A few more thoughts on Justification, when understood properly one can see that eternal life is freely given, never offered to sinners as though they had the power to receive it on their own power.
We must learn to distinguish between our free Justification and our works. The first is perfect and complete in Christ; the latter is in ourselves, and is weak and uncertain; until a soul be settled in the doctrine of free Justification, the souls objections cannot be answered; for he that understands not the true nature and doctrine of Justification, cannot enjoy true settled constant peace and consolation~ for in the right understanding of Justification, lieth the life of the Saints comfort, and peace and joy, and a true understanding of the gospel overall.
We must never allow our comfort depend upon our own personal work, knowing that our best and most holy moments are mixed with sins, because of this, there can no sure settled constant comfort flow~knowing anyone seeking of comfort from their works, (if they have true faith) is a cause of much trouble in many weak believers; for works hath nothing to do with Justification, from before the tribunal of God as any cause of it~ neither does Justification depends upon our apprehending it, not in our receiving it, but upon what the Lord Jesus hath done for us. Justification before the tribunal of God is secured by Christ's obedience alone, even though it's apprehended by our faith in the scriptures from whence we derive our faith by the new man within us.
The Spirit and faith doth evidence to us our Justification; all that believe are Justified. (Acts 13:39) It is possible to have a full assurance of faith; (Heb.10:22) for faith is unquestionable evidence of our free justification~ and when faith is hidden and doubtful, Justification is not apprehended, and when faith is hidden and doubtful, our godly works is not evident but doubtful, and so cannot evidence to us our Justification~ Seeing then that Christ is made Sanctification to a believer, (Ist Corinthians 1:30) why may not a soul live upon that; and say, I have Sanctification in Christ, which is perfect~ our actual righteousness doth often fail us, but Jesus is perfect now and forever world without end. This is where all saints draw comfort, peace, and joy from~SURELY NOT from any works that we have or can do.