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Understanding the The 1000 Year Millennium in Prophecy

You and I are the beneficiaries of that promise, fulfilled back in the first century, whether you realize it or not. John Owen agreed with this, if that bears any weight with you.
I understand that John Owens believe that also ~ as good as Owens was on many great truths, eschatology was not one of them, but, to fair with him, I have read very little of all that he believe and taught. Hardly any of them wrote on Revelation and for a good reasons, except Isaac Newton, who was no doubt a brilliant person, but, not in bible eschatology. Even as great as Samuel Richardson was on Soteriology, not hardly a word on end time, other than what they all taught and believe~a general resurrection and judgment to follow.

Maybe later on your statement~fulfilled back in the first century.

The problem with reading men like John Owens is that you have to read tons of writings to find one little nugget.

Christ was a great example to follow, very few words with each one having wisdom that even simple folks can understand through the Spirit teaching them. The words of Christ are simple, down to earth, everyday language of the common man, no higher learning needed in order to grasp what Christ was saying to his elect, the nobodies of this world.
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Christ told the weeping women on the way to the cross that they should "weep not for me, but for yourselves, and for your children". It was those Israelite women themselves and their own children who were going to experience those predicted disasters in their own lifetime.
Let me at least finish with you post yesterday that I got halfway through.
Luke 23:28~“But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, Weep not for Me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.”
Superficial study (as much of the church does today) of this verse would lead one to believe that Jesus was talking about a time when the literal Women of Israel would be happy that they don’t have any children. But careful exegesis will show clearly that God was talking about something far more significant to His people than literal women being blessed because they didn’t have children (an unbiblical idea). By the Spirit we should know this is not what God was truly illustrating. He’s talking about the old Jerusalem, and the New Jerusalem, represented. The Old Testament Congregation, and the New Testament Congregation. The old, represented by Israel who’s children (in part) have been cut off, and the new, represented by the spiritual Jerusalem. Israel (those who give suck) was in trouble and on the verge of a great fall. That is why Jesus said, “Behold, your House is left unto you desolate” – Luke 13:32, and that they were to, weep not for Him, but to weep for themselves and for their children (- Luke 23:28). Judgment had come upon the congregation Israel at the cross. Blindness in part had happened to them. The children of the congregation Israel would be blinded until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. Be careful to notice that God prophesies of the paps (breasts) that never gave suck, and the wombs that never bare, at this time being “Blessed!” We have to humbly ask ourselves, just who is this Woman that Jesus refers to as without Child, and now being Blessed? We Don’t ignore this or brush it aside as spiritually insignificant, we compare scripture with scripture and search it out to find exactly what Jesus means about the womb that never bare being blessed.

The truth is, this is spoken of in Galatians 4:27, and goes back to the prophesy of Isaiah chapter fifty four, which deals with the ‘allegory’ or symbolism of Sarah (the free Woman or N.T. Congregation, Israel), verses Hagar (the bondwoman or O.T. Congregation, Israel). Many today look at the term allegory, figurative, or spiritualizing as dirty words, but God doesn’t share in their unbiblical opinions.

Galatians 4:22-28~
“For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bond maid, the other by a free Woman. But he who was of the bond Woman was born after the flesh; but he of the free woman was by promise. Which things are an ALLEGORY: for these are the TWO COVENANTS; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to BONDAGE, which is Agar. For this Agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage With Her Children. But Jerusalem which is above is FREE, which is the Mother of us all. For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the Desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the CHILDREN OF PROMISE.”

Now we do understand what Jesus meant when He said “Blessed are the Barren”?

Who is the desolate Woman (who don’t give suck) in that verse which now is blessed and can rejoice because she has many more Children?

She is the very same Blessed Woman Christ talked about in His prophecy. This verse explains that the desolate (barren) have more Children. They are not literal barren mothers of Jerusalem who now are blessed with children. It is an allegory or Spiritual signification of the Kingdom going to the world. Study it carefully. Galatians says very clearly that these Women are an ‘Allegory.’ In other words, they symbolized or signified something other than mere literal Women. They are a spiritual picture or illustration. Also note that it is I (not my interpretation) who says that they are to be taken as a spiritual prophesy, it is God who says they were for an allegory. That literal happening of years ago was to point to a spiritual fulfillment in the Church.

And what does Galatians tell us these two Women signify Spiritually?

