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Gen 6...who are the sons of God?

There will be no belittling of members on the forum.
I’m not saying anyone has to agree with me. I’m saying we ought not add our own ideas into the Scripture.
I’m looking at the scripture and comparing it with other scripture to get understanding of what it’s teaching.
When I consider the entire context of Eze 28, I don’t see the prophecy as speaking of a history of the fall of an angel on the 6th day.
I read it as what it is, prophecy.
Comparing Eze 28, Isa 14, Paul teaching of the man of sin, and what Daniel says of the little horn(Dan 7) I believe it all speaks of the same man to come, who is also referred to as the Antichrist.
If you lay out those scriptures together you may see remarkable similarities.
Good for you....

Why are others able to easily see what you can not?
And, it seems, you wish to be their enemy.
What is Satan, then?
Of the 15 occurrences of the Hebrew שָׂטָן (śāṭān) in the O.T. it is believed that only the occurrences in Job and Zechariah are supposed to be a fallen Angels. The rest refer to men.

In order to believe the adversary in Job is a fallen Angel, you must first believe the sons of God in Gen 6 refer to angels of God who decided to marry women.
However, if the sons of God in Gen 6 refer to men, then so does the adversary in Job. And therefore the adversary in the O.T. Is men. The only other time it’s not men is when it refers to the Angel of the Lord.
So, that’s where we’re at in the O.T. with adversary(satan).
Nothing in Genesis after the sons of God were drowned in the flood. Nothing either in the 5 Books of Moses.
I’m not saying anyone has to agree with me. I’m saying we ought not add our own ideas into the Scripture.
The idea that Satan is a fallen Cherub and walked in the Garden of Eden in an unfilled state isn't my idea.
In fact it's an old idea. I have read many commentaries and foot notes that discuss it.
I’m looking at the scripture and comparing it with other scripture to get understanding of what it’s teaching.
Why is Tyre called a cherub?
When I consider the entire context of Eze 28, I don’t see the prophecy as speaking of a history of the fall of an angel on the 6th day.
the day isn't mentioned but the fall is.
I read it as what it is, prophecy.
Comparing Eze 28, Isa 14, Paul teaching of the man of sin, and what Daniel says of the little horn(Dan 7) I believe it all speaks of the same man to come, who is also referred to as the Antichrist.
If you lay out those scriptures together you may see remarkable similarities.
Of the 15 occurrences of the Hebrew שָׂטָן (śāṭān) in the O.T. it is believed that only the occurrences in Job and Zechariah are supposed to be a fallen Angels. The rest refer to men.

In order to believe the adversary in Job is a fallen Angel, you must first believe the sons of God in Gen 6 refer to angels of God who decided to marry women.
However, if the sons of God in Gen 6 refer to men, then so does the adversary in Job. And therefore the adversary in the O.T. Is men. The only other time it’s not men is when it refers to the Angel of the Lord.
So, that’s where we’re at in the O.T. with adversary(satan).
Nothing in Genesis after the sons of God were drowned in the flood. Nothing either in the 5 Books of Moses.
So... God holds counsel with mere men?

And, allows one disgruntled man in the bunch to kill Job's children.... have his flocks stolen... and to cause skin cancer?

WOW! That disgruntled man sure had phenomenal powers!

Amazing! Causing skin cancer before the advent of medicine as we know it today.

.............. peek-a-boo!
Of the 15 occurrences of the Hebrew שָׂטָן (śāṭān) in the O.T. it is believed that only the occurrences in Job and Zechariah are supposed to be a fallen Angels. The rest refer to men.

In order to believe the adversary in Job is a fallen Angel, you must first believe the sons of God in Gen 6 refer to angels of God who decided to marry women.
However, if the sons of God in Gen 6 refer to men, then so does the adversary in Job. And therefore the adversary in the O.T. Is men. The only other time it’s not men is when it refers to the Angel of the Lord.
So, that’s where we’re at in the O.T. with adversary(satan).
Nothing in Genesis after the sons of God were drowned in the flood. Nothing either in the 5 Books of Moses.

One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them.
The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?”
Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”
Job 1:67

Wow! That mere man Satan must have worn a cape and had a big S on his chest to get around the earth the way he did!!!!!

Amazing!!!! :LOL::ROFLMAO::p
So... God holds counsel with mere men?

And, allows one disgruntled man in the bunch to kill Job's children.... have his flocks stolen... and to cause skin cancer?

WOW! That disgruntled man sure had phenomenal powers!

Amazing! Causing skin cancer before the advent of medicine as we know it today.

.............. peek-a-boo!
Job says, “The lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away”
He was not confused on the matter.
The world today would be ripe and ready to swoon after a Thor like being, and persecute those that would oppose him.

And, Jesus will do the same to His enemies when He returns.

The message is?

There can not continue being a coexistence between good and evil forever.
Job says, “The lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away”
He was not confused on the matter.
Job knew God was in control, and acknowledged it.

You really have a hard time with rather basic stuff for someone who is allegedly so well studied.

Name one evil person in the Bible that told God to hurt an innocent man upon his request?
That sounds more like witchcraft.
That's how a witch would think....
One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them.
The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?”
Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”
Job 1:67

Wow! That mere man Satan must have worn a cape and had a big S on his chest to get around the earth the way he did!!!!!

Amazing!!!! :LOL::ROFLMAO::p
Does roaming throughout the earth mean going around the entire world?
Does roaming throughout the earth mean going around the entire world?

Why do I have to explain to you the obvious all the time?
There is something wrong here......
Only an angel could do that.

Who's side are you on?
No platitudes, please...
Who's side?
Job knew God was in control, and acknowledged it.

You really have a hard time with rather basic stuff for someone who is allegedly so well studied.

Name one evil person in the Bible that told God to hurt an innocent man upon his request?
That sounds more like witchcraft.
That's how a witch would think....
If God is in control, how is it His angels could rebel. Sounds more like He’s out of control.
If God is in control, how is it His angels could rebell. Sounds more like He’s out of control.

He allows you to do what you do.
Does He not?
God has to allow for such freedom to achieve His purpose.

Jeremiah 17:10​
“I the Lord search the heart
and test the mind,
to reward each person according to their conduct,
according to what their deeds deserve.

Why do I have to explain to you the obvious all the time?
There is something wrong here......
Only an angel could do that.

Who's side are you on?
No platitudes, please...
Who's side?
If Satan is busy in Russia, who’s that in Australia?
He allows you to do what you do.
Does He not?
God has to allow for such freedom to achieve His purpose.

Jeremiah 17:10

“I the Lord search the heart
and test the mind,
to reward each person according to their conduct,
according to what their deeds deserve.”


Well, He gave law to Adam and Adam sinned. His sin has brought death to all mankind. So all mankind are dead.
Satan doesn’t have to worry about killing them because they are dead already.
Maybe Satan wants to save them from death?