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Tribulation Outtakes

Can you and will you address the fact(s) of scripture as they were posted or not? The word "tachus" is used to mean rapidly and/or over a brief period of time and in Revelation 1 the term is further qualified explicitly in the context of the time being near. The word "engys" is always used in the New Testament to mean near in space or time and never used to mean anything else. An individual's time studying those terms does not change those facts. Arguments to the contrary are illogical and unscriptural.
If you took the time to read, a big problem with todays youth, then you can see there are TWO NUMBERS, where shortly is spoken, so its not just TACHOS its also EN, so the translation is not in its original contextual meaning. EN is Jesus pointing a a time/place/point in time, FIRST, then saying I will come IN HASTE (at THAT TIME as in EN). Why point to an unnamed point in time (EN) ? Because only the Father knows when Jesus will be sent, thus God who wrote the book of Revelation, gave it to Jesus who gave it to John keeps it a secret, because it happen s on the Feast of Trumps (when the Harvest ends via a New Moon Phase and the Jews never knew the exact day nor how the New Moon would come in). So, EN is God telling us at a future point in time (EN) Jesus will c0me back SPEEDILY. It not even a debatable point, its 2000 years later, Jesus has not come yet, so un less you are calling God a liar, common sense would tell you it means what I say, but you guys always "KNOW IT ALL" even when you don't. My calling is Prophecy, this is CHILD STUFF compared to what I put out.
If you took the time to read, a big problem with todays youth, then you can see there are TWO NUMBERS, where shortly is spoken, so its not just TACHOS its also EN, so the translation is not in its original contextual meaning. EN is Jesus pointing a a time/place/point in time, FIRST, then saying I will come IN HASTE (at THAT TIME as in EN). Why point to an unnamed point in time (EN) ? Because only the Father knows when Jesus will be sent, thus God who wrote the book of Revelation, gave it to Jesus who gave it to John keeps it a secret, because it happen s on the Feast of Trumps (when the Harvest ends via a New Moon Phase and the Jews never knew the exact day nor how the New Moon would come in). So, EN is God telling us at a future point in time (EN) Jesus will c0me back SPEEDILY. It not even a debatable point, its 2000 years later, Jesus has not come yet, so un less you are calling God a liar, common sense would tell you it means what I say, but you guys always "KNOW IT ALL" even when you don't.
Non sequitur.

You are screwing with scripture and ignoring the plain meaning of the words with their ordinary definitions AND their entire usage by God in the whole of the New Testament. The word "near" means near and there isn't a single place in the entirety of the New Testament where "near" means anything other than near in either time or place.

That is THE singular precedent scripture itself establishes.

It has nothing to do with taking time to read, the youth of today, the number of numbers, a supposedly unnamed en, the Father's knowing when Jesus comes (not true, btw,), keeping secrets (not true, again), feasts or moons, etc. That's all rubbish added to a book that explicitly tells the reader not to add or subtract ANYTHING.
My calling is Prophecy, this is CHILD STUFF compared to what I put out.
The evidence proves otherwise.

Let me ask you a few simple, direct questions. I'll ask them one at a time. I hope to receive direct answers to the questions asked.

1) Are you a subscriber to what is known as Dispensational Premillennialism (in any of its forms)?

Non sequitur.

You are screwing with scripture and ignoring the plain meaning of the words with their ordinary definitions AND their entire usage by God in the whole of the New Testament. The word "near" means near and there isn't a single place in the entirety of the New Testament where "near" means anything other than near in either time or place.
No, I have been a preacher nigh 40 years, I have studied, wrote blogs, and God specifically called me unto Prophecy and the End Times. I had a vision as a 1 or 2 year old Christian (21 or 22) where I was being chased by evil men, I had 2 small kids with me, I hid behind a bush by a house and a BOOMING VOICE from above simply stated, "The Man of Sin is Here" so God told me in the mid 80s that the Anti-Christ was alive, and at the time I did not even know what the "Man of sin" meant !! Why? Because it was my calling, a bit later, to prove to me (because it was a long way away, of course as in NOW) that this was not just some crazy thing, God gave me another vision that would come true in like a week or two, I saw Jimmy Swaggart preaching to like only a few people (10 maybe) in a HUGE AUDITORIUM, and with that same month he had fallen from grace and gave up his ministry for a bit, lost viewership etc. Then I knew that the former dream was given to me for a reason. I knew my calling, God just doesn't pick a guy out as a 2 year old Christian and tell him something like that if its not his calling unto that person.

