@Mercy_Shown is assuming, I think, the mistaken notion that God sees all people the same, loves all equally, has equal hopes and plans concerning all. But, God is that much 'above' us that he is just to give to some and not to all, in whatever degree he sees fit, for his own purposes —even when it is not done for their good. WE are not the reason he created the universe and this 'temporal envelope' —HE is the reason. So, if it is valid to say, "he lit it up completely", it does not mean, "he lit it up evenly". When he took away the sins of the world, even if the eisegetical notion is accurate that it means 'everyone's sins', it is not necessary to assume that everyone's sins were taken away from them, but rather, that maybe they too are taken away with their sins. Do you see the universe breathing a huge sigh of relief after Christ died and was resurrected?
There is practically no end of mistakes to make from assuming God loves everyone equally in the same way, and does not have different purposes for each person.