This highlights the deficit of labels. I know at least half a dozen people who are the Calvinism label that would disagree with you. So it is evident that self-described calvanists do not agree on exactly what IG is.
Irrelevant. Complete red herring. What others do or don't do has no bearing on my posts and if you approach this comparatively, you're only fooling yourself with your own fallacious reasoning. The first problem is that orthodoxy exists within Calvinism and so too does diversity. It is by that orthodoxy that the diversity can be measured for its veracity - and you do not appear to have a very good grasp of either the orthodoxy or the diversity that falls within the spectrum allowed by that orthodoxy. The second problem is I have used scripture and endeavored to use scripture exactly as written, beginning with the most explicit statements, and an exegetical examination of those texts. Not once have I appealed to Calvinism as a doctrine to justify my beliefs. Where I used extra-biblical sources I used an authoritative document, not a particular theologian. Where I used specific theologians it was specifically because the question of some theological statement was questioned.
I gave you evidence beginning first and foremost with scripture. I gave you proof.
The response is cr@p like the above completely fallacious appeal to what others do. I do not care what others do. If what I have posted is correct, then accept and believe it because it is correct and do it in complete disregard to what anyone else says.
Now let's cut to the chance: Can IG be resisted and rejected by one upon whom God is bestowing it?
I have already answered that question. My answer is the question is dross. The question is dross because Irresistible Grace had absolutely NOTHING to do with the sinner being saved. IG pertains solely to God accomplishing His purpose when He extends His grace for the purpose of salvation.
Others here have born witness to that fact.
And, given the fact YOU posted your knowledge IG is also called
effectual grace we all have evidence you are trolling and not here for an authentic dialogue.
Therefore all men should be saved since that is the will of God.
God wills many things,
and He wills many thing simultaneously. This is already posted content - content you have chosen to ignore. That makes this more evidence of trolling, more evidence we're not actually having an authentic conversation with someone sincerely interested in learning the answer to his own question.
Of course not, God's purpose is to bring mankind to the point where they can reject or submit of their own free choice. That is why Christ died on the cross instead of simply speaking the word and changing everyone's minds, hearts, and purposes to His own.
Then they appropriate response is, "Yes, that is correct, Josh," and you post that without any qualifiers, diversion, or other subterfuge.
Because you say so? I don't think so. That is an argument by fiat.
No, because 1) I provide scripture for evidencing my posts and 2) you ought to recognize a fallacy in your own argument simply because it is a fallacy.
It depends, did he have a DNR order in place? Was he trying to commit suicide?
No, it does not depend on any of that nonsense and this if more evidence you're not here genuinely.
After is conscious he can decide whether to submit to the doctors or resist their efforts to help him heal.
After he is conscious everything has changed. THAT is the point. You have abjectly failed to address his condition PRIOR to gaining consciousness. More evidence you are not here to discuss the answer to this threads' title inquiry.
The unconscious individual is unable to help himself, and cannot respond to any helpful agent because of his condition. THAT is what we now call Total Depravity and TD is not a uniquely Calvinist position. Arminius was also a TDer. You are on record stating you think TD was Calvin's sole (valid) contribution to theology. Now you must be consistent
with your own statement because if sinful humanity is UNABLE to respond (as TD stipulates) then
you cannot use scripture to say otherwise without contradicting yourself!!!
More evidence of trolling.
So take a few minutes and think about your own errors before posting a response. Take a step back away from the auto-criticism mindset seeking only to find flaws in everyone else's views and look at your own errors.
You cannot concede to TD and say the unconscious man has qualifiers.
You cannot concede to TD and say the TDer just has to believe. He CANNOT just believe.
You cannot contradict your own posts and expect anyone here to think you are being authentic.
Of course, it was. God brings us to life so that we may either consent or resist.
Show me the scripture. Show me the
explicit statement in the Bible explicitly stating what you just posted. Do NOT show me a verse you interpret to mean what was posted. Show me the
explicit statement in scripture.
Absent any such
explicite statement then simply post, "There is none." OR... "I have none, BUT I read verse book #:# to mean that," because at least then you and everyone else here will know AND agree there is no such verse and the position is arrived at
solely through an eisegetic, inferential reading of scripture and not what is explicitly stated.
If a man cannot consent and still be saved, then how is it he is guilty of consenting to sin?
Great question but that has nothing to do with IG. You have failed to address the point you specified, are now attempting a move of the goalposts, and proving what I posted many, many, many posts ago:
you have way too many questions for one thread and need to PICK ONE and stick to it.
Stop muddying the conversations with repeated changes of topic.
Those whom Calvin claimed were never made alive cannot be held responsible for things they are unaware of.
Utter nonsense and I will be happy to take up that subject with you when you stop conflating multiple topics and we have finished discussing the correct meaning of IG and how scripture (not Calvin) proves that doctrine necessarily correct to the exclusion of all other alternatives.
Only if I accept your premise but I don't.
That's on you.
Then you have no basis for critiquing anyone's posts or any soteriological doctrine and should take another approach than omni-critic. It is incomprehensible that you would think to critique and criticize others' views without understanding the force brought to bear on sin.
More evidence of trolling.
Is it then actually resistible?
Is it effectual?
Decide whether you have any sincere interest in learning before posting again.