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Understanding the The 1000 Year Millennium in Prophecy

Thank you for remembering my stance on this point, Red. But it is not "borderline Sadduceeism", as you call it. The Sadducees did not believe in either angel or spirit or a resurrection of the body (Acts 23:8), and since I agree that the righteous angels do still exist, and that humanity has a spirit which returns to God who gave it at death, and that there are 3 separate bodily resurrection events, my position does not align with the Sadducee doctrine at all. This is a false comparison you are making.
Well, I did not mean every point of the Sadducees, but its basic point, absence of evil spirits, was what I went after, and the prince of the power of the air, now being destroyed, and has been for the duration of the whole NT period. So, what do we do with all the NT scriptures that speaks of our adversary walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour? Rip them from the pages of the word of God? The testimony of Church history from the apostles up until very, very recently, saints knew that they had an adversary, the old serpent, which is very much alive and working his same art of deception and will until Jesus returns again to destroy him and all of the children wickedness who obey him.

The earliest American full-preterist work, The Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Past Event, was written in 1845 by Robert Townley. Up until then the church taught and believed in Satan as an active evil spirit of God, and the saints.

That "short time" period in Rev. 12:12 of Satan's frenzied activity on earth which had begun in AD 33 is the very same period as the "little season" of Satan's activity following the expiration of the millennium (Rev. 20:3 & 7). That means the Revelation 20 millennium was "finished" in AD 33. This is not rocket science. You do not need to devote page after page of commentary to understand the past millennium. John's first century audience of believing Christians understood it.

And you continue to put the cart before the horse in your interpretation of Matthew 12:29. The "strong man" is bound "FIRST", and THEN AFTERWARD the spoiling of his goods begins.

Christ was THEN in Matthew 12 spoiling Satan's "goods" by casting out devils. That proves that the binding of Satan as the "strong man" had ALREADY BEEN DONE BEFORE Christ was casting out devils.
I have more coming on this maybe tomorrow if I feel batter.
How do you know the earth is only 6,000 years old? :unsure:
It is at least 13,500 based up God's timeline of the history of creation hidden in the genealogy of Genesis 4,5, and 11.
When you translate the bible you always start out with a literal interpretation until you can't.

Pretty basic and pretty simple. Do you need an example? OK, Jesus is called a lamb....does that mean Jesus weighs 100 lbs has 4 legs is covered with wool and walks around saying bahhhhhh?

Did you know in the beginning of Rev 20 the 1,000 years is mentioned 6 times? 6 times!
John has 6 times to show that the 1,000 years is literal time rather than allegoric for a "long" time. Six times...

Now, would you like to go deeper and see how Barnabas, you know the guy that hung out with Paul and was mentioned in the bible understood it to be literal. That Barnabas....Would you?
You and I might not agree with what Barnabas said..but he presents the 1,000 years as literal. Go read Barnabas 15:3-5 . There he tells us for each day of creation 1,000 years is alotted for mans history. Here's a bit of it...

15:3 He speaketh, too, of the sabbath in the
beginning of the creation: And God made in six days
the works of his hands, and finished them on the
seventh day, and rested in it and sanctified it.
15:4 Consider, my children, what signify the words,
He finished them in six days. They mean this: that in
six thousand years the Lord will make an end of all
things, for a day is with him as a thousand years. And
he himself beareth witness unto me, saying: Behold
this day a day shall be as a thousand years.
Therefore, my children, in six days, that is in six
thousand years, shall all things be brought to an end.
15:5 And the words, He rested on the seventh day,

You see Red Baker....there are SEVERAL reasons to translate the 1,000 years as a literal 1,000 years.

Now you have yet an answer to...So why would we pick the 1000 years out of all these symbolic terms and say it must be taken literally or else we are in gross error?
Have a nice life~not interesting in talking to you about a bunch of nothing.
So, what do we do with all the NT scriptures that speaks of our adversary walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour? Rip them from the pages of the word of God?
Of course not. All of those references to Satan's activity in the NT were speaking of Satan's surge in renewed deception during his "short time" that he had left to operate in this world back then after AD 33 when he had been loosed from his millennial chain so that he could once more deceive the nations.

