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Did Jesus teach TULIP?

Was hoping for a response

Word of God from is received from God!

Christ never received the word of God, He is the word of God, the way, the truth, & the life in Himself!

Jesus Christ is the word incarnate!

Jn Is 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Jn1:51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.

How is this possible if Jesus is just a man?

Mk 1:7 And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.

Why if Jesus is just a man?

Jn 1:15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.

How did Jesus come before John the Baptist
Was hoping for a response
I did respond.

and you LOL to my response.

I still don't get why you "LOL".

Be specific about why you "LOL" ed.

What is your response's point?

I have been specific about my response in a short manner.

but you are never short.

and get lost in such lengthy responses.
Union with Christ!

((Christians are partakers with Christ in His church))

2 Corinthians 1:7
And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.

Colossians 1:12
Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

Heb 3:14 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;

Hebrews 12:10
For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.

1 Peter 4:13
But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

2 Peter 1:4
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

Members of Christ’s new covenant of grace by faith and baptism, united to the mediator and having union with God and His saints!
You are, AGAIN, using verses written by the already-saved, to the already-saved, about the already-saved. You are, AGAIN, continuing to abuse scripture to make it say things it does not actually state. You are, AGAIN, continuing to practice this mistaken abuse after and despite the error being pointed out to you. The error(s) were pointed out to you so 1) you'd improve your exegesis, 2) your understanding of scripture would improve, 3) your half of the discussion(s) would improve.... so what the repeated malfeasance means is you do not want to improve any of those things.

Deliberate, knowingly willful, abuse of God's word, knowingly obstructing cogent discourse.

That makes you a troll.

This abuse of scripture is VERY important because the entire Bible says very little about non-believers. Very little is said about atheists. Those who deny God's existence are called fools. The overwhelming portion of the Bible, especially after Noah's flood, is to and about people living in a monergistic, God initiated covenant relationship. Very little in the epistolary is written about non-believers and a very small portion of that very small portion is written about how they go from being non-believing atheists to salvifically believing bondservants.

You have yet to quote a single one of those verses!

There is a very simply, very easy technique ANYONE can use to help with this: Just ask yourself, "To whom is the "we," "you," or the "us" of this sentence referring?" Are they saints or non-saints? When you do this with all your posts here in this thread you will realize EVERYTHING you've posted so far is a straw man, a gross misrepresentation of God's word! Six pages of posts leading up to Post 119, and not a single cogent contribution to this thread, not a single op-relevant contribution, not a single accurate presentation of scripture. Everyone's time and effort (including yours) has been wasted because all your posts are straw men! Please, please, stop. Take one second and ask yourself, "Is the "we," "you," or the "us" a saint or not?" and then post according to the correct answer to that question! The entire conversation will change when you do the correct exegesis.

This is also very important when reading extra-biblical sources. It does not matter whether they are Protestant or Catholic (or Orthodox). It does not matter whether the source is monergist or synergist. Watch for how well they correctly identify the scripture's audience affiliations. That one single tool will reveal who and how many "theologians" are abusing God's word. It happens a lot. Even by Catholics. As a Catholic, you'll have to discern and decide which RC theologians to continue reading (and perhaps whether to read any of them). I'd venture to say all the Prot contributors currently in this thread have already gone through this. It's how I know to look for what you've done, tell you about it, and expect better from you.

Stop taking verses written to saints and about saints and trying to make them apply to those who are not saints, those who are not changed by ANY of the things that occur in salvation. The non-believer is never a member of the elect. The non-believer never experiences atonement. S/he never experiences God's saving grace, never experiencing God accomplishing salvation in their life. They do not persevere in a salvation they do not possess.

Stop applying verses written about the already-saved to the never saved.
Take one second and ask yourself, "Is the "we," "you," or the "us" a saint or not?" and then post according to the correct answer to that question! The entire conversation will change when you do the correct exegesis.
I will make one notation here regarding this statement. @donadams will not recognize who is a saint and who is not, by any other than the Catholic dogma. Which says only the Catholic hierarchy can determine who is a saint and who is not, and that by testing, mainly as to miracles witnessed or performed.
Stop applying verses written about the already-saved to the never saved.
He does not believe anyone is already saved because his religion teaches the no one is, but that they go in and out of salvation all their life and restoring it can only come through the Catholic administered sacraments and traditions, penance paid, and the absolution of a Catholic priest.

He cannot do anything but what he is doing, so deep and fearful is the cultish indoctrination and brainwashing of the RCC. I see it as similar to brain damage, though I am not calling it that. The brain, it would seem, is unable to compute or understand, anything outside the box it has been trained to think from. It is the only box they have.
I did respond.

and you LOL to my response.

I still don't get why you "LOL".

Be specific about why you "LOL" ed.

What is your response's point?

I have been specific about my response in a short manner.

but you are never short.

and get lost in such lengthy responses.
I get it
I will make one notation here regarding this statement. @donadams will not recognize who is a saint and who is not, by any other than the Catholic dogma. Which says only the Catholic hierarchy can determine who is a saint and who is not, and that by testing, mainly as to miracles witnessed or performed.

He does not believe anyone is already saved because his religion teaches the no one is, but that they go in and out of salvation all their life and restoring it can only come through the Catholic administered sacraments and traditions, penance paid, and the absolution of a Catholic priest.

