No you're. not, you only think you are. Look at this post again.
So, he says we are spiritually alive before faith, but not yet regenerated.
That's like saying things like this"
I am saved and at the same time, I am not saved.
I am born again, but at the same time, I am not born again.
Now who is confused?
That's not what I am saying. No wonder we are all confused.
Let me lay out my rationale, that might make it clearer.
The Gospel is the power of salvation. (Rom.1:16)
Faith comes form hearing the word (Rom.10:17)
The Gospel (Christ's death and resurrection) is the word of God. (1Cor.15:3&4)
We are saved by grace through faith. (Eph.2:8)
To enter and understand the kingdom of God we must be made spiritually alive (born anew John 3:3-5)
We need to be saved from the spiritual death we all incurred due to Adam's sin. (Rom.5:12)
Now here is how I see this working out.
Grace comes to a person (one who has already been learning from the Father Jn.6:45) enabling them to be placed into a position whereby they can hear the Gospel. (grace is the power of God to enable His will in the world and especially in the believer 2Cor.12:9). To those who believe, agree the Gospel is the truth (because God has promised to save those who are believing in Him (Jn.3:16), that word comes into the believer and produces faith (it is the faith of Christ, He is the Word). Now as the Gospel has the power to save it causes us to be born again as that is our salvation (the entry into salvation). The problem of spiritual death was dealt with on the Cross. The moment you are born again you are saved from spiritual death. (the wages of sin is (spiritual) death Rom.6:23) Therefore the order is grace - faith - regeneration (salvation).
My point earlier was if the order is as you say, grace - regeneration - faith then the scripture should read "you are saved by grace through regeneration" but it doesn't. You are saved at the point of regeneration therefore it is salvation (regeneration) by grace through faith.
Hopefully that makes things clearer.