Just as you and I would switch into high gear if we got a Doctor's prognosis on our cancer condition, telling us that we only had a "short time" left to live. We, too, would get extremely busy at trying to tie up all our loose ends and unfinished business. That is what Satan did with his ramped-up efforts at deceiving the nations as much as he could after AD 33, until he was crushed by God in AD 70. Paul encouraged the Roman believers that God was going to crush Satan under their feet "shortly" in Rom. 16:20.

With Satan referred to as the "Prince of the power of the air", this is why the seventh angel poured out his vial into the AIR in judgment in Revelation 16:17. That was when Satan's entire realm was being judged. Every single unclean spirit was imprisoned in the city of Jerusalem, which became "a habitation of devils" (Rev. 18:2). Satan and all his angels and unclean spirits were all confined like prisoners in the city of Jerusalem until it was destroyed. Isaiah 24:21-23 predicted this. Ezekiel 28:18-19 also predicted the total destruction of Satan the "anointed cherub" who would be burned to ashes on the earth, so that "never shalt thou exist anymore". Zechariah 13:2 also predicted that the unclean spirits would "pass out of the land" during the siege against both Jerusalem and Judah. And Hebrews 12:26-27 said that God had "NOW" promised to shake not only the earth, but also heaven, so that what was shaken would be "removed". That was the promised removal of the evil angelic realm being shaken and removed from this world in that first-century generation which Hebrews was addressing.

The city of Jerusalem turned into a "lake of fire" for its "second death" in AD 70 (which was almost a duplicate of its first death under the Babylonian invasion in 586 BC). Satan and all his evil realm perished in this location of Jerusalem in AD 70 in that "furnace of fire" which Isaiah 31:9 said was in the city of Jerusalem.

The earliest American full-preterist work, The Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Past Event, was written in 1845 by Robert Townley. Up until then the church taught and believed in Satan as an active evil spirit of God, and the saints.
I care little what the church "officially" teaches, if it does not align with what the scriptures in front of me are saying. Please don't use that as proof of your point, since I don't believe you yourself follow the church either if it contradicts what you know to be true from scripture. The threat of Satan has been used like a cudgel by the institutional church (especially the RCC) to keep its members in line and contributing funds . The fear induced by the idea of the Devil still operating in this world has always been good for sales. That should make you at least a little suspicious of the church's motives for perpetuating this idea.
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How do you know the earth is only 6,000 years old? :unsure:
Whether or not the earth is 6,000 years old is not the point....The point is Barnabas believed in a literal thousand years reign. That is Apostles who walked with Christ as well as Paul understood the reign of Christ to be a literal future 1,000 years.

This is yet another reason why I believe the 1,000 years is a literal time period.

For the record I believe the earth to be around 6K years old...That concept was calculated by James Ussher using the biblical generations recorded in the bible.

It is interesting how it lined up....that is here we are in human history about six thousand years after the creation mentioned in Gen 1....and we're currently entering into the end of this time.
Have a nice life~not interesting in talking to you about a bunch of nothing.
LOL...next you'll be telling all of us Christ death on the cross and resurrection...was allegorical.
For the record I believe the earth to be around 6K years old...That concept was calculated by James Ussher using the biblical generations recorded in the bible.
Yep. He is a pretty good resource. 4,004 BC for the Creation, and he was spot-on with his calculations of the 70 week prophecy dates starting in 454 BC.
It is at least 13,500 based up God's timeline of the history of creation hidden in the genealogy of Genesis 4,5, and 11.
Too bad you are still stuck on Tony Warren's timeline of human history. The man based all of his mistaken calculations for the extended patriarchal ages on a single fictional man named Cainan who was mistakenly inserted as a son of Arphaxad in the later versions of the Septuagint (but not originally there), but was not in the earliest manuscript of Luke, nor in the genealogy of 1 Chron. 1:24. Tony Warren doesn't even believe that the word "begat" means a father/son relationship. This messes up all his calculations and makes him entirely unreliable as a resource for dating the ages of the world. The "hidden" record of 13,500 years since Creation that you mention are grossly inflated according to the actual scripture record.
Too bad you are still stuck on Tony Warren's timeline of human history. The man based all of his mistaken calculations for the extended patriarchal ages on a single fictional man named Cainan who was mistakenly inserted as a son of Arphaxad in the later versions of the Septuagint (but not originally there), but was not in the earliest manuscript of Luke, nor in the genealogy of 1 Chron. 1:24. Tony Warren doesn't even believe that the word "begat" means a father/son relationship. This messes up all his calculations and makes him entirely unreliable as a resource for dating the ages of the world. The "hidden" record of 13,500 years since Creation that you mention are grossly inflated according to the actual scripture record.
He's one of a few~but a very good one to read behind on this subject. https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/bible/timeline.shtml

