In fairness, tohu wabohu does express the sense of "total chaos," but I agree with you that it doesn't convey a past or pluperfect tense of "was" or "had been" ruined. There is nothing to indicate God created a perfect state that then *became* ruined. Gen 1.2 simply depicts a pre-creation state of chaos prior to God's first divine act of creation by fiat. The Bible doesn't tell us anymore, so it still is a bit of a mystery.
It does not have to directly convey in the grammar "became."
For that was not how it was to be read.
It was a NARRATIVE. Moses spoke to the gathered people and let their imaginations fill in the imagery as Moses read on.
It began with drama!
"In the beginning God created the heavens and earth!"
Then... the Hebrew reader was to detect the need for a moment of silence with a pause.
Then the reader was to to fade back into a new scene....
And the earth
was Tohu wabohu...." (it does say 'was!')
To the Hebrew mind there was no need to say it
"became" Tohu wabohu. (utter ruin and chaos)
Because the state of the earth as it was described they knew God would not have ever created that way!
That is why some argue to make it read "became."
And, the grammar police demand it is to be read "was."
Both failing to see the the narrative technique indicated to have a pause in the reading. It originally was for the *public reading* of Genesis as Moses was to speak before the people.
Here is that Hebrew grammatical modifier.....
Furthermore, in the Massoretic Text in which the Jewish scholars
tried to incorporate enough "indicators" to guide the reader as to
correct punctuation there is one small mark which is technically
known as Rebhia which is classified as a "disjunctive accent"
intended to notify the reader that he should pause before
proceeding to the next verse.
In short, this mark indicates a "break" in the text.
Such a mark appears at the end of Genesis 1.1.
This mark has been noted by several scholars including Luther.
Please note that!
For the conventional traditional arguments, have become like a dog wearing himself out chasing his tail.
grace and peace ....................