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Understanding the The 1000 Year Millennium in Prophecy

??!!!! You have got to be kidding.

"Knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him. For in that He died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God." (Romans 6:9-10).

"And it is yet far more evident: for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest, Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life. For he testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec....But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." (Hebrews 7:15-17, 24-25).

If Christ was not raised to physical immortality, then you have no high priest in heaven interceding for you, and your faith is in vain. You might as well pitch your Bible in the nearest dumpster and become an atheist.

The dead, physical body of Christ that went into the tomb was the body that was changed and raised in an incorruptible, immortal condition that could never die again. See verses listed above. Nothing of Christ's physical dead body was left in that tomb after His bodily resurrection.

So it was his mortal body that was changed and raised in an incorruptible, immortal condition while still in the tomb?
That makes a certain amount of sense,,, but
That same glorified, resurrected body of flesh and bones which the disciples handled and which ate and drank with them was the same body which ascended to heaven and is now appearing in the presence of God for us as our representative intercessor. He MUST be of the same human flesh and bones in order to be a representative Great High Priest for believers among humankind who also have bodies of flesh and bones.
Why then does John 20:17 say 17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

I always thought it was not until his ascension that his body was changed?

"For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people." (Heb. 2:16-17).
The only surety in our salvation from sinning in this life, is by doing the word of promise:
Ghada, no pun intended, but your posts are generally very discombobulated phrases, being a strange mixtures of what you have come to believe, with some quoted scriptures, taken totally out of their context, thereby, that is foreign to the truths taught in the word of God.

When we use the word, we are not speaking about a sure way of not sinning in this life~and we have never spoken about us doing the word of promise, for the word of promise is that which God promised by two immutable acts by Him, (his oath and his promises of grace to the seed of Jesus Christ) to secured eternal life for his elect through his Son, upon whom God put the work of redemption.
The gospel of faith unto secured salvation is man's alone. And it is also accompanied with the ungodly admonition not to add anything to our faith, nor to be justified of God by works of His righteousness and charity.
Another very discombobulated statement. I think you are saying, you do not believe that the elect's gift of salvation is not secured by Christ's obedience, but must be by our works of righteousness and charity, etc. Is this what you mean by what you have posted? If yes, then you sadly mistaken. Our works of righteousness is mixed with sin, in our best efforts to please God, even our prayers is mixed with sin, and cannot be means of causing us to be accepted in God's sight.
And so, it is impossible for Christ to justify anyone sinning against the Son and the Father.

Gal 2:17But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid.

Christ does not minister sin to His own body, by justifying anyone sinning against God.

It is impossible for the Head who knows no sin, to know any member of His body is sinning.
More discombobulated phrases put together for readers to figure exactly what you are attempting to say. So, now I must ask you is English your first language? Maybe this could be the reasons why you are so hard following. You using Galatians 2:17 along with what you have said is another error on your part.

The meaning is: If we converted Jews, who seek to be justified by Christ, add to the gospel any obligation to the Law of Moses, which we know cannot justify us from our sins and only proves our sinfulness, we make ourselves sinners and Christ’s religion one of sin and condemnation.

Your understanding: "Christ does not minister sin to His own body, by justifying anyone sinning against God. It is impossible for the Head who knows no sin, to know any member of His body is sinning." cannot find support with the scripture you quoted from. You are making up doctrine not found in the scriptures.

All of God's children sin, they just do not live in private, or open sin, yet, sin is present in all that they do, impossible to be otherwise.

Enough on this post.
Why then does John 20:17 say 17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

I always thought it was not until his ascension that his body was changed?
It was BECAUSE Christ's body had already been changed to a glorified, incorruptible state before He emerged from the tomb that Mary could not yet touch Christ's body until He had ascended and "offered Himself without spot to God" (Heb. 9:12-14). This was merely the fulfillment of the OT rituals for the day of Atonement that a high priest went ALONE into the holy of holies with the blood of the sacrifice, after having been washed and dressed in the sacred garments of the high priest.

As Leviticus 16:17 tells us concerning the high priest's actions at that point in time, "And there shall be no man in the tabernacle of the congregation when he goeth in to make an atonement in the holy place, until he come out, and have made an atonement for himself, and for his household, and for all the congregation of Israel." Any high priest who became ritually unclean in any way before performing the rituals of the Day of Atonement could not perform in the role of high priest that year.

Christ fulfilled to the letter all those precise requirements that the high priest was to fulfill back under OT law. Neither Mary nor any other person could touch the glorified, resurrected body of Christ until He had come out of the heavenly temple with the sprinkled blood sacrifice of His own body having been accepted by God on our behalf. This spotless offering of Christ our Great High Priest in heaven that morning rendered all the saints legally and vicariously holy in God's eyes.

