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Dealing with Toxic People

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I do want to spend more time on this op but I'm fairly busy this week. For now, I'll provide a fairly simple concept, one that is found in scripture more than once. This op has incorrectly asserted the dissent hold to endlessness when that's not true. I don't read anyone here saying toxic people have endless liberty to abuse others or that those finding themselves interacting with toxic people must endlessly tolerate them and endlessly love them by letting the toxic person be toxic. That criticism is a complete straw man.

I've already posted about goals, boundaries, and expectations being one means of measuring both healthy, functional people and relationships and toxic unhealthy and abusive people and relationships. One of the places this can be found in scripture is the "three strikes" rule.

Matthew 18:15-17 ESV
If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

Titus 3:9-11 ESV
But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

In both these instances there is an initial step directed (commanded). If that does not prove to effect change, then there is a second step directed. In the Matthew text a third step is explicitly directed but it should not be thought the Titus text is legalistically limited to only two "warnings." Anyone has liberty to warn a third time. Whether two or three actions are taken, the result is the same: have nothing to do with the person.

And it certainly was within the ability of this op to practice that standard, well within the op's ability to post those scriptures and "warn" or expect the same from us. That clearly did not happen. Instead, everyone was attacked. That response is also described at various points throughout the Bible but one of the most salient (for the purposes of this op) is found in Galatians 5.

Galatians 5:19-21
Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Most people read through that text quickly because they do not identify with the immorality, sorcery, or drunkenness but in the midst of those extremes are some rather ordinary and commonplace behaviors: enmity, strife, disputes, and dissent. There is a substantive difference between division and divisiveness. This op manifested enmity, strife, and divisive disputes and dissent almost immediately and it did so despite requests for more Biblical methods of discussing any disagreements.

Scripture clearly sets standards, and the standards it sets have goals, boundaries, and expectations, AND limits. Anyone in this thread who's been asked once, asked twice, even asked a third time to discuss things as scripture directs and does not should be ignored (not endlessly engaged in a misguided effort to bring them around to a different view). They have, according to scripture, proved who and what they are, and we're to have nothing to do with them. When we don't do that, we end up being joining the already existing disobedience. Toxic people like it when we become like them.

Lastly, while practice the Matthew and Titus texts there is also a means by which we do so because asking for someone to change with the words and approach of someone like, say Jeremiah, looks much different than someone like, say, the apostle John. Same message; different messenger. Tose going through life always acting like Jeremiah are toxic. The same, ironically holds true for those always acting like John. Extremes are always toxic. It does not matter whether it is the extreme of legalism or the extreme of antinomianism; the extreme of boundary-less mercy or the extreme of the punitive. Anything in scripture can be abused toxically.

Ephesians 4:25-32
Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. Be angry but do not sin.... and do not give the devil an opportunity........... Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

Philippians 2:1-5
Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus...

Colossians 4:5-6
Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.

Those are just samples of the many directives scripture provides, all of which can be toxically abused. The point is this idea anyone who disagrees with this op necessarily subscribes to the belief, "we should never part ways with anyone in this life......... and spend as much time and energy as it takes to reach and convert them," or "are trying very hard to steer the discussion into the realm of the physical and keep all spirituality out of it," is just hogwash that should be recanted and amended as scripture directs lest we have nothing to do with the op (other than establishing correct biblical standards before moving on).

I'll post some others as time and inclination permit.
I will say briefly, that of course the scriptures you post deal with church discipline and interpersonal relationships with believers. The OP poster seems to waffle between speaking about unbelieving toxic people, toxic people in general, and toxic people in the Christian community, without ever identifying what he is considering toxic, yet labeling people as toxic---and so far in this thread, it is Christians he has either been attacking or ignoring. And toxic is left to apparently mean anything he finds disagreeable or unpleasant to himself---disagreement being the main thing.

Of course if we all looked at it that way, there would be no place for anyone to have a discussion or debate or exchange of ideas, on anything. I think the OP and following responses, and the failure to actually address points of others,or perhaps not even read them, or even answer questions asked, presents a case of self legitimized "Have nothing to do with toxic people, and cast them out of our lives."