The word used in Rev. 1 is tachos and it means in haste, not near. The problem with you guys is you read the English and thus you have to reply on MEN TRANSLATORS, in 2 Thess. 2:3 the first 7 English had DEPARTURE, not FALLING AWAY, the KJV (English) it seems wanted to take a swipe at the RCC, thus they tried to make it means a Falling Away from the Faith, but reading the passage shows it never speaks about faith in the whole chapter, but it does talk about be gathered by Jesus in the very first vs. So, we will DEPART from this earth BEFORE the Anti-Christ comes on the scene and before God's Wrath falls, that is why Paul tells them to stop worrying. The 2300 Days in Dan. 8 is not 2300 days, it is 2300 Evening and Morning Sacrifices (tributes) being taken away which is thus only 1150 days. The Universe was not created in 6 days but in 6 YOWMS and all time in the Old Testament is called a YOWM then the description is added in, we can (and do) see YOWM used for Month, Day, Year, Years, Two years, X Whole, Season, Period of time etc. etc. this God first YOWM (time period) lasted from 13.7 Billion years ago until 4.5 billion years ago when the Earth came into existence.

Reading the English will make you fail, if you want to understand God read/study the original texts

The evidence proves otherwise.

Let me ask you a few simple, direct questions. I'll ask them one at a time. I hope to receive direct answers to the questions asked.

1) Are you a subscriber to what is known as Dispensational Premillennialism (in any of its forms)?
I don't do tags friendo, to me people who use tags tell on themselves, they really are trying to know God with the MIND and never come unto God by FAITH ALONE. (Will not work). I looked it up. Israel has their unique calling just as two men who are Christians have unique callings. Israel were called to birth the Messiah as a Nation, and to repent and bring in the Kingdom Age but they never repented and so God gave us the Church Age led by both Jews and Gentiles, thus Israel was only blinded IN PART (as a Nation) because all men have the option to accept Christ else God's mercy would not be mercy. Then (read Rom. 11) when the TIME of the Gentiles (SERVICE read Rom. ch. 9-11 it all about SERVICE UNTO God and how He chooses who He will and when He wants to, he CHOSE Jacob over Esau, He this compares Esau the Elder serving Jacob to Israel serving the Church for a TIME until the very end when our TIME (of service) is come full. Then and only then (after the Pre Trib Rapture) will Israel be called unto Repentance, Jesus rules from Jerusalem, with his brother Jews for 1000 years, its called the Kingdom Age.

Psstt, the 7 Feasts tell the whole History of the world, they were Holy Convocations (Dress Rehearsals) and Israel were celebrating the history to come without knowing it, WATCH THIS: Jesus must fulfill all 7 Feasts !!

Spring Feasts Jesus has already fulfilled

1.) Passover (Jesus us our Passover)
2.) Unleavened Bread (Jesus knew no sin)
3.) First-fruits (Jesus was the First-fruits of the Grave)

The Summer Harvest (This PROVES a Pre Trib Rapture)