Which meant that when Christ returned to earth once again that same morning, the touch of the disciples was no longer considered a defilement of Christ's body after He had made an atonement for our sins. This is why we see the women holding Christ by the feet and worshipping Him shortly afterward, and why Christ Himself that evening invited the disciples to handle Him and see that it was He Himself among them.
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The problem with that statement is that scripture is NOT silent concerning the state of those who were bodily resurrected in scripture. If scripture states that it is impossible for a bodily-resurrected saint to die again (and it does teach this in several places), then we are not at liberty to quibble about what happened to those bodily-resurrected saints in scripture. Scripture denies that these were capable of dying again, so they didn't. No reasonable doubts - no jury waiting to deliver a verdict on this - scripture has proved the case for immortality for all those examples in scripture raised from the dead.

You are an honest enough student of the Word of God to stick to what scripture teaches us about this, without leaving it up to human guesswork. And you are honest enough to say that you cannot prove that these died again. Not everyone who is challenged on this point can bring themselves to admit that they have no scriptural proof for a resurrected person dying again.
Brother, here's problem that I have: When those were raised from the dead, with body did they possess before dying ~ It had to be like the ones they lived in without yet being glorified~ for it they had a different body, it would have been noticed by all who knew them, yet the scriptures mentioned not a word about anyone noticing anything different than the very body had had before being raised from the dead. just me thinking out loud.

1st Corinthians 15:36-49~"Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die: And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain: But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly."
Brother, here's problem that I have: When those were raised from the dead, with body did they possess before dying ~ It had to be like the ones they lived in without yet being glorified~ for it they had a different body, it would have been noticed by all who knew them, yet the scriptures mentioned not a word about anyone noticing anything different than the very body had had before being raised from the dead. just me thinking out loud.
Thinking out loud is good...

But think about this. Christ was recognized as Himself by the disciples in His glorified, body post-resurrection during those 40 days. "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I MYSELF..." (Luke 24:31, 39). Post-resurrection, Christ had the capability of presenting Himself with the very same appearance with which the disciples were familiar from His earthly ministry.

This appearance could change at Christ's discretion, as in Mark 16:12 when He took on "another form" which was not recognized by the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. And we know that the resurrected Christ could disappear at will (Luke 24:31), as well as self-levitate on the occasions of His ascensions to heaven.

Some would argue, "Well, that was Christ - it was different for other saints." And that is not true. We have the assurance in Philippians 3:21 that in the resurrection process, God will "change our vile body that it may be fashioned "like unto His glorious body...". The resurrected bodies of all the saints resemble that of the resurrected Christ. All we have to do is examine the descriptions of the resurrected Christ in scripture, and this gives us a description of what the bodies of all resurrected believers are like.
But think about this. Christ was recognized as Himself by the disciples in His glorified, body post-resurrection during those 40 days. "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I MYSELF..." (Luke 24:31, 39). Post-resurrection, Christ had the capability of presenting Himself with the very same appearance with which the disciples were familiar from His earthly ministry.

This appearance could change at Christ's discretion, as in Mark 16:12 when He took on "another form" which was not recognized by the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. And we know that the resurrected Christ could disappear at will (Luke 24:31), as well as self-levitate on the occasions of His ascensions to heaven.

Some would argue, "Well, that was Christ - it was different for other saints." And that is not true. We have the assurance in Philippians 3:21 that in the resurrection process, God will "change our vile body that it may be fashioned "like unto His glorious body...". The resurrected bodies of all the saints resemble that of the resurrected Christ. All we have to do is examine the descriptions of the resurrected Christ in scripture, and this gives us a description of what the bodies of all resurrected believers are like.
I agree with all you said here in the first two paragraphs. I do not necessarily disagree with the third....... still pondering this subject.
It was BECAUSE Christ's body had already been changed to a glorified, incorruptible state before He emerged from the tomb that Mary could not yet touch Christ's body until He had ascended and "offered Himself without spot to God" (Heb. 9:12-14). This was merely the fulfillment of the OT rituals for the day of Atonement that a high priest went ALONE into the holy of holies with the blood of the sacrifice, after having been washed and dressed in the sacred garments of the high priest.

As Leviticus 16:17 tells us concerning the high priest's actions at that point in time, "And there shall be no man in the tabernacle of the congregation when he goeth in to make an atonement in the holy place, until he come out, and have made an atonement for himself, and for his household, and for all the congregation of Israel." Any high priest who became ritually unclean in any way before performing the rituals of the Day of Atonement could not perform in the role of high priest that year.

Christ fulfilled to the letter all those precise requirements that the high priest was to fulfill back under OT law. Neither Mary nor any other person could touch the glorified, resurrected body of Christ until He had come out of the heavenly temple with the sprinkled blood sacrifice of His own body having been accepted by God on our behalf. This spotless offering of Christ our Great High Priest in heaven that morning rendered all the saints legally and vicariously holy in God's eyes.

