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7 Characteristics of false Teachers

It's amazing you can point out so many anti-biblical Roman Catholic beliefs, but ignore your own cult's ant-biblical practices and beliefs.
You must have missed Gods view of a cult= the only view that counts= A house divided( hundreds of trinity based religions) will not stand. They fail this true mark 100%-1Cor 1:10= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.
If the KJV is not an altered translation, then how can centuries of its use be criticized?

I read the mention of the NWT. Are you JW? If not, are you aware the NWT is the JW translation? Are you also aware that the NWT has its own flaws and, therefore, is an altered translation?

  1. Are you aware the New World Translation was translated by the Jehovah's Witness' Watchtower Bible Tract Society?
  2. Are you aware the New World Translation contains flaws in its translation?
  3. Are you aware, having these errors, the New World Translation qualifies as what you earlier called an "altered translation"?

Please answer the questions asked. Remember this thread is about the characteristics of false teachers and not a criticism, nor a defense of JWism in particular.
God translated the Nwt. He corrected his bible because every other translation in use was altered.
That is immaterial.

The forum's rules explicitly state...

"Please also summarize your beliefs, especially any religious, denominational, or sectarian orientation, and any theological positions in your Profile page. The objective is to provide members with potentially relevant information without having to digress in the threads with inquiries. This requirement is retroactive for all existing members. It is also recommended that members volunteer a label for underneath their avatar, especially for those holding views outside historical orthodoxy. Examples of the former might be "Reformed" or "Presbyterian." Examples of the latter are, "Jehovah's Witness," or "Latter Day Saint." The profile summaries are required."

Everyone here knows what I am, too, and those who don't learn very quickly (and unabashedly so). That does not prevent me from abiding by the rule requiring me to self-identify my orientation. You are simply being asked to do the same.
Where does one put what religion they are. I see all your banners not one has your religion on it.
You best believe Jesus-Matt 7:21
Do you always do the will of Father in heaven? I bet you don't.

Then again there are many who think because they are doing the "will of the Father"...grants them a path to salvation based upon their own works.

When standing before judgement they'll say....look at what I did for you Lord, certainly you need to grant me eternal life.
Are you implying that I don't believe Matt 7:21?
Jesus assures all only those living now to do his Fathers will get to enter his kingdom= get grace, be saved. So yes 100% a mortal MUST do certain things to get grace. And i shared the bottom line of that straight from Jesus teachings.
Do you always do the will of Father in heaven? I bet you don't.

Then again there are many who think because they are doing the "will of the Father"...grants them a path to salvation based upon their own works.

When standing before judgement they'll say....look at what I did for you Lord, certainly you need to grant me eternal life.
Works only builds a strong living faith. Without the works ones faith is dead. Any can stand and say i have faith, but when the crap hits the fan all will see. Like when Jesus was arrested, The apostles ran, Peter lied out of fear of men after all they personally witnessed Jesus do in front of their eyes. Its east to say i have faith, but what is coming to this Earth all will find out.
Works only builds a strong living faith.
I would say "works" are a by-product of faith.
Without the works ones faith is dead. Any can stand and say i have faith, but when the crap hits the fan all will see. Like when Jesus was arrested, The apostles ran, Peter lied out of fear of men after all they personally witnessed Jesus do in front of their eyes. It's east to say i have faith,
When your "faith" is based upon the works you do for yourself....with the hopes of gaining entrance into heaven rather than to glorify Jesus who is the Word who was God and is God...became flesh...and died for our sins...you'll succumb when the crap hits the fan.
but what is coming to this Earth all will find out.
What is coming to earth is a severe period of tribulation...the beast system.
Prior to that the true christians will be resurrected if they have died or raptured if they are still alive.
Alls one has to do is google the tetragramoton=YHWH or YHVH--not GOD or LORD as is found in altered translations. Every scholar knows its fact.
There are many here correcting you and you are not having it.

One day you will kneel before Him and call Him Lord.

That is a fact.

You would do well to fall on your knees beg for forgiveness of your sin.

Plead with Him to take the heart of stone out of you and put a heart of flesh in.
Jesus assures all only those living now to do his Fathers will get to enter his kingdom= get grace, be saved. So yes 100% a mortal MUST do certain things to get grace. And i shared the bottom line of that straight from Jesus teachings.
Considering that grace is a free gift...how can one work to obtain grace? That would mean it's not a free gift.
Jesus assures all only those living now to do his Fathers will get to enter his kingdom= get grace, be saved. So yes 100% a mortal MUST do certain things to get grace. And i shared the bottom line of that straight from Jesus teachings.
Do certain things to get grace removes all meaning to the word grace and to grace itself.

What are those "certain works"? That is a question that requires an answer and you should know the answer. If you don't how will you work your way into grace. :) (I deliberately spoke with an oxymoron.)
I shared many bible truths found in every translation on earth, you all reject them and put dogma first. Even over Jesus' teachings.
Have you actually read every translation on earth? Do you think it is necessary to speak in gross hyperbole in order to be heard, or that it will add any kind of weight to what you say?
Alls one has to do is google the tetragramoton=YHWH or YHVH--not GOD or LORD as is found in altered translations. Every scholar knows its fact.
It is only "God" or "LORD" in English translations. The reason is because those are the English words for YHWH. But to be clear YHWH is YHWH, not Jehovah.
God translated the Nwt. He corrected his bible because every other translation in use was altered.

You mean God translated the original languages into the NWT....... and he did an awful job. He didn't even get the second sentence correct.

Genesis 1:2 Hebrew transliteration
The earth was formless and void and darkness over the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Genesis 1:2 NWT
Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God’s active force was moving about over the surface of the waters.

The NWT has it wrong. Charles Taze Russel (the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses) used the KJV. That means if the KJV is an "altered translation," and an altered translation misrepresents God's word then Russell's religion was based on an altered translation, and we have reason to disregard the entire religion accordingly. If, on the other hand, the KJV is an acceptable translation then there was no reason for the Watchtower Society to attempt another translation and they're doing so is a serious problem. Russell predicted Jesus would return in 1874 and that did not happen..... making Russell a false teacher. Russell sued a Baptist minister who'd denounced Russell, accusing him of fraud, and when the case came to trial Russell acknowledged for the court record had never attended any institution of higher learning (including seminary), was never ordained, was completely ignorant of scripture's original languages. In an earlier, unrelated, court proceeding, Russel testified he was ordained. Russell lost the case against the Baptist defendant and his multiple cases of fraudulent activity inside and outside of the courtroom was documented.

The above makes Russell a false teacher. At a minimum, he qualifies for the first four "characters" cited in this op.

And, for the record, the questions asked were not answered (again). I did not ask anything about God. I asked....

  1. Are you aware the New World Translation was translated by the Jehovah's Witness' Watchtower Bible Tract Society?
  2. Are you aware the New World Translation contains flaws in its translation?
  3. Are you aware, having these errors, the New World Translation qualifies as what you earlier called an "altered translation"?

Where does one put what religion they are. I see all your banners not one has your religion on it.
Go to your account settings: Click on your handle at the top right corner of your browser. That should take you to the Account Settings page in your profile. Scroll down and you will find a place titled "Faith" where you can type "Jehovah's Witness." That will then show up below your avatar wherever you post in this forum. If you scroll down a little further, near the bottom, there is a space titled "About You," where greater details can be posted so that anyone glimpsing at your profile can find more information.

Click "Save" when finished and you're done :).
Where does one put what religion they are. I see all your banners not one has your religion on it.
Go to account details. Scroll till you come to the box marked "Faith". Fill it in and hit "Save."