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Christ Is Coming Soon!

@Carbon …. My post above #36 absolutely was NOT directed to you. Someone else added your name—definitely not I. I cannot believe anyone here would be that dishonest, but someone is. I’m sorry that you thought I was directing any chastisement toward you.
Then I stand corrected. Thank you for letting me know. I hope I didn't offend you. I sincerly apologize if I did. Blessings
@Carbon, you have never been disrespectful to me or anyone else here that I have seen, and I thank you for that.
@Arial , @Alive , @Josheb….

I think the three of you deserve to know why so many people have left CCAM. It’s responses like the one above, the “ganging up” and taking sides against a fellow Christian who is merely presenting her understanding of scripture. The OP was thoughtful and backed up with scripture. She did not ask any of you to agree. A proper response might be, “I don’t quite see it that way. Here’s what I think.” Then do your own research and presentation on the topic. Honestly, I am so disappointed in all of you (except for Arial, who apologized). Surely none of you would actually confront a brother or sister in Christ this way face to face, so why do it here?
Relevance to this op?
@Carbon …. My post above #36 absolutely was NOT directed to you. Someone else added your name—definitely not I. I cannot believe anyone here would be that dishonest, but someone is. I’m sorry that you thought I was directing any chastisement toward you.
I added Carbon, simply because he is the owner of the forum.
Mod grievances are not to be made public. It’s one of the rules.
Mod are here on a voluntary basis and not everything is read…none are here full time.
@Arial , @Alive , @Josheb….

I think the three of you deserve to know why so many people have left CCAM. It’s responses like the one above, the “ganging up” and taking sides against a fellow Christian who is merely presenting her understanding of scripture. The OP was thoughtful and backed up with scripture. She did not ask any of you to agree. A proper response might be, “I don’t quite see it that way. Here’s what I think.” Then do your own research and presentation on the topic. Honestly, I am so disappointed in all of you (except for Arial, who apologized). Surely none of you would actually confront a brother or sister in Christ this way face to face, so why do it here?
Could you please show where I was disrespectful?
I need to know and make a correction accordingly.
As far as your quote of Josheb’s, it seems in that case, he was asking for you to clarify what you yourself meant by ‘soon’.
A reasonable request considering the topic. Having said that, you are always free to simply not answer.
Josheb’s question is a reasonable,one and some answer is called for, IMO.
Your post #47 to Sparrow indicates that a reply is not necessary. I’m confused. Why did you direct me to answer Josheb? (even though I had already done so)

I’m not arguing with you; I’m just trying to understand what the rules are.

Your post #47 to Sparrow indicates that a reply is not necessary. I’m confused. Why did you direct me to answer Josheb? (even though I had already done so)

I’m not arguing with you; I’m just trying to understand what the rules are.

I was not directing you to answer, that I am aware of. I was only pointing out that his was a reasonable question as what takes place on a forum.
Because a person disagrees with another, does not mean they are against you personally. There are lots of disparate understandings of scripture in this world. Forums are a venue for iron sharpening iron.
None of us are perfect. We try as God gifts each one.
I was not directing you to answer, that I am aware of. I was only pointing out that his was a reasonable question as what takes place on a forum.
Because a person disagrees with another, does not mean they are against you personally. There are lots of disparate understandings of scripture in this world. Forums are a venue for iron sharpening iron.
None of us are perfect. We try as God gifts each one.
So your answer then is that I don’t necessarily have to answer?
So your answer then is that I don’t necessarily have to answer?
Of course not. It’s up to you. Sometimes, if we are upset by something…it may be best to walk away. There is always another day.
Well maybe not, if the Lord returns.
This is so messy...childish actually...5th grade playground level. It started fine and I read on it progressed into what is so typical for these "christian forums."

This forum "Christ Is Coming Soon" should have been strengthening and edifying...instead it becomes a fulcrum point for destructive debate where each one does what is right in their own eyes.

Does anyone on these forums actually think this is how the Kingdom of God on earth is operating?

This is so messy...childish actually...5th grade playground level. It started fine and I read on it progressed into what is so typical for these "christian forums."

This forum "Christ Is Coming Soon" should have been strengthening and edifying...instead it becomes a fulcrum point for destructive debate where each one does what is right in their own eyes.

Does anyone on these forums actually think this is how the Kingdom of God on earth is operating?

So, you have an opportunity before the Lord to be both salt and an example of maturity.
I understand the frustration. Forums can be difficult.
Hang in there. The Kingdom of God is within you. Allow Him to express His reigning through you.
So, you have an opportunity before the Lord to be both salt and an example of maturity.
I understand the frustration. Forums can be difficult.
Hang in there. The Kingdom of God is within you. Allow Him to express His reigning through you.
Alive...thank you for your encouragement.

