly from Adam. I believe Adam’s sin has killed us all because we are like him in nature.
When the law came, it made it possible for Adam’s nature to transgress God’s law.
I tend to view this as Adam’s misfortune to be given law that would expose his true nature.
It was actually Adam’s nature that did the sin. Paul says “it is no longer me that sins, but the sin that dwells in me, that is, in my flesh”
There is therefore a principle of sin that dwells in the flesh of man. And this principle is called “lust of the flesh” or,”sin in the flesh”.
James explains this by saying that when lust has conceived, it brings forth sin. And sin when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
If we have now determined what caused Adam to sin, we would say it is the lust of the flesh.
So what purpose does the serpent provide if man could just have desired the fruit on his own without any pressure to take it?
I suggest that the serpent is meant to be symbolic of the lust of the flesh which is the true cause of Adam’s sin. And therefore the serpent[lust of the flesh], or the devil, is father of sin.
And demons are the works of the devil [sin in the flesh] which causes all sickness, illness, and disease that comes along the path to death.
This idea would eliminate the idea of God’s angels in heaven as having fallen and become demons.
It would also mean that the sons of God in Job are men. And the adversary would be men who came among them as the tares among the wheat.
But we learn from Job that God permits all that happens to Job, and Job recognizes that it is the Lord who gives and the Lord who takes away.
When Jesus was tempted by the devil, it must be recognized that the devil is the lust of the flesh or desires of the flesh, as a personification of it, as is the serpent.
And the one who is the Temptor is recognized as being the devil because he is acting on his own desires to falsely accuse Jesus of being who he said he was.
And like Job, God is permitting this and must have a hand in it as Jesus was said to be led by the spirit into the wilderness of sinners to be tested like Job and Adam.
When the devil left him it is said he would return at a more opportune time.
The temptation for Jesus was to prove who he said he was. And the devil continually said to Jesus “if you be the son of God” do this or do that.
We find that the devil return in the group who mocked him and spit on him when he was being persecuted and put on the cross. And they said to him, “If you be the son of God, come down from that cross” and “if he be the son of God, let Him save him”
The devil had returned at a most opportune time.
They were the devil, they were the false accusers.
They were the serpents seed. And the lust of their father they do.