Which meant that when Christ returned to earth once again that same morning, the touch of the disciples was no longer considered a defilement of Christ's body after He had made an atonement for our sins. This is why we see the women holding Christ by the feet and worshipping Him shortly afterward, and why Christ Himself that evening invited the disciples to handle Him and see that it was He Himself among them.
Thank you,

Fills in a blank
There was never any doubt about the suffering of Christ to the believers before His coming. Even as there is no doubt to the believers about His coming again to reign upon the earth for a thousand years.
Only a handful truly understood, most did not. So your statement lacks understanding. Even the apostles were in the dark concerning Jesus dying for the nation, and not only for the nation, but for God's children outside of the Jewish nation.

"Even as there is no doubt to the believers about His coming again to reign upon the earth for a thousand years."

We shall see.....let us go to Revelation 20 and consider those scriptures.
If Christ was not raised to physical immortality, then you have no high priest in heaven interceding for you, and your faith is in vain. You might as well pitch your Bible in the nearest dumpster and become an atheist.

Its necessary we search out the spiritual unseen eternal understanding hid from the lost. If not you might as well pitch your Bible in the nearest dumpster and become an atheist.

Words have actual meaning needed to protect the integrity of the one author and finisher of new born again faith .

Christ in us (not Christ is us ) The hope of His glory

Christ the one anointing good teaching master works in the heart of those born agin...

Like our brother in the Lord the Son of man Jesus. Jesus the Son of man the apostle/prophet was given words from the one good teaching master .

Others desired to make him a carnal (fleshly) eternal God and bowed down in worship,

Jesus our brother in the lord would never commit blasphemy against the infalible head, Christ the husband .

Note. . unconverted mankind

Note . . . Jesus the Son of man our brother in the lord

Note . . .eternal God the one good teching masters

Mark 10:17-18King James Version17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
You are an honest enough student of the Word of God to stick to what scripture teaches us about this, without leaving it up to human guesswork. And you are honest enough to say that you cannot prove that these died again. Not everyone who is challenged on this point can bring themselves to admit that they have no scriptural proof for a resurrected person dying again.
The appointment is to die once. All die not receiving the promised new incorruptible bodies that will never age and come to a end return to field of clay

Jesus our born again brother in the lord informs us whosever does the will of the unseen head Christ are his kind of family that calls no man on earth Holy Father

Two witnesses declaring God has spoke . .

Matthew 12:50For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Mark 3:35For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

God is not a Jewish man. That is a wile of the father of lies, the father of earthly fathers called Pope or daysman.

Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Revelation 20:2 (in three parts)​

“And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,”

We have already looked at verse one early on in this thread, now verse two.

In order to know that our understanding is correct, we must have scriptures to support our understanding, or else, we have not come to a true biblical understanding of what he are proclaiming as the truth.

The old serpent called the dragon, is also called the Devil and Satan in the scriptures as he is here. We are told that the angel bound him for one thousand years.

Because of preconceived ideas, this is the verse where many become confused. Many make the assertion that this hasn't occurred as yet. They hypothesize that this will take place sometime during Christ's second coming. And ironically, in the midst of all the symbolic language here, they take exception to this thousand years being understood any other way but a literal length of time. Nevertheless, when we practice sound biblical hermeneutics, it becomes clear from the scriptures that Satan was bound by the victory of Christ on the cross. He had to be bound so that Christ could build His Church by releasing those whom Satan held captive. These are those held in bondage which Christ came to set free. Satan is the great deceiver of the world and he held the people in bondage to him so that they were his slaves. You can get a much better understanding of this principle by looking "carefully" at Matthew chapter 12, where the Pharisees are claiming that Jesus is casting out devils by the power of the prince of the devils. And Jesus asks them, "how can Satan fight himself? A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand". Christ says that if He casts out Devils by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come unto them! Of course, we know He did cast them out by the Spirit of God. Therefore, it is likewise unquestionably true that the Kingdom of God had come unto them. And that is a very telling and unmistakable truth not subject to private interpretation, and which shouldn't be taken lightly, nor trampled upon. The Kingdom of God "had" Come to Israel through Christ! And Christ doesn't stop there, He goes on to make sure we all know exactly what He is talking about, by then giving us this most revealing parable:

Matthew 12:29

  • "How can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods, except he first Bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house."
When we study this parable honestly, by the Grace of God we must assuredly come to the truth of it. The Lord Jesus Christ came to spoil, or Plunder (Take by conquest the possessions from) Satan's house. And those possessions are his very elect, both Jews and Gentiles We were those held strongly in captivity in this house of bondage. But in order to take Satan's goods, first, Christ had to "bind him" ~ Look again carefully at the parable itself, and ask yourself honestly these questions:

#1. Who is the Strong man?
#2. What is his house?
#3. Who is it that comes to bind him?
#4. What are the possessions in the strong man's house
that he wants to Spoil (take by conquest)?
#5. What "MUST" be done first, before that can happen?

