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Gen 6...who are the sons of God?

7 while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels shouted for joy?

All the angels shouted for joy (in contrast to those who were singing)
refers to all the regular angels that were not designed to be 'morning stars.'

Job 38:7 was speaking of the two different races of angels that God created!

Yes, even with the angels, God created different races!
For, not all angels are light bearing morning stars.

That would be like saying that the Army band played, while all the crowd cheered.
All would be human beings, but not all the human beings were musicians in the Army band.

Likewise, not all angels are morning stars.
But, all morning stars were angels.

As I said....believe what ever you want to believe.

The point you faile to recognize is that angels watched Jesus create...and sang. The angels are called sons of God. Why do you continue to deny what is written????
Nope. Just once. The second coming
You can say that...but I provided two different situations....and all you can say is...nope.
I thought you were better than that Carbon? Why do you hate the rapture?
@CrowCross no offense, but this is where dispensationalism has such an effect on your interpretations.
The offense comes when you continue to demonize me while not providing any scriptural support.

Did Jesus ascend riding a white horse? You know the answer is NO!.
Did the angels in Acts 1 say Jesus would return on a white horse??? Once again the answer is NO!!!

Jesus comes back TWICE. Accept the truth.
You can say that...but I provided two different situations....and all you can say is...nope.
I thought you were better than that Carbon? Why do you hate the rapture?
I thought I already explained this to you before bro.

And when did I say I hate the Rapture?
The offense comes when you continue to demonize me while not providing any scriptural support.
Demonize you? That word is a bit harsh, aint it?
Did Jesus ascend riding a white horse? You know the answer is NO!.
Did the angels in Acts 1 say Jesus would return on a white horse??? Once again the answer is NO!!!

Jesus comes back TWICE. Accept the truth.
I have accepted the truth. That's why I agree with Amillennialism. ;)
Why would Gen 6 care? Don't you mean why would God care?

Adam and Eve had three sons. Cain, Abel and Seth.
Adam had more sons than just those 3.

Genesis 5 NET
(4) The length of time Adam lived after he became the father of Seth was 800 years; during this time he had other sons and daughters.

The first murder by the evil God hating man. He was sent far away by God and became the father of many nations of men who did not worship God but many gods, and they began to multiply and fill the earth.
No scripture leading up to Genesis 6 tells of a man worshiping other gods.

Seth on the other hand and his sons and daughters remained faithful to God
No scripture says that all the sons and daughters of Seth remained faithful to God.
I thought I already explained this to you before bro.

And when did I say I hate the Rapture?
Oh, so you love the idea of a pre-trib rapture and resurrection? Come on Carbon...you've demonized me as well as what you call dispensationalism.

You haven't shown where Jesus left on a white horse nor addressed the days of Noah. Sheeze Carbon, I'm presenting you with the great hope and you're rejecting it. You're tossing away your crown referenced in post 190.
Oh, so you love the idea of a pre-trib rapture and resurrection? Come on Carbon...you've demonized me as well as what you call dispensationalism.

You haven't shown where Jesus left on a white horse nor addressed the days of Noah. Sheeze Carbon, I'm presenting you with the great hope and you're rejecting it. You're tossing away your crown referenced in post 190.
Demonize you? That word is a bit harsh, aint it?
It's what you've done....you have provided no answers concerning the white horse nor the time of Noah scenario.
I have accepted the truth. That's why I agree with Amillennialism. ;)
Read Revelation....do you really think you'll make it through the trib? Sheeze, you're like beating your chest saying...BRING IT ON!!!!

Don't you know Christ followers are not destined for that wrath? But, you seem to want it.
It's what you've done....you have provided no answers concerning the white horse nor the time of Noah scenario.
I told you the white horse is not a literal horse. Why won't you accept that?
Read Revelation....do you really think you'll make it through the trib?
We are in the tribulation. Sure it's going to heat up near the end, but your in it bro.
Sheeze, you're like beating your chest saying...BRING IT ON!!!!
Um, bring what on?
Don't you know Christ followers are not destined for that wrath?
Of course, I know that.
But, you seem to want it.
Nope. We will have tribulation. We will have persecution, there will be (have been) martyrs.
It's not hard to know what the Hebrew text says in Genesis 6 when you actually compare the text itself with other Hebrew scriptures.

The Hebrew term bene ha ‘elohim that is used in Genesis 6 is only used 3 other times in scripture and in each case it refers to heavenly beings.

Job 1 NET​
(6) Now the day came when the sons of God [bene ha ‘elohim] came to present themselves before the LORD – and Satan also arrived among them.​
Job 2 NET​
(1) Again the day came when the sons of God [bene ha ‘elohim] came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also arrived among them to present himself before the LORD.​
Job 38 NET​
(7) when the morning stars sang in chorus, and all the sons of God [bene ha ‘elohim] shouted for joy?​

Nowhere in the Hebrew text is bene ha ‘elohim used of mankind.
Adam had more sons than just those 3.

