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Are you interested in the Christ who worked in the Son of man our brother in the Lord ?

No. Only in Christ the Lord, who now works in His brethren saints.
The whole church as a new creation is the mother of us all
The whole church is the body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The mother of us all is New Jersusalem.

Again is Jesus the Son of man your brother strengthened by the Father?
No. Jesus Christ is God the Son with the same strength of God the Father and Holy Ghost.
Carnal means of the flesh
Yes, that is correct.
and we know in context what Paul means when he uses the word.
Well, I know what he means in context, but it looks like you do not. You're using words that do not exist in the original Greek and conflating conditions existing after Genesis 3:7 with conditions prior Genesis 3:7. Paul did not do that.
It is Genesis 2:4 it begins the account of Adam being formed from the dust of the earth. What does that tell you.
It tells me Adam was created from the dust of the earth.
Adam is made perfect as a result of Jesus atonement later in the sixth day of creation,
Irrelevant to Genesis 1:31 and 2:4.
Genesis 1 to Genesis 2:3 is a prologue and anything less that spiritual perfection is death.
Co 15:26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
1Co 15:27 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.
1Co 15:28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

1Co 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
1Co 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1Co 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
1Co 15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
All of that is post-Genesis 3:7.

You have failed to correctly discriminate between conditions prior to Genesis 3:7 and conditions after Genesis 3:7. Prior to Genesis 3:7 the Adam that had been made from the dust of the earth was very good. Whether he was perfected (not perfect) is immaterial. In most cases the word we read in English as "perfect" is in the Hebrew and Greek the word for mature, NOT perfect as in absence of any and all defects.

The flesh prior to Genesis 3:7 was good flesh, very good flesh in which no sin existed. That flesh was able to eat of the fruit of the tree of life. After Genesis 3:7 Adam and his then-corrupted flesh was kicked out of the garden and prevented from partaking from the tree of life. Post-Genesis 3:7 flesh is different than pre-Genesis 3:6 flesh. 1 Cor. 15 does not apply to the prior state. The only death existing prior to Genesis 3:7 is the ordinary mortality with which God made Adam (and Eve), a death that was good and sinless. That death is not an enemy. I for one, look forward to physical death so that I might shed the remnants of sinful flesh and be raised incorruptible and immortal to eternal life. After Genesis 3:7 the already mortal Adam became dead in sin. That death is an entirely different kind of death. The two should not be conflated. To die dead without sin is not a problem. To die dead in sin is a huge problem. Dying dead in sin is a huge problem solved by dying dead to sin, dead in Christ. Partaking from the tree of life solves all the problems of the flesh, sinless and sinful.

And you're jumping around ignoring what was posted in the previous post. There is no carnal in the Greek. Acknowledge that fact, please. The KJV translators added that word. Acknowledge that fact please. God said Adam was good. Acknowledge that fact, please. When Paul writes the mind of flesh is hostile to God Paul is NOT talking about a pre-Genesis 3:7 flesh God Himself called "very good." Acknowledge that fact, please. When Paul writes the mind of flesh is hostile to God, he is NOT contradicting himself; he is NOT contradicting what he'd already stated two chapters early: it was by the disobedience of one man that sin entered the world. Prior to then there was no sin in the world. Acknowledge that fact, please. I'm not trading posts with anyone who ignores what's posted and doesn't move the conversation forward in a an op-relevant, content-relevant manner. You said, "Having the carnal disposition that Adam had and his non-spiritual disposition to overcome the carnal mind is what led him to sin thus he was subject to death or vanity," but Adam was not created with a "carnal disposition." He was made of flesh, but his flesh was good and sinless. There's no such word as "carnal" in the Greek (the word for "flesh" in Greek is "sarx"). Good and sinless flesh has a good and sinless disposition. A man that was made corruptible is not corrupted. That man moves from corruptible to corrupted only after he has acted in a disobedient manner. The resurrection solves both problems, corruptibility and corruptedness, but the two are hugely different "dispositions."

Don't ignore the contents of Post 137 and pretend it doesn't exist. Don't change subjects without first acknowledging the facts in evidence. Acknowledge its facts or prove them not to be facts - prove scripture does not mean what it plainly states.
Yes, that is correct.

Well, I know what he means in context, but it looks like you do not. You're using words that do not exist in the original Greek and conflating conditions existing after Genesis 3:7 with conditions prior Genesis 3:7. Paul did not do that.