The two Covenants congregations. One woman, the old Covenant congregation who is in bondage with her children, not set free by Christ. And the other woman symbolizes the New Covenant congregation which is the free Woman, Blessed, and who now has more children because she is by promise. For Old Covenant Israel is blinded with her Children, and the New Covenant Israel has many more Children, by the Seed, Christ.

Though we may look at these verses and see clearly what they signify, many other theologians will not receive these things, no matter how many times God declares it, or in how many different ways He says it. This is because their premillennial or dispensational doctrines preclude these truths. But God is not mocked. His Interpretation of the matter is crystal clear, but received only by the Spirit of God.
Galatians 4:23
“But he who was of the Bond Woman was born after the flesh; but he of the Free Woman was by promise.”

The Children of promise is the Elect. In these scriptures we see clearly who these two Women signify, and just who the blessed chosen people are, and who they are not. God’s Word says one is in bondage with her children (that is Israel of the flesh). This is who Romans 9:7-8 tells us are not the Israel of God and not the children of God. And the other is the free Woman (the true Israel) who are the Chosen of God and Children of the Promise, made up of Jews and Gentiles together in one body of Christ. This Woman’s Children were all made free by Christ.

When Galatians says:

Galatians 4:27~“For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.”

..it is clearly a reference to the free Woman (the Church) and not a literal woman of literal Jerusalem. She is the Blessed that bearest not, but who now has more children than the bond woman. This guides our understanding of why Jesus told Jerusalem not to weep for Him, but for their Children. Because the time would come when they say, Blessed are the barren. That barren is the Woman told to ‘rejoice.’ Because she is who is now bringing forth the Children of God, rather than those in bondage in Israel. We must not be misled by the ‘literal Only crowd’ who wear this label on their sleeve as if it was something to be proud of, for they do a great disservice to the Word of God in not searching it out. God is the definer of His word, not men. God’s Word interprets God’s Word. I don’t judge anyone’s heart, but they take this literal stance about these verses because they either do not understand the scripture, or they are deliberately ignoring them. One, the other, or both.

These views are typical of the the dispensational and Premillennial ideas, which seeks worldly fulfillments of scripture. A literal King to come and literally free Jerusalem as Christ reigns literally ‘on the earth’ a thousand years. This view is actually unsupportable by the careful examination of scripture, but is held together by smoke and mirrors by theologians who choose to ignore the passages which prove them in error. Spiritual Jerusalem is already free, and it’s from above (as said the scripture), not of this earth. When Christ came down from Heaven and went to the cross, we became the free children of that woman from above. We were made the Children of promise, fulfilling the barren or the paps that never gave suck, who are now Blessed.

Remember the Allegory?

Those scriptures signify that those Paps that never gave suck are the Gentiles or nations who had no children, who are now part of the Israel of God. This New Testament Congregation will bring forth children unto the ends of the earth. Christ was telling the daughters of Jerusalem that judgment will come upon them because they knew not the time of His visitation, and the children of the Promise are the Children of God (Romans 9:8), not the children of the flesh. That means Jewish people and Gentile people alike! They are the free Woman. Jews, Greeks, Gentiles, all who are of Christ, Israel. All who are of the Promise. Study Isaiah chapter fifty four in light of Galatians chapter four to get a little more insight into this. Also:

Isaiah 66:10-13~“Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all ye that Love her: Rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her:
That ye may Suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; and ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory. For thus saith the Lord, behold, I will extend PEACE to her like a River, and the Glory of the gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall Ye Suck, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dangled upon her knees. As one whom His mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.”

Ask yourself honestly and without prejudice,

is this speaking of a literal Woman nursing a literal child?

Is this literal (i.e., the city) Jerusalem?

Is this a literal baby borne upon her knees?

Is this literal milk she gets nourishment from?

No, obviously it is not. But it is the Woman that gives suck, and the Jerusalem of which all who are of Christ have come into. The Holy City, The Jerusalem from above that Galatians Chapter four talked about. Do you see how the Lord uses spiritual language to portray the Church as ‘The Woman,’ and the believers in the church as nursing (suckling) children? It cannot be gainsaid or denied. Those of the Church are as sucking or nursing children of the woman. Not a literal city with literal mothers in it who are happy that they don’t have kids, but the barren who didn’t have kids now happy that they do. As we read in Galatians chapter four. The Jerusalem is from above. The one on earth is now to bondage and under the law! But the Jerusalem represented by the New Covenant Church is Free from the law.

