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7 Characteristics of false Teachers

I'm finding this statement a little confusing. I thought the NWT was supposed to be an English Language translation from the originals. Are you saying that it is translated from the English into 300 other languages? —or from the original languages?

And what word do they all use for The Divine Name?

Do me a favor, and write "Jehovah's Witness", somewhere below your handle in your profile, so it shows up next to your posts. I'm working on the staff to require such identifications so that I know whether to try harder to understand someone and to take them seriously. I don't like guessing.
All know i am a JW.
Viking123 said:
He knew some Greek, it’s not that hard to look things up.
Viking123 said:
The New world translation has been published in over 300 languages

It appears that @Viking123 has little understanding of languages and translating. Maybe they keep 'em naive, in that, uh, group.
Not all true sir. There has been about 20 translations in history with a god at John 1:1 for the Word, by Greek scholars. Fact-There are 2 spots in NT where 2 are called God and god John 1:1, 2 Cor 4:4--Any can look it up in Greek. The true God in both instances called Ton Theon, while the Word and satan both called a different word=Theos-Why? to show the difference of God and god. god carrying the meaning-has godlike qualities. Translating works the same at both spots so either satan is God or the Word is god. We all know satan is not God.
Abner kneeland( 1822) NT translation-Non JW, non trinitarian just a Greek scholar-Compared Greek to English side by side to prove to the world a god is correct at John 1:1.
makesends said:
I'm finding this statement a little confusing. I thought the NWT was supposed to be an English Language translation from the originals. Are you saying that it is translated from the English into 300 other languages? —or from the original languages?

And what word do they all use for The Divine Name?

Do me a favor, and write "Jehovah's Witness", somewhere below your handle in your profile, so it shows up next to your posts. I'm working on the staff to require such identifications so that I know whether to try harder to understand someone and to take them seriously. I don't like guessing.

All know i am a JW.
I notice you haven't answered the two paragraphs above the question of you being a JW.
Not all true sir. There has been about 20 translations in history with a god at John 1:1 for the Word, by Greek scholars. Fact-There are 2 spots in NT where 2 are called God and god John 1:1, 2 Cor 4:4--Any can look it up in Greek. The true God in both instances called Ton Theon, while the Word and satan both called a different word=Theos-Why? to show the difference of God and god. god carrying the meaning-has godlike qualities. Translating works the same at both spots so either satan is God or the Word is god. We all know satan is not God.
Abner kneeland( 1822) NT translation-Non JW, non trinitarian just a Greek scholar-Compared Greek to English side by side to prove to the world a god is correct at John 1:1.
That's not what I was talking about. Do you honestly believe that it is still NWT if it is translated from English to other languages? Or is it translated to those 300 languages from the original languages? What, then, identifies it as NWT? And what name (in the other language) is still the same name as in the English translations?
In 2015 the divine name kjv put Gods name back-OT-NT over 7000 spots.
Thank you for that,however, the question asked was not what the KJV contains. The question is much plainer.

Do you consider the KV an "altered translation"?
The New world translation has been published in over 300 languages
So what?

Are you JW?
God knows Greek and via holy spirit fixed his translation through men who actually care about Gods will.
That's the same thing Kenneth Hagin said when he got caught plagiarizing E.W. Kenyon. It is completely unverifiable and an obvious lie to all but the gullible.
makesends said:
I'm finding this statement a little confusing. I thought the NWT was supposed to be an English Language translation from the originals. Are you saying that it is translated from the English into 300 other languages? —or from the original languages?

And what word do they all use for The Divine Name?

Do me a favor, and write "Jehovah's Witness", somewhere below your handle in your profile, so it shows up next to your posts. I'm working on the staff to require such identifications so that I know whether to try harder to understand someone and to take them seriously. I don't like guessing.

I notice you haven't answered the two paragraphs above the question of you being a JW.
Most likely from English, but such an undertaking to accomplish that is astounding. Some languages do not have certain words that are in other languages thus takes a lot of hard work and study to find similar wording.
I can't read 300 different languages to know if the name is different in those languages. JW.org has the translations, any can take the time to look it up for self if truly interested.
Why are you specifically targeting me to put JW under my name when no one else has there denomination under their name?
That's not what I was talking about. Do you honestly believe that it is still NWT if it is translated from English to other languages? Or is it translated to those 300 languages from the original languages? What, then, identifies it as NWT? And what name (in the other language) is still the same name as in the English translations?
There are no originals left-There is the Latin Vulgate-4th century. Translated from a previous corrupted latin translation. And the Codex sinacticus( 4th century)--both Catholicism works. There are a very small number of fragments that are older.
Yes those 300 translations would still be called the NEW world translation( in their language)
Thank you for that,however, the question asked was not what the KJV contains. The question is much plainer.