It tells me Adam was created from the dust of the earth.

Irrelevant to Genesis 1:31 and 2:4.


All of that is post-Genesis 3:7.

You have failed to correctly discriminate between conditions prior to Genesis 3:7 and conditions after Genesis 3:7. Prior to Genesis 3:7 the Adam that had been made from the dust of the earth was very good. Whether he was perfected (not perfect) is immaterial. In most cases the word we read in English as "perfect" is in the Hebrew and Greek the word for mature, NOT perfect as in absence of any and all defects.

The flesh prior to Genesis 3:7 was good flesh, very good flesh in which no sin existed. That flesh was able to eat of the fruit of the tree of life. After Genesis 3:7 Adam and his then-corrupted flesh was kicked out of the garden and prevented from partaking from the tree of life. Post-Genesis 3:7 flesh is different than pre-Genesis 3:6 flesh. 1 Cor. 15 does not apply to the prior state. The only death existing prior to Genesis 3:7 is the ordinary mortality with which God made Adam (and Eve), a death that was good and sinless. That death is not an enemy. I for one, look forward to physical death so that I might shed the remnants of sinful flesh and be raised incorruptible and immortal to eternal life. After Genesis 3:7 the already mortal Adam became dead in sin. That death is an entirely different kind of death. The two should not be conflated. To die dead without sin is not a problem. To die dead in sin is a huge problem. Dying dead in sin is a huge problem solved by dying dead to sin, dead in Christ. Partaking from the tree of life solves all the problems of the flesh, sinless and sinful.

And you're jumping around ignoring what was posted in the previous post. There is no carnal in the Greek. Acknowledge that fact, please. The KJV translators added that word. Acknowledge that fact please. God said Adam was good. Acknowledge that fact, please. When Paul writes the mind of flesh is hostile to God Paul is NOT talking about a pre-Genesis 3:7 flesh God Himself called "very good." Acknowledge that fact, please. When Paul writes the mind of flesh is hostile to God, he is NOT contradicting himself; he is NOT contradicting what he'd already stated two chapters early: it was by the disobedience of one man that sin entered the world. Prior to then there was no sin in the world. Acknowledge that fact, please. I'm not trading posts with anyone who ignores what's posted and doesn't move the conversation forward in a an op-relevant, content-relevant manner. You said, "Having the carnal disposition that Adam had and his non-spiritual disposition to overcome the carnal mind is what led him to sin thus he was subject to death or vanity," but Adam was not created with a "carnal disposition." He was made of flesh, but his flesh was good and sinless. There's no such word as "carnal" in the Greek (the word for "flesh" in Greek is "sarx"). Good and sinless flesh has a good and sinless disposition. A man that was made corruptible is not corrupted. That man moves from corruptible to corrupted only after he has acted in a disobedient manner. The resurrection solves both problems, corruptibility and corruptedness, but the two are hugely different "dispositions."

Don't ignore the contents of Post 137 and pretend it doesn't exist. Don't change subjects without first acknowledging the facts in evidence. Acknowledge its facts or prove them not to be facts - prove scripture does not mean what it plainly states.
Why are you telling what to do and not to do? Is the Spirit telling you to say that to me?

Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned. It is just that without the law one is not held accountable for his choices. It is when the law entered the picture we see that Adam broke it and was held accountable.

One is carnal and when one gives into the carnal mind one sins. It is not sinning that makes one carnal Sin is the transgression of the law and when one is carnal and gives into that carnal mind then sin is the result The result of sinning is death.

We do not need to discuss what Paul means by carnal. It is quire clear.

The proof that Adam was carnal before he sinned is that he sinned.

I will not waste time with you side stepping the issue.
No. one must be called to be elected and it is God that calls the new spiritual man quickened out of death and the chosen are one that are elected.
You do understand —no?— that election is before the foundation of the world. The call is, for me anyway, I'd guess at least 6000 years later.
Why are you telling what to do and not to do? Is the Spirit telling you to say that to me?
I am not telling you what to do. I am telling you what it is I will and will not tolerate. I am free to do that anytime, anywhere for whatever reason, and it's not about you. Don't avoid the content of my posts if a conversation with me is wanted. If a conversation with me is not wanted, then say so and don't quote my posts expecting a reply.