I understand why you need the 6000 year theory to fit with your biblical timeline theory. Do you still believe Christ's coming is 2033? or thereabout? Or, have you modified it somewhat?

I'll look at your post more in depth later this morning when I feel a little better....I trust.
Whether or not the earth is 6,000 years old is not the point....The point is Barnabas believed in a literal thousand years reign. That is Apostles who walked with Christ as well as Paul understood the reign of Christ to be a literal future 1,000 years.

This is yet another reason why I believe the 1,000 years is a literal time period.

For the record I believe the earth to be around 6K years old...That concept was calculated by James Ussher using the biblical generations recorded in the bible.

It is interesting how it lined up....that is here we are in human history about six thousand years after the creation mentioned in Gen 1....and we're currently entering into the end of this time.
Carbon dating can safety go back around 11,500 years, and they have, so we know that the earth though young is older than 6000. When they landed on the moon, they were expecting to find dust super thick, but it was not as thick as they first thought it would be, proving that creation is young, and 13,500 years is young. The flood came on the earth around 6000 years plus or minus.
The following was sent to my email from Jim.

The Binding of Satan

The first three verses of Revelation 20 describes an event that surely sends a thrill through every Christian’s heart; the binding of Satan. The text says, 1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; 3and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.

My Strong conviction is that Jesus bound the devil when he came the first time. Many find it extremely difficult to accept this idea, mainly because they hear the words ”binding of Satan” and formulate their own idea of what this must mean before they examine the Biblical data. If Satan is bound, they think, then there should not be any sin or even temptation on the earth. But sin obviously was not eliminated by Christ’s first coming and is still abundant on the earth today. Would one not have to be blind to think that Satan is bound in times like these?

The key to understanding the binding of Satan is to pay close attention to what the Bible actually says about it, not only in Rev 20:1-3 but elsewhere in the NT as well. Regarding the latter we begin with the way Scripture describes the purpose of Christ’s first coming. Among other things, it is specifically taught that Jesus came to deal with the devil. 1 John 3:8 says, “The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” Among Satan’s works are falsehood and death (John 8:44; Heb 2:14), but Jesus came “to testify to the truth” (John 18:37; see John 8:31-47). He has already “abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Tim 1:10).

Jesus came not only to destroy Satan’s works but to “destroy” Satan himself. Hebrews 2:14 clearly states that Jesus came the first time “so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death – that is, the devil” The word rendered “destroy” by the NIV (katargeo) does not necessarily mean “to annihilate, to abolish completely.” Obviously Jesus did not do this to Satan at his first coming. But the word also can mean “to set aside, to make ineffective, to nullify, to render powerless.” This is the better understanding here, as in the NASB: Christ come to “render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil.”

Either way this is very strong language. John says Jesus came specifically to destroy the devil’s works; Hebrews says he came to render the devil powerless. We must ask, if this is why Jesus came, did he actually accomplish these things or did he fail? Surely it would be blasphemous to say the latter. Therefore we conclude that Jesus destroyed Satan’s works and rendered him powerless from “the binding of Satan” in Rev 20:1-3). If anything, the language of 1 John and Hebrews is even stronger than that of Revelation 20.

What about the expression, “the binding of Satan”? Does this specific language appear elsewhere in Scripture” The answer is yes. In Matt 12:29 (and Mark 3:27) it is used to describe what Jesus was doing during his first advent. Throughout Jesus earthly ministry he was already limiting Satan’s power, especially through his many victorious encounters with demonic spirits who had taken over people’s bodies. By casting out demons Jesus was demonstrating his power over Satan’s kingdom; he was winding the chains around the devil’s neck.