When you have answered those questions nobly, it's an absolute! There can be no other rational conclusion but that #1, Satan is the strong man. #2, His house is the adversarial principality. #3, Christ is the one who came to bind him and take the possessions or prisoners in his principality, #4, the Church were those possessions being held captive or in bondage by Satan, and #5, Christ is he who had to First, bind Satan!

If indeed Christ had cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then obviously it was the power of God manifest in Him, and thus unambiguously demonstrated that He was the prophesied Messiah, the Son of David who was to come and establish that Kingdom. The same Son of David of whom the multitude spoke in the first instance. It was indeed for this reason the Pharisees had accused Christ of having a devil. Consider wisely and in context.

Matthew 12:22-24

  • "Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw.
  • And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the Son of David?
  • But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils."
But indeed Christ had cast out devils by the Spirit of God and that meant that the Messiah, the Son of David had been manifest, and His Kingdom had come unto them. It is in this "context" that Christ speaks about how He must first bind Satan. When Christ cast Satan out of individuals, He was 'signifying' by this that the Kingdom of God had come (Matthew 12:28). For the kingdom of God was within their very midst, yet they perceived it not (Luke 17:21) by Christ coming to dwell where Satan once was, it's not an earthly kingdom. And the Spoiling of Satan's Kingdom or principality is the principle of this parable. His goods, (The Spoil) are all of the disciples, and all of us who were unsaved (in captivity to Satan) and deceived of Satan, who are now set free in Christ. This parable is a clear picture that God gives us to illustrate Christ is come down from heaven to establish the Kingdom of God by plundering the house of Satan, and setting free those who sat in the darkness thereof. And God tells us, first Christ had to bind the strong man, and only then could He spoil his house. This is not incidental or insignificant language. Scripture must be defined by scripture, not by Theologians. When we do that, it is clear the binding of Satan took place at the cross.

Again in Mark chapter 3. The Lord Jesus has the blasphemous accusation brought against Him that He was working through Satan. Christ asks them, "how can He battle against the Kingdom of Satan, if He is of the Kingdom of Satan? A House divided against itself cannot stand! And He declares:

Mark 3:26

  • "And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except He FIRST Bind the strong man; and then He will spoil his House."
These are God's parables and God puts parables in His Word not to be "ignored", but to be considered and discerned. Some people close their eyes and ears to the truth because of their Church tradition, but this is unrighteousness of the highest order. God says, "hear His parable!" Christ is the one who has come to conquer this strong man's (Satan's) kingdom, and God says, in order for Him to spoil Satan's house, Satan first had to be bound. I didn't say that, A theologian didn't say that, my Church didn't say that, God said it! We merely bear faithful witness or testimony to what God said. Satan had to be bound in order for Christ to spoil (take by conquest) the captivity. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Indeed, as our Lord says, "if He cast out Satan by the power of God, then the Kingdom of God had come upon them." Not 2025-50 years later, but with Christ! The Kingdom had come, and the captivity was being set free, and there was Peace being made with God by those whom Christ delivered. This isn't speculation, it's clearly delineated in the pages of Scripture. Without realizing it, doctrines like Premillennialism are in effect saying, "wrong God, The Kingdom of God has not come yet, for Christ has not bound Satan yet, the captivity has not been freed, and Christ has not yet brought Peace to the earth, nor established righteousness". But according to these scriptures Christ has bound Satan, and He has taken a spoil from his house, and He has established His Kingdom in "His" righteousness.

Revelation 20:2 (part two)

Luke 11:20-23

  • "But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the Kingdom of God is come upon you.

  • When a strongman armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:

  • But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, He TAKETH from him all his armor wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils."
Satan is the Strong man in this parable. Stronger than all of us so that he held us firmly in captivity to serve him in his kingdom or Palace. And you can be sure, he keeps his palace! No one can set themselves free from his strong grip. But when one stronger than him (Christ) comes and overcomes him, He takes away Satan's armor, making him defenseless so that he is unable to stop Christ's onslaught. Thus Christ conquers and divides Satan's spoil. He is unable to defend himself and prevent the Church from being built on those spoiled from the world. This is what these parables are teaching. Likewise, the Messenger of Revelation chapter 20 had came with a Great chain to symbolize this is to hold this "strong" adversarial spirit. And as these scriptures clearly show, before this Strong one's house could be spoiled, he "First" had to be bound by Christ.