Genesis 5 NET
(4) The length of time Adam lived after he became the father of Seth was 800 years; during this time he had other sons and daughters.
I know. But only the three are mentioned by name so they are the ones from which the Bible historical account flows.
No scripture leading up to Genesis 6 tells of a man worshiping other gods.
The nations that the Bible describes as descendants of Cain became peoples that worshiped many gods. Cain rejected God's authority and we can safely presume that he did not teach his people about God. Over time there would be none or few that knew God.
No scripture says that all the sons and daughters of Seth remained faithful to God.
I did not mean to imply that they all did. But we have the record of that element still alive in Noah.
I told you the white horse is not a literal horse. Why won't you accept that?
Ans i replied back with...so what?? If the white horse represented great victory with all of the pomp and circumstance presented in Revelation....Jesus didn't leave that way either. So, I ask again....when did Jesus ascend in Acts the fashion He is shown to return in Revelations?
We are in the tribulation. Sure it's going to heat up near the end, but your in it bro.
No, we're in the birth pangs of Matt 24.
Um, bring what on?
The trib wrath.
Of course, I know that.

Nope. We will have tribulation. We will have persecution, there will be (have been) martyrs.
The nations that the Bible describes as descendants of Cain became peoples that worshiped many gods.
I love you, my sister in Christ, but scripture doesn't tell us that Cain nor any of Cain's descendants (or anyone else's descendants) were worshipping other gods when the flood came.
And Cain didn't have any descendants after the flood.
It was at the Tower of Babel that mankind was divided into nations, and there were no descendants of Cain then because that was after the flood.
And again, bloodline didn't matter because all were descendants of Shem after the flood and people could still chose to follow God or not.
It was one's heart, not bloodline, that their choice was based upon.

Cain rejected God's authority and we can safely presume that he did not teach his people about God.
Adam rejected God's authority too, so we cannot say that a man did not teach any of his people about YHWH just because he once rejected His authority.

I did not mean to imply that they all did. But we have the record of that element still alive in Noah.
Noah followed God's instruction oh his own, and his sons could do the same or not.
Following God's instruction had nothing to do with a certain ancestry.
Each man could make his own choice to do that.
As I said....believe what ever you want to believe.

The point you faile to recognize is that angels watched Jesus create...and sang. The angels are called sons of God. Why do you continue to deny what is written????

Of course, I am denying....

I'm also stupid.

For, I tend to only see half of what is written, and tell the other person that the half I see is all that matters....
Jesus comes back twice...at the rapture/resurrection when Jesus returns like He left...see Acts 1...and then a second time on a white horse...see Rev 19.
Jesus didn't ascend on a white horse.
Let us go to the end time forum and discuss this, other than on this thread. You pick the subject, then I will come~ Or, Mr. Carbon can for us.
So much is missed.

No, secret rapture?

Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be
raised imperishable, and we shall be changed." 1 Corinthians 15:51-52​

We shall not all sleep? It was a way to say .... Not all shall be dead.

Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord
in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. " 1 Thessalonians 4:17​

I feel sorry for you and those who keep stumbling over this issue.
I know I am making myself clear, because I know others already knew what I said is true.

Why you do fail to see?

I am simply told to present what I have come to know as true.

Keep in mind.
Feeling bold is meaningless.
For the Devil was not afraid to present to Jesus false doctrine when Jesus was led into the wilderness.

How you feel is not a sign of being right with God.
Its knowing you have been made able (by grace) to understand God's Word correctly that counts.

Satan knows the Word of God better than both of us.

But, he does not know it to understand it.
Its known as his means to keep believers from understanding it.

We all need to have our eyes opened to be humbled to see how we really are in our flesh.
Whet we choose to believe will either reveal it, or expose us.

Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be
raised imperishable, and we shall be changed." 1 Corinthians 15:51-52​

We shall not all sleep?
It was a way to say ....
Not all shall be dead when it happens.
Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord
in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. " 1 Thessalonians 4:17​

Don't think you are going to surprise me if you come up with some way to rationalize that away.

If you did?
You may sadden me.

But, not surprise me.

In Christ .............
Let's go to another thread addressing endtime teachings instead on this one in order to have our discussion. You or Carbon pick it, I'll come. for I'm ready to discuss eschatology. I have written on this subject more than others in the past. I have a eighty page booklet on Mystery Babylon that I would love to discuss with others.
Jesus comes back twice...at the rapture/resurrection when Jesus returns like He left...see Acts 1...and then a second time on a white horse...see Rev 19.
Jesus didn't ascend on a white horse.
Very briefly let me say this:

First~Jesus shall return just as he left per Acts one; so, this tells me that the highly symbolical language of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ must be consider and interpreted in light of many other clear statements from the Apostles' writings recorded for us in the NT. Besides, we all do not know exactly how he shall appear in that day, when the entire world shall see him, without an exception, and a horse would be impossible to see even a mile away, much less thousands of miles~but, I will leave this in God's hands to do just as he has said, if riding an horse, so be it~but, if the horse speaks of a triumphant entry, so be this also..... victory is sure and all powers of man combined can't stop this sure victory that will take place by Christ and his chosen people. So, this part we have not yet experience though we shall, yet exactly how this will take place is yet to be known perfectly, though for sure it will take place just as he promised that every eye shall see him with his great army coming with him which we be all of his saints.

Secondly~There is only one more coming of Jesus Christ, this truth the word of God makes very clear. The rapture of the church and the resurrection are one and the same event that will happened on the last day, at the last trump.
This is Jesus revealing his teachings on the resurrection of his people which according to him, shall occur on the last day, and last means exactly what the word is means~no more after this day!

I could give many more scriptures and could spend many posts addressing this truth, but it needs its own thread, not here.