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7 Characteristics of false Teachers

Matthew 24:24 "“For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Taking this verse out of its context can the elect be decieved?

I have always thought if a Christian is under false teaching they will come out from it.

If I am correct, that would mean that those who profess to be Christians and stay under and defend false teaching are not truly regenerated.

Is my understanding flawed, can regenerated people be deceived?
Greetings again Viking123,

I am not sure who is the "We" of your statement as the article on "Jehovah" from the JW Book: "Aid to Understanding" seems to indicate where and how the incorrect representation of YHWH occurred. Also the current article on "Jehovah" on the JW website has the following statement:

""The time did come, however, when in reading the Hebrew Scriptures in the original language, the Jewish reader substituted either ʼAdho·naiʹ (Sovereign Lord) or ʼElo·himʹ (God) rather than pronounce the divine name represented by the Tetragrammaton. This is seen from the fact that when vowel pointing came into use in the second half of the first millennium C.E., the Jewish copyists inserted the vowel points for either ʼAdho·naiʹ or ʼElo·himʹ into the Tetragrammaton, evidently to warn the reader to say those words in place of pronouncing the divine name."

Although this does not spell out the same conclusion as the earlier JW article that I quoted, it DOES NOT reflect your 100% conviction. In a way it only leaves the door open to a proper understanding that "Jehovah" is an erroneous rendition, based upon reading the wrong vowel points. I suggest that the current article is meant to cloud the issue or even muddy the waters.

Kind regards
And how old is that book?
LOL! Did you get that from Russellites and the NWT?

I want you to focus. This thread is about the characteristics of false teachers. Nothing more. This is not a debate on the heresies of the Jehovah's Witness cult.

The fact of scripture is that the Hebrew word, ruah, used in Genesis 1:2 means "wind," "breath," or "spirit," and it is used throughout the Tanakh to mean the spirit of God; never the "force" of God. Replacing the word "spirit" with force in every mention of the word ruah radically changes the meaning of scripture. The translators of the NWT did not translate ruah uniformly, consistently. This is demonstrably provable by examining other examples of ruah in the NWT.

Job 33:4 NWT
God’s own spirit made me, and the Almighty’s own breath brought me to life.

Ezekiel 11:24 NWT
A spirit then lifted me up—through a vision by the spirit of God — and brought me to the exiled people in Chaldea. Then the vision that I had seen left me.

There are more than a dozen inconsistencies like those two in the OT.

Furthermore, the word "holy," literally means "separate," or "separated." That is the denotative meaning of the word. Connotatively speaking, the word carries with it the definition or meaning of something separated specifically for sacred purpose. Vessels in the tabernacle that are designated as "holy" are, therefore, vessels that are separated for sacred purpose. A "holy" nation is, likewise, a nation that has been separated for sacred purpose. The Holy Spirit is the Separate and Sacred Spirit of God. As to the "living being" aspect of the Holy Spirit, scripture tells us the Spirit has thoughts of its own, emotions of its own, a will of its own, and actions of its own. It has a mind, and it knows the mind of others. I will happily go through the scriptures that prove these things. Logically, you are going to run into huge conflicts when asked how something that is not living can bestow life, and how something that is not a being can bestow being. All the many verses that state the Spirit gives life will necessarily mean life comes from non-life 🤨. No logical ground on your part will be gained by appealing to God as the source, the agent of the non-living Spirit as a being.

The NWT is the altered translation that is to be avoided.

Lastly, I'm going to try to help you, if you'll receive it. Many here have turned the discussion on you and made it about you. You brought it upon yourself, but the forum's rules do speak to the occasion. Russell was a false teacher, and he was recognized as such from the beginning of his departure from the Church, and...... when you post JW positions into the thread you then become a false teacher. This op is about the characteristics of false teachers. It was not necessary for you to introduce your positions the way you have and now you have become an object lesson proving the op correct (repeatedly! 😯). I am, therefore, going to encourage you to take a moment and re-collect your thoughts, reconsider your approach, and take a different tack with your posts because making yourself the object of this discussion is going to lead to failure. Your defensiveness will also only increase. You'll spend the entire thread on the defensive with multiple sources presenting multiple critiques for you to field. I am, therefore, going to also ask my non-JW peers, to make a conscious effort not to keep the posts about the posts (and not the poster) and attend to the topic of the op: the characteristics of false teachers. I do not need to mention any poster to prove the NWT a flawed translation and..... thereby prove the mention of "altered translations" a (self-indicting) red herring that meets the standard of the fourth characteristic of false teachers cited in this op. And since JWism is built on the teachings of a man who qualifies for every single one of the characteristics listed in the op, it's probably best not to make the thread about JWism if you expect to prove the veracity of the JW pov. Don't be a false teacher here. Do not rely on the false teacher, Charles Taze Russell here, either.

We can discuss the characteristics of false teachers without mentioning you (or Russell), but if you choose to take that course then be prepared.

You might consider a simple affirmation of the op's specifics. Are the characteristics cited correct and valid? There is no sense in anyone attempting to apply incorrect measures or discussing supposed metrics that have no validity. Are false teachers men-pleasers? Do false teachers disparage faithful messengers of Christ (ad hominem)? Do false teachers promote their own inventions? Do they neglect, misuse, and/or abuse God's word? Are they sophists? These are fairly simple questions, the answers to which should easily be observed with a readily offered, "Amen!" before furthering the discussion. Establish common ground.