When we get a better understanding of all these different scriptures, by comparing scripture with scripture, we better understand how the congregation is the sucking children. We better understand why the Lord says the sucking child plays on the hole of the asp (serpent) and will not be harmed. We better understand how Israel being the first sucking child was cursed, and the barren then because blessed. God was not talking about a literal Child going in the desert and playing on a serpent’s den or hole. God was telling us something infinitely more important than any physical security of a child could be. He’s talking about the Children of God and their spiritual security from that serpent Satan. When the children of God are sealed (secured) by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30), that is when we are safe and secure from that old serpent, the Devil. The scriptures are saying that the Asp or Snake can’t harm the believer. It’s not telling of a time when we’ll handle literal snakes, or lay on literal Asp dens, make games with a literal Lion, it’s speaking of a time when Satan’s ability to keep us in bondage and to harm the Child of God, has been destroyed (Hebrews 2:14-15) by the cross of Christ.
Christ told the weeping women on the way to the cross that they should "weep not for me, but for yourselves, and for your children". It was those Israelite women themselves and their own children who were going to experience those predicted disasters in their own lifetime.
So, we must not apply this scripture literal, but spiritual, not literal disasters, that came in or around 70. A.D. but a prophecy of God turning to the Gentiles nations and bringing them into the fold of true Israel. The kingdom was taken from natural Israel and given to those who sought it not, God was manifest unto a people who didn't know him during the OT times when only a few within the nation of Israel that did know him.

Romans 10:20​

“But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.”

Romans 10:21​

“But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.”
EXACTLY. (Although it really is "the end of the AGE" which Christ spoke about - not that the planet would disappear). That is why 1 Peter 4:7 wrote to his own first-century readers that "the END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND". Those believers in Peter's day were then sitting at the "END OF ALL THINGS" in their lifetime.
Matthew 24 is a question presented to Christ concerning the end of this world as we know it.

John Gill I believe was close to the truth concerning this verse when we wrote:

"But the end of all things is at hand,.... With respect to particular persons, the end of life, and which is the end of all things in this world to a man, is near at hand; which is but as an hand's breadth, passes away like a tale that is told, and is but as a vapour which appears for a while, and then vanishes away. Or this may be said with regard to the Jews, the end of their church and civil state was near at hand, of their sacrifices, temple, city, and nation; or with respect to the whole universe, to the scheme and fashion of this world, which will soon be gone, though the substance will abide; when the heavens shall pass away, and the earth and all therein will be burnt up; when there will be an end of all the purposes and promises of God respecting the present state of things concerning his church and people, and of the judgments of God upon his enemies here; when the man of sin will be destroyed, and the wickedness of the wicked will be come to an end, and the sorrows, afflictions, and persecutions of the saints, will be no more; and when will be an end put to the present dispensation of things; there will be an end of the ministry of the word, and of the administration of ordinances; time will be no more, and the final state of both good and bad men will take place: this may be said to be at hand in the apostle's time, though so long ago, because that was the last time, and the last dispensation of things; and whereas they knew not the exact time when it would be, they frequently spoke of it as near, in order to stir up the saints to the more diligent discharge of duty, and fervent exercise of grace...."
This "END" in the first century is what Hebrews 12:27-28 was also referring to. Hebrews wrote that God had "NOW" promised to shake not only the earth, but the heavens also, so that what could not be shaken would remain, and what WAS shaken would be "removed".The new covenant and its privileges are far superior to the old covenant (12:18-20).
We agree the new covenant and its privileges are far superior to the old covenant (12:18-20). The new covenant provides blessings, comfort, and security far exceeding the old.

The Hebrew writer first outlines the dreadful nature of the old covenant and the giving of the law. The inauguration of a covenant indicates the nature of the covenant (7:20-22). It was closely related to a literal, physical mountain in Arabia – Mount Sinai. The Israelites literally traveled to the base of this mountain (Ex 19:1-2). As we saw above, Mount Sinai in Arabia allegorically represents the old covenant (Gal 4:24-25).

The mountain could not be touched by man or beast by the ordinance of God. God specifically detailed the consequences of touching it (Ex 19:12-13,21-24).

