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An open invitation to debate

Jun 19, 2023
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Classical Liberal
I am not sure what this area of the forums is about but I just want to put an invitation out there. I am willing to participate in just about any debate regarding evolution versus creation. I am a very conservative evangelical Christian within the Reformed faith and an evolutionary creationist (which is like an old-earth creationist who accepts evolution). If you are looking to debate someone from that side of the fence, I'm your huckleberry (as Doc Holliday said).
I am not sure what this area of the forums is about but I just want to put an invitation out there. I am willing to participate in just about any debate regarding evolution versus creation. I am a very conservative evangelical Christian within the Reformed faith and an evolutionary creationist (which is like an old-earth creationist who accepts evolution). If you are looking to debate someone from that side of the fence, I'm your huckleberry (as Doc Holliday said).
When it came to presenting a population living on earth besides Adam and Eve...you didn't do real well.

Is there anything else you would like to discuss Huckleberry?
I am not sure what this area of the forums is about but I just want to put an invitation out there. I am willing to participate in just about any debate regarding evolution versus creation. I am a very conservative evangelical Christian within the Reformed faith and an evolutionary creationist (which is like an old-earth creationist who accepts evolution). If you are looking to debate someone from that side of the fence, I'm your huckleberry (as Doc Holliday said).
"evolutionary creationist" .... this sounds a little contradictory to me ... either God created all things, or there is no God
Was their death before sin?
Tough question.

Could a flower or blade of grass die?
Could an animal that didn't have the breath of life die...like an insect or fish?
Could only people not die?
"Evolutionary creationist." This sounds a little contradictory to me. Either God created all things, or there is no God.

A creationist is someone who believes that the universe, and particularly Earth and its biodiversity, is the creation of God who sustains it every moment by the word of his power. An old-earth creationist is someone who believes that God's creation has been around for a few billion years. Evolution is a scientific explanation of the origin of species by descent with modification from a common ancestor. Therefore, an evolutionary creationist is basically an old-earth creationist who accepts evolution. Do Christians have to choose either the scientific explanation of human reproduction or the theological explanation that God knits us together in the womb? Or can Christians affirm both as true? Same thing applies here.
A creationist is someone who believes that the universe, and particularly Earth and its biodiversity, is the creation of God who sustains it every moment by the word of his power. An old-earth creationist is someone who believes that God's creation has been around for a few billion years. Evolution is a scientific explanation of the origin of species by descent with modification from a common ancestor. Therefore, an evolutionary creationist is basically an old-earth creationist who accepts evolution. Do Christians have to choose either the scientific explanation of human reproduction or the theological explanation that God knits us together in the womb? Or can Christians affirm both as true? Same thing applies here.
Hmmmmmmmmmm...forming Eve from Adams rib (side) doesn't sound like evo-ism to me.
I really don't care ..... the religion of evolution claims there is no God .... that all are arrived via natural processes, which I reject.
evolution is not scientific, it's only someone's 'theory' brought about in order to disregard God .......
this is why I'm not an evolutionist / atheist

Tough question.

Could a flower or blade of grass die?
Could an animal that didn't have the breath of life die...like an insect or fish?
Could only people not die?

I believe that although death has entered to all because of Man's sin .... Man is the subject of the curse ...
The animal world and the Cosmos are affected by the curse ...... thank God one day this curse will be lifted.
The Lion will indeed lay down with the Lamb

The religion of evolution claims there is no God ...

True. However, the scientific theory of evolution does not make that claim.

[Evolution claims] that all are arrived via natural processes, which I reject.

But we did all arrive via natural processes, as everyone well knows. I was born to my parents, they were each born to theirs, and so on back through time. And procreation is a perfectly natural process. It is not a strictly natural process, however, for we know that God knits us together in the womb. Relatedly, the science of evolution deals with those natural processes and has nothing to say about God or what he does.

People like Richard Dawkins and Jerry Coyne exclude God, but they are not speaking scientifically when they do. And of course they exclude God—they're atheists!

Evolution is not scientific, ...

Define "scientific."
I am not sure what this area of the forums is about but I just want to put an invitation out there. I am willing to participate in just about any debate regarding evolution versus creation. I am a very conservative evangelical Christian within the Reformed faith and an evolutionary creationist (which is like an old-earth creationist who accepts evolution). If you are looking to debate someone from that side of the fence, I'm your huckleberry (as Doc Holliday said).
Eve throws a big spanner in your evolution theory.
Unless you want to speculate that Adam slept for a couple of billion of years whilst the female of the species evolved to allow procreation to take place.
Eve throws a big spanner in your evolution theory.
Unless you want to speculate that Adam slept for a couple of billion of years whilst the female of the species evolved to allow procreation to take place.