Jesus made this very claim in connection with an exorcism recorded in Matt 12:22-30 (see Mark 3:22-27; Luke 11:14-23). Here Jesus explains that in casting out demons he is not working with Satan but against him. He uses the illustration of a strong man who is holding people captive in his house, and a stronger man who attacks and overpowers the captor and sets the captives free (Luke 11:21-22). As he explains in Matt 12:29, “or how can anyone enter the strong man’s house and carry of his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.” By casting out demons Jesus was already in the process of binding the devil (the “strong man”) during his earthly ministry.

Jesus also gave his disciples the authority to cast our demons (Matt 10:1). In Luke 10:1-20 he sent out 70 evangelists with similar authority. When they returned, they joyfully reported, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name” (Luke 10:17). Jesus replied, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning” (Luke 10:18). Satan’s “fall from heaven” here is not his prehistoric, initial sin; it refers to the defeat he was experiencing through Christ’s power at the hands of the disciples at that very time.

This is the same event described symbolically in Rev 12:7-9, "And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him."

Again this is not Satan’s initial sin, but his defeat at the hands of the Messiah at the latter’s first coming (Rev 12:1-6).The death blow against Satan was struck in the death and resurrection of Jesus (see Gen 3:15; John 12:31-33; Col 2:15). On the eve of his crucifixion Jesus announced his imminent mortal combat with the devil (John 14:30). Through his own death he rendered Satan powerless (Heb 2:14), and through his resurrection the victory was complete. The risen victor declares, “I am the first and the last, the living One, and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades “ (Rev 1:17-18). The keys here are the same as ”the key of the abyss” in Rev 20:1. A key is symbolic of power and authority. Through his death and resurrection Jesus gained power over the abyss – realm of death, Satan’s proper domain; and with that power he both locks Satan himself in the abyss and rescues those who have been held captive there (Heb 2:15). Revelation 20:1-3 thus symbolically represents Christ’s present control over Satan and his works, and the consequent limitation of his power.

Some will still be skeptical that “the binding of Satan” has been a reality since Christ’s first coming. Again this is because they have created their own idea of what this should entail, i.e., the earth should be a perfect place, free from sin and filled with righteousness, peace, and prosperity. But this is not how things have been. So how can this be the millennium? How can we accept the idea that Satan is bound now? We can do this if we do not jump to unwarranted conclusions about the results of Satan’s binding. Does the Bible actually say that this binding will result in a paradise-like world? No. In fact, Rev 20:3 states very specifically that the single purpose of Satan’s binding is “so that he would not deceive the nations any longer.”
The question is whether this was actually a result of Christ’s first coming, and the answer is yes. Satan’s main activity is deception. John 8:44 says, ‘he is a liar and the father of lies.” Revelation 12:9 describes him, prior to his defeat at Christ’s first coming, as the one “who deceives the whole world,” He is the source of lies, false teachings, false religions, and all idolatry. With the exception of Israel, prior to Christ’s first coming the entire world – all nations as nations – was totally engulfed in Satan’s lies, languishing in darkness (see Rom 1:18-32). But what happened when Christ came? He accomplished the works of redemption, thus defeating the devil and his hosts. The gospel -- the good news about the saving power of Christ -- is the gospel truth that dispels Satan’s lies and brings light and life to all the world (2 Tim 1:10),

This is exactly how the risen Jesus described Paul’s mission to the Gentiles, i.e., to the nations: “to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me” (Acts 26:18). this tells us that prior to the preaching of the gospel, the nations were in darkness; they were the domain of Satan. But as the gospel has been preached “to all the nations” in obedience to the Great Commission (Luke 24:47; see Matt 28:18-20, Mark 16:15), multitudes “from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues” (rev 7:9) have been delivered from captivity to the devil. In terms of Rev 20:1-3, the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the chain that binds Satan, so that is not able to deceive the nations any longer.

