If God knows all things then He knew when He created man, man would sin.
No if. God and the Word knew man would sin, when the Word saw and sees man do good or evil. He also saw and continues to see when believers love Him more than life.
Gen 22:12And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
Therefore, by creating man God predetermined Adam would sin and Adam could do nothing to stop it.
By tempting man, the god of this world predetermines man would recieve his lust to sin. Men made in the image of the true God, have power to resist the devil, but all men do not.
Jesus Christ is not the creator of evil men, nor does He make men to do evil.
Willingly decieved people can preach their Christ makes them sin, like the Satanists, but Jesus Christ will judge them as all men by our works.
When the elect sinners get to heaven they will sin no longer.
And so, the prechosen created with the will to do good, also do evil. They still overrule His good will and do evil.
This pseudo non-autonomous will fails in practice.
Luk 2:14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
The true God creates all men good in His image, with good will toward man, not just some men.
When the elect sinners get to heaven they will sin no longer.
The final nail in the coffin is believing no man can repent and be born again all new of God, until after it's too late. There is no repentance nor newbirth of soul granted by Jesus Christ from the grave.
Heb{9:27} And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Sinners elected by the devil to disobey God, only rise again to be judged by their works.
When the elect sinners get to heaven
And so, is this all you sinful predestinators got? Just another version of justification by faith alone, apart from your deeds?
God creates some with only the will to do good, but not always doing it? The devil enjoys seeing people willing to do good, and do it not.
And so, prechoosing is not about only doing good, but is only about being resurrected to life? The only practical result of this whole automoton teaching, is that it only applies to resurrection of the dead, and not to the life lived on earth?
By their own confession, the prechosen elite have the same power of will to choose evil like all sinners, and do so. They just don't have any choice but to be resurrected unto life? If so, get all the pleasure out of your sinning while you can, before it's too late?
Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die, and have no choice but to go to heaven and live like saints. Yuk.
The die was cast before Adam was born.
If not for the prechoosing die, this predeterminism is universalism with partiality.
Some Christian universalists believe because of Jesus' work on the Christ, all men are now forgiven of all sins past, present, and future, but not all men yet believe it. Nevertheless, by Jesus' work alone in dying for the sins of all the world, all men shall be in the end resurrected unto life.
Predeterminists simply exclude some fellow-sinners from having no choice after the grave, but to live without sin in the next life like some kind of saint. Yuk.
and He could have just as easily ensured that Adam did not sin.
Exactly. Why just create all men with unchangeable will to only do good, and without choice recieve the Son in the flesh? Then there wouldn't be any sinning, death, nor crucifixion of the Son.
The most evil thing about the Christ that purposely creates men to do evil, is that he doesn't need to in order to dwell with men, but only because he takes pleasure in it.
Rev 4:11Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.