Greetings again Red Baker, Part 1
I see a unity between God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son of God,.
Then all I can say, you are not seeing the truth as of yet. Trevor, there can be unity between man and man; man and God, this prove nothing more than agreement and striving together for one purpose and goal. The apostles all had that with with God, yet not one of them was the Son of God, thus making them equal to God.
but I see no mention that Jesus had the same physical nature as God during his ministry
not physical, but deity~divine status, quality, or nature! This is seen many times over. I gave one example above of Jesus seeing Nathanael under the fig tree
before he saw him with his own yes, this could
only be so in his deity, or divine status as God manifest in the flesh.
No man could have said that not even Moses or any of the great OT prophets, which proves that Jesus was
more than just a prophet,
more than just a man, he was indeed the promised Christ of
Isaiah 9:6, Micah 5:2; etc.
why do you reject such scriptures as this one, and more can be added.
I find no hint in the three records of Matthew 1:20-21, Luke 1:34-35 and John 1:14 that somehow God the Son was transferred from heaven into the womb of Mary. Jesus was born 100% a human only, and his parents were God the Father and Mary. Jesus was what he was because of BOTH nurture and "nature" in the sense of hereditary attributes received from God and Mary. He did not receive Divine Nature in his conception / birth, as he was a mortal human only.
You find none because you do not want to admit to what is clearly there.
First, let me say that God the Son was not transfer from heaven into the womb of Mary. God had no Son until Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost ( I know you folks do not like to use the phrase "Holy Ghost" for some unknown strange reason. ) in the womb of Mary around two thousand years ago. He was not transferred but conceived! Jesus was God's only begotten Son in the manner in which he was conceived without a earthly father~ by-passing Adam's posterity which is corrupt by nature from conception~he became the second Adam with flesh and blood, yet not the first Adam's but God's!
Bare with me, this is going to be a little long, we do not want any stone left unturned!
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
And the Word~call this title because the Word is the revealer and declarer of God's written word.
When identifying a trinity of witnesses in heaven, John used Word (
I Jn 5:7).
The Word of God is the name for the divine spirit that is God and with God.
The Word of God is God, was with God as a part of the Trinity, and so forth. He was the eternal God Himself, for it says that He was in the beginning. He was with God, for Jehovah is a trinity, and the Word is one of its three. He was God, for the Word of God is nothing more than a pure divine Spirit. He was with God in the beginning to prove equally independent existence. He was the Creator God of all things, and without Him nothing was created.
Note very carefully that it was the Word, and not the Son, that is named here. The Word and the Son are not the same Being/Person
without clarification. The Word became the Son by His incarnation in human flesh through Mary. The Son is dependent on both the Word and His human nature for existence. The Son was not made flesh, because the Son is flesh
by His very existence.
Was made flesh.
This is part of the great mystery of godliness – God was manifest in the flesh. This Trevor you and your cult reject.
The Word of God joining human flesh is not a mystery to us
by revelation. Modern translations remove God … lying with he, Christ, who, and which.
This is an incredible event in all recorded history –
Jehovah God became man.
Jesus Christ is also known as Emmanuel –
God with us (
Is 7:14;
Matt 1:23). Trevor, you and your cult reject this truth~
Jesus had a human body indwelt by the fullness of the Godhead (
Col 2:8-9).
God is a spirit. Jesus had a body. Jesus
Christ is God, but God is not Jesus.
The incarnation of the Word of God with a human body is a precious doctrine.
Theologians use a term hypostatic union to describe our Lord’s two natures. God is a Spirit (
Jn 4:24), but a human body was prepared for Him (
He 10:5).
Christ’s deity (
Jn 8:58) nor humanity (
Heb 4:15)
was changed by the union.
He is not fully Jesus Christ, Son of God,
without His body (
Lu 2:12;
We reject any variation of the simple doctrine and facts recorded in the Bible.
The Word of God did not have a human body in eternity like some teach. The flesh body of Jesus was not a phantom body or a ghost-like apparition. Denial of the human flesh body of Jesus is very wrong (
I Jn 4:2-3;
II Jn 1:7). Spirits have no flesh, blood, bone; Jesus had all three (
Luke 24:39;
Heb 2:14).
Before the Word was flesh in Jesus, God did not have a Son
but by covenant.
The Son was not made flesh; the Son did not exist until the Word was flesh.
God works by covenant, choosing His elect in Jesus before the world began.
God did not speak to Israel by His Son until Jesus was born (
Heb 1:1-2).
The flesh body prepared for Jesus by God was chosen from David’s family tree.
God promised the Messiah to be a Son of David in many places (
Gen 49:10;
II Sam 7:12-16;
Ps 89:36-37;
Is 9:6-7;
Jer 23:5-6;
Amos 9:11). God’s Son was made of the seed of David according to the flesh (
Rom 1:3). Therefore, the Son of God is Son of David (
Mat 1:1;
Luke 1:32;
Rev 22:16). The Son of David by Joseph/Solomon and Mary/Nathan (
Matt 1:7;
Lu 3:31).
Jesus had to have a literal and real flesh-bone-blood body to die for us sinners.Jesus Christ’s flesh body descended from the Jewish fathers (
Romans 9:5). He was made of a woman in her womb in order to have His body (
Gal 4:4). He took on our nature for the suffering of death in our place (
Heb 2:14-18). A body was prepared for Him, and He willingly offered it (
Heb 10:5-10,
20). His body was formed in the womb of a woman like every other man is formed. Mary conceived and bore a human child like others (
Mat 1:18-20;
Lu 2:23). Without a mother, God has no Son … for God made Jesus by her (
Gal 4:4). This way He was made in the likeness of men after being God (
Phil 2:5-11).
Part one....