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Why Did God Plan for the Fall of Man?

Are these all not valid and op-relevant inquiries? How long did it take before answers to those questions were posted? I had to wait five posts and endure four posts (now deleted) of ridicule, mockery, and denigration

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Sometimes it's best to sit on the side lines and eat 🍿 and save your energy.
(Said from the view point of general agreement with and enjoyment of your ideas) 😊
Do you know and understand what is this op's view of God's plan for the fall?
I didn't at the beginning, I was willing to let the story unfold so I could get a good grip on the OP's thinking before I started questioning and/or disagreeing with his proposition. Unfortunately, because the OP produced ambiguity for you, we had to wade through your confusion and then others chimed in as well.

Having reread the initial post and looking at some of the other things said like trapping enemies and Nathan and David's story, I think I have a pretty good idea of what the OP is getting at now.
Because I gave an answer and then you asked for an answer.
Well, Gene it is because you do not explain but avoid it. Can you explain why a person who planned to kill his wife would be found guilty? Just answer this question directing without going anywhere else, can you do that?
Well, Gene it is because you do not explain but avoid it. Can you explain why a person who planned to kill his wife would be found guilty?

In man's eyes? No. The man would not be found guilty.

But that was irrelevant to the topic. What I said was concerning Lucifer's fall. What he unjustifiably thought towards the impeccable Lord God.

In God's eyes concerning Satan? Yes. Lucifer's desire to make himself like the Most High was to get the Lord out of the way and to replace Him. So, "yes." For who in his right mind would ever wish to murder our wonderful Lord?

Matthew 5:21-22a
"You have heard (Exodus 20:13) that it was said by them of old time (Old Testament prophets),
"You shall not murder . . . and whosoever shall murder shall be in danger of judgment.' "
"But I (Jesus) say unto you, 'That whosoever is 'enraged through jealousy'/hostile, because pride
is hurt' (orgizo) with his brother without a cause, will be in danger of being subjected to divine justice..

Note: Orgizo is a mental attitude of deep hatred or hostility because of pride or jealousy.
It expressed itself by means of the tongue - maligning/slander/judging/false testimony.
It produces mental attitude murder in context.

In Christ ...........
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Wait a minute.. I thought you were running parallel to what I said.

I thought you were saying he only planned it in his mind. Now you mean had begun arranging plans to have her murdered?
That's another story.

Its not parallel to the Lord being murdered in Lucifer's heart before any angel knew what murder was.
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Does it now. Well, personally I find this behaviour quite creepy. It reminds me of Adam in the Garden waiting to see if Eve is going to get into trouble from eating the fruit knowing full well what the answer would be and saying nothing.

I'm not here for your entertainment or whatever it is you think you're achieving with this game playing.

You complain of others not answering questions while you play at being ignorant.

I was genuinely concerned you didn't know the answer to something that is elementary to Christian understanding and it turns out you're just being a twat!

You're on ignore.

Careful! That word is a vulgarity over here!

In America that word is not seen as it is used in your land! :eek:

Other people are seen as rude, dishonest, neglectful, unpleasant, selfish, lazy or you may dislike them for any number of reasons. In Australia, that type of person is a “jerk”, “rat bag” or “scum bag”. In Britain, the word is “twat”. The British also use the word “twat” to mean “to beat up”, while in Australia people might say “bash” and “pummel”.

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Careful! That word is a vulgarity over here!

In America that word is not seen as it is used in your land! :eek:

Other people are seen as rude, dishonest, neglectful, unpleasant, selfish, lazy or you may dislike them for any number of reasons. In Australia, that type of person is a “jerk”, “rat bag” or “scum bag”. In Britain, the word is “twat”. The British also use the word “twat” to mean “to beat up”, while in Australia people might say “bash” and “pummel”.