4.) Feast of Weeks/Pentecost/Summer Harvest or The Church Age ( Jesus is NOW Fulfilling this, he is the Head, we are the Body, as our High Priest, we are now Harvesting Souls for Jesus/God, but what always ended the Harvest? The Feast of Trumps !! Did you know that? So, why did Jesus say we can not know the DAY nor HOUR? Because Israel were on God time (Lunar Moon cycle) and the New Moon was not a known entity, and thus Israel had to send up two men into the hills to spy out when it came in, then knew with couple of days (of course, the moon phases were evident for all to see) but never could know the EXACT DAY nr HOUR. But when they got word the New Moon had come in the started blowing the Shofar (Trumps) in 9 sets of 11 or 99 times, then on the LAST TRUMP (100th Trump) the Harvest Season (Think CHURCH AGE) would end (Rapture). Now you know why Paul called it the Last Trump, now you know why in Rev. 4:1 John describes Jesus' voice as a TRUMP when he called him to come up here (Rapture) ending the Church Age as seen in Rev. 2 & 3. So, Jesus thus FULFILLS this Feast also, when he calls his Church home, via the Last Trump.

Fall Feasts yet to be fulfilled

5.) Feast of Trump (Jesus will call us home soon fulfilling the Feast also, NOTICE the Church Age is ALL ALONE unto itself, not a part of the Spring Feasts or the Fall Feasts, just like the Summer Harvest was all alone on the calendar unto itself) NOT IT GETS INTERSETING IF YOU CAN FOLLOW !!

6.) Feast of Atonement (Who does the Daniel 9:24-27 Prophecy say MUST REPENT before the 70th week end and thus the world will see Jesus' 2nd coming? Israel, that is proven in Zech. 13:8-9, we see 1/3 of the Jews repent THEN in Zech. 14:1 ( the next vs.) we see the DOTL arrives, then in vs. 2 Jerusalem gets conquered (at the 1260) THEN in vs. 3-4 Jesus returns and defeats the Beast and all of his wicked men. So, Israel ATONES via Jesus' blood)

7.) Feast of Tabernacles (the word Tabernacle means to DWELL with God !! This Jesus fulfills this when he rules from Jerusalem for 1000 years an d thus Israel DWELLS with God !! Amen. Thus Jesus fulfills all 7 Feasts)
No, I have been a preacher nigh 40 years
So have I.
, I have studied
So have I.
, wrote blogs
So have I.
and God specifically called me unto Prophecy and the End Times.
That is not true. Or if it is true then you are doing a miserable, deplorable job of it and being profoundly disobedient to the written word.
I had a vision as a 1 or 2 year old Christian..
So what?
Reading the English will make you fail, if you want to understand God read/study the original texts
That is not true, but it is also irrelevant because I posted the Greek AND I did so in a manner consistent with the entirety of the New Testament. You did not. That inconsistency on your part should have been clue to you that your view did NOT come from God. YOU, not me, made one verse different from all God's other uses.

That is not very efficacious or veracious coming from a man claiming to have been called by God and having studied forty years.
I don't do tags friend,
That's too bad because if you are teaching anything remotely consistent with Dispensational futurism then I am going to show you a LOT that is wrong in your posts.

Like this....
Israel were called to birth the Messiah as a Nation, and to repent and bring in the Kingdom Age but they never repented and so God gave us the Church Age....
Utter hogwash. Utter hogwash consistent only with the Dispensational perspective (whether you like labels or not that is what it is).

  • Israel was not called to "birth the Messiah as a nation."
  • Israel was not called to bring in the "Kingdom Age."
  • There is no such thing as "Kingdom Age" in the Bible.
  • There is no such thing as "Church Age" in the Bible.

Four errors in one sentence made by a man who postures with arrogance about his own forty years proving the veracity of false claims! It's depraved, not godly.

Do you believe Jesus is divine? Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? Do you believe Jesus is God the Son? If so, then there has never been a moment in all of creation when Jesus was not King of all.
Psstt, the 7 Feasts....
...is a Judaization of Christianity that demonstrates a profound ignorance of both the gospel and end times.

I would prefer to have a polite and respectful exchange of information with you, but if you persist in pridefully self-aggrandizing yourself over others and posting falsehoods then I will be blunt with you. I will use your own content to show every reader in this thread exactly how fleshly, scripture-twisting, Judaizing, hypocritical, double-minded, misguided and false this position really is.

Beginning with the fact Revelation was not written to Israel. It wasn't written to the Jews. The name "Israel" is used only three times in the entire book of Revelation and not once is it used referring to the geo-political nation-state of Israel.