Not because I say so but because doing so is completely disingenuous. It makes those posters liars.
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
No, he wasn't and repeating the same statement again and again does not make it true.

Part 1:
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
Why are you telling me what to believe?

Do you see the problem?

Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.

WE ALL GET IT. You've been spewing that nonsense in forums for years. None of this is new to me. This has also been explained to you many times. THERE IS NO WORD "CARNAL" IN SCRIPTURE!!!!! Stop adding to God's word. The English word "carnal" means "flesh," but that is NOT a word the Greek or Hebrew uses. EVERY TIME YOU POST THAT CLAIM YOU ARE ADDING SOMETHING NON-EXISTENT TO SCRIPTURE! There has never been a single moment in your entire forum participating when that was not the case. The Greek word for flesh is "sarx," not "carnal." If you were stating a correct fact from scripture and posted, "Adam was sarx before he sinned," or "Adam was made of flesh before he sinned," we'd be having a completely different conversation, but you've refused to have that conversation so don't you for a minute try to make me out to be the bad guy here.
Part 2:
Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned.
Let's examine that statement.....

The first problem inherent in "Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned," is the fact a word nowhere found in scripture is being used. You do not get to take a non-existent word and tell anyone that's what scripture teaches. Doing so is a mistake - but because I know we've had this conversation many times before I know that this dross is posted knowing it's not true. That makes it a lie, not just a factual error.

The second problem inherent in "Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned," is the abject ignoring of the context of ALL of scripture after Genesis 3:7. EVERYTHING after Genesis 3:7 is different. That means every single mention of "flesh," (Hebrew = basar; Greek = sarx) occurs in that context unless otherwise stated in the text itself. Ignoring the context of scripture and asserting a word non-existent in scripture to the neglect of what is stated in scripture is bad exegesis. And because I know we've had this conversation many times before this is the second lie asserted in this thread. Unless scripture itself states it's talking about pre-Gensis 3:7 conditions.... IT IS NOT TALKING ABOUT PRE-GENESIS 3:7 CONDITIONS!

The third problem inherent in "Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned," false equivalence and a false cause follows from the first to mistakes: ignoring what is actually stated and asserting a word nowhere found in scripture, AND ignoring the before/after conditions explicitly stated in scripture, a false equivalence is asserted wherein in just because Adam was made of flesh before and after he sinned his flesh must be the same in some way, must be the cause of his disobedience. False equivalence and false causes are both logical fallacies. And, again, because we have had this exact same discussion many times before I know you're posting these fallacies knowingly. Known fallacy is knowingly posted into the board in hopes others will subscribe to this dross, "Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned."

The fourth problem inherent in, "Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned," is the false dichotomy between flesh and spirit in a pre-disobedient man in a pre-disobedient world. Prior to Gensis 3:7 Adam, the Adam made of good and sinless flesh, is reported to walk with God and have full liberty, power, and authority to eat from the tree of life any time he wanted as many times as he wanted. Neither was hindered by any sin because no sin existed in his flesh or anywhere in the world. The dichotomy that's been asserted FOR YEARS is a false dichotomy. And, once again, because we've had this conversation many times, I know you know the problems to be solved. You've come into CCAM and posted claims you already know to be problematic for many reasons and haven't solved a single one of the long-running problems inherent in "Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned."

And then, having ignored what was previously posted and when the request for attending to that content is made the response, "Why are you telling what to do and not to do? Is the Spirit telling you to say that to me?" is thought a cogent and correct response.

Put on your big boy panties and address the problems in this dross you're posting or ignore my posts. EVERYONE will understand the silence for what it is.
It is just that without the law one is not held accountable for his choices.
That does not matter because from the time of Adam until Moses sin reigned (Romans 5:14). It does not matter whether sin was held in account or not by one law or another because it was still reigning - once it occurred. The problem is THERE WAS NOT SIN IN ADAM'S FLESH PRIOR TO GENESIS 3:7. There is, therefore NOTHING FOR WHICH TO ACCOUNT! However, another mistake has been made. There was a law by which his actions were held accountable (and responsible and culpable)!!! God gave Adam two commands: 1) Be fruitful, multiple, subdue and rule, and 2) Don't disobey Me. Most folks focus on the "Do not eat the forbidden kiwi," but the larger whole-scripture truth is that if Adam had been obeying the first command, the first law, the one about subduing and ruling, he'd have never broken the second command.