While Satan is bound, the Holy Temple is being built and the true gospel is going forth to the nations that the called of these nations are Saved. Satan is without defense (as per parable) being restrained from being able to (with his deceiving these nations) prevent people from receiving truth and becoming truly Saved. In other words, while he is bound, the Lord's Church will be built with the spoils of Satan's house. Iniquity is held down until all who are to be sealed are sealed (Saved). And when the 1000 years are over and the kingdom prepared to be delivered up to God, Satan will then be allowed loose from his binding (by he who has the key) to once again go forth deceiving the world. This will bring Great Tribulation to the camp of the Saints (Saints are believers) as the Churches will then be overrun and the people therein brought into captivity to Satan. There will be a great falling away or divorcing (apostasy) from God in the Church at this time. It will become so wicked, that if God didn't shorten those days and return in final judgment, there would be no flesh left on earth to be Saved. I.e., it would be a world where not one man on earth was left who had a true knowledge of the word of God! But that will never happen, as scripture says God will shorten the days (for the sake of the Chosen). Those who will endure in this time of Great Tribulation (the faithful, those who keep God's word over man's) will be Saved. They shall be changed instantly, without death, into their new spiritual bodies.

The point being made is, the Church is Saved by being freed from the house of Satan by the work of Christ at the cross to bind Satan. I don't know why anyone would consider it strange to hear that Satan was bound at the cross. The New Testament bears abundant testimony to the fact that Satan is a defeated foe. Colossians 2:15 says that Jesus Spoiled principalities and Powers and made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it. Keep in mind what Jesus said in Mark, that He first had to bind the strong man before He can spoil his house. Ephesians 4:8 tells us very plainly Christ led captivity captive and gave gifts to men. The captivity is the power of Satan to hold us in his Prison, and the gift Christ gave is Salvation! But, He first had to lead the captivity "Captive," Then He could give the gifts to men. You see, these verses are glossed over (or worse) by so many people. The question is, does it really mean that Satan had to be bound in order for Christ to spoil his house, when it says it? What was the captivity that Christ had to lead captive in order to give gifts to men? No need for vague speculation, the scriptures are clear about it.

Scripture indicates that being unsaved is as being in a prison or in captivity, with Satan as your Captor. No way you can get out because you are in bondage to sin. You serve sin. But Christ came to set this captivity free. He came to loose the prisoners, to spoil Satan's house. Remember Jesus said, If "I" shall make you free, you shall be free indeed? Israel didn't know what He was talking about! They retorted, "they were never in bondage and were born free (-John 8:33)". But Jesus was talking about a different captivity, a different house of Bondage. A captivity far greater than any political one and a prison house far more damnable than any earthly prison. He was talking about Israel being in captivity to Satan. And Jesus said, If I will make you free, ye shall be free indeed. But like so many today, they were thinking in worldly terms, or in earthly or carnal terms, and Jesus was speaking in the language of the Spiritual. They thought He was going to set up an earthly Kingdom, but Jesus came to set up a "far" superior Kingdom than a worldly one. They wanted Him to set Jacob free from captivity to the Romans, but He came to redeem Jacob in a way that would set them free forever, and would rule them in a kingdom which has no end. They thought apart from the Romans, they were already free, but Jesus knew that they were captives in the House of Satan. He came down from Heaven to bind Satan and loose the captivity and give gifts to men. Doing that, this freedom would be greater than any worldly or (so called) literal freedom that they could imagine. When we learn the parable of the binding of the strong man, we see (By the Grace of God) exactly when, and more importantly why Satan was bound. This is also illustrated in the Prophesy of the messenger of the Covenant redeeming Israel, as fulfilled in Christ:

Jeremiah 31:11

  • "For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob, and ransomed him from the hand of him that was Stronger than He.."
Jacob (Israel) was redeemed at the cross, and He who redeemed him was the Messenger from Heaven, Christ. Jacob was held in bondage by one who was stronger (remember the parable) and this of course was Satan. He was stronger than Israel and held them in bondage. The Redemption was made on the cross (it's not a future event) that Israel would be set free from the hand of Satan. And this is what the "great" chain to hold him signifies. Jeremiah 31 tells us all about this New Testament with the House of Israel that this Messenger confirmed or strengthened. Compare this diligently with the commentary on it in Hebrews chapters 8 and 9 (read it all carefully) and you will see that this is Christ, the messenger of the New Covenant or Testament with Israel. And the Israel in view is the New Testament Church! According to it's fulfillment spoken of in Hebrews, Christ accomplished this by the cross. So while doctrines like Premillennialism are waiting for a New Covenant with Israel as a future event, scripture clearly tells us that the New testament Congregation has already come, and was made strong in Christ's blood (Hebrews 9:15-17). It's His death which bound Satan and made the new Covenant with Israel, strong!
Revelation 20:2~~~part three

Look at 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2, which speaks of the time when iniquity will be un-restrained or loosed after having been restrained. Particularly take note of verses 6,7,8, and 9:

2nd Thessalonians 2:6-9

  • "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

  • For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only He who now restraineth will restrain, until he be taken out of the way.