But, of course, if you've been called to study and teach end times and have spent forty years doing so, then you already knew the revelation to John was not to or about Israel.

...and everything you have posted here is therefore incorrect.

So, you think before you post next. Are we going to reset this discussion and practice manners and respect or are we going to have a more adversarial exchange? Keep in mind: it will do you no good to post what you believe is truth if it is posted unkindly, unscripturally, and in disobedience to HOW scripture directs us to speak with one another. You'll only end up proving your eschatology does not help you live in Christ well.
@Rev. Man Ron,

Dispensationalism, or more generically the modern futurist perspective on end times, was invented in the early to mid-19th century during a time now known as the "restoration movement" in Church history. In the 1800s a host of sectarian views arose that all held at least two beliefs in common: 1) the Church is corrupt, 2) Jesus was going to come back soon, and 3) God would remove the true believers from the earth before meting out judgment and establishing a physical kingdom on earth. These views fostered a huge division within the Church, one much, much more dividing than the Reformation in comparison and one also much more doctrinally different. Sects such as the Church of Christ, the Extreme Brethren, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Latter-Day Saints arose during this time. Doctrinally speaking these sects made enormous changes in how Christianity was considered and how it was practiced. Doctrinally speaking their emphasis on apocalypse shifted the chief doctrines of Christianity away from Theology and Christology to ecclesiology and eschatology.

Prior to the 1800s none of that emphasis was the norm.

This move to modern future was neither the historical nor the orthodox position of the Church. The Church still held diverse views eschatologically; there were the Historicists, the Amillennialists, the Postmillennialists, and the Idealists but they held much more in common than in difference. Dispensationalism is a radical departure from orthodox historic Christian eschatology. Dispensationalism leads to a number of other problems in practice.

But, of course, if you were called and have studied, then you already know this.

Therefore, you also know modern futurism is not historical Christianity. You also know modern futurism is not orthodoxy. You know that if you post outside the orthodoxy of scripture and historical Christianity I will post directly against it.

If, on the other hand, what I posted in the first paragraph is new to you then look it up. Verify it for yourself. A simple Google search on "Dispensationalism," or "John Darby" will readily show what I posted to be correct.
@Rev. Man Ron,

Dispensationalism, or more generically the modern futurist perspective on end times, was invented in the early to mid-19th century during a time now known as the "restoration movement" in Church history. In the 1800s a host of sectarian views arose that all held at least two beliefs in common: 1) the Church is corrupt, 2) Jesus was going to come back soon, and 3) God would remove the true believers from the earth before meting out judgment and establishing a physical kingdom on earth. These views fostered a huge division within the Church, one much, much more dividing than the Reformation in comparison and one also much more doctrinally different. Sects such as the Church of Christ, the Extreme Brethren, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Latter-Day Saints arose during this time. Doctrinally speaking these sects made enormous changes in how Christianity was considered and how it was practiced. Doctrinally speaking their emphasis on apocalypse shifted the chief doctrines of Christianity away from Theology and Christology to ecclesiology and eschatology.

Prior to the 1800s none of that emphasis was the norm.

This move to modern future was neither the historical nor the orthodox position of the Church. The Church still held diverse views eschatologically; there were the Historicists, the Amillennialists, the Postmillennialists, and the Idealists but they held much more in common than in difference. Dispensationalism is a radical departure from orthodox historic Christian eschatology. Dispensationalism leads to a number of other problems in practice.

But, of course, if you were called and have studied, then you already know this.

Therefore, you also know modern futurism is not historical Christianity. You also know modern futurism is not orthodoxy. You know that if you post outside the orthodoxy of scripture and historical Christianity I will post directly against it.

If, on the other hand, what I posted in the first paragraph is new to you then look it up. Verify it for yourself. A simple Google search on "Dispensationalism," or "John Darby" will readily show what I posted to be correct.