This does not mean that Satan is doing nothing today. He still roams about, like a roaring lion, seeking to devour us (1 Pet 5:8). But Christ has established a safety zone, as it were, a place where Satan has no power. It is the church, which is the realm over which Christ reigns in his millennial kingship, a haven from the forces of death (Matt 16:18), and “the pillar and support of the truth” (1 Tim 3:15). Anyone who accepts the truth of the gospel and surrenders to the Lordship of Christ is rescued from captivity to Satan and set free to live beyond the reach of his lying mouth and slashing claws.

The results of Christ’s initial binding of Satan are bestowed on individuals. When one makes his choice to follow Christ instead of Satan, the almighty power of Jesus Christ binds the devil in reference to that person’s life. Jesus has already bound the strong man as such; when we preach the gospel and convert individuals, we are in effect plundering the strong man’s house and carrying off his property (Matt 12:29). Because this has already been done on a worldwide basis, with practically every nation being exposed to Christ’s liberating power to some degree, it can no longer be said that Satan is deceiving the Nations. Therefore, in terms of Rev 20:1-3, he is bound . The millennium is now!
Carbon dating can safety go back around 11,500 years, and they have, so we know that the earth though young is older than 6000. When they landed on the moon, they were expecting to find dust super thick, but it was not as thick as they first thought it would be, proving that creation is young, and 13,500 years is young. The flood came on the earth around 6000 years plus or minus.
The problem with carbon dating a pre-flood item is you would get a false age as the C14 to C12 ration is different now. I believe any pre-flood artifact would appear as older than it really is.

Using the linage mentioned in the Septuagint LXX adds 100 years to several individuals post flood...Gen 11:10-36.... while the Masoretic text doesn't. This can push the date of the flood back further.
He's one of a few~but a very good one to read behind on this subject. https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/bible/timeline.shtml

I understand why you need the 6000 year theory to fit with your biblical timeline theory. Do you still believe Christ's coming is 2033? or thereabout? Or, have you modified it somewhat?
If Tony Warren denies that the word "begat" means a father / son relationship in the genealogies, then he is hopelessly mired in error when it comes to figuring out a biblical timeline. Anyone else who follows his line of reasoning based on the single fictional character of Cainan as the son of Arphaxad inserted into the genealogies of scripture needs to visit a newborn nursery in the hospital to see what "begat" actually means.

And no, I don't "need" a 6,000 year history up until now to fit with my biblical timeline. I am not the one who invented the genealogical lists in scripture with the ages of the patriarchs. I read them as given.

And no, I never have said Christ is coming in 2033. I have said that He is coming for a third time and a third bodily resurrection event in the fall of 3033. At a time when the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles would have ordinarily been celebrated back under the Old Covenant.

What is coming in 2033 is the transition from our current 6th millennium over to the 7th millennium of fallen mankind's history on this planet. It will usher in a fallow period of mankind's existence when everything is brought down to a more basic level - a "Sabbath" millennium, if you will, before Christ's final return in 3033. Unless one's head is buried in the sand, they can sense that we are all on the brink of this transition worldwide. I have been saying this to my adult children and also online for the past 7 years.
The following was sent to my email from Jim.

The Binding of Satan

The first three verses of Revelation 20 describes an event that surely sends a thrill through every Christian’s heart; the binding of Satan. The text says, 1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; 3and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.

My Strong conviction is that Jesus bound the devil when he came the first time. Many find it extremely difficult to accept this idea, mainly because they hear the words ”binding of Satan” and formulate their own idea of what this must mean before they examine the Biblical data. If Satan is bound, they think, then there should not be any sin or even temptation on the earth. But sin obviously was not eliminated by Christ’s first coming and is still abundant on the earth today. Would one not have to be blind to think that Satan is bound in times like these?

The key to understanding the binding of Satan is to pay close attention to what the Bible actually says about it, not only in Rev 20:1-3 but elsewhere in the NT as well. Regarding the latter we begin with the way Scripture describes the purpose of Christ’s first coming. Among other things, it is specifically taught that Jesus came to deal with the devil. 1 John 3:8 says, “The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.” Among Satan’s works are falsehood and death (John 8:44; Heb 2:14), but Jesus came “to testify to the truth” (John 18:37; see John 8:31-47). He has already “abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Tim 1:10).

