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Will the Jews build a Third Temple?

Keep the feast of tabernacles; not literally, but spiritually; for, as all the Jewish feasts have been long since abolished, having had their accomplishment in Christ, not one of them will ever be revived in the latter day. ref gills
That is Future Prophecy, after we are gone in the Rapture, after the second Coming. Only then will Zec. 14 be fulfilled.
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Keep the feast of tabernacles; not literally, but spiritually; for, as all the Jewish feasts have been long since abolished, having had their accomplishment in Christ, not one of them will ever be revived in the latter day. ref gills

Yes spiritually (not seen)

Therefore uses the temporal dying seen to gives to us the unseen understanding of the Holy Spirit .of Christ

One new cerinimoinal shadow as sign to the unbelieving world . . ..spiritual Not to the literal used to demonstrate.

Three kinds of glories demonstrated working as one.

The new testament ceremonial is used to demonstrate the wedding supper in the new .heaven an earth Then the vail will be lifted and drinking of the blood of grapes mixed with bread to represent our daily bread will be complete . . Like the parable "drink blood eat flesh" .

A vision of the Holy Spirit of Christ pouring out his Holy Spirit life on dying flesh and blood . . in jeapordy of His own Spirit life . Therefore , creating a new creature to live with Christ forever

One new ceremonial law made possible because of the cross. .Jew and Gentiles ,males and females could now gather together as one bride. the gospel explosion

That demonstrating shadow, has all but disappeared in a few assemblies no longer using it in thier format. It seems like the tradition of dying mankind signs to wonder after and seek as hope is increasing.

More and more words are losing there foundational meaning . David said in the Psalms; if the foundation is destroyed what could a believer do. Tower of Babel

1 Corinthians 11; 3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God .Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.......Christ

There are few assemblies today that do cover thier head of hair. Catholics for one, certain Jewish sects another
Moses was given the plans for a temple in heaven? Was that temple a temple other than Jesus?

Walk me through those scriptures.

No, that is plans on earth, if you are talking about the plan for the Future plan for after the Rapture, and into the Millennium in Ezekiel. It is the Plans for the Fourth TEMPLE.
No, that is plans on earth, if you are talking about the plan for the Future plan for after the Rapture, and into the Millennium in Ezekiel. It is the Plans for the Fourth TEMPLE.
I was not asking you anything. Another poster made a statement, "God already has a Temple which is the original one in heaven on which Moses was given the plans which the earthly one was built as the Bible tells us..." I am asking that poster about his statement. I am not asking you anything about anything unless you believe it best for you to speak for another and explain another's posts.

Moses, btw, was not given plans for any temple. The guy that says otherwise has to explain himself and Post 223 is nonsense.
I would offer, ,

God is the temple the source of His Glory .Gods very essence is light and not that he can only create a temporal source under the Sun.

His glory as the light of the world left on day three and day four the temporal began to un wind towards the last day under the Sun .

In the new heavens and earth there will be no temple

Revelation 21:23 22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

The church is a light to the world. The Holy Father calling us as temples. . children of light .

Believers I would think were always the earthly temples not made with the hands of mankind (working out the appointment death). Yoked with Christ our burden can be lighter with a living hope beyond the grave

Temples made with human hands. I beleive is foundation of all the pagan religions of the world (out of sight out of mind ) .No invisible God.

God gave over the faithless unbelieving Jew to do what they should of asked for ,a King, refusing to let The King of kings reign in thier dark hearts