I used the British term as I thought it more accurate as his dishonesty left me feeling like I had been kicked in the guts. From the link you gave me:

Other people are seen as rude, dishonest, neglectful, unpleasant, selfish, lazy or you may dislike them for any number of reasons. In Australia, that type of person is a “jerk”, “rat bag” or “scum bag”. In Britain, the word is “twat”. The British also use the word “twat” to mean “to beat up”, while in Australia people might say “bash” and “pummel”.

The use of the word in Britian or Australia would only be given a PG (parental guidance) rating which is technically unrestricted.
Unfallen state? Can you show me this?
Its not the same Garden of Eden Lucifer walked in. The description is different.

Just as the tabernacle on earth was a copy to the one in heaven, apparently there are other parallels in heaven as well.

If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already priests who offer the gifts
prescribed by the law. They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven.
This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make
everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” Hebrews 8:4-5​

God made all things, but God did not make sin :unsure:.

Yes, they do. ALL things serve God's purpose - even sin. I haven't been keeping up with the last few posts, but everyone in the early posts all agree: everything serves God's purpose. That does not mean God made sin. It does not mean God forced satan or Adam to disobey Him. Whether or not sin or the fall, satan, sinful man, etc. serve God's purpose is not in dispute.

Oh! Don't be quoting small portions of the WCF and using an abusive quote mine to justify bad thinking and bad doctrine. WCF 3.1 is very detailed, very diverse, very specific AND very limited.

  • God ordained all things from eternity.
  • God is NOT the author of sin.
  • God did not do violence to the human will.
  • God did not do violence to the contingencies of secondary causes.

In other words, Calvinist theology asserts God as The Causal Agent BUT the Calvinism of the WCF also teaches God did NOT author sin when He ordained from eternity whatsoever would come to pass. In other words, the ordaining did not cause sin. The whatsoever coming to pass of sin was not authored by God. Likewise, when God ordained all things from eternity He did not do violence to the choices humans would make, nor the contingencies of secondary causes. The definition of the word, "contingency" is "a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty," or "a provision for an unforeseen event or circumstance" 😯. Yet God is omniscient (and omnipotent).

In other words, if you are going to use the WCF then you must use all of it and not just the parts you like. The WCF asserts God as the sole ordainer of all that comes to pass, but it ALSO plainly states He is not the author of sin. The WCF clearly states something occurred that God did not Himself author: sin. Furthermore, the WCF asserts human volition as a real condition and explicitly states God's eternal ordaining did not do violence to the human will. Yet every act of the human will serve God's purpose. The WCF ALSO asserts secondary causes, and not only does it assert the existence of secondary cause, but it also asserts those secondary causes have "future possible events or circumstances that cannot be predicted with certainty." God is omniscient. He knows all the possible events and circumstances that cannot be predicted with certainty and whatever they may be... they ALL serve His purpose.

So, any Reformed believer in this thread who subscribes to the WCF had better be true to Reformed Theology or I will call him/her out on it. Strict determinism is not Calvinism. Determinists cannot hide behind Calvinism with me. I'll point them directly to the WCF.

The "fall" (sin) serves God's purpose, but God is not the Author of the fall.

This op is playing feebly with everyone here because he is NOT getting on with his own op. If the WCF is correct, then it has incredible relevance to "God's plan for the fall of man," but this op is not about Reformed theology. @GeneZ has been clear: he thinks it imperfect.

I took the time to emphasize and get agreement on the pre-existent nature of God's plan, the fact the plan preceded both falls, not just the human "fall," and how the plan has purpose transcending and irrelevant of sin or the fall of either satan or Adam, and all the other aspects I broached that are still being ignored by this op. Whatever is God's plan for creation, it cannot be said to make God dependent in any way on sin or any other created condition. The Creator is NOT dependent on what He creates. EVER! More importantly, since this op specifies the "fall," no explanation of God's plan can in any way make the righteous Creator's plan dependent in any way shape or form on unrighteousness, The Law Maker dependent in any way on lawlessness, the Perfect One dependent upon imperfection.