And one of the main movers of the modern Israel movement was a renegade evangelical novelist, Jane Evans/George Elliot, a very strange progression.
And one of the main movers of the modern Israel movement was a renegade evangelical novelist, Jane Evans/George Elliot, a very strange progression.
Tell them!

I was recently conversing with an old friend who grew up Methodist, was Episcopalian when I met her, and has now switched over to Messianic Judaism. When I asked if she knew the Messianic movement was begun in the 1960s by a Baptist, she became adversarial. After things calmed down, she provided me, upon my request, the names of some sources she used and from whom I might benefit. Being already familiar with every single one of them, I asked her if any of their predictions have ever come true (a few of them had specified dates or brief time periods when events "might" occur, but nothing happened. The response was again hostile and adversarial.
And one of the main movers of the modern Israel movement,,,,
A bit digressive, but for the record, "modern Israel" is an oxymoron. The country on the east end of the Mediterranean currently bearing the name "Israel" his little to no resemblance to covenant Israel or that of a restored version fo covenant Israel. It is Israel in name only.
Tell them!

I was recently conversing with an old friend who grew up Methodist, was Episcopalian when I met her, and has now switched over to Messianic Judaism. When I asked if she knew the Messianic movement was begun in the 1960s by a Baptist, she became adversarial. After things calmed down, she provided me, upon my request, the names of some sources she used and from whom I might benefit. Being already familiar with every single one of them, I asked her if any of their predictions have ever come true (a few of them had specified dates or brief time periods when events "might" occur, but nothing happened. The response was again hostile and adversarial.

A bit digressive, but for the record, "modern Israel" is an oxymoron. The country on the east end of the Mediterranean currently bearing the name "Israel" his little to no resemblance to covenant Israel or that of a restored version fo covenant Israel. It is Israel in name only.

The distinct thing about 'Messianic' Jews in the past generation (your 1960+) is that at least they personalized Messiah; other Jews treat passages like Is 53 as about them as a race. There are other detractions, though. I have been involved with 3 of them.

On the novelist Evans/Eliot, see Himmelfarb's THE JEWISH ODDYSSEY OF GEORGE ELIOT.

I actually use 'modern' Israel to make the distinction you are making.
Do you believe Jesus is divine? Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? Do you believe Jesus is God the Son? If so, then there has never been a moment in all of creation when Jesus was not King of all.
GREAT! Someone else gets this point. The second person of the Trinity has always reigned over this world. Which means there was no such thing for Him as a limited period of a literal thousand years of millennial reigning, and no reigning either before or after that period. That thousand-year millennial limitation was put on SATAN'S deception of the nations - not a limitation on Christ's perpetual reign as the second person of the Trinity. The literal millennium period was only a small segment of that perpetual reign.

Psstt, the 7 Feasts tell the whole History of the world, they were Holy Convocations (Dress Rehearsals) and Israel were celebrating the history to come without knowing it, WATCH THIS: Jesus must fulfill all 7 Feasts !!
ALSO GREAT! Someone else gets this point. The OT Mosaic feasts were set up to be representative symbols of Christ Jesus's redemptive actions on humanity's behalf, spread out over time until the close of fallen mankind's history on this planet. The Jews truly were oblivious that they were enacting a pattern that Jesus would fulfill right up until the last bodily resurrection event. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them failed to see the symbolism behind the rituals they were performing.
I believe Revelations describes a spiritual condition rather than physical. It starts with warnings to the churches with curses that would come upon them if they don't repent. That sets the foundation for what's allegorically presented throughout the rest of the book.

Revelation 1:1 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:"

The word "signified" is the key - signified means that Revelations is expressed by signs. A sign is not the actual item but a picture or representation on if. For example a road sign with a squiggle line is not the "actual road" it is representing the curved road ahead by means of a picture, or when you sign your name that is not you, it is a squiggle that represents you.

The key to understanding what the signs in Revelations are by looking at all like references in the Bible, the Bible is its own dictionary.

I've attached a study which interprets Revelations using nothing but the Bible which exemplifies what I am saying and may enlighten some understanding as well.


