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What really does the New Testament reveal in terms of “tribulation and great tribulation”


Jul 9, 2023
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The word tribulation probably is not a well defined as it should be…however it is not difficult to understand. Let’s just take a look at the basic elementary definition of “tribulation” as used in the New Covenant as translated from the Greek. Sources here are “Strong’s…Word Studies…NAS Exhaustive Concordance…Thayer’s Greek Lexicon…The Complete WordStudy Dictionary…Englishman’s Concordance.

The root word from which the actual word comes from is G2346 thlíbō meaning “to constrict, distress and oppressive affliction, confined, suffer, trouble, restricted.”

The word translated to tribulation from the Greek in the New Testament is G2347 thlípsis meaning “pressure, a narrow place, hemmed in, internal pressure that causes someone to feel confined or restricted without options, pressure from evil, distress, calamity…affecting body, mind or both, testing ones endurance or faith.”

The picture I see materializing here with the translation from Greek to English appears to be very simplistic really. It has the connotation or nuance of…an event, scenario, happening, or reality that is noticeably and at times intensely distressing and troubling in a way that is pressuring and restricting one into a confinement and sometimes against their will.

Thus creating an internal pressure on both one’s body and mind that can be experienced as restrictive and evil…leaving one in a calamitous distress known as judgment…or alternatively as we shall see…it can lead one to a state of repentance and even perseverance, growth and joy in the Holy Spirit…even in the face of death.

Now…the word is used around 20 times in the bible depending on translation. It is mostly a New Testament term…used primarily by the Lord Yahshua, Paul and John.

“Tribulation” according to the Lord…“Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.” and “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will” Additionally He references it as “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

He says it is the state which the church in Smyrna had experienced…”tribulation and your poverty and the blasphemy”…and it would intensify and test them giving them the opportunity through “perseverance” to receive the “crown of life.”

To the church in Thyatira He said “Behold, I will throw her on a bed of sickness, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds” speaking of those who were involved in an spiritually adulterous affair with the harlot. So in that example like the Smyrna example…we see the Lord using/allowing tribulation and great tribulation to come upon the church to give opportunity for repentance and a return to righteousness.

According to Paul tribulation is experienced by every soul of men who do evil…and he says that we are to be “persevering in tribulation””knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance while not being able to separate us from the love of Christ…and something the Body of Christ must learn to live with.

John states that he is “a fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in Jesus”…and then as he is in heaven…he sees those who are clothed in white robes those coming out of the great tribulation and are washed white by the blood of the Lamb.

Ok so there is a condensed look at the use of the word tribulation and great tribulation in the New Testament…by whom…and for what.

We can see that the Lord has and will put “His own” through tribulation and great tribulation to bring repentance, cleansing, persecution, testimony, perseverance, and joy in the Holy Spirit. In this light we can see that “tribulation and great tribulation are realities that the Lord Himself allows for His purposes.

Paul says tribulation is what the evil soul will face…which he explains as the judgment rendered to each person according to their deeds.

However Paul also resonates with the Lord Yahshua in that tribulation and great tribulation upon the sons of God brings perseverance…a strengthening…a challenge…and that…in the midst of it…even if it were to produce everything and anything including death…that tribulation and great tribulation in and of itself cannot separate us from the love of Christ.

Paul instructs the “sons of God” to preserver in the face of all tribulation being hopeful and prayerful…just to mention a couple of the spiritual disciplines associated with perseverance of the saints.

Finally…Brother Paul instructs the “sons of God” the “Body of Christ - believers” to imitate him as he imitates the Lord in the receiving and bringing of the “Word” in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit. In his example…this is so that the Thessalonians might be an example to believers in Macedonia and Achaia…and by extension to all believers since…even unto today.

So what did we “see” here regarding tribulation and great tribulation as defined in the translation to Greek and to the usage in every mention in the New Testament?

That tribulation and great tribulation upon the souls of the evil and the world brings them into the judgment of Christ…and in some cases offers them a shot at repentance.

That tribulation and great tribulation upon the believers, sons of God or Body of Christ affords them an opportunity to grow through perseverance into the testimony of Christ in the joy of the Holy Spirit.

It would appear that regardless of where you are positioned spiritually…”in the world” or “in Christ”…both tribulation and great tribulation have their divinely intentioned and effectual works all in accordance to the will of God.

Another thing about tribulation and great tribulation that I see…perhaps circumstantially…is that the “arc of its effect” as it has proceeded over the ages has been greatly enlarged…so as to now…encompass the entirety of creation in some way.

As we move forward into the end of the age…which we are…the tribulation and great tribulation will indeed increase in size…“area of impact”…and scope…“intensity of impact.” Thus judging the world and purifying the Body of Christ as we see here.

Next we will look at tribulation and great tribulation in the world today…most notably in the U.S. where I live. Perhaps uncovering the movement towards and growth of..tribulation and great tribulation in the last few…say 3-5 years…because it is rather shocking really.

The phrase comes from Daniel and is mostly about the fate of Israel in the 1st century, the 70th week. It obviously goes badly for Israel.

Meanwhile, other than interference by elites and pedophiles today, there is a considerable degree of stability and good on earth. Just go back 200 years to see what things were like for children, women, laborers. In the 16th cent., N Europe dealt with the Black Plague, Islam, the Little Ice Age and the Papacy all at once. We have it so much easier.

I live in a location where for about 2 decades now 14,000 people PER DAY arrive to tour the natural beauty in the summers. Other than the artificial interference of covid, there is no let up. How can tourism keep happening if this is the worst of times. This week, the horrible Marxist, Harris, had a whopping 200 people at a "rally". The ostensibly Christian Trump gets thousands, and thousands outside. Turn off your 'media', turn on X, and you might have a very different picture.
Tribulations are something christians in different of the world have endured for the last 2,000 years. As the end of the age draws closer and closer the amount and intensity of the tribulations will increase. This has been compared to a women and birth pain.

Then the Pre-Trib rapture occurs

The world enters into what is know as the GREAT tribulation. It starts off with peace and security..then sudden destruction begins. It ends with the final return of Christ Jesus, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings with His bride....as we enter into the 1,000 year reign of Christ.
So what did we “see” here regarding tribulation and great tribulation as defined in the translation to Greek and to the usage in every mention in the New Testament?

That tribulation and great tribulation upon the souls of the evil and the world brings them into the judgment of Christ…and in some cases offers them a shot at repentance.

That tribulation and great tribulation upon the believers, sons of God or Body of Christ affords them an opportunity to grow through perseverance into the testimony of Christ in the joy of the Holy Spirit.

It would appear that regardless of where you are positioned spiritually…”in the world” or “in Christ”…both tribulation and great tribulation have their divinely intentioned and effectual works all in accordance to the will of God.

Another thing about tribulation and great tribulation that I see…perhaps circumstantially…is that the “arc of its effect” as it has proceeded over the ages has been greatly enlarged…so as to now…encompass the entirety of creation in some way.

As we move forward into the end of the age…which we are…the tribulation and great tribulation will indeed increase in size…“area of impact”…and scope…“intensity of impact.” Thus judging the world and purifying the Body of Christ as we see here.

Next we will look at tribulation and great tribulation in the world today…most notably in the U.S. where I live. Perhaps uncovering the movement towards and growth of..tribulation and great tribulation in the last few…say 3-5 years…because it is rather shocking really.


The expression is first about that generation. People who deny it about that generation are among the most meddlesome with scripture. Ignore them.

That Gen was extremely decisive for Israel, as it was meant to become missionaries. Instead it followed its zealots and was crushed.