Which is unbiblical, opposed to the scriptures you quote, and completely ignores those parts of the OP that are dealing with "toxic" unbelievers in as it relates to, I assume as that is all little direct identifying information is given, our preaching the gospel. Or maybe just in general? Like don't associate with sinners who give you a hard time? Who knows.

You don't believe in the Holy Spirit, @Arial?

What is the function of the Holy Spirit?

You don't believe Christians can trust the guidance of the Spirit?
The popular opinion in this thread is that we should never part ways with anyone in this life. That we should consider all people, no matter how problematic, as possible converts and spend as much time and energy as it takes to reach and convert them.

That is not simple ignorance, it is intentional deception.

Christ didn't allow anyone to waste His time, or sidetrack Him, and neither should we.

Christ clearly taught that there are two types of people in this world, the Wheat and the Tares. Nowhere did He give any impression that we are to cater to the Tares in any way. These are children of the devil - another fully sound doctrine of Scripture. They have been placed into society to derail God's purposes, to create negative trends among the children of God and to destroy all the good God intends in this world.

Toxic people are Tares, they are children of the devil. If someone finds themselves tangled up with one of these people, there is only one way to solve the problem. They will never listen to any explanations, they will never respond to grace, they will never respond to the love of God and they will never leave us alone otherwise. They are to be jettisoned from our lives without mercy and we are to carry on without remorse to continue in our work for God Almighty.

Yes, we ARE to judge those within the Faith - as God is the judge of those outside the Faith. Yet, just because someone is not a professed Christian, that certainly does not make them a golden opportunity for our ministry despite all other factors to the contrary.

There was a reason God commanded disobedient children to be stoned to death in the OT. It was to prevent as many of the Toxic People who we wrestle with today from procreating and infesting the earth. God knew He wouldn't eliminate them entirely, but He intended to diminish their numbers significantly.

We have a very short time here and our ministry is priceless. Toxic people are not to be tolerated and it is not God's will that we waste any more time on them than is necessary to suss them out and eliminate them from our ranks.
You remind me of several other people I know. They go into a pout when what is wrong with what they say or think is pointed out, and claim those who criticized them mean the extreme opposite of what they said. Well, @STAND , "The popular opinion in this thread is [NOT] that we should NEVER part ways with ANYONE in this life." (my emphasis).

But maybe it would encourage you to know that 3 of those of whom I speak are Pastors/Preachers, and God is using them to accomplish what God set out to do. (One of them (of close acquaintance) seems to be unable think any other way than that what happens that involved him is either not at all his fault, or that it is all his fault.) I'm thinking even Elijah had a portion of that kind of personality. ("I'm the only one......*sniff")

As to the content of what you say here: Ignoring the rest of your hyperbole, not many of us here consider it our prerogative to convert anyone. That's God's business. Ours is to live an obedient testimony to God's goodness and truth and mercy, pursuing Christ with all our heart, and loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Goodness, what a bunch of nonsense.

And who are the dogs and swine the Bible refers to there, CB4u?

Are these poor, sweet Christians we are denying our goodness to?

Your ref. to Matt. 18:10 was nothing short of heretical.
This is your topic and you do not seem to be taking it seriously yourself in this discussion.

Who are the toxic people that you can give an example of, for removing ourselves from?

What do you designate as people being toxic? When you are biting and devouring one another? In that case, it takes two.

Galatians 5:14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.

16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

Usually, the Lord has to lead the one abiding in Him from continuing in a conversation that the other party is hardly contributing edification in.

As it is, I am not sure I should have replied to you at all, but here's hoping in the Lord tat you will get serious about your own topic.
You and your cronies here are trying very hard to steer the discussion into the realm of the physical and keep all spirituality out of it.
An example of biting and devouring here is when you attack the posters and not stick to your OP.

I shall resist the name calling you back temptation in the hope you will lean on Him to stop that in your discussion that you had started.
There is a spiritual dynamic at play when a committed Christian, who prays and studies the Bible daily, is attacked and harassed by someone in their life. Therefore, your scenarios are misrepresenting the matter.
Okay. So finally addressing your OP.