  • And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming:

  • Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.."
This Chapter of 2nd Thessalonians is dealing with the falling away (apostasia) or literally divorcing or separation of the Church from God, which precedes the Lord's second advent. And verse 6 tells us that there is something withholding or holding down this "Evil" power of Satan, but that there is a "specific time " appointed when this evil will be set loose and revealed. This sin (lawlessness or iniquity) of Satan was in the world even at the time of the writing of 2nd Thessalonians, and yet God reveals here 'unambiguously' that it was being restrained to be revealed at a later (His) time. This iniquity or transgression that is being held down is obviously the power of Satan to do great lawlessness in the Holy Temple and thus deceive the nations thereby. While it is being restrained the man of lawlessness cannot sit in God's Temple. The Church will continue to grow. This was iniquity of Satan bound at the cross so the Temple (Church) could be built. That's why these verses illustrate that it is being held down or restrained and declares a time it will be loosed. Naturally when it is let go, (unbound, unrestrained, released, whatever you want to call it), then this iniquity will abound (see Matt. 24:12) and there will be deceivings of false prophets, lying signs and wonders and miracles and great tribulation for true believers.

2nd Thessalonians 2:9

  • "even him whose coming is is after the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders."
When that iniquity that was held down is loosed, then false prophets, lying teachers and the lawless man, will come to deceive the nations with all Power and lying Signs and Wonders. It is no mere coincidence that this mirrors Revelation chapter 20 where when Satan is loosed from being bound, he goes forth to "deceive" the nations of the 4 quarters of the world. In other words, it will be a universal deception of the peoples of the world by the loosing of this spirit of Satan. The iniquity of Satan (which was restrained) spoken of in Revelation 20, will be loosed to go forth deceiving the world with false gospels, and 2nd Thessalonians mirrors that message of Satan's deception in great power. This isn't God playing word games, it's talking about the same time, and the same loosing of Satan. The context of 2nd Thessalonians 2 is of Christ's second coming and our gathering together to meet Him, but First it declares, these things had to happen. Apostasy, lawless man in the temple of God as if he was God, and the iniquity that was restrained be loosed. It all points to the same conclusion. Namely, after Christ build's his Holy Temple, then Satan will be loosed to deceive. The question would now arise, Why? 2nd Thessalonians 2:10 answers this. It is because they received not the love of truth, that they might have Salvation, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. The same reason God has always brought judgment upon His congregation! It shouldn't come as any surprise to faithful students of the Bible.

There are those who are commonly called 'Carnal Christians' (which is really no Christian at all) in most every Church, and they tend to want the wide road, the smooth road, the worldly way. They are usually kept in check by the faithfulness of the majority, but as many in the Church depart from the faith, it is spoken of as their being seduced and deceived by false prophets and teachers. And verse 7 of 2nd Thessalonians 2 explains that something was holding this iniquity restrained that it couldn't take place then. It says "he that now letteth, will let, until he be taken out of the way." In the KJV this word "letteth" is an old English word which means restrain. The word translated there is the Greek word [katecho] or literally Hold Down, and is derived from it's root Greek ['kata] meaning down and ['echo] meaning to hold. So once again we see the principle that something is holding Satan's iniquity down until a certain set time (spoken of here as, till one be taken out of the midst). This iniquity of Satan that will be revealed later, was restrained until Christ be taken out of the midst of the Churches. Because the Lord is the only one who could restrain it. The Lord is the only one in the midst of the Church or temple who restrains iniquity. When iniquity is loosed (Matthew 24:12, the great tribulation period) iniquity will again abound, and the Love of God shall grow cold. This is the apostasy, or divorcing (separation) from God which 2nd thessalonians speaks of.

There are two things that we see conclusively in this verse of Thessalonians:
  1. The mystery of this iniquity was already at work then when this was written to the Thessalonians! i.e., The spirit of Satan was "still" active in the world.

  2. but though this iniquity was still active in the world then, it was declared by God to be being HELD DOWN, (restrained or bound) until a certain time when He that held it down should be taken out of the way (midst).
It is clear that He that Holds the evil spirit of iniquity down can only be God Himself. Again, as in Revelation chapter 20, no one else has that kind of power to restrain that spirit, Satan! Who is it that has the keys to the bottomless pit and has bound Satan there, sealed, reserved for this time? It can only be God Himself! And only the Lord can remove this restraint of iniquity of Satan. And when the Temple which He came to build is come to the full with the gentiles that are now coming in, God will do just that. For their testimony is finished and God will remove His hand of restraint of Satan as Judgment on the unfaithful. And so all Israel shall be saved! When we read 2nd Thessalonians 2:10,11, and 12, we see the reasons. Those who think that the Lord will not remove his hand of restraint of Satan to bring Judgment on those who refuse to receive truth of scripture are not reading, nor considering all of these scriptures carefully.