Think about it.
Yes false teachers = all using altered translations with Gods name removed.
Matthew 24:24 "“For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Taking this verse out of its context can the elect be decieved?
I don 't think the elect can finally be deceived. Can they be led astray for a time? Yes, I think so. But when it comes right down to it, it is pretty much impossible to keep someone lost in the dark when the light is turned on.
I have always thought if a Christian is under false teaching they will come out from it.
I have always thought the same. But in God's secret council are the reasons God does certain things and allows certain things. But we can be sure, our sovereign God is in total control.
If I am correct, that would mean that those who profess to be Christians and stay under and defend false teaching are not truly regenerated.
The target word is "stay." However, there are seasons.
Is my understanding flawed, can regenerated people be deceived?
Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God)--these will get grace. These obey Jesus.
Why do you talk about grace if there is not a single line in the bible about it?
I don 't think the elect can finally be deceived. Can they be led astray for a time? Yes, I think so. But when it comes right down to it, it is pretty much impossible to keep someone lost in the dark when the light is turned on.

I have always thought the same. But in God's secret council are the reasons God does certain things and allows certain things. But we can be sure, our sovereign God is in total control.

The target word is "stay." However, there are seasons.

I have always thought if a Christian is under false teaching they will come out from it.
I have always thought the same. But in God's secret council are the reasons God does certain things and allows certain things. But we can be sure, our sovereign God is in total control.
I am pondering this very thought.

Who am I to judge anothe man's salvation and I am clueless to how the Lord is working in another persons life.

Thank you for that.
Matthew 24:24 "“For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Taking this verse out of its context can the elect be decieved?

I have always thought if a Christian is under false teaching they will come out from it.

If I am correct, that would mean that those who profess to be Christians and stay under and defend false teaching are not truly regenerated.

Is my understanding flawed, can regenerated people be deceived?
I believe regenerated people can be deceived about some things. It would come under building on the foundation with wood, hay straw. That will be burned up but they themselves will be saved but as though through fire. But it is really something only God knows because it is the heart he looks at and he is the one who regenerates a heart.

That being said, I also think that some things that are deceptions and false teachings are an indication of an unregenerated heart, but not necessarily one that will never be regenerated. Those things would be in regards to the person and work of Christ. Presenting a different Christ than the one the Bible presents. A heart that vehemently denies the deity of Christ for example, has not had the true Christ revealed to him as we see occurred with Peter. That is the Rock upon which his church is built. He is God.

And I think it depends on what the false teaching is whether or not it affects salvation.
I am pondering this very thought.

Who am I to judge anothe man's salvation and I am clueless to how the Lord is working in another persons life.

Thank you for that.
When we see people involved in things which are not Christian, they must be warned.
Yes false teachers = all using altered translations with Gods name removed.
That is not in the op.

The attempted appeal to "altered translations" is also hugely problematic because no translation of the original languages into English is perfect. Not the KJV and definitely not the NWT (as has already been demonstrated). Post #124 makes JWism false! Most of us here already know that but we don't expect a JW to undermine his own position (calling into doubt the prospect of having anything veracious to contribute concerning the characteristics of false teachers. It's also mocking. I tried to help by encouraging an affirmation of what is stated in the op but the choice was made to post something not in the op. The problems are made worse by the repeated neglect of salient content in others' posts as they highlight the problems. Perhaps this is another item to add to the list of characteristics of false teachers :unsure:.
Greetings again Viking123,
And how old is that book?
The JW Book: "Aid to Understanding" was issued in 1971 and I do not know if this book is still readily available, or used, or considered authoritative. Perhaps you could inform us what Book is considered to supersede or replace or more authoritative.

But the Article I quoted is from the current JW Website. This Article as a whole is definitely not as clear as the Article in the 1971 Book, so I do not know where the current JWs obtain a proper understanding on this subject.

Towards the end of 2019 I obtained a small JW book “What Can the Bible Teach Us?” The following are a few extracts:
Chapter 1: Who is God?
Page 12: “God has told us that his name is Jehovah.”

Chapter 15: The right way to worship God
Page 156: “So, as God’s servants we follow Jesus’ example. We worship only Jehovah, we use his name, and we teach others God’s name and what he will do for us.”

Page 158: “After studying these points, ask yourself: Who base their teachings on the Bible? Who tell others about God’s name? Who …? Who …? Who …? It is only Jehovah’s Witnesses Isaiah 43:10-12.”

Is the above the only teaching that a normal JW receives?

Kind regards
Matthew 24:24 "“For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Taking this verse out of its context can the elect be decieved?

I have always thought if a Christian is under false teaching they will come out from it.

If I am correct, that would mean that those who profess to be Christians and stay under and defend false teaching are not truly regenerated.

Is my understanding flawed, can regenerated people be deceived?
If you are right, then I am sure that it is a matter of definition and degree, as to what is false teaching. It would be mistaken to claim that we who hail by some particular nominative are in equal understanding of what we believe, and certainly wrong to think that we any of us understand exactly what it is that we hold to.
If you are right, then I am sure that it is a matter of definition and degree, as to what is false teaching. It would be mistaken to claim that we who hail by some particular nominative are in equal understanding of what we believe, and certainly wrong to think that we any of us understand exactly what it is that we hold to.
Heard this saying once:

I know there is a flaw in my theology, but I just do not know where.
Heard this saying once:

I know there is a flaw in my theology, but I just do not know where.

I use this in my signature at another message board: "My theology is theologia viatorum, what Michael Horton called a ‘pilgrim theology.’ My knowledge of God—as revealed by Christ through redemptive history—is limited but evolving and fallible (1 Cor 13:12)."