Jesus came not only to destroy Satan’s works but to “destroy” Satan himself. Hebrews 2:14 clearly states that Jesus came the first time “so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death – that is, the devil” The word rendered “destroy” by the NIV (katargeo) does not necessarily mean “to annihilate, to abolish completely.” Obviously Jesus did not do this to Satan at his first coming. But the word also can mean “to set aside, to make ineffective, to nullify, to render powerless.” This is the better understanding here, as in the NASB: Christ come to “render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil.”

Either way this is very strong language. John says Jesus came specifically to destroy the devil’s works; Hebrews says he came to render the devil powerless. We must ask, if this is why Jesus came, did he actually accomplish these things or did he fail? Surely it would be blasphemous to say the latter. Therefore we conclude that Jesus destroyed Satan’s works and rendered him powerless from “the binding of Satan” in Rev 20:1-3). If anything, the language of 1 John and Hebrews is even stronger than that of Revelation 20.

What about the expression, “the binding of Satan”? Does this specific language appear elsewhere in Scripture” The answer is yes. In Matt 12:29 (and Mark 3:27) it is used to describe what Jesus was doing during his first advent. Throughout Jesus earthly ministry he was already limiting Satan’s power, especially through his many victorious encounters with demonic spirits who had taken over people’s bodies. By casting out demons Jesus was demonstrating his power over Satan’s kingdom; he was winding the chains around the devil’s neck.

Jesus made this very claim in connection with an exorcism recorded in Matt 12:22-30 (see Mark 3:22-27; Luke 11:14-23). Here Jesus explains that in casting out demons he is not working with Satan but against him. He uses the illustration of a strong man who is holding people captive in his house, and a stronger man who attacks and overpowers the captor and sets the captives free (Luke 11:21-22). As he explains in Matt 12:29, “or how can anyone enter the strong man’s house and carry of his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.” By casting out demons Jesus was already in the process of binding the devil (the “strong man”) during his earthly ministry.

Jesus also gave his disciples the authority to cast our demons (Matt 10:1). In Luke 10:1-20 he sent out 70 evangelists with similar authority. When they returned, they joyfully reported, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name” (Luke 10:17). Jesus replied, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning” (Luke 10:18). Satan’s “fall from heaven” here is not his prehistoric, initial sin; it refers to the defeat he was experiencing through Christ’s power at the hands of the disciples at that very time.

This is the same event described symbolically in Rev 12:7-9, "And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him."

Again this is not Satan’s initial sin, but his defeat at the hands of the Messiah at the latter’s first coming (Rev 12:1-6).The death blow against Satan was struck in the death and resurrection of Jesus (see Gen 3:15; John 12:31-33; Col 2:15). On the eve of his crucifixion Jesus announced his imminent mortal combat with the devil (John 14:30). Through his own death he rendered Satan powerless (Heb 2:14), and through his resurrection the victory was complete. The risen victor declares, “I am the first and the last, the living One, and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades “ (Rev 1:17-18). The keys here are the same as ”the key of the abyss” in Rev 20:1. A key is symbolic of power and authority. Through his death and resurrection Jesus gained power over the abyss – realm of death, Satan’s proper domain; and with that power he both locks Satan himself in the abyss and rescues those who have been held captive there (Heb 2:15). Revelation 20:1-3 thus symbolically represents Christ’s present control over Satan and his works, and the consequent limitation of his power.

Some will still be skeptical that “the binding of Satan” has been a reality since Christ’s first coming. Again this is because they have created their own idea of what this should entail, i.e., the earth should be a perfect place, free from sin and filled with righteousness, peace, and prosperity. But this is not how things have been. So how can this be the millennium? How can we accept the idea that Satan is bound now? We can do this if we do not jump to unwarranted conclusions about the results of Satan’s binding. Does the Bible actually say that this binding will result in a paradise-like world? No. In fact, Rev 20:3 states very specifically that the single purpose of Satan’s binding is “so that he would not deceive the nations any longer.”
Satans head was bruised at the cross. Gen 3. which speaks of the first promise of the coming Redeemer.
But, Satan is still around...we can know this because Peter told us...."Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."
2nd Cor 2:11 tells us....in order that Satan should not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.
James 4:7 tells us...Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Satan, the fallen angels and demons are still here.

