What about exegetical, expositional teaching/preaching? God endorses the method, does He not?
If a person is trying to "in a human attempt" reconcile their thinking with Scripture apparently they have the cart before the horse. Or, at the least, your example comes across that way. I believe prayer, illumination of the Spirit, exegesis, hermeneutics &c are invaluable in conveying divine truth to others from Scripture. This is why we preach, to give the sense of the passage. Nehemiah 8:8 is one example of what I am speaking of. Luke 24:45 is also important. We can see Peter "giving the sense" of the Scriptures in Acts 2 &c.
I believe we should be careful in mitigating preaching, teaching, or conveying to others what the Scriptures mean. We need more than what they say, many know what they say. We need what they mean, and that comes through study, and those studies, exegeting, preaching, teachings end in conveying Divine Truth to others. Ephesians 4:11ff express this important truth.
Brian McClaren and Rob Bell have gone down a road concluding we cannot know what Scripture means. I recall the former ridiculing a preacher on radio to his wife by poking fun at him for coming across as if he knew what Scripture meant. The ironic thing is McClaren goes on to teach others what Scripture means (and I do not endorse anything he says.)
Yes, in that sense, I get your point. Other than that I am trying to draw out more nuances on this subject. Some lurkers may get the idea we are undermining the method God has granted to convey His truths via the preaching of the Gospel.