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Age of the earth...Young or old?

Maybe, but I doubt that.
Why would you doubt that? the geological record deposited by the flood shows they were around then. Even ancient depictions showed they were around after the flood.
Like what, a alligator maybe?
I would imagine alligators were on the ark.
Well, that would have been interesting getting the Behemoth in the Ark, and letting it back out would be risky.
How about a juvenile behemoth? You know, a small one.
As the originator of the thread I say dinosaurs are on topic....as many use them to justify the earth is old by their presence found in the rock strata.

They fail to realize the dinosaurs were killed in the flood.
That would make the existence of dinosaurs irrelevant when it comes to the age of the earth. What "many" think is irrelevant until those arguments have been made and as of this stage in the thread no one has argued dinosaurs are evidence one way or another (neither Post 17 or Post 21 make that assertion). Furthermore, nothing has been accomplished if the date of the flood is unknown. All the mention of the flood does is move the goalposts.

You are sabotaging your own op.

Don't take the bait! Just because someone mentions dinosaurs does not mean you have to bite at it. We're going to see multiple posters post nonsense and attempt to derail otherwise logically linear or flowing discourse with subterfuge. If God made the earth and everything on it in six days, then dinosaurs were made in six days. This op explicitly stipulates Genesis 1. I did not impose that on this discussion; the op did that. How long ago was that six days? :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure:

No one knows.

But there is a lot of speculation on the matter. How much of that speculation is scriptural and how much is scientifically consistent with scripture remains to be seen.

Have you read Francis Schaeffer's trilogy? If you live in the continental United States, then I will send you a copy of the book general delivery to a Post Office in your local on the condition you agree to read it from cover to cover.

That is a sincere offer. I have made the offer many times to posters in various forums. Sadly, few take me up on the offer and only one person in my 15+ years of foruming has kept his word. The problem of epistemology is real, but it is not the problem many imagine. There are other theologians who've addressed the matter (Van Til, Clark, Lewis, Newbiggin, Stackhouse, Pearcey) but Schaeffer's trilogy will cover all your concerns.
I'll order it. Lol, I have already a bias against it, just by your suggesting it, guessing that he agrees with your trust in the validity of human words and thinking, and the substance of a human POV. I hope I'm wrong. Maybe I'll learn something.

Ok, it is ordered.

I might even go back and give Michio another hearing, but it's not high on my list.
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As the originator of the thread I say dinosaurs are on topic....as many use them to justify the earth is old by their presence found in the rock strata.
Kinda proves and old earth, I think.
They fail to realize the dinosaurs were killed in the flood.
Not the dinosaurs. maybe some.
Well, that would have been interesting getting the Behemoth in the Ark, and letting it back out would be risky.
How about a juvenile behemoth? You know, a small one.
Since no one knows what a behemoth is, and because the book of Job may be fictional allegory, appeals and inquiries about the behemoth are speculative. And as I have already stated, since no one knows when the flood occurred, or how much time transpired prior to the flood, all this does is move the goalposts around. Perhaps the earth isn't billions of years old, but it could still easily be tens of thousands of years old and not mere thousands.
Maybe. I’m sure most everyone agrees that there was a time long ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth billions of years ago. Science calls that age "prehistoric times"while the Bible calls that time "the world that then was" (2 Pet. 3:6). Also, there is one other obvious fact that everyone agrees with—the dinosaurs are all gone—extinct! The Bible tells us why.

It's common sense that dinosaurs were before birds. The record of the earth tells us that when you dig up dinosaurs' bones. And birds were created on the fifth day. So, dinosaurs were extinct before the creation of birds and not because of the Noah's flood.
Since no one knows what a behemoth is,
and because the book of Job may be fictional allegory, appeals and inquiries about the behemoth are speculative. And as I have already stated, since no one knows when the flood occurred, or how much time transpired prior to the flood, all this does is move the goalposts around. Perhaps the earth isn't billions of years old, but it could still easily be tens of thousands of years old and not mere thousands.
It's common sense that dinosaurs were before birds. The record of the earth tells us that when you dig up dinosaurs' bones. And birds were created on the fifth day. So, dinosaurs were extinct before the creation of birds and not because of the Noah's flood.
I tend to agree here.
How so? You seem to be making unsupported assertions.

The legends of dragon hunters explains a lot of their demise.
You're not making a very good for a young earth.
It's common sense that dinosaurs were before birds. The record of the earth tells us that when you dig up dinosaurs' bones. And birds were created on the fifth day. So, dinosaurs were extinct before the creation of birds and not because of the Noah's flood.
When dinosaur bones are dug up...they are removed from sediment layers deposited by the flood.

Did you know they have found bio-material in dinosaurs? Bio-material that should have decayed if they are 65+ MY's old or older.
They fail to realize the dinosaurs were killed in the flood.
Then Noah disobeyed God.

Noah was instructed to bring seven pairs of every clean animal and two pairs of every unclean animal. If he left any animal behind to drown then he disobeyed God and Gensis 7:5-14 is a lie.

Genesis 7:5-15
Noah did according to all that the LORD had commanded him. Now Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of water came upon the earth. Then Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him entered the ark because of the water of the flood. Of clean animals and animals that are not clean and birds and everything that creeps on the ground, there went into the ark to Noah by twos, male and female, as God had commanded Noah. It came about after the seven days, that the water of the flood came upon the earth. In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened. The rain fell upon the earth for forty days and forty nights. On the very same day Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah’s wife and the three wives of his sons with them, entered the ark, they and every beast after its kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth after its kind, and every bird after its kind, all sorts of birds. So they went into the ark to Noah, by twos of all flesh in which was the breath of life.

Either Noah did not do as the LORD had commanded, or there were dinosaurs on the ark (and they died out after the flood). Either scripture is true, correct, and authoritative... or it is none of those things. It does not matter who argues the dinos were killed in the flood; the minute they make that claim they've run immediately into direct contradiction with scripture.
When dinosaur bones are dug up...they are removed from sediment layers deposited by the flood.
So the flood was millions and millions of years ago?
Did you know they have found bio-material in dinosaurs? Bio-material that should have decayed if they are 65+ MY's old or older.
Then Noah disobeyed God.

Noah was instructed to bring seven pairs of every clean animal and two pairs of every unclean animal. If he left any animal behind to drown then he disobeyed God and Gensis 7:5-14 is a lie.
Well if he took 2 of every kind, that would leave many to die in the flood.
It's common sense that dinosaurs were before birds. The record of the earth tells us that when you dig up dinosaurs' bones. And birds were created on the fifth day. So, dinosaurs were extinct before the creation of birds and not because of the Noah's flood.
But land creatures were created on the sixth day (Gen. 1:24-31). How do you reconcile the real/seeming conflict? And how does that help measure the earth's age?
There is an account of a floating ax. Can a miracle defy known scientific fact? I say yes
I'd say scientific principle, not scientific fact. Going by the use @Josheb makes of the term, "science", if the axe floated, it is scientific fact.