  • Mystery Babylon- The Abomination of Desolation.pdf
    889.3 KB · Views: 7
GREAT! Someone else gets this point. The second person of the Trinity has always reigned over this world. Which means there was no such thing for Him as a limited period of a literal thousand years of millennial reigning, and no reigning either before or after that period. That thousand-year millennial limitation was put on SATAN'S deception of the nations - not a limitation on Christ's perpetual reign as the second person of the Trinity.
I completely agree.
The literal millennium period was only a small segment of that perpetual reign.
And this is where I don't follow the rationale because the premise of a "literal millennium" directly contradicts the premise of there being no limits on Christ's perpetual reign. Both cannot be true. Either Jesus is always and everywhere God, King, and Lord, or he isn't. If he is always and everywhere God, King, and Lord then there is no limits, no literal millennium.
ALSO GREAT! Someone else gets this point. The OT Mosaic feasts were set up to be representative symbols of Christ Jesus's redemptive actions on humanity's behalf, spread out over time until the close of fallen mankind's history on this planet. The Jews truly were oblivious that they were enacting a pattern that Jesus would fulfill right up until the last bodily resurrection event. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them failed to see the symbolism behind the rituals they were performing.
What's the subject of this op?

Whatever commentary we post on Christ, his divine ontology, his reign, the millennium, the feasts, or even the nature of Israel, they should be related to "tribulation outakes." Are you reading this too, @EarlyActs ?

Let's get back to the point asserted in the op. My original replies to this op can be found in posts 31-33.
Rev 1:1 . .The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his
servants-- things which must shortly take place. And he sent and signified it by His
angel etc, etc.

The Greek word translated "shortly" tells us that the events depicted in the book of
Revelation will be completed within a relatively brief space of time.

The Greek word translated "signified" basically refers to indications: in this case, I'd
say they can be safely understood as a series of red flags. In other words: nobody
knows the exact day nor hour of Jesus' return to rule the world, but the events
depicted in the book of Revelation will serve as early warnings to alert folks that the
time has come-- sort of like the act-by-act synopses used by folks interested in
operas like La Bohème, Hamlet, Madam Butterfly, Porgy and Bess, South Pacific,
and Don Giovanni.

If folks stuck in the Revelation era use John's letter like that; they'll have a pretty
good idea when to expect Jesus' arrival; and begin preparing themselves for it.
The revelation, the unveiling of Jesus Christ as He is known in the heavenly realms. There are 4 visions of the Lord and His work in the Body of Christ, in Israel and the nations.

The predominant aim of Revelation is the setting forth the splendours of the Son of Man, & to reveal His glorious person. There are four visions of the Son of Man as He is known in the heavenly realm & each vision in turn carries through to completion one aspect of the fourfold ministry of Christ which He exercised when on earth. His Kinship was expressed in Matthew, His Heirship in Mark, His Mediatorship in Luke, & His Judgeship in John.

Vision 1. CHRIST - Head of the Body. (Rev. 1 – 3)

This reveals the empowered Son of Man as the Sovereign Administrator.

`in His right hand He held 7 stars.`

Vision 2. CHRIST - HEIR (Rev. 4 – 7)

This reveals the enthroned Son of Man as the Supreme Executor.

`in His right hand He held the 7 sealed book.`

Vision 3. CHRIST - MEDIATOR (Rev. 8 – 13)

This reveals the exalted Son of Man as the Stately Mediator.

`in His hand is a sacred censor.`

Vision 4. CHRIST - JUDGE (Rev. 14 – 22)

This reveals the entitled Son of Man as the Sublime Adjudicator.

`in His hand is a sharp sickle.`

To reveal Christ to us in Revelation, there are three hundred & thirty references to the figures, shadows, symbols, types, patterns, persons, & buildings of the Old Testament.

This unveiling is the culmination of all the truths expressed from Genesis to Revelation, for all scripture is centred on one purpose and that is to reveal Christ to us in all His Glory.
What's the subject of this op?