And he was held accountable.

He was held accountable according to those two commands. This is plainly stated in Romans 5 (see Rom. 5:12-19). So saying, "It's just that without law one is not held accountable..." that is an enormous red herring. There were laws by which Adam was held accountable and pretending that is not the case is a huge mistake. And because we've had this conversation many times before I know the statement is made consciously knowing it is not true.

It's a falsehood posted as a red herring.
It is when the law entered the picture we see that Adam broke it and was held accountable.
Uber Fail.

That fails to discriminate the laws given in Eden from the Law given at Sinai..... and the fact THERE WAS NO SIN IN ADAM OR THE WORLD PRIOR TO GENESIS 3:7! Because there was NOTHING for which to account prior to Genesis 3:7 the appeal to the supposedly post hoc Law is another red herring.
One is carnal...
There's no such thing as carnal in scripture.
and when one gives into the carnal mind one sins.
There's no such thing as carnal in scripture. The word for flesh in Greek is sarx, not carnal. When one gives into the mind of flesh/sarx pleasing God is impossible. That is what Romans 8 teaches. That is what it plainly states. That passage is explicitly written about a world in which sin already exists. The Romans 8 text is part of a larger narrative that began five chapters earlier. Ripping one verse out of the text, ignoring its inherent, explicitly stated context, AND adding a word to it nowhere existent in the Greek is..... sin.

It is not sound exegesis.
It is not sinning that makes one carnal
There is no such thing as carnal in scripture.
Sin is the transgression of the law...
That is partly correct. Sin is much more than transgression of the law. 1 John tells us sin is transgression of the Law but there are at least three other definitions of sin found in the Bible. Making one verse definitive is bad exegesis. Furthermore, you've argued sin can't be held in account where there is no law so..... Adam wasn't held accountable for any non-existent sin he committed. The laws of God do not simply and solely make sin accountable; they define sin and make it known. BUT even where there is no law specifying a given act of disobedience, defining it as sin, there are extra-legal measures. It's a (another) huge mistake to define sin ONLY as the breaking of the law. This is what is known as a construction error, the assumption that what is true one part is true of the whole (or, in reverse) what is true of the whole is true of all constituent parts). Construction errors are logical fallacies.

Scripture does not contain logical fallacies, particularly thouse of construction.

God does not teach His people to employ fallacy in 1) their exegesis or 2) their teaching.

And because I have had this conversation with you many times before I KNOW you know this stuff and have, therefore consciously and willfully chosen to post this same dross without solving any of the many, many problems in this god forsaken idea, "Adam was carnal before he sinned or he would not have sinned."
Part 3:
and when one is carnal and gives into that carnal mind then sin is the result The result of sinning is death.
There is no such thing as carnal in scripture and when Paul was writing about the mind of flesh he was writing exclusively about post-Genesis 3:7 conditions in which the flesh, and its mind, has been corrupted by sin. Sin did not exist in Adam or the world prior to Genesis 3:7. The flesh prior to Genesis 3:7 was good and sinless flesh that walked with God up close and personal and had the God-given liberty, power, and authority to eat from the tree of life anytime it wanted as often as it desired.
We do not need to discuss what Paul means by carnal. It is quire clear.
That's correct. It is quite clear the world "carnal" does not exist in what Paul wrote. The KJV translators inserted a doctrinal position by adding the word "carnal" instead of the otherwise correct, normal, and ordinary English word "flesh." Your entire argument is built on a word that does not exist in scripture.
The proof that Adam was carnal before he sinned is that he sinned.
That is a circular argument.

It begs the question, asserting what needs to be proven as a given. Not only is it circular, but it stands in open contradiction to the fact Adam lived in the flesh a long time without sinning. Your argument, when applied to his NOT sinning would say, "The proof Adam was NOT carnal before he sinned is that he did NOT sin... until he sinned." The simple fact is he was obedient until he was disobedient and ignoring all the non-disobedience is selective use of scripture. It ignores the fact Adam's flesh was declared by God Himself to be very good. The claim, "The proof that Adam was carnal before he sinned is that he sinned," also ignores the explanation explicitly provided by scripture. The reason Adam disobeyed God is because he could disobey God. Paul calls it "corruptible." Paul does NOT say Adam was corrupted prior to Genesis 3:7.

