Non sequitur.
You are screwing with scripture and ignoring the plain meaning of the words with their ordinary definitions AND their entire usage by God in the whole of the New Testament. The word "near" means near and there isn't a single place in the entirety of the New Testament where "near" means anything other than near in either time or place.
No, I have been a preacher nigh 40 years, I have studied, wrote blogs, and God specifically called me unto Prophecy and the End Times. I had a vision as a 1 or 2 year old Christian (21 or 22) where I was being chased by evil men, I had 2 small kids with me, I hid behind a bush by a house and a BOOMING VOICE from above simply stated, "The Man of Sin is Here" so God told me in the mid 80s that the Anti-Christ was alive, and at the time I did not even know what the "Man of sin" meant !! Why? Because it was my calling, a bit later, to prove to me (because it was a long way away, of course as in NOW) that this was not just some crazy thing, God gave me another vision that would come true in like a week or two, I saw Jimmy Swaggart preaching to like only a few people (10 maybe) in a HUGE AUDITORIUM, and with that same month he had fallen from grace and gave up his ministry for a bit, lost viewership etc. Then I knew that the former dream was given to me for a reason. I knew my calling, God just doesn't pick a guy out as a 2 year old Christian and tell him something like that if its not his calling unto that person.
The word used in Rev. 1 is tachos and it means in haste, not near. The problem with you guys is you read the English and thus you have to reply on MEN TRANSLATORS, in 2 Thess. 2:3 the first 7 English had DEPARTURE, not FALLING AWAY, the KJV (English) it seems wanted to take a swipe at the RCC, thus they tried to make it means a Falling Away from the Faith, but reading the passage shows it never speaks about faith in the whole chapter, but it does talk about be gathered by Jesus in the very first vs. So, we will DEPART from this earth BEFORE the Anti-Christ comes on the scene and before God's Wrath falls, that is why Paul tells them to stop worrying. The 2300 Days in Dan. 8 is not 2300 days, it is 2300 Evening and Morning Sacrifices (tributes) being taken away which is thus only 1150 days. The Universe was not created in 6 days but in 6 YOWMS and all time in the Old Testament is called a YOWM then the description is added in, we can (and do) see YOWM used for Month, Day, Year, Years, Two years, X Whole, Season, Period of time etc. etc. this God first YOWM (time period) lasted from 13.7 Billion years ago until 4.5 billion years ago when the Earth came into existence.
Reading the English will make you fail, if you want to understand God read/study the original texts
The evidence proves otherwise.
Let me ask you a few simple, direct questions. I'll ask them one at a time. I hope to receive direct answers to the questions asked.
1) Are you a subscriber to what is known as Dispensational Premillennialism (in any of its forms)?
I don't do tags friendo, to me people who use tags tell on themselves, they really are trying to know God with the MIND and never come unto God by FAITH ALONE. (Will not work). I looked it up. Israel has their unique calling just as two men who are Christians have unique callings. Israel were called to birth the Messiah as a Nation, and to repent and bring in the Kingdom Age but they never repented and so God gave us the Church Age led by both Jews and Gentiles, thus Israel was only blinded IN PART (as a Nation) because all men have the option to accept Christ else God's mercy would not be mercy. Then (read Rom. 11) when the TIME of the Gentiles (SERVICE read Rom. ch. 9-11 it all about SERVICE UNTO God and how He chooses who He will and when He wants to, he CHOSE Jacob over Esau, He this compares Esau the Elder serving Jacob to Israel serving the Church for a TIME until the very end when our TIME (of service) is come full. Then and only then (after the Pre Trib Rapture) will Israel be called unto Repentance, Jesus rules from Jerusalem, with his brother Jews for 1000 years, its called the Kingdom Age.
Psstt, the 7 Feasts tell the whole History of the world, they were Holy Convocations (Dress Rehearsals) and Israel were celebrating the history to come without knowing it, WATCH THIS: Jesus must fulfill all 7 Feasts !!
Spring Feasts Jesus has already fulfilled
1.) Passover (Jesus us our Passover)
2.) Unleavened Bread (Jesus knew no sin)
3.) First-fruits (Jesus was the First-fruits of the Grave)
The Summer Harvest (This PROVES a Pre Trib Rapture)
4.) Feast of Weeks/Pentecost/Summer Harvest or The Church Age ( Jesus is NOW Fulfilling this, he is the Head, we are the Body, as our High Priest, we are now Harvesting Souls for Jesus/God, but what always ended the Harvest? The Feast of Trumps !! Did you know that? So, why did Jesus say we can not know the DAY nor HOUR? Because Israel were on God time (Lunar Moon cycle) and the New Moon was not a known entity, and thus Israel had to send up two men into the hills to spy out when it came in, then knew with couple of days (of course, the moon phases were evident for all to see) but never could know the EXACT DAY nr HOUR. But when they got word the New Moon had come in the started blowing the Shofar (Trumps) in 9 sets of 11 or 99 times, then on the
LAST TRUMP (100th Trump) the Harvest Season (Think CHURCH AGE) would end (Rapture). Now you know why Paul called it the Last Trump, now you know why in Rev. 4:1 John describes Jesus' voice as a TRUMP when he called him to come up here (Rapture) ending the Church Age as seen in Rev. 2 & 3. So, Jesus thus FULFILLS this Feast also, when he calls his Church home, via the Last Trump.
Fall Feasts yet to be fulfilled
5.) Feast of Trump (Jesus will call us home soon fulfilling the Feast also, NOTICE the Church Age is ALL ALONE unto itself, not a part of the Spring Feasts or the Fall Feasts, just like the Summer Harvest was all alone on the calendar unto itself) NOT IT GETS INTERSETING IF YOU CAN FOLLOW !!
6.) Feast of Atonement (Who does the Daniel 9:24-27 Prophecy say MUST REPENT before the 70th week end and thus the world will see Jesus' 2nd coming? Israel, that is proven in Zech. 13:8-9, we see 1/3 of the Jews repent THEN in Zech. 14:1 ( the next vs.) we see the DOTL arrives, then in vs. 2 Jerusalem gets conquered (at the 1260) THEN in vs. 3-4 Jesus returns and defeats the Beast and all of his wicked men. So, Israel ATONES via Jesus' blood)
7.) Feast of Tabernacles (the word Tabernacle means to DWELL with God !! This Jesus fulfills this when he rules from Jerusalem for 1000 years an d thus Israel DWELLS with God !! Amen. Thus Jesus fulfills all 7 Feasts)