To make a long story short, the binding of Satan to withhold or restrain this horrible iniquity of deceiving was instituted by the Cross of Christ, and it will last until the time near the end of the world, when Christ is taken out of the midst of the Churches (where two or three are gathered together in His name, there is He in the midst -Matt 18:20). Satan is then loosed as Judgment upon this unfaithful Church, as the Lord says that "judgment must begin at the House of the God." This judgment doesn't last long because Satan's end is that he will be destroyed with the manifestation or brightness of the Lord's second coming. So this Binding of Satan, and his Iniquity being held down is all intimately tied together. You can't have this iniquity loosed without Satan being loosed, and vise versa. They both are of the same restraining that took place at the Cross when Christ wounded his head. Just as the scriptures said, in order for Christ to spoil Satan's house, He first had to Bind him. He did! And his house has been continually spoiled every since. And it will continue to be spoiled until all that are to be sealed, are sealed. Then the dragon Satan will be unsealed, and loosed, and the end follow soon thereafter.

"And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,"

This verse is in reference to the breaking of Satan's stronghold upon the nations by the work of Christ on the cross. As we saw in Matthew chapter 12 "binding" is in reference to spoiling satan's house and a SIGN that the Kingdom of God had come. This is a symbolic picture of the defeat of Satan and how that defeat effects the nations. i.e., the ministry and work of the gospel can now go forth to the nations and satan is "defenseless" to stop the spreading of that gospel. We are more than conquerors (overcomers) through Christ Jesus! The symbolism is a spiritual picture of a reality!

Dragon = Serpent with appearance of greatness, Satan
1000 Years = fullness of the building of the Church (reign)
Serpent = The subtle or clever deceiver, Satan
Look at 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2, which speaks of the time when iniquity will be un-restrained or loosed after having been restrained. Particularly take note of verses 6,7,8, and 9:

2nd Thessalonians 2:6-9
This is the rapture when.....two views

1)The praying Christians are removed.
2)The Holy Spirit is removed and the christians go with the Holy Spirit.

Revelation 20:2 (in three parts)​

“And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,”

We have already looked at verse one early on in this thread, now verse two.

In order to know that our understanding is correct, we must have scriptures to support our understanding, or else, we have not come to a true biblical understanding of what he are proclaiming as the truth.

The old serpent called the dragon, is also called the Devil and Satan in the scriptures as he is here. We are told that the angel bound him for one thousand years.

Because of preconceived ideas, this is the verse where many become confused. Many make the assertion that this hasn't occurred as yet. They hypothesize that this will take place sometime during Christ's second coming. And ironically, in the midst of all the symbolic language here, they take exception to this thousand years being understood any other way but a literal length of time. Nevertheless, when we practice sound biblical hermeneutics, it becomes clear from the scriptures that Satan was bound by the victory of Christ on the cross. He had to be bound so that Christ could build His Church by releasing those whom Satan held captive. These are those held in bondage which Christ came to set free. Satan is the great deceiver of the world and he held the people in bondage to him so that they were his slaves. You can get a much better understanding of this principle by looking "carefully" at Matthew chapter 12, where the Pharisees are claiming that Jesus is casting out devils by the power of the prince of the devils. And Jesus asks them, "how can Satan fight himself? A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand". Christ says that if He casts out Devils by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come unto them! Of course, we know He did cast them out by the Spirit of God. Therefore, it is likewise unquestionably true that the Kingdom of God had come unto them. And that is a very telling and unmistakable truth not subject to private interpretation, and which shouldn't be taken lightly, nor trampled upon. The Kingdom of God "had" Come to Israel through Christ! And Christ doesn't stop there, He goes on to make sure we all know exactly what He is talking about, by then giving us this most revealing parable:

Matthew 12:29

  • "How can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods, except he first Bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house."
When we study this parable honestly, by the Grace of God we must assuredly come to the truth of it. The Lord Jesus Christ came to spoil, or Plunder (Take by conquest the possessions from) Satan's house. And those possessions are his very elect, both Jews and Gentiles We were those held strongly in captivity in this house of bondage. But in order to take Satan's goods, first, Christ had to "bind him" ~ Look again carefully at the parable itself, and ask yourself honestly these questions:

#1. Who is the Strong man?
#2. What is his house?
#3. Who is it that comes to bind him?
#4. What are the possessions in the strong man's house
that he wants to Spoil (take by conquest)?
#5. What "MUST" be done first, before that can happen?

When you have answered those questions nobly, it's an absolute! There can be no other rational conclusion but that #1, Satan is the strong man. #2, His house is the adversarial principality. #3, Christ is the one who came to bind him and take the possessions or prisoners in his principality, #4, the Church were those possessions being held captive or in bondage by Satan, and #5, Christ is he who had to First, bind Satan!

If indeed Christ had cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then obviously it was the power of God manifest in Him, and thus unambiguously demonstrated that He was the prophesied Messiah, the Son of David who was to come and establish that Kingdom. The same Son of David of whom the multitude spoke in the first instance. It was indeed for this reason the Pharisees had accused Christ of having a devil. Consider wisely and in context.