I pointed this out in response to your own appeal to 1 Corinthians 15 and it was ignored. When I requested for acknowledgment of the facts in evidence that had already been ignored once the response was,
Why are you telling what to do and not to do? Is the Spirit telling you to say that to me?
And now that exact same content is still being ignored.

Exactly as has happened many times over the years we've discussed this nonsense.
I will not waste time with you side stepping the issue.
It is not just my time that is being wasted. Every time wretched god forsaken, extra-scriptural, fallacious-laden dross is posted without correction of the problems you all already know exist and lacking any openness to correction, and posting completely foolish response like, "Why are you telling me what to do....?" it wastes EVERYONE's time.

Practicing basic exegesis precepts will solve ALL of these problems. Logically, look up cum hoc ergo proptor hoc and post hoc ergo propter hoc. Studying the other fallacies already mentioned (straw man, false cause, false equivalence, false dichotomy, construction errors, red herring, and begging the question) will also help. There are multiple problems in the case presented. Not just one or two, but at least four foundational errors and another nine or ten consequential ones. Any one of them proves fatal and you've got more than a dozen.

Either engage these problems with me or ignore my posts because it's not cool to quote someone's post with dissent and not show up for the ensuing discussion.
Part 3:

There is no such thing as carnal in scripture and when Paul was writing about the mind of flesh he was writing exclusively about post-Genesis 3:7 conditions in which the flesh, and its mind, has been corrupted by sin. Sin did not exist in Adam or the world prior to Genesis 3:7. The flesh prior to Genesis 3:7 was good and sinless flesh that walked with God up close and personal and had the God-given liberty, power, and authority to eat from the tree of life anytime it wanted as often as it desired.

That's correct. It is quite clear the world "carnal" does not exist in what Paul wrote. The KJV translators inserted a doctrinal position by adding the word "carnal" instead of the otherwise correct, normal, and ordinary English word "flesh." Your entire argument is built on a word that does not exist in scripture.

That is a circular argument.

It begs the question, asserting what needs to be proven as a given. Not only is it circular, but it stands in open contradiction to the fact Adam lived in the flesh a long time without sinning. Your argument, when applied to his NOT sinning would say, "The proof Adam was NOT carnal before he sinned is that he did NOT sin... until he sinned." The simple fact is he was obedient until he was disobedient and ignoring all the non-disobedience is selective use of scripture. It ignores the fact Adam's flesh was declared by God Himself to be very good. The claim, "The proof that Adam was carnal before he sinned is that he sinned," also ignores the explanation explicitly provided by scripture. The reason Adam disobeyed God is because he could disobey God. Paul calls it "corruptible." Paul does NOT say Adam was corrupted prior to Genesis 3:7.

I pointed this out in response to your own appeal to 1 Corinthians 15 and it was ignored. When I requested for acknowledgment of the facts in evidence that had already been ignored once the response was,

And now that exact same content is still being ignored.

Exactly as has happened many times over the years we've discussed this nonsense.

It is not just my time that is being wasted. Every time wretched god forsaken, extra-scriptural, fallacious-laden dross is posted without correction of the problems you all already know exist and lacking any openness to correction, and posting completely foolish response like, "Why are you telling me what to do....?" it wastes EVERYONE's time.

Practicing basic exegesis precepts will solve ALL of these problems. Logically, look up cum hoc ergo proptor hoc and post hoc ergo propter hoc. Studying the other fallacies already mentioned (straw man, false cause, false equivalence, false dichotomy, construction errors, red herring, and begging the question) will also help. There are multiple problems in the case presented. Not just one or two, but at least four foundational errors and another nine or ten consequential ones. Any one of them proves fatal and you've got more than a dozen.

Either engage these problems with me or ignore my posts because it's not cool to quote someone's post with dissent and not show up for the ensuing discussion.
We can start over again working on one point at a time and coming to agreement on each point and building on that.

Now, if your do not want to use the word carnal and rather use the word flesh that is okay with me.

However, we have to decide how flesh is defined in the context that the word is used.

We can start with that if it is okay.

Keep in mind I never mentioned that Adam was a sinner or sinned before Adam disobeyed God.

The problem we are having is how we define flesh. Flesh and sin are two different words and do not mean the same thing.

God bless you.
We can start over again working on one point at a time and coming to agreement on each point and building on that.
Great. Let's start with whether or not the word "carnal" exists in Romans 8:7. Yes or no?

