Revelation 20:2 (in three parts)
“And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,”
We have already looked at verse one early on in this thread, now verse two.
In order to know that our understanding is correct, we must have scriptures to support our understanding, or else, we have not come to a true biblical understanding of what he are proclaiming as the truth.
The old serpent called the dragon, is also called the Devil and Satan in the scriptures as he is here. We are told that the angel bound him for one thousand years.
Because of preconceived ideas, this is the verse where many become confused. Many make the assertion that this hasn't occurred as yet. They hypothesize that this will take place sometime during Christ's second coming. And
ironically, in the midst of all the symbolic language here, they
take exception to this thousand years being understood any other way but a literal length of time. Nevertheless, when we practice sound biblical hermeneutics, it becomes clear from the scriptures that
Satan was bound by the victory of Christ on the cross. He had to be bound so that Christ could build His Church by releasing those whom Satan held captive. These are those held in bondage which Christ came to set free. Satan is the great deceiver of the world and he held the people in bondage to him so that they were his slaves. You can get a much better understanding of this principle by looking "carefully" at
Matthew chapter 12, where the Pharisees are claiming that Jesus is casting out devils by the power of the prince of the devils. And Jesus asks them, "
how can Satan fight himself? A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand". Christ says that if He casts out Devils by the Spirit of God, then the
Kingdom of God has come unto them! Of course, we know He did cast them out by the Spirit of God. Therefore, it is likewise unquestionably true that the Kingdom of God
had come unto them. And that is a very telling and unmistakable truth
not subject to private interpretation, and which shouldn't be taken lightly, nor trampled upon. The Kingdom of God "had" Come to Israel through Christ! And Christ doesn't stop there, He goes on to make sure we all know exactly what He is talking about, by then giving us this most revealing parable:
Matthew 12:29
- "How can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods, except he first Bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house."
When we study this parable honestly, by the Grace of God we must assuredly come to the truth of it. The Lord Jesus Christ came to spoil, or Plunder (
Take by conquest the possessions from) Satan's house. And those possessions are his very elect, both Jews and Gentiles We were those held strongly in captivity in
this house of bondage. But in order to take Satan's goods,
first, Christ had to "bind him" ~ Look again carefully at the parable itself, and ask yourself
honestly these questions:
#1. Who is the Strong man?
#2. What is his house?
#3. Who is it that comes to bind him?
#4. What are the possessions in the strong man's house
that he wants to Spoil (take by conquest)?
#5. What "MUST" be done first, before that can happen?
When you have answered those questions nobly, it's an absolute! There can be no other rational conclusion but that #1, Satan is the strong man. #2, His house is the adversarial principality. #3, Christ is the one who came to bind him and take the possessions or prisoners in his principality, #4, the Church were those possessions being held captive or in bondage by Satan, and #5, Christ is he who had to
First, bind Satan!
If indeed Christ had cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then obviously it was the power of God manifest in Him, and thus unambiguously demonstrated that He was the prophesied Messiah, the Son of David who was to come and establish that Kingdom. The same Son of David of whom the multitude spoke in the first instance. It was indeed for this reason the Pharisees had accused Christ of having a devil. Consider wisely and in context.
Matthew 12:22-24
- "Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw.
- And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the Son of David?
- But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils."
But indeed Christ had cast out devils by the Spirit of God and that meant that the Messiah, the Son of David had been manifest, and His Kingdom had come unto them.
It is in this "context" that Christ speaks about how He must first bind Satan. When Christ cast Satan out of individuals, He was '
signifying' by this that the Kingdom of God had come (Matthew 12:28). For the kingdom of God was within their very midst, yet they perceived it not (Luke 17:21) by Christ coming to dwell where Satan once was,
it's not an earthly kingdom. And the Spoiling of Satan's Kingdom or principality is the principle of this parable. His goods, (The Spoil) are all of the disciples, and all of us who were unsaved (
in captivity to Satan) and deceived of Satan,
who are now set free in Christ. This parable is a clear picture that God gives us to illustrate Christ is come down from heaven to establish the Kingdom of God by plundering the house of Satan, and setting free those who sat in the darkness thereof. And God tells us, first Christ had to bind the strong man, and
only then could He spoil his house. This is not incidental or insignificant language.
Scripture must be defined by scripture, not by Theologians. When we do that, it is clear the binding of Satan took place
at the cross.
Again in Mark chapter 3. The Lord Jesus has the blasphemous accusation brought against Him that He was working through Satan. Christ asks them, "how can He battle against the Kingdom of Satan, if He is of the Kingdom of Satan? A House divided against itself cannot stand! And He declares:
Mark 3:26
- "And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except He FIRST Bind the strong man; and then He will spoil his House."
These are God's parables and God puts parables in His Word not to be "ignored", but
to be considered and discerned. Some people close their eyes and ears to the truth because of their Church tradition, but this
is unrighteousness of the highest order. God says, "hear His parable!" Christ is the one who has come to conquer this strong man's (Satan's) kingdom, and God says, in order for Him to spoil Satan's house, Satan first had to be bound. I didn't say that, A theologian didn't say that, my Church didn't say that,
God said it! We merely bear faithful witness or testimony to what God said. Satan had to be bound in order for Christ to spoil (
take by conquest) the captivity. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Indeed, as our Lord says, "if He cast out Satan by the power of God, then the Kingdom of God had come upon them." Not 2025-50 years later,
but with Christ! The Kingdom had come, and the captivity was being set free, and there was Peace being made with God by those whom Christ delivered.
This isn't speculation, it's clearly delineated in the pages of Scripture. Without realizing it, doctrines like Premillennialism are in effect saying, "
wrong God, The Kingdom of God has not come yet, for Christ has not bound Satan yet, the captivity has not been freed, and Christ has not yet brought Peace to the earth, nor established righteousness". But according to these scriptures Christ has bound Satan, and He has taken a spoil from his house, and He has established His Kingdom in "His" righteousness.