I am not frustrated...forgive me if that is how I came off.

I understand "why" these forums go this way...my question was just that...my question...Does anyone on these forums actually think this is how the Kingdom of God on earth is operating? The intent was to bring a sober question to our behavior.

Alive...thank you for your encouragement.

I am not frustrated...forgive me if that is how I came off.

I understand "why" these forums go this way...my question was just that...my question...Does anyone on these forums actually think this is how the Kingdom of God on earth is operating? The intent was to bring a sober question to our behavior.

I try to keep things simple with the things of the Lord as His Truths indeed are to be understood by both the complicated minds and the peasant.
This forum, as all others are populated with all kinds of people and both saved and unsaved. True converts and false converts.
Those that are truly Born from above operate in the manner with which the Lord has them in their respective level of knowledge and maturity.
So, the answer to your question is both yes and no. A gathering of individuals often makes for a mess, but in it--the Lord works.
Take a local expression of Christ. Think about it. Unless there is a mechanism for totalitarian rule, things happen. This is as it should be.
The only truly vital thing is that some of them gathering together operate as though Christ is Head.
"where two or more are gathered in my Name (Nature).
Even when much flesh is evident in some, the Lord Works and Teaches and does so in and through the Body and its members.
That is not what the 1 Thessalonians 4 verses said would happen at Christ's return. Those who were alive because they had not yet died by the time Christ was to return were NEVER promised a translation-type change of their bodies. That "change" to the incorruptible and immortal state is only for the dead in Christ, as described in 1 Cor. 15:51-55. The 1 Thessalonians 4 context never says that those who "are alive and remain" will be translated at that time. You are adding that to the context. All those in Christ are appointed to die the one time, just as all men are to experience if they are "in Adam". It is those believers in Christ who are physically dead which experience the bodily resurrection process at Christ's return.

Agreed that there was to be no pre-tribulation "rapture". Scripture indeed does not present such a thing, as you have said.

But as for that Antichrist who was the "Man of Lawlessness", Paul wrote that this man and his restrainer were alive at the time he was writing 2 Thessalonians 2, and that he had already in person informed the Thessalonian believers of who this man and his restrainer were at that time (2 Thess. 2:5-7). Those two men died in that first century generation. They are not a current threat which we are to expect in our future.

Christ did indeed come "soon" in the first century for those that were eagerly expecting His appearance. That imminent appearance of Christ at His second coming return was predicted in almost every one of the NT books. But Christ's next return will not be "soon" for us. The 3033 year is a long way off for us. Meanwhile, we are to busy ourselves with the "Great Commission" and pursuing personal holiness, as originally commanded by Christ.
Jesus will not have three comings. There is only a second coming. Jesus told us how it would happen. The young men told the disciples how it would happen (visibly...), and the early (some/most?) taught that it was the Roman Empire that restrained, and the Roman empire existed until Constantinople fell in 1453. You are out of line with the rest of the prophecies in Daniel, not just the 70 weeks.
I do not think ‘soon’ is relevant. We pray for and look forward to His return to make all things right and always anticipate that He could return anytime…soon. But soon is a thing we cannot measure and ought not.
Just be ready.
The best word is "imminent", because, no matter how may years, decades, centuries pass, the definition of imminent never changes.
It has become a mystery to me. Christ is here reigning in the hearts of believers.????

God is not a man as us.

It seems more of when will leave like a thief in the night. . . on the last day under the Sun .I would think we are those last days beginning when the 70 ft. high vail representing the circummsion of the bloody husband Christ. . it was torn top to bottom and there was no Jewish man as King of kings sitting in the holy of holies .

Satan fell and could no longer deceive all the nations that God is a Jewish man as King of kings Lucifer deceiver of nations will be let lose again to deceive all the nations God is a man When Christ sends a famine for hearing the gospel

The Pagan foundation "out of sight out of mind" .No belief in a God reigning from heaven. The foolish Athiest Jews In there jealousy of al the surrounding Pagan nation demanded of the apostle Samuel a Pagan king. The abomination of desolation. he turned them over to do that which they should not of until the time of 1st century reformation the ceremonial shadows using the period kings in Israel as a parable figure of speech of our suffring bloody savior beforehand the glory of the renting of the vail had come .Christ returns as King of kings Lord of earthly lords working in the heart of all sons of God .Christians

1 Samael 4-8 Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah,And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the Lord.And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee

First century reformation .. second coming?

1 Peter 1:9-11 Receiving the end of your(new born again) faith, even the salvation of your souls. Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time (first century) the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

Hebrew 9: 8-10 The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing: Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience; Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.
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