I have answered your challenge elsewhere (see here), as this thread is not an appropriate venue for it.
A creationist is someone who believes that the universe, and particularly Earth and its biodiversity, is the creation of God who sustains it every moment by the word of his power. An old-earth creationist is someone who believes that God's creation has been around for a few billion years. Evolution is a scientific explanation of the origin of species by descent with modification from a common ancestor. Therefore, an evolutionary creationist is basically an old-earth creationist who accepts evolution. Do Christians have to choose either the scientific explanation of human reproduction or the theological explanation that God knits us together in the womb? Or can Christians affirm both as true? Same thing applies here.

DS, maybe this will help. The passage 2 Peter 3 as well as other evidence, can suggest a structure inbetween: that while the universe may be old, the earth, and certainly its creation week are recent. See 'ekpalai' "from of old" vs. 'sunestosa' "formed" (like pottery) for earth.

1:2 says the earth was formless and void, and the chapter shows it being 'redeemed' to be formed and filled. But the expression 'tohu wa-bohu' is elsewhere used to refer to a city that was destroyed, punished. This raises interesting prospects for what happened before the creation week. The pottery analogy means the materials were there...

Of course, it means you will have to put aside the naturalistic mind--that there are only natural causes and effects.

As for other sources, I heard Dr. Giem, an astro geologist, say in 2015, that Saturn's rings and Pluto's mountains are ice and cannot last MYs. This whole system actually shows sign of a collision or explosion cratering most of its object. Not the kind of thing that settles nicely with quiet sleepy gradualism. He said he thought the universe was old but not so our solar system. On earth, collagen also cannot last long. Salt water, same.

Back in space: comets cannot last longer than 10K, as I recall. This has led to a bizarre belief about a zone at the edge (how convenient--we can hardly see it or them) and they randomly come our way for no reason.

Velikovsky predicted that Viking would find 'hot' readings on Jupiter etc. It did. Instead of changing its beliefs, NASA humiliated him.

One other Biblical clue has to do with the wild world of principalities and entities, so hang on: both 2 Peter 2 and Jude refer to areas of space as 'the blackness of darkness' and as 'prisons' for evil superhuman entities. Peter even borrows 'tartarus' from the Greek Deucalion about the Titans' prison.

This last (prisons) has caused me to ask if earth is a renovated prison, for it started as dark, lifeless, and there are some references to confined beings 'in the depths' even cities.

I am aware that there are also some young-universe evidences: the S shape of many galaxies implies recentness; MYs would result in blurred concentricity.
I am not sure what this area of the forums is about but I just want to put an invitation out there. I am willing to participate in just about any debate regarding evolution versus creation. I am a very conservative evangelical Christian within the Reformed faith and an evolutionary creationist (which is like an old-earth creationist who accepts evolution). If you are looking to debate someone from that side of the fence, I'm your huckleberry (as Doc Holliday said).

I can understand a cell/organism getting stronger with 'equipment' it has, but I cannot understand the idea of creatively reorganizing one's world, including one's body, like a human might. Not only that, there aren't any examples. Why would any animal on 4s go to 2 peds to walk?

At the original moment, I think you have such an extreme environment, that even if there was a bang before creation week, creation week would still be true because of the 17 anomalies which Richard and Gonzales list in THE PRIVILEGED PLANET. The creatures and the environment design have to match, and the place has to be there first.

God promised salvation before the world began, which is very settling to think about.
I am not sure what this area of the forums is about but I just want to put an invitation out there. I am willing to participate in just about any debate regarding evolution versus creation. I am a very conservative evangelical Christian within the Reformed faith and an evolutionary creationist (which is like an old-earth creationist who accepts evolution). If you are looking to debate someone from that side of the fence, I'm your huckleberry (as Doc Holliday said).
I accept your challenge!!! .... Ummm, errr, except I'm an evolutionary paleobiologist so we probably already agree with each other for the most part. We even like the same Tombstone movie quotes.
I can understand a cell/organism getting stronger with 'equipment' it has, but I cannot understand the idea of creatively reorganizing one's world, including one's body, like a human might. Not only that, there aren't any examples. Why would any animal on 4s go to 2 peds to walk?

At the original moment, I think you have such an extreme environment, that even if there was a bang before creation week, creation week would still be true because of the 17 anomalies which Richard and Gonzales list in THE PRIVILEGED PLANET. The creatures and the environment design have to match, and the place has to be there first.

God promised salvation before the world began, which is very settling to think about.
Privileged Planet-- good movie