Huh? I was referring to the Lord through the prophet Jeremiah showed you that "tohu and bohu" is the result of judgement, even blind Freddy can see the connection. You simply assumed the "He" I began my sentence with was my pastor. Why is that? Why are you so against the fact that God has appointed teachers in the body of Christ for their edification? I can think of many reasons, none of which are good.
I beheld the earth, and indeed it was without form, and void;
And the heavens, they had no light.
24 I beheld the mountains, and indeed they trembled,
And all the hills moved back and forth.
25 I beheld, and indeed there was no man,
And all the birds of the heavens had fled.
26 I beheld, and indeed the fruitful land was a wilderness,
And all its cities were broken down
At the presence of the Lord,
By His fierce anger.
Some use tactics in a desire to distract away by making a non-issue into something they claim is a point of contention. Its to put another on the defensive in a desire to distract away from what God would want to be made known. To be known for the benefit of those who love His Word.
As for the distractors?
They never teach in an edifying way.
Nothing that build up the faith, but tears down.
It is a common trait.
Yet, they claim to be better teachers.
They want to position themselves as to replace the Teacher
Like in the past when some angel wanted to make himself as the Most High.
Historically its a repetitive attitude to be found manifested amongst some who are living within fallen mankind.....
An attitude which God now has angels and believers observing. Angels are studying the evil actions of those so inclined amongst fallen mankind. Without the fall of man such a thing would not be made known to be seen.
God planned for the Fall so angels could learn why God must separate
and isolate forever, those who would always be stirring up strife and discord. There would be no absolute peace in eternity if God allowed for them to roam freely amongst those whom believe. Now is the time in history for God revealing to all why those who take pleasure in evil absolutely must be judged and perpetually quarantined.
God's desired result by planning and allowing for the Fall?
The Lake of Fire will be there for benefitting those who believe in God's Son. How will it benefit them?
For the torments will constantly render those who desire to do evil to be rendered impotent, worthless, and
The Lake of Fire is not so much for God's benefit. But God intended it for the benefit for those whom He loves.
For what can harm God? Nothing.
The Lake of Fire God has for our peace. Peace that will last forever by having those who love evil to be isolated, contained, and rendered eternally under God's IGNORE function.
In the mean while? Since man is fallen? And, he must choose which way to take? There will be foolish men and women who follow the pattern of Satan and his angels modus operandi. God teaches all by their example why God has to condemn Lucifer and his fallen angels..
Taught from the beginning of Satan's rebellion the naïve angels why God was so harsh with the fallen ones.
Because of the examples presented in God's classroom for angels? By means of the actions of cruel fallen men exhibited amongst God's people? The angels observed, and came to realize that God's way He judged their once beloved Lucifer and his angels, that it was the righteous thing for God to do! Without such examples of fallen men, angels would remain perplexed in regards to why God condemned Satan for "a thought" Satan had towards the Lord.
"I will make myself like the Most High."
Without the fall of man? How could the overt desired effects of evil be made known? To be understood? Evil thoughts must become overt in action, and the consequences for such action witnessed to.
Because God must disallow disorder in His kingdom. And Himself and angels can not be murdered? The angels could have never know what murder is and how evil deceit harms another. Not unless, God provided a teaching tool for the angels to relate to and identify with to gain understanding of what God always knew, but they could not.
The actions of evil fallen men being put on open display before Satan and all the angels, is a perfect means for God to make it known and understood by angels that God was vindicated in condemning all who refuse to believe in God!
That is one reason why God planned for the Fall of man!
For the very thoughts and actions of
fallen men have become a "perfect teaching tool" for God, to show by man's example what evil desires when evil gets its way. For? By allowing fallen men to do wrong (for a season) acts to vindicate God's judgment before all angels, for condemning the thoughts of Satan and his angels.
God's angels who needed to learn to understand why God judged Satan and his angels as He had done!
grace and peace ..............