Any and all explanations making the Creator dependent upon that which is created are self-contradictory.

In that one single simple statement a large swath of this thread is shown to be flawed. Despite all the mind-reading, presumptive posturing about others lacking knowledge everyone needing insight, there's no evidence the flaws in this op, or the potential veracity of any alternative suggested by others, are recognized. EVERYONE here has found some discrepancy and the response is that EVERYONE is always and everywhere and only wrong and only he is correct (hyperbole intentional). Yet one single sentence about the presuppositional dependency concerns undoes six ages of posts defending this op. Whatever the plan is imagined to be, it could and should have been articulated in much less than six pages of twenty-posts-per-page fruitlessness and obfuscation. No one who knows how to use a computer on the internet is that incompetent. There are other reasons why it is taking so long to post what can/should be said in a post or three.

Apologies for the length. I hope that clarifies the matter and clears up any real or perceived disagreement.
Where did I say, or even imply, that God is author of sin? I certainly don't believe that.

Also, I don't believe that God purposely causing absolutely all things is equal to 'forcing', as the Arminians like to claim it means.

Certainly you don't claim, do you, that the WCF contradicts the notion that God caused that there be sin?

But, for what it's worth, I reject any notion of 'accident'.
So, God planned Adam to sin?

God decreed that Adam would sin from his own free will.
(do you know what that means?)

What God planned for was what to do when Adam did.
And, God planned for how Adam's fall would impact human history.

But, God did not plan to have Adam sin. God simply knew Adam would sin.
And, in knowing Adam would sin did not try to stop it from happening.
Thus decreeing that it would happen.
This op is playing feebly with everyone here because he is NOT getting on with his own op. If the WCF is correct, then it has incredible relevance to "God's plan for the fall of man," but this op is not about Reformed theology. @GeneZ has been clear: he thinks it imperfect.


I think TULIP is imperfect.

Not reformed theology itself.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Sometimes it's best to sit on the side lines and eat 🍿 and save your energy.
(Said from the view point of general agreement with and enjoyment of your ideas) 😊

(josh continues to wait.....)
God already planned for the Fall of Man.

What actually happened is that the Foreknowledge of God, made future provisions for the free will of Adam and Eve.

See, God knows everything, before you do it., But that is not God causing you to do it... That is simply God knowing you will.

In the case of Adam and Eve and Lucifer, and you.....and me......God knows all we will ever think, do, and believe, before it happens.

This is not God causing it, as some false theology would deceive you to believe....but rather this is God's foreknowing...>His Foreknowledge.... Its God knowing all things before they happen.

So, remember reader.....God knowing everything before it happens is not God causing it to happen.

"God Knowing" is not God causing.......Its just God's fore-Knowledge of all things before they happen.

In the same way, your Bible is all knowing, as it currently has revealed that you are in the "time of the Gentiles" but it didnt cause it.
It just knew you would arrive in this "time"....... and here you are.

Its has also revealed that the Anti-Christ is soon to come, and this is once again "fore-knowledge"..... = knowing all beforehand.
Unfortunately, because the OP produced ambiguity for you.....
[edit by mod]

For one, you are making the posts about me and that violates the forums rules. It also exacerbates the current problem whereby this thread is off the rails and no longer about God's plan for the fall. That's all on you.

Second, you are wrong. The op has not produced any ambiguity whatsoever for me. I know my mind. I have also attempted this discussion with GeneZ many times before. This is not [the first time these ideas have been posted; they appear in multiple forums]. I asked the questions I asked to help him and help everyone else. By taking incremental steps, by answering some very valid, foundationally relevant, and presuppositionally necessary questions - or rather by providing valid foundationally relevant, and presuppositionally necessary answers, everyone in the thread is helped.
I didn't at the beginning, I was willing to let the story unfold so I could get a good grip on the OP's thinking before I started questioning and/or disagreeing with his proposition.
Then perhaps you would do everyone a courtesy and bless us all with a thesis statement summarizing GeneZ's position on God's plan for the fall... followed by an objective, scripture-based assessment on your part whereby some of the strengths and weaknesses of that position are provided and left open for discussion.