Is it "mind of flesh," (phronema tes sarkos) or "carnal mind"?
Great. Let's start with whether or not the word "carnal" exists in Romans 8:7. Yes or no?

Is it "mind of flesh," (phronema tes sarkos) or "carnal mind"?
Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

Thayer Definition:
1) flesh (the soft substance of the living body, which covers the bones and is permeated with blood) of both man and beasts
2) the body
2a) the body of a man
2b) used of natural or physical origin, generation or relationship
2b1) born of natural generation
2c) the sensuous nature of man, “the animal nature”
2c1) without any suggestion of depravity
2c2) the animal nature with cravings which incite to sin
2c3) the physical nature of man as subject to suffering
3) a living creature (because possessed of a body of flesh) whether man or beast
4) the flesh, denotes mere human nature, the earthly nature of man apart from divine influence, and therefore prone to sin and opposed to God
Part of Speech: noun feminine
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: probably from the base of G4563

Let us go through this one by one. Okay?
They are appointed to disobey the Gospel !

The Gospel of Christ, His Person and Work for His Chosen People, and all that it entails and effects, what it accomplishes, was not in Gods Eternal Purpose for all to believe or obey, for God had appointed many to disobey it, not believe it 1 Pet 2:8

And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

And what is the outcome of disobeying the Gospel of God ? Paul writes here 2 Thess 1:6-9

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;

7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction
from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

Thats right, God had appointed them to this disobedience, to obey not the Gospel. Notice Vs 9 they shall be punished with everlasting destruction. The word destruction is derived from the very same word destruction in Rom 9:22

22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:

It has to do with eternal death, ruin and misery ! God appointed the vessels of wrath unto this end ! 4
Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

Thayer Definition:
1) flesh (the soft substance of the living body, which covers the bones and is permeated with blood) of both man and beasts
2) the body
2a) the body of a man
2b) used of natural or physical origin, generation or relationship
2b1) born of natural generation
2c) the sensuous nature of man, “the animal nature”
2c1) without any suggestion of depravity
2c2) the animal nature with cravings which incite to sin
2c3) the physical nature of man as subject to suffering
3) a living creature (because possessed of a body of flesh) whether man or beast
4) the flesh, denotes mere human nature, the earthly nature of man apart from divine influence, and therefore prone to sin and opposed to God
Part of Speech: noun feminine
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: probably from the base of G4563

Let us go through this one by one. Okay?
My question was not answered. The evidence of Romans 8:7 was posted bt the question asked was not answered. YOU have asked that we proceed one step at a time and with the very first step you've failed to answer the one single, solitary, simply, readily answered question. You're being avoidant and not acting in a manner consistent with your own words.

Please answer the question asked. Let's start with whether or not the word "carnal" exists in Romans 8:7. Yes or no? Does the verse state "mind of flesh," (phronema tes sarkos) or "carnal mind"?
We can start over again working on one point at a time and coming to agreement on each point and building on that.
I can do that, but I am not seeing you do that. I've asked once. Didn't get an answer. I'm asking again, a second time. Please answer the question asked.

  • Does the word "carnal" exist in the verse? Yes or No?
  • Does the verse state, "mind of flesh," or "carnal mind"?

These are VERY basic questions, the answers to which should be direct and immediate.
My question was not answered. The evidence of Romans 8:7 was posted bt the question asked was not answered. YOU have asked that we proceed one step at a time and with the very first step you've failed to answer the one single, solitary, simply, readily answered question. You're being avoidant and not acting in a manner consistent with your own words.

Please answer the question asked. Let's start with whether or not the word "carnal" exists in Romans 8:7. Yes or no? Does the verse state "mind of flesh," (phronema tes sarkos) or "carnal mind"?

I can do that, but I am not seeing you do that. I've asked once. Didn't get an answer. I'm asking again, a second time. Please answer the question asked.

  • Does the word "carnal" exist in the verse? Yes or No?
  • Does the verse state, "mind of flesh," or "carnal mind"?

These are VERY basic questions, the answers to which should be direct and immediate.
Mind of the flesh. Right?
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Mind of the flesh. Right?
Correct. It is "mind of flesh" (phrnema tes sarkos), and NOT "carnal mind". Notice the emphasis is on the mind and the "flesh" serves as an adjective. Yes?