He cannot do anything but what he is doing, so deep and fearful is the cultish indoctrination and brainwashing of the RCC. I see it as similar to brain damage, though I am not calling it that. The brain, it would seem, is unable to compute or understand, anything outside the box it has been trained to think from. It is the only box they have.
How many times and how many ways does scripture have to say you are not saved for you to believe it?

And not by faith alone!

I will make one notation here regarding this statement. @donadams will not recognize who is a saint and who is not, by any other than the Catholic dogma. Which says only the Catholic hierarchy can determine who is a saint and who is not, and that by testing, mainly as to miracles witnessed or performed.

He does not believe anyone is already saved because his religion teaches the no one is, but that they go in and out of salvation all their life and restoring it can only come through the Catholic administered sacraments and traditions, penance paid, and the absolution of a Catholic priest.

He cannot do anything but what he is doing, so deep and fearful is the cultish indoctrination and brainwashing of the RCC. I see it as similar to brain damage, though I am not calling it that. The brain, it would seem, is unable to compute or understand, anything outside the box it has been trained to think from. It is the only box they have.
You just got that under the wire kiddo!

But I’ll forgive and forget! Amen?
You just got that under the wire kiddo!

But I’ll forgive and forget! Amen?
Just going by what is presented and my assessment of it. Is there another reason why you fail to respond to anything with anything but quoted scriptures that you present according to Catholic dogma. No exposition or exegesis of any scripture. Some other reason why you always mean the Catholic church when you are asked about scriptures that pertain to Christ's church. Why you prove that His church is the authority on Christian doctrine by saying every mention of church in the scripture means the RCC? That you say the Catholic church is the only institution authorized to interpret Scripture by quoting scriptures that have nothing to do with the Catholic religion?

Why you proof text scriptures with no exposition when shown the requirements for an apostle from the Scripture and still insist that your priests are Apostles through succession? Why you have never answered the question of who gave this authority to the Catholic church? To you just giving a Bible text is proof unto itself. Why is that, if I am wrong in what I surmised?

Is it because the Catholic dogma is so systematically read into the Scripture, that you cannot see or read it without that dogma being there?

I know how difficult it can be to get through all the imbedded (where? into our minds and brains) untruths placed there by a cult, to what the Scripture is really saying. I grew up in Christian Science which is indisputably a cult.
How many times and how many ways does scripture have to say you are not saved for you to believe it?

And not by faith alone!

It never says that those who have faith in Christ are not saved. It is the Catholic religion who has taught you that it says that, and taught you to read everything accordingly. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they tell you that for self serving motives? Can you discern what those self serving motives would be? If you were shown again the proof that a person can be saved now, and that if they are, they will never lose that salvation, would you believe it the next time?

If you were shown again that the Scripture tells us plainly that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, not works, would you believe it the next time? And if you were shown those scriptures again, would you ignore them again and just list another page of Bible quotes without commentary? Would you be able to, and courteous enough to, tell us what they DO mean if they don't mean what we say they do?

Just asking.

Did Jesus teach TULIP? If not, explain.
Just going by what is presented and my assessment of it. Is there another reason why you fail to respond to anything with anything but quoted scriptures that you present according to Catholic dogma. No exposition or exegesis of any scripture. Some other reason why you always mean the Catholic church when you are asked about scriptures that pertain to Christ's church. Why you prove that His church is the authority on Christian doctrine by saying every mention of church in the scripture means the RCC? That you say the Catholic church is the only institution authorized to interpret Scripture by quoting scriptures that have nothing to do with the Catholic religion?

Why you proof text scriptures with no exposition when shown the requirements for an apostle from the Scripture and still insist that your priests are Apostles through succession? Why you have never answered the question of who gave this authority to the Catholic church? To you just giving a Bible text is proof unto itself. Why is that, if I am wrong in what I surmised?

Is it because the Catholic dogma is so systematically read into the Scripture, that you cannot see or read it without that dogma being there?

I know how difficult it can be to get through all the imbedded (where? into our minds and brains) untruths placed there by a cult, to what the Scripture is really saying. I grew up in Christian Science which is indisputably a cult.
The experience I have had with religious indoctrination was working at church schools where the kids were memorizing verses of scripture

I went to catholic school for 9 yrs and never once had a religion class

It never says that those who have faith in Christ are not saved. It is the Catholic religion who has taught you that it says that, and taught you to read everything accordingly. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they tell you that for self serving motives? Can you discern what those self serving motives would be? If you were shown again the proof that a person can be saved now, and that if they are, they will never lose that salvation, would you believe it the next time?

If you were shown again that the Scripture tells us plainly that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, not works, would you believe it the next time? And if you were shown those scriptures again, would you ignore them again and just list another page of Bible quotes without commentary? Would you be able to, and courteous enough to, tell us what they DO mean if they don't mean what we say they do?

Just asking.
Sure done so many times

Im self taught both scripture and the faith

I never heard of a doctrine that says you are not saved

Sure done so many times

Im self taught both scripture and the faith

I never heard of a doctrine that says you are not saved
You never have.

Highly unlikely.

YOu are the one that said show me a scripture that says I am saved.

Stick with talking to @grace2 . YOu both post the same way. Never any discussion of anything.
The experience I have had with religious indoctrination was working at church schools where the kids were memorizing verses of scripture

I went to catholic school for 9 yrs and never once had a religion class

And yet you mimic it perfectly.