The Hebrew writer informs us that this prohibition was too much to take (Hebrews 12:20). The nether part of the mountain was the lower part (Ex 19:17 cp Jos 15:19).

The mountain burned with fire – a terrifying element – when God spoke the law. God descended on it in fire, and the mount became like a furnace (Ex 19:18). The glory of the Lord was like fire (Ex 24:15-17; De 4:9-13,35-36; He l2:29).

The mountain was under blackness, darkness, and a tempest (Is 29:6; Jonah 1:4). God’s presence was contained in a dark cloud (Ex l9:9,16; 24:15-16; Ps 97:2). God’s presence was hid in darkness (Ex 20:21; De 4:9-11; 5:22-26; I Kgs 8:12). God’s presence came with a tempest (Exodus 19:16; 20:18; Psalm 77:18). The sound of a trumpet and the voice of words were too terrifying to endure. The trumpet waxing louder and louder indicated God’s arrival (Ex 19:13-19).

God’s voice was too much for them, so they begged for Moses (Exodus 20:19). They could not endure the commandment regarding the mountain (Heb 12:20). They asked Moses to speak to them rather than God (Ex 20:19; De 18:15-16). Moses himself was overwhelmed by the glory of the Lord (Ex 19:16 cp He 12:21).
The writer of Hebrews then outlines the nature and blessings of the new covenant under Jesus Christ. The new covenant is based on figurative Mount Zion – the location of Jerusalem. Zion of the old covenant was Jerusalem (II Sam 5:6-7; Ps 51:18; 76:2; 102:21) Zion spiritually understood is heaven and Christ’s kingdom (Revelation 14:1). The new covenant is based on the city of the living God (Heb 11:10,16; 13:14). The city of the living God is called Jerusalem (Gal 4:25-26; Rev 3:12; 21:2,10). This new city includes a great company of angels (Ps 68:17; Da 7:9-10; Re 5:11). It is the general assembly of the church of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:25-27).

Its membership are those whose names are written the book of life of the Lamb in heaven (Phil 4:3; Re 21:27). It involves direct dealings with God the Judge of all (Heb 9:24; Phil 3:20). We are united to the spirits of men already made perfect (Ec 12:7; Lu 9:30-31). It includes the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ (Heb 9:11-15; I Pet 1:2).

This comparison summarizing many arguments shows the new covenant’s superiority. This new covenant involves the great Mediator Jesus Christ (Hebrews 7:26 – 8:6). The danger was great for those that would reject Jesus and His kingdom (12:25-29). Can a single, short sentence be any more powerful than the writer's first sentence here? If the first covenant carried certain judgment, what will rebellion accrue presently?

Compare the extremely similar statements the writer makes in 2:1-3 and 10:26-29. God spoke on earth to institute the first covenant, and there was no escape. There is even less chance of escape for those who reject the new covenant. The great example is rejecting Canaan (3:7 – 4:11). Consider Moses (Nu 32:6-15) God’s voice at Sinai did shake the earth literally (Exodus l9:l8; Psalm 114:6-7).

He promised, however, that He would shake the heaven and earth one more time.

The prophesy of this shaking occurs in Haggai 2:6-7,20-23. It was future then. The shaking was to occur in conjunction with the Desire of all nations coming. The shaking was to occur in conjunction with giving the latter house great glory. The shaking was to occur in relation to the second temple built by Zerubbabel. Shaking the heaven and earth is a figurative prophetic expression (Hosea 12:10). Shaking the heaven and earth indicates major upheaval (Isaiah 2:19; 13:13).

It intends removing material, temporal things to leave spiritual, permanent things.

With Jerusalem’s destruction, God completely removed Israel’s temporal kingdom. The writer concludes that the shaking has occurred and Christ’s kingdom is here to stay. The future tense of the prophecy is simply from Haggai’s viewpoint (Cp He 8:10).

He concludes Christ’s kingdom is the final thing to remain after the shaking.