Next question: Is the flesh after Genesis 3:7 identical to the flesh prior to Genesis 3:7? (again, this is a simple, yes, or no)

Correct. It is "mind of flesh" (phrnema tes sarkos), and NOT "carnal mind". Notice the emphasis is on the mind and the "flesh" serves as an adjective. Yes?

Next question: Is the flesh after Genesis 3:7 identical to the flesh prior to Genesis 3:7?
(again, this is a simple, yes, or no)

It is not the same,.

Post fall the flesh is corrupted

Please answer the question asked. Let's start with whether or not the word "carnal" exists in Romans 8:7. Yes or no? Does the verse state "mind of flesh," (phronema tes sarkos) or "carnal mind"?

Yes, for in the greek its the same word sarx carnal/flesh
Cain was a child of the devil, a Vessel of wrath

The Two seed doctrine goes back to the beginning of world history Gen 3:15, and cain was a vessel of wrath, a child of the wicked one 1 Jn 3:12

12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.

Remember John just had written that the children of the devil become manifested 1 Jn 3:10

10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

Notice in the greek text:

ἐν τούτῳ φανερά ἐστιν τὰ τέκνα τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ τὰ τέκνα τοῦ διαβόλου πᾶς ὁ μὴ ποιῶν δικαιοσύνην οὐκ ἔστιν ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ ὁ μὴ ἀγαπῶν τὸν ἀδελφὸν αὐτοῦ

There's the definite article before children tekna both times, The Children of God and The children of the devil, two separate, distinct, and definite groups

The Children of God are redeemable, them Christ came to die for and gather Jn 11:51-52

51 And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation;

52 And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.

καὶ οὐχ ὑπὲρ τοῦ ἔθνους μόνον ἀλλ᾽ ἵνα καὶ τὰ τέκνα τοῦ θεοῦ τὰ διεσκορπισμένα συναγάγῃ εἰς ἕν

How are they gathered and manifested ? By Faith in Jesus Christ there kinsman redeemer Rom 8:16

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

Gal 3:26

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

You see, if we are of the redeemed seed of Gods children, we receive the Spirit, which gives us the fruit of Faith Gal 5:22, so manifesting us as the children of God , Vessels of Mercy. However those of mankind that live and die in unbelief manifest themselves as the children of the devil, vessels of wrath being fitted for destruction !
It is not the same,.

Post fall the flesh is corrupted
I agree. The flesh of a person is different after Genesis 3:7 than prior to Genesis 3:7. From Genesis 3:7 on the flesh of a human is corrupted by the disobedience of one man that has brought the inevitability of sin and sinful death to all humans. Yes?

When Paul wrote the words, "The mind of flesh is hostile to God. It does not and cannot please God," was Paul writing about pre-Genesis 3:7 good and sinless (not-corrupted) flesh, post-Genesis 3:7 corrupted flesh, or all flesh whether good and sinless of sinfully corrupted because there is some yet unspecified aspect of flesh that makes it impossible to please God, the God who made the good and sinless flesh in the first place?

  1. Pre-Genesis 3:7 flesh that is good and sinless.
  2. Post-Genesis 3:7 flesh that has changed to become corrupted.
  3. All flesh because there is an as yet unspecified inherent aspect to flesh, whether good and sinless or sinfully corrupted that makes it incapable of pleasing the God who made it.

About which kind of flesh is Paul writing (1, 2, or 3)?

Yes, for in the greek its the same word sarx carnal/flesh
It is NOT the same. The word "carnal" and the word "flesh" are NOT interchangeable. "Flesh" means flesh. "Carnal" means fleshly, and even if we were to allow such a bait and switch, we'd have to acknowledge the post-Genesis 3:7 nature inherent in Romans 8:7.

When Paul wrote the words, "The mind of flesh is hostile to God. It does not and cannot please God," was Paul writing about pre-Genesis 3:7 good and sinless (not-corrupted) flesh, post-Genesis 3:7 corrupted flesh, or all flesh whether good and sinless of sinfully corrupted because there is some yet unspecified aspect of flesh that makes it impossible to please God, the God who made the good and sinless flesh in the first place?
The carnal mind of the flesh has never been subject to the Law of God, that was made manifest by the sin of adam, the temptation of the devil proved it Deut 13 3

Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the Lord your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.