Whatever commentary we post on Christ, his divine ontology, his reign, the millennium, the feasts, or even the nature of Israel, they should be related to "tribulation outakes." Are you reading this too, @EarlyActs ?

Let's get back to the point asserted in the op. My original replies to this op can be found in posts 31-33.
LOL, it is rather like herding cats around here, isn't it? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take this off track. I just see something I agree with, and I automatically like to acknowledge that truth, sometimes without checking to be sure it is in the OP.
The revelation, the unveiling of Jesus Christ as He is known in the heavenly realms. There are 4 visions of the Lord and His work in the Body of Christ, in Israel and the nations.

The predominant aim of Revelation is the setting forth the splendours of the Son of Man, & to reveal His glorious person. There are four visions of the Son of Man as He is known in the heavenly realm & each vision in turn carries through to completion one aspect of the fourfold ministry of Christ which He exercised when on earth. His Kinship was expressed in Matthew, His Heirship in Mark, His Mediatorship in Luke, & His Judgeship in John.

Vision 1. CHRIST - Head of the Body. (Rev. 1 – 3)

This reveals the empowered Son of Man as the Sovereign Administrator.

`in His right hand He held 7 stars.`

Vision 2. CHRIST - HEIR (Rev. 4 – 7)

This reveals the enthroned Son of Man as the Supreme Executor.

`in His right hand He held the 7 sealed book.`

Vision 3. CHRIST - MEDIATOR (Rev. 8 – 13)

This reveals the exalted Son of Man as the Stately Mediator.

`in His hand is a sacred censor.`

Vision 4. CHRIST - JUDGE (Rev. 14 – 22)

This reveals the entitled Son of Man as the Sublime Adjudicator.

`in His hand is a sharp sickle.`

To reveal Christ to us in Revelation, there are three hundred & thirty references to the figures, shadows, symbols, types, patterns, persons, & buildings of the Old Testament.

This unveiling is the culmination of all the truths expressed from Genesis to Revelation, for all scripture is centred on one purpose and that is to reveal Christ to us in all His Glory.

That's helpful Marilyn, very complete. I think it is important to make sure to stress this was being revealed at the time, that generation. It was another 'final call' to the race-nation to do what the new Moses of Acts 3 had said--to be missionaries to the nations. Or else, behold, Christ would demolish the city where the Lord was Crucified.

I have a similar Daniel-based 'chart' about Christ you may like:

Ch of Daniel / Theme / NT material expansion
Daniel 2 / The Kingdom of God / The Synoptic Gospels
Daniel 7 / The Righteousness of God / Romans
Daniel 9 / The Yom Kippur of God / Hebrews
Daniel 11 / The Eternal Life of God / John

--R. Brinsmead, ed, PRESENT TRUTH, 1970s
That's helpful Marilyn, very complete. I think it is important to make sure to stress this was being revealed at the time, that generation. It was another 'final call' to the race-nation to do what the new Moses of Acts 3 had said--to be missionaries to the nations. Or else, behold, Christ would demolish the city where the Lord was Crucified.

I have a similar Daniel-based 'chart' about Christ you may like:

Ch of Daniel / Theme / NT material expansion
Daniel 2 / The Kingdom of God / The Synoptic Gospels
Daniel 7 / The Righteousness of God / Romans
Daniel 9 / The Yom Kippur of God / Hebrews
Daniel 11 / The Eternal Life of God / John

--R. Brinsmead, ed, PRESENT TRUTH, 1970s
I`m glad it was helpful. And thank you for your notes too. So many similarities in God`s word.

I am preparing some notes on how Revelation was viewed by the early Christians. I will post the notes on the forum and it will be an interesting discussion I think.
Last edited:
I`m glad it was helpful. And thank you for your notes too. So many similarities in God`s word.

I am preparing some notes on how Revelation was viewed by the early Christians. I will post the notes on the forum and it will be an interesting discussion I think.