Ragging on me does not help anyone.
Having reread the initial post and looking at some of the other things said like trapping enemies and Nathan and David's story, I think I have a pretty good idea of what the OP is getting at now.
An idea of where it is going is speculation.

It is hard to see the picture from within the frame.

Logically speaking, all the mentions of satan, Adam, Job, David, Nathan, enemies, etc., etc., etc. are ALL post hoc arguments! Great patience and grace have been extended to this op by every poster here because, logically speaking, most of this thread is fallacious. Along with the post hoc arguments, there are false causes, selective use of scripture, ad hominem, straw men (arguments against misrepresentations of both scripture and others' views), tu quoque, special pleading (moving the goalposts), loaded questions, appeals to authority (he knows better than everyone else), appeals to purity, begging the question (assuming that which needs to be proven), and those are just the errors I can recall! There is simply no way any case is going to prove veracious or withstand examination with that many mistakes. I am not the only one who has observed these errors (even if I am the only one citing them with their formal labels). There is not a single poster here (with the possible exception of you) who finds agreement with this op. The post hoc appeals cloud the issue; they serve as a smokescreen, an obfuscation of the fact there thesis has never been stated so all the elements of evidence conspire to an unknown, never-stated conclusion (he's willfully refused to provide) so others are left to their "pretty good ideas" about where he's going. He's found a buddy in you, sawdust, and he's triangulating you.

[Engaging] the inquiry and commentary and refining his case, making corrections, amendments, clarifications were needed because when others expose the lapses in our reasoning that is a good thing, not something from which to run.

Look at his last few posts.

By my count only two of the last 21 posts have any content directly related to the op and the topic of God's plan for the fall. [edit by mod]
Having reread the initial post and looking at some of the other things said like trapping enemies and Nathan and David's story, I think I have a pretty good idea of what the OP is getting at now.
Useful information, but all post hoc. God's plan for the fall preceded their existence, not just their actions. Listing all the constituent elements that followed God's initiating His plan are meaningless if there's no thesis by which they can be measured when we read the posts.

Can you get back on topic? I have. There's an alternative view posted and available for everyone to discuss. You have been invited to do the same [edit by mod] Post it. Critique it as objectively as you can. Get back on topic and further the discussion for everyone's mutual benefit. Do that.

2 out of 21. :(
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Where did I say, or even imply, that God is author of sin? I certainly don't believe that.
I just read through my post, and I cannot find a single sentence stating I think you believe God made sin and months of reading your posts in multiple threads in multiple forums inclines me to think the exact opposite about your views. If I erred then show me and I'll correct it. Otherwise (you know what to do ;) ).
Also, I don't believe that God purposely causing absolutely all things is equal to 'forcing', as the Arminians like to claim it means.
Try re-reading that post as something that covers multiple cases for the purpose of precluding what is not (scripturally) possible, clarifying my views, and moving the discussion forward topically. See if that helps.
Certainly you don't claim, do you, that the WCF contradicts the notion that God caused that there be sin?
I explicitly stated, "God is not the author of sin," and I repeated that statement in other ways at least five other times in that one post.

How then can I be asked a question that was already answered, answered explicitly in the negative, and repeatedly stated a half-dozen times.
But, for what it's worth, I reject any notion of 'accident'.
Does it now. Well, personally I find this behaviour quite creepy. It reminds me of Adam in the Garden waiting to see if Eve is going to get into trouble from eating the fruit knowing full well what the answer would be and saying nothing.

I'm not here for your entertainment or whatever it is you think you're achieving with this game playing.

You complain of others not answering questions while you play at being ignorant.

I was genuinely concerned you didn't know the answer to something that is elementary to Christian understanding and it turns out you're just being a twat!

You're on ignore.
And to you sir, I bid you a farewell.