Can you give a scenario about a believer being attacked and harassed in their life that falls outside of the examples set forth by scripture since you seem to see them as misrepresenting the matter?

When I see the term "committed Christian", I see a saved believer trying to finish by the flesh by keeping a commitment religiously by his own will power and merit of what was begun in the Spirit. It is utter vanity and futile for why it is simply written that "the just shall live by faith" in Jesus Christ for all things. So the Lord has set me free from my commitment to make Him Lord of my life to believing in Him and His New Covenant to me that He will do His work in me to make Jesus Lord of my life as He i my Good Shepherd & Friend to help me to follow Him.

God intends His children to be free of the trappings of the world and the devil intends to tangle them in the many varying concerns of the world. Toxic people are those being used, or sent, by the devil. A committed Christian, who follows the ways of Christ, will not ever be a Toxic Person.
You said the scriptures given by me were misrepresenting the issue but after this point in your comment, they were not after all.
We are to untangle ourselves from Toxic People and walk away.
Why don't you share about the toxic people you had to walk away from in your life that was attacking you and harassing you? Or is this just a discussion sharing concern for others but you can hardly apply to yourself at all?
As it is, I am not sure I should have replied to you at all, but here's hoping in the Lord tat you will get serious about your own topic.
Yes, please pray for me.

And don't put yourself out and comment in this thread if you don't feel comfortable doing so.

God bless you.
@His clay

“When a toxic person attacks us, let’s think these words first: I honor my Father in heaven above all things. Pleasing you or getting you to agree with me isn’t my first goal in life. After explaining his motivation, Jesus puts the issue back on the toxic person, where it belongs. This isn’t about me because I’m honoring my Father; this is about you because you’re dishonoring me.”
― Gary L. Thomas, When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People
You don't believe in the Holy Spirit, @Arial?

What is the function of the Holy Spirit?

You don't believe Christians can trust the guidance of the Spirit?
Off topic.
Irrelevant to the conversation.
I will say briefly, that of course the scriptures you post deal with church discipline and interpersonal relationships with believers.
The Colossians 4 verses are explicitly about conduct between Christians and non-Christians ("outsiders). I don't have time to go through it now but I'm planning on posting passages that apply to all people, like Romans 12:9-21. The Bible is full ofthem.
The OP poster seems to waffle between speaking about unbelieving toxic people, toxic people in general, and toxic people in the Christian community, without ever identifying what he is considering toxic, yet labeling people as toxic---and so far in this thread, it is Christians he has either been attacking or ignoring. And toxic is left to apparently mean anything he finds disagreeable or unpleasant to himself---disagreement being the main thing.
I think that is being kind. No one here is an unbeliever yet we've all been treated toxicity as if we're all toxic. Mere disagreement has been misrepresented and posed in an extreme manner. Nothing scriptural has been affirmed. No effort to make amends exists. There is only attack and shunning.
Of course if we all looked at it that way, there would be no place for anyone to have a discussion or debate or exchange of ideas, on anything.
Which is, ironically, the purpose of any forum.
I think the OP and following responses, and the failure to actually address points of others,or perhaps not even read them, or even answer questions asked, presents a case of self legitimized "Have nothing to do with toxic people, and cast them out of our lives."

Which is unbiblical, opposed to the scriptures you quote, and completely ignores those parts of the OP that are dealing with "toxic" unbelievers in as it relates to, I assume as that is all little direct identifying information is given, our preaching the gospel. Or maybe just in general? Like don't associate with sinners who give you a hard time? Who knows.
Proverbs 15.

We all err, but none of it is particularly hard to understand or apply.
The Colossians 4 verses are explicitly about conduct between Christians and non-Christians ("outsiders).
Yes. My bad.
I think that is being kind. No one here is an unbeliever yet we've all been treated toxicity as if we're all toxic. Mere disagreement has been misrepresented and posed in an extreme manner. Nothing scriptural has been affirmed. No effort to make amends exists. There is only attack and shunning.
Agreed. He came at me with calling me a hypocrite and narcissist . That was his response to post #59. Along with a lot of other toxicity. Fortunately a mod came along and deleted it.
Which is, ironically, the purpose of any forum.
Proverbs 15.