Matthew 12:22-24

  • "Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw.
  • And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the Son of David?
  • But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils."
But indeed Christ had cast out devils by the Spirit of God and that meant that the Messiah, the Son of David had been manifest, and His Kingdom had come unto them. It is in this "context" that Christ speaks about how He must first bind Satan. When Christ cast Satan out of individuals, He was 'signifying' by this that the Kingdom of God had come (Matthew 12:28). For the kingdom of God was within their very midst, yet they perceived it not (Luke 17:21) by Christ coming to dwell where Satan once was, it's not an earthly kingdom. And the Spoiling of Satan's Kingdom or principality is the principle of this parable. His goods, (The Spoil) are all of the disciples, and all of us who were unsaved (in captivity to Satan) and deceived of Satan, who are now set free in Christ. This parable is a clear picture that God gives us to illustrate Christ is come down from heaven to establish the Kingdom of God by plundering the house of Satan, and setting free those who sat in the darkness thereof. And God tells us, first Christ had to bind the strong man, and only then could He spoil his house. This is not incidental or insignificant language. Scripture must be defined by scripture, not by Theologians. When we do that, it is clear the binding of Satan took place at the cross.

Again in Mark chapter 3. The Lord Jesus has the blasphemous accusation brought against Him that He was working through Satan. Christ asks them, "how can He battle against the Kingdom of Satan, if He is of the Kingdom of Satan? A House divided against itself cannot stand! And He declares:

Mark 3:26

  • "And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except He FIRST Bind the strong man; and then He will spoil his House."
These are God's parables and God puts parables in His Word not to be "ignored", but to be considered and discerned. Some people close their eyes and ears to the truth because of their Church tradition, but this is unrighteousness of the highest order. God says, "hear His parable!" Christ is the one who has come to conquer this strong man's (Satan's) kingdom, and God says, in order for Him to spoil Satan's house, Satan first had to be bound. I didn't say that, A theologian didn't say that, my Church didn't say that, God said it! We merely bear faithful witness or testimony to what God said. Satan had to be bound in order for Christ to spoil (take by conquest) the captivity. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Indeed, as our Lord says, "if He cast out Satan by the power of God, then the Kingdom of God had come upon them." Not 2025-50 years later, but with Christ! The Kingdom had come, and the captivity was being set free, and there was Peace being made with God by those whom Christ delivered. This isn't speculation, it's clearly delineated in the pages of Scripture. Without realizing it, doctrines like Premillennialism are in effect saying, "wrong God, The Kingdom of God has not come yet, for Christ has not bound Satan yet, the captivity has not been freed, and Christ has not yet brought Peace to the earth, nor established righteousness". But according to these scriptures Christ has bound Satan, and He has taken a spoil from his house, and He has established His Kingdom in "His" righteousness.

@3 Resurrections ... all three parts but thought this interesting as I have not heard it put this way before. Looking for your opinion.

Please note what I bolded and enlarged in blue in part 1.
This is the rapture when.....two views

1)The praying Christians are removed.
2)The Holy Spirit is removed and the christians go with the Holy Spirit.
CC~let me ask you a question based upon your understanding of these scriptures before us~Which comes first, the antichrist/man of sin, or Christ's coming to gather together his own unto himself? A good lawyer never ask a question, without already knowing the answer. Waiting for you answer, and then I will tell you what Paul said~even though you should already know the answer based upon the scriptures at hand.
CC~let me ask you a question based upon your understanding of these scriptures before us~Which comes first, the antichrist/man of sin, or Christ's coming to gather together his own unto himself? A good lawyer never ask a question, without already knowing the answer. Waiting for you answer, and then I will tell you what Paul said~even though you should already know the answer based upon the scriptures at hand.
Christ's coming to gather together his own unto himself.

the antichrist/man of sin,
Christ's coming to gather together his own unto himself.

the antichrist/man of sin,
You failed the question ! Which I knew you would based upon you premillennialism beliefs.

Paul’s Order of Events by​

Holy Spirit Inspiration​

1. A falling away from the true gospel.​

2. Antichrist, the Man of Sin, revealed.​

3. Jesus Christ’s Second Coming for His saints.​

Deceivers Who Reverse the​

Order of the Holy Spirit​

Tim LaHayeHal LindseyBilly GrahamBob Jones
C.I. ScofieldClarence LarkinBenny HinnJack Van Impe
John WalvoordSalem KirbanJohn DarbyE.W. Bullinger
Donald BarnhouseH.A. IronsideLewis S. ChaferOliver Green
Dwight L. MoodyJohn HageeJerry B. JenkinsChuck Swindoll

What will you do? Fear men and follow their speculations? Or fear God and believe His apostles writing by inspiration? Paul strictly warned against this deception. You should confront any pastor that teaches Jesus Christ will return before the Antichrist comes to power. He is defying New Testament doctrine. He is defying Paul and the Holy Ghost. He has rejected the Bible. He is teaching a doctrine unknown before 1830. He is protecting the identity of the real Antichrist, which has been here a long time now since the beginning.