Do you consider the KV an "altered translation"?

So what?

Are you JW?
I don't the KV version. But its 100% fact if Gods name has been removed against Gods will then yes its altered to mislead.
That's the same thing Kenneth Hagin said when he got caught plagiarizing E.W. Kenyon. It is completely unverifiable and an obvious lie to all but the gullible.
Every scholar on Earth knows 100% God willed his name in his translation in over 7000 places. Why? Because he wants it there. And ALL who care to support Gods will make 100% sure the translation they use has Gods name in every one of those spots as Jesus would have. Its that simple.
Why are you specifically targeting me to put JW under my name when no one else has there denomination under their name?

Probably because you never created an Introduce Yourself post describing your view, so it should at least be on your sidebar profile.
I am not misrepresenting God, only ones in darkness using altered translations believe that. One of the biggest misleading things by the removal of Gods name is the following.
Joel 2:21-22--Those who call on the name of YHVH(Jehovah) will be saved--quoted at Acts 2:21-22-Rom 10:13--But since LORD( that does not belong is found at Joel in altered translations, Lord is at both NT spots. And since 1 Cor 8:6 says Jesus is Lord, all using the altered translations are being mislead to call on Jesus name instead of bible reality= Jehovah's name is the name to be called on. You see those calling on Jehovah's name listened to Jesus and went through him( did not stop at him) to get to his Father.( John 14:6)
Every scholar on Earth knows 100% God willed his name in his translation in over 7000 places. Why? Because he wants it there. And ALL who care to support Gods will make 100% sure the translation they use has Gods name in every one of those spots as Jesus would have. Its that simple.
Are you really and truly familiar with the work of every scholar on earth? A great many of them have been dead for centuries. Have you read the work of every scholar on earth? Do you see how you make your own posts and what you say in them worthless? The name Jehovah is nowhere in the original manuscripts, or any of the manuscripts and copies of manuscripts that translators work from. Do you even know how translations are arrived at? The JW Bible being an exception and probably the Open Theists Bible the REV, and probably a few others put out by cults, who didn't bother with the heavy lifting that went on centuries ago.

There was no "J" in the Hebrew alphabet so Jehovah is a transliteration. Therefore, not the same name God gave himself when he spoke with Moses. So even the JW Bible is changing his name.

But, the trolling needs to stop. This is a Christian forum.
I am not misrepresenting God. Only ones in darkness, using altered translations, believe that. One of the biggest misleading things by the removal of Gods name is the following: [insert biblical references to Joel 2:21-22, Acts 2:21-22, Rom 10:13, 1 Cor 8:6, and John 14:6].

It is quite telling that you think passages like Acts 2:21 are referring to "name" is the sense of a given name (e.g., Isaac). I think calling on the "name" of the Lord is a reference to the meaning of that name and/or his reputation, that is, his faithfulness as messiah.
I am not misrepresenting God, only ones in darkness using altered translations believe that. One of the biggest misleading things by the removal of Gods name is the following.
Joel 2:21-22--Those who call on the name of YHVH(Jehovah) will be saved--quoted at Acts 2:21-22-Rom 10:13--But since LORD( that does not belong is found at Joel in altered translations, Lord is at both NT spots. And since 1 Cor 8:6 says Jesus is Lord, all using the altered translations are being mislead to call on Jesus name instead of bible reality= Jehovah's name is the name to be called on. You see those calling on Jehovah's name listened to Jesus and went through him( did not stop at him) to get to his Father.( John 14:6)
Are you not aware that when something is translated it is taken from one language and translated into another language? The words of the language it is being translated to are used, and not the untranslated words? You are not using your head or common reason and standing as God damning people with your foolishness. God is not a Hebrew or a Greek, or English. YHVH is YHVH. Not Jehovah. When Moses recorded it was Ehyeh. In Greek it is Eimi, in Spanish it is YO SOY. In English it is I AM.
My posts are clear on that matter. I don't see your religions name under your name WHY?
It says Reformed. That is a Christian theology, not a religion. Maybe you need to crack open a few books? Something besides the Watchtower?