We all err, but none of it is particularly hard to understand or apply.
Amen. And dealing with toxic people is not one size fits all, and not legalistic as has been presented the OP. Wisdom must be applied, and some of the books in the Bible---Proverbs being one---are devoted entirely to godly wisdom, not human wisdom, and wisdom is given throughout all the Bible. All we have to do is ask our Father for it. As an aside, too many people look at that as though after they ask for it, whatever comes to mind is God giving them wisdom in a situation. But the wisdom He gives is in His book and will always align perfectly with it. The type of action and attitude that has been presented by the OP, seems angry and harsh and judgmental, without mercy. Therefore, not wise as a cut and dried approach.
Off topic.
Irrelevant to the conversation.
The function of the Holy Spirit is spiritual discernment, to guide us and teach us all things.
1 John 2:27

Anyone with the Holy Spirit can easily tell when somebody they are fussing with is toxic.

Jesus speaks of what to do with Toxic People in John 15:1-6.

Spoiler Alert: They are cast away as useless branches ... and burned.

Takeaway: Don't be a useless branch.
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The Bible teaches that we should strive to help, assist and forgive "other believers", but it says nothing of wasting months and years on those general people who are just toxic and cause us nothing but problems. They are wasting our time and our energy and that is exactly what the devil intends for them to do in our lives.
You've been brainwashed by modern corrupt Christendom to believe in "undiscerning love" which the Bible speaks explicitly against.
Here's another great quote about the nature of toxic people from Gary Thomas' book:

“There are certain people who drain us, demean us, and distract us from other healthy relationships. Long after they’re gone, we’re still fighting with them in our minds and trying to get them out of our hearts. They keep us awake. They steal our joy. They demolish our peace. They make us (if we’re honest with ourselves) weaker spiritually. They even invade times of worship and pervert them into seasons of fretting.”
― Gary L. Thomas, When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People
You're just a sore loser, @Arial.
It's hard to see the picture from inside the frame.
You're just a sore loser, @Arial.

The function of the Holy Spirit is spiritual discernment, to guide us and teach us all things.
1 John 2:27

Anyone with the Holy Spirit can easily tell when somebody they are fussing with is toxic.

Jesus speaks of what to do with Toxic People in John 15:1-6.

Spoiler Alert: They are cast away as useless branches ... and burned.

Takeaway: Don't be a useless branch.
Saul was pretty TOXIC...hunting down and killing christians...until Jesus knocked Saul off of his horse and cast Saul away as a useless branch...right?
Saul was pretty TOXIC...hunting down and killing christians...until Jesus knocked Saul off of his horse and cast Saul away as a useless branch...right?
Actually, Saul wasn't a branch on the True Vine of Jesus at that time, but God decided to use him for His purposes anyway. Who are we to judge/question?

You don't believe the Holy Spirit can guide us and let us know who is toxic and who is not?

You do know the Holy Spirit is God, right?

Here's a very relevant quote to this thread - identifying Toxic People:

“They are known more by what they hate and who they oppose than by who and what they love. Accordingly, they have a negative, toxic, and poisonous effect on you instead of a nurturing, healing, and encouraging effect.”
― Gary L. Thomas, When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People
I wonder if you noticed that this fits the description of every post you have made? Everyone else noticed it, yet we are the toxic people. I have a suggestion. Go back through the posts. Start fresh. Wipe the slate clean. And see if you can address what others are saying, present your agreement or disagreement, discuss, all without any toxic, sarcastic, hateful, judgemental, accusatory, commentary. We will be quick to forgive and carry on as though we had never been attacked and ridiculed. If not, you can talk to yourself because wisdom says not to entangle ourselves with those who do as you are doing, or we may become like them.

Here's a very relevant quote to this thread - identifying Toxic People:

“They are known more by what they hate and who they oppose than by who and what they love. Accordingly, they have a negative, toxic, and poisonous effect on you instead of a nurturing, healing, and encouraging effect.”
― Gary L. Thomas, When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People
Yes, people like that always shift things on others. They want to tear you down because it makes them feel better. They want to validate their bad behaviour if you respond to them. It bothers them to no end when you don't play their game.