The binding of Satan occurs at the end of the tribulation when satan is bound during the 1000 year reign of Christ Jesus.

I can agree with your statement here...."If Satan is bound, they think, then there should not be any sin or even temptation on the earth. But sin obviously was not eliminated by Christ’s first coming and is still abundant on the earth today. Would one not have to be blind to think that Satan is bound in times like these?"

Even with Satan bound man in the 1,000 year reign will still have a sin nature. These are the people who made it through the great tribulation and their descendants.
I believe those raptured in the pre-tribulation rapture will also be present during the 1,000 year reign of Christ Jesus and will have glorified bodies and no sin nature.
Of course not. All of those references to Satan's activity in the NT were speaking of Satan's surge in renewed deception during his "short time" that he had left to operate in this world back then after AD 33 when he had been loosed from his millennial chain so that he could once more deceive the nations.
There's problems with your understanding.

1. "All of those references to Satan's activity in the NT were speaking of Satan's surge in renewed deception during his "short time" that he had left to operate in this world. Renewed? The Gentiles nations were always under the power of Satan, nothing to renew! Our forefathers did service unto that which was not God, we were without hope, without God in the world. You have it all backwards~the very purpose of blinding Satan, so that the gospel could go out into the Gentiles worlds in order to bring the Gentiles into the same fold with Israel, so that, there be one Sheppard, and one fold. 3 R's, what spirit wants folks to believe that Satan and all evil spirit are now destroyed? The Devil himself. Demon activity will greatly increase as this world comes toward its end, that is when Satan knows that he has a very time to operate~his wrath will increase toward the very elect, truth, etc.

That is what Satan did with his ramped-up efforts at deceiving the nations as much as he could after AD 33, until he was crushed by God in AD 70.
2. Actually the truth went forth powerfully throughout this world during the days of the apostles, the world was turned upside down by the early church, deception was at an all time low if the truth was known! The strongholds of Satan were destroyed, one after another.

Acts 17:6​

“And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;” Churches were built throughout the Roman empire, Many thousand even in Jerusalem were converted! So much more could be said to prove our point.
The city of Jerusalem turned into a "lake of fire" for its "second death" in AD 70 (which was almost a duplicate of its first death under the Babylonian invasion in 586 BC). Satan and all his evil realm perished in this location of Jerusalem in AD 70 in that "furnace of fire" which Isaiah 31:9 said was in the city of Jerusalem.
Fasle! The lake of fire that Peter prophesied concerning will be tis world when it will be destroy by fire at the Lord's second coming per Peter 3! Jerusalem was not even a good brush fire compare to the lake of fire yet to come!

I care little what the church "officially" teaches, if it does not align with what the scriptures in front of me are saying. Please don't use that as proof of your point, since I don't believe you yourself follow the church either if it contradicts what you know to be true from scripture. The threat of Satan has been used like a cudgel by the institutional church (especially the RCC) to keep its members in line and contributing funds . The fear induced by the idea of the Devil still operating in this world has always been good for sales. That should make you at least a little suspicious of the church's motives for perpetuating this idea.
I understand, yet to be totally outside of what the church has always held to is dangerous. Preterism is a latter day lie, that will leave its followers in the very jaws of Satan's lies ~unprepared for that which is coming during Satan's little season, which I'm convinced is upon us even now~just not sure how far into it we are.
Carbon dating can safety go back around 11,500 years, and they have, so we know that the earth though young is older than 6000. When they landed on the moon, they were expecting to find dust super thick, but it was not as thick as they first thought it would be, proving that creation is young, and 13,500 years is young. The flood came on the earth around 6000 years plus or minus.
You are as gullible as the masses if you believe that we actually landed on the moon. The existence of the Van Allen belts precludes that happening. One of the biggest scams perpetrated on the American people.