Be sure to read Barnett first. IVPress. BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE NT; "Patmos" chapter.
God's patience is long-suffering. However, He's wise enough to know when to say
when and to stop throwing good money after bad, so to speak. For example:

2Thess 2:11-12 . . God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe
the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had
pleasure in unrighteousness.

In other words: there's coming a time when God's patience will reach its reasonable
limits, and He will purposely, willfully, and deliberately make sure that a certain
category of people during the Tribulation have no chance whatsoever to be spared
the wrath of God.

Back when Noah was preparing the ark, no doubt his neighbors all mocked and
poked fun at him as if he were a deranged soul going around with a sandwich board
that reads: Repent; The End Is Near! But when the rain started, I bet those very
same neighbors panicked and tried to get Noah to open up and let them in. But
even had Noah wanted to; he couldn't. The hatch of the ark was sealed from the
outside: and God was the only one on earth who could open it-- He chose not to.

Rev 1:18 . . I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive
forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.

Rev 3:7 . .These are the words of him who is holy and true: who holds the key of
David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.
Rev 19:11-16 . . I saw heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and He who
sat upon it is called Faithful and True; and in righteousness He judges and wages
war. And His eyes are a flame of fire, and upon His head are many diadems; and
He has a name written upon Him which no one knows except Himself. And He is
clothed with a robe dipped in blood; and His name is called The Word of God.

. . . And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean,
were following Him on white horses. And from His mouth comes a sharp sword, so
that with it He may smite the nations; and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and
He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on His robe
and on His thigh He has a name written, "King of Kings, and Lord of Lords."

* The winepress mentioned in that verse appears in Isa 63:1-6, and again in Rev

The fierce wrath of God is interesting. For example:

Isa 13:9 . . Behold, the day of The Lord comes-- cruel; with both wrath and fierce

The Hebrew word for "wrath" in that statement is pertains to an outburst of
passion. In other words: the wrath of God won't be weeping big wet crocodile tears
while it's slamming the dead at the Great White Throne event depicted at Rev
20:11-15; no, they will be terminated with extreme prejudice; viz: their judgment
will be administered with choler.

Webster's defines "fierce" as a behavior exhibited by humans and animals that
inspires terror because of the wild and menacing aspect of fury in attack. Ferocity is
an aspect commonly seen among carnivorous beasts savagely attacking prey.
There's neither sportsmanship nor sympathy in ferocity; only sheer terror, brutality,
and blood lust.

"cruel" is defined as: disposed to inflict pain or suffering; viz: devoid of humane

Heb 10:27 . . A certain fearful expectation of . . . fiery indignation

"fiery indignation" is quite a bit more severe than ordinary indignation. It speaks of
someone who is seriously ticked off; and so angry that they're actually red in the

There are people out there in pews all around the world who have been so coddled
by sappy versions of Christianity that they have no concept of the magnitude of the
lethal tsunami of rage and violence coming their way to get them.
Luke 21:25 . .There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth,
nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.

I'd imagine that folks obsessed with climate change would find the roaring and
tossing of the sea a useful political advantage. But of course down the road when
that actually takes place, climate change will likely lose much of the popularity it
currently enjoys as people will no doubt be far more interested in survival than

Luke 21:25 . . Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the
world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.

That will be a very dangerous time for elder citizens as anxiety attacks can be fatal
to folks in advanced age.
Luke 21:25 . .There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth,
nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.

I'd imagine that folks obsessed with climate change would find the roaring and
tossing of the sea a useful political advantage. But of course down the road when
that actually takes place, climate change will likely lose much of the popularity it
currently enjoys as people will no doubt be far more interested in survival than

Luke 21:25 . . Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the
world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.

That will be a very dangerous time for elder citizens as anxiety attacks can be fatal
to folks in advanced age.

Believers seek after prophecy. No sign that men could wonder after was given .Wars ,earthquakes etc. History repeating itself . wonder is not believing its wondering . Satan the king of lying signs to wonder after.

God sent them a strong delusion that they might continue to wonder as not believe (no faith)

Matthew 12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

That sign was fulfilled by the Son of man Jesus

Matthew 16:3And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.