Daniel prophesied of this kingdom which would never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Since we have the final, permanent kingdom of God and covenant, let us serve Him. Let us have grace – let us use the grace we have so as not to fail it (12:15). God’s service yet requires reverence and godly fear to serve Him acceptably. Let us fear lest we lose such a privilege as this final kingdom (Heb 3:12; 4:1,11). We agree that God is a consuming fire, and He consumed the Jewish nation for their rebellion as being the source of truth, worship, the true knowledge of God in this earth.
Take heart, Red. God can reserve to Himself "7,000 who have not bowed the knee to Baal" in every generation - even the most perverse.
What I can take heart to, is this: God used 7,000 to denote a fullness of whatever was under consideration, the 7,000 did not mean that he only preserved literally seven thousand men, but the fullness of his elect at that time that refused to bow the knees to Baal. The same method of interpretation is to be applied to the one thousand year of Revelation 20! It is the fulness of time that God has determine from the Calvary to the end of this present world. Selah!
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There are revivals presently taking place in this world that do not necessarily hit the newsfeed or the internet. The "wind" of the Holy Spirit does not wait for a reporter to document that it is blowing where it wants to go.
The world may indeed get to be more religious, that's not questionable, or even being debated from our standpoint, they were so in the days of Christ, yet the true knowledge, and love of the scriptures, were few and far inbetween. God's word has spoken concerning the latter days of the last days before the Lord returns and it is very clear as to the true state of true, sincere, love of God and his word. The man of sin will take over the professing temples of God, and God's elect will flee unto the mountains and will warn others not to enter therein! This is the truth of God's word, you can believe what you will, But as for me and my house, we will take heed to the scriptures testimony concerning the latter days of this world, they speak abundantly clear as to the state of true Christianity in the latter days.

2nd Timothy 3:1-17~"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

Only those men that have the mark of the beast will be able to move freely within and among the churches of the latter days ~in other words, you must be in agreement (the forehead) and in fellowship (right hand~Galatians 2:9)
Christ was a great example to follow, very few words with each one having wisdom that even simple folks can understand through the Spirit teaching them. The words of Christ are simple, down to earth, everyday language of the common man, no higher learning needed in order to grasp what Christ was saying to his elect, the nobodies of this world.
Very true. That "everyday language of the common man" is why this verse about Christ warning the weeping women on the way to the cross should not be overly complicated by dissecting it into a spiritual metaphor, as you are trying to do. After all, the warning Christ gave in the Olivet Discourse was that if those days of tribulation had not been "shortened", that "there should no FLESH be saved" (Matt. 24:22). This was a PHYSICAL preservation of the lives of people that was at stake. Christ's warning to nursing and pregnant women in Matthew 24:19, and to the weeping women in Luke 23:28 saying that they should weep for themselves and their children for what was coming was a prediction of dire, life-threatening physical conditions that these women and their children would personally experience. So dangerous, in fact, that the ordinary godly impulse to bear children would be overcome by those life-threatening emergencies, and there would be those saying that childless women would be more blessed than those who would be seeing their children suffering in those days.

Paul wrote something to the same effect for the believers in 1 Cor. 7:26, when he wrote that "for the present distress", it would be better not to marry back in those days. The normal, necessary concern to provide for a wife and children if married could be avoided during those times of severe, first-century persecution of the saints if an unmarried person were able to contain their desires during that time

What I can take heart to, is this: God used 7,000 to denote a fullness of whatever was under consideration, the 7,000 did not mean that he only preserved literally seven thousand men, but the fullness of his elect at that time that refused to bow the knees to Baal. The same method of interpretation is to be applied to the one thousand year of Revelation 20! It is the fulness of time that God has determine from the Calvary to the end of this present world. Selah!
No, that is not a good practice to apply the same metaphorical method of interpetatioin to the thousand years period of Revelation 20. That is because John specifically spoke of a point when the millennium "ENDED" and was "FINISHED", and "FULFILLED" when the "First resurrection" had occurred. That "First resurrection" is NOT at the end of history. That's why it is called the "FIRST" resurrection event. This puts the ending point of the thousand years on a particular point in time in history when Christ arose from the dead. The millennium ENDED with "Christ the First-fruits" resurrection, and the "remnant of the dead" Matthew 27:52-53 saints that also arose that same day. The thousand years is not a vague, descriptive term for an indeterminate period, but a very specific time when Satan's deception was bound for those thousand years.

There are many literal numbers found in Revelation, with John adding confirmation that he heard those numbers exactly. The Rev. 20 millennium can't possibly be a generic "fullness of time" which ends with this present world, because this millennium was "FINISHED" when the "FIRST resurrection" event had occurred back in AD 33, according to Rev. 20:5.