That being said, it is entirely possible that the elements forming this planet are older than fallen mankind's history of almost 6,000 years to date. I believe the language in Genesis 1 allows for this planet to have been "repurposed" for human occupation, which became without form and void before God created order out of its chaos.
You are as gullible as the masses if you believe that we actually landed on the moon. The existence of the Van Allen belts precludes that happening. One of the biggest scams perpetrated on the American people.

That being said, it is entirely possible that the elements forming this planet are older than fallen mankind's history of almost 6,000 years to date. I believe the language in Genesis 1 allows for this planet to have been "repurposed" for human occupation, which became without form and void before God created order out of its chaos.
One beginning "let there be" and it was "God alone good".

Satan's beginning look at my beauty, "you will not surely die" it was "Satan alone evil"

God is not a Jewish man dying mankind . He cannot be found under a microscope or telescope after the oral traditons of dying mankind .

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Walk by the power faith, Christ's in us the unseen eternal things.
1. "All of those references to Satan's activity in the NT were speaking of Satan's surge in renewed deception during his "short time" that he had left to operate in this world. Renewed? The Gentiles nations were always under the power of Satan, nothing to renew!
For the first 3,000 years of fallen mankind's existence on this planet, yes, Satan roamed freely and deceived the nations without restraint. Paul speaking on Mars Hill in Athens called this the "times of ignorance" which God "winked at", but Who was then in Paul's days commanding all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). Paul also spoke to the Lycaonians in Lystra, saying that God "in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways." (Acts 14:16).

That ignorance of the God of Israel with which Satan had deceived the nations without restraint for those 3,000 years was bound in Solomon's days when the temple foundation stone was laid down. It lasted until Christ at His resurrection and ascension became the true foundation stone of the spiritual temple not made with hands - the "chief cornerstone". The fame of Solomon's temple for the God of Israel and his reign went abroad throughout the nations, as testified by the Queen of Sheba. For a literal thousand years of this physical temple worship system and the ministries of the prophets, God used that period to continue spreading the knowledge of the God of Israel among the pagan nations of the world, even through the deportations and exile of the disobedient Jewish people.

That literal thousand years of a physical temple worship system was the Revelation 20 millennium, which ended with the First resurrection in AD 33, when Satan was released from his millennial chain to once again deceive the nations at his will for that "short time". Of course, an enraged Satan also had to contend with the power of the Holy Spirit which had been poured out on all flesh in those days, according to Joel's prophecy. If Satan's deception of the nations was once again freely operating, so too was the Holy Spirit, since Paul affirmed that "greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world". That is why Revelation 12:17 described Satan as making war against the remnant of the woman's Seed. Both Satan and the Holy Spirit were working at full throttle back in those first-century days of the early church. And Satan lost after that "short time" of deception of the nations.

You would like to extend that "short time" beginning in AD 33 to continue up until the final resurrection in our future, but that is not how or when Satan was destined to be destroyed. A "short time" is not composed of several thousand years. Once cannot simply dismiss these time-relevant terms in scripture by saying that to God, time is meaningless. That is a cop-out.
You would like to extend that "short time" beginning in AD 33 to continue up until the final resurrection in our future, but that is not how or when Satan was destined to be destroyed. A "short time" is not composed of several thousand years. Once cannot simply dismiss these time-relevant terms in scripture by saying that to God, time is meaningless. That is a cop-out.

Not a short time. . to a timeless eternal one.

To him a 24 hour day is as if a thousand literal years. The words "as" gives us the faith to believe a parable is view. the first three set the standard . It does not become literal in the book with al the metaphors usedusd in aparable the signified tongue of Chrsit

Psalm 90:4For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

Ecclesiastes 6:6 Yea, though he live a thousand years twice told, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place?

2 Peter 3:8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day

One cannot dismiss the "law of interpretation" without parables the signified tongue of prophecy Christ spoke not .Hiding the unseen gospel understanding from those who walk by sight after the historallly temporal dying things of mankind . The temporal must be mixed with the eternal or no gospel rest (Hebrew 4:1-2)

Matthew 13:34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:

Mark 4:11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:

Revelation 1King James Version1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: