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Tribulation Outtakes

All the promises to the fathered were fulfilled in the resurrection of Christ, Acts 13 or ROM 15.
Read the post I mentioned #36. I destroy this idea that Gd meant SHORTLY.
No, destroy the notion Post #36 has any veracity. Let God be true and all men liars.

Post #6 states, "The word does not mean SHORTLY, it means in a short time span, it means QUICKLY, SPEEDILY, or IN HASTE." Those are the specific words explicitly stated in Post #36.

In ordinary everyday language the normal meaning of "a short time span," is a SHORT span of time. 2000+ years is a not a short span of time. This is especially and necessarily so when the specified qualifier is "near" or "at hand," as verse 3 explicitly stipulates.
If you want to keep pretending be my guest.
Nice ad hominem and nice straw man.

I am standing on the written word of God exactly as written without adding to or subtracting from that word. I am not the one acting as if the words written mean something other than what they explicitly state. I am not the one arguing they mean something else when they do not.
I have more knowledge of end time events than anyone you ever met.

Appeals to self-knowledge are logical fallacies. That statement is self-indicting because if that were true then the statement would not have been made. It is a genetic fallacy. It's also not true.
Anyone that will not dig in deep and study, it will be mentioned on judgment day. Study to show yourself approved.
Ah, yes, the slippery slope appeal to threat.

MR. I-have-more-knowledge-of-end-time-events-than-anyone-you-ever-met,

Did you do what I recommended? Did you survey the New Testament for God's use of the word "near"? If so then tell me what you found. If not then you do not know more about end times than anyone I ever met.

I don't see a response to Post #53, either. Presumably, someone who knows more about end times than anyone I have ever met knows both the rules of proper exegesis, can readily list them for the sake of collaborative discourse, and knows how to apply them veraciously and efficaciously. So let me ask again.

What do you know about proper biblical exegesis? Can you list for me what you understand the chief four or five (maybe six) first steps are supposed to be for any Christian (regardless of his/her respective doctrine(s))?
The 'shortly' means it was expected quite soon. This is why many things are features of the Great Revolt and the catastrophe of all that. Jerusalem was thrown down, the city where the Lord was crucified. And then there is the long reign that begins. The long reign or 1000 years has no Judaic features to it that I can see, and ends in the surrounding and rescue of the saints, and then there is the NHNE.
I like that content except for one aspect.

Where does Revelation use the word "rescue"?

I can find only two mentions of "rescue" in the entire New Testament that are related to anything future having anything to do with the ecclesia (there are a few mentions of individual rescue, but they're not eschatological).

Galatians 1:3-5
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen.

2 Thessalonians 3:1-2
Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; and that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith.

The first specified "this present evil age," which 1 Corinthians 10:11 informs us was coming to an end. The second specifically couches the rescue in the spreading of the gospel.

Where does Revelation use the word "rescue"?
Rev 19:19-21 . .Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies
gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the
beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the
miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had
received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image.

. . .The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest
of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the
horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.

The potent weapon proceeding from that person's mouth is speech; which causes
me to wonder why more people weren't afraid of Jesus back in his day because if
by speech he could cure leprosy then by speech he could've caused someone to
come down with leprosy; and if by speech he could energize a crippled man's legs,
then by speech he could've put somebody in a wheel chair; and if by speech he
could restore someone's corpse to life, then by speech he could've made people
drop dead to the floor; and if by speech he could cure blindness, then by speech he
could've put people's eyes out; and if by speech he could multiply loaves and
fishes, then by speech he could've caused famine; and if by speech he could calm a
storm, then by speech he could've caused a hurricane, a typhoon, and/or a

David's combat with Goliath was an encounter that was possible for David to win;
but I see no chance of anybody's success in a fight with Christ when he has at his
disposal all the miraculous abilities of the supreme being who, according to the
book of Genesis, created a fully functioning cosmos-- all its forms of life, matter,
and energy --by nothing more than His voice.
To know the NT we must put its history together accurately.
This is again you using double speak on things I have already defeated, this makes more more or less throw my arms up and say this is troll worthy, or maybe you just did not read the posts you replied unto, which thus always becomes a huge problem, not reading a post that defeated your thesis leaves you in a bad predicament, you do nit know your thesis was defeated, thus you use it again, and then everyone is like, WHAT?

So, did God lie?

1 Cor. 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. 12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

So, did Paul lie about the Gift of Prophecy? You have lost this debate once before. Act's 1:8-9 says zero about Prophecy not being a gift.

The arrogance of ‘more than anybody’ is a disqualification.
Truth is not arrogance, if he had met anyone that knows what I know he would now what I know. I will go further, I have more knowledge of End Time Events than anyone I ever read, heard or seen. Don't despise my gifts from God, would you have despised men of God who gave these prophesies (HINT, many did, a lot of them were killed, most by their own tribesmen/Israelis). When God tells you in a dream that the "Man of Sin is Here" over 35 years ago you know your calling. When he showed me in another dream a wee bit later Jimmy Swaggart preaching in a HUGE AUDITORIUM to maybe 10 people, and he falls from grace via a prostitute within 2 weeks, that was God reaffirming unto a young Christian, my word and visions are always fast and true, never doubt them, even if they take 40 years to come to pass !!

So, why do I know these end time events when many most "big time" preachers are off kilter on many things in the end times? Because of ONE PRAYER I did right after my heart attack. I asked the God, "Lord, why is it that the Church are supposed to be one yet we have 100s of interpretations unto what Babylon means, who the Beast is, who the 144,000 are, who/what the Harlot us yet I know there is only ONE TRUTH, so why are we so discombobulated, disjointed and confused?" And I got this short sweet answer from the Holy Sprit.

"Ron, you guys already know it all"

That hit me like a ton of bricks, I knew I had to reread everything in Prophecy and WHENEVER I came to a contradiction or something that just made no sense, I had to do just as I did (we all did) with the Gospels, say Lord what does this mean, and he always told us, so I started doing that and in these END TIMES (KEY POINT) God was now ready to give us those things He had LOCKED UP until the very end as He told Daniel would happen, and most people, even famous Prophecy type guys are doing what? Preaching things learned from OTHER MEN (men's traditions) before God was ready to reveal His deep truths, now everything was not locked up until the very end, so some things were known, but many weren't, and God had just told me Ron, you guys can't understand these things BECAUSE you guys already know it all. So, as I stated I changed my thinking I had written a blog showing how Babylon in Rev. 17 was really THAT CITY Rome.....BUT.....Since just after I got my answer I told God to always show me when I was wrong, and that I was wiling to be wrong (NOT KNOW IT ALL) He did just that, the holy spirit was like "Ron, what did John see?" So, looked again, and the vision is only four verses long, Rev. 17:3-6 and John saw this (I will demonstrate), I will add in vs. 7 for a reason.

Rev. 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns(NO CROWNS). 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour(Not RCC), and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

5 And upon her forehead was a name written, (Header) Mystery, 1.)Babylon The Great, 2.)The Mother Of Harlots And 3.)Abominations Of The Earth.
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration(Wonderment).

7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore(Why) didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

So, this was NEVER a Mystery because the angel told John in verse 7 I will TELL YOU the Mystery of the Harlot Woman that rides the Beast with 7 Head and 10 Horns (NO CROWNS). Mystery thus is used like a question mark now before a revealing. The word Mystery is from the Greek word Musterion, and thus means to close the mouth or a SECRET by God's silence. Here the angel says I will show you the secret so it was NEVER Mystery Babylon!!

Mystery (?)
1.) Babylon the Great (Babylon was world renown for her FALSE RELIGION)
2.) Mother of Harlots (the Mother of all Harlotry was of course FALSE RELGION)
3.) Abominations of the Earth (God is a jealous God, He thus hates FALSE RELIGION)

So, now we see THE MYSTERY, by looking at the three name tags or descriptors of who the Harlot is, she is ALL False Religion of ALL TIME but does that add up? Yes, John made sure to tell us she had the blood of the saints (Jewish people were deemed the Saints) AND the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus on her hands, so she runs from Cain slaying Abel to the end times. This chapter is merely Daniel ch. 5 where Babylon is judged because she took the holy cups/plates of the Temple and had a big party unto their evil Gods using them, that very night we saw the Mene mene tekel declaration.

So, what did John SEE? He saw Babylon the Great not Rome, so I had to redo my blog I spent a lot of time writing. But that was a good thing, I learned that day how to not let your own IDEAS Quench the Spirits pushing us towards God's truths. The reason there are NO CROWNS in Rev. 12 is because the Scarlet Colored Beast is a Demon named Apollyon.

So, I had to recheck many things, there is no such thig as 144,000 Super Preachers. There is no MEAT SACRIFICE that is TAKEN AWAY (Dan. 9:27) it is Jesus Worship being forbidden. The 1335 comes 1325 days BEFORE the 2nd coming ends all of these wonders, it is the Two-witnesses, the 1290 comes 1290 days BEFORE the 2nd coming, the False Prophet is the actor of the 1290, not the A.C. who only comes on the scene 30 days later. The 1260 is the Beast and he will go forth conquering 1260 days BEFORE the 2nd Coming, which will see Jesus ENDING ALL OF THESE WONDERS Daniel saw in Dan. 11:36-45. Not understanding this basically leaves one at a major disadvantage on understanding End Time Eschatology.

All the promises to the fathers were fulfilled in the resurrection, Acts 13.
The fact that you are so off should tell you something is wrong, you are repeating thigs taught by men long ago.
No, destroy the notion Post #36 has any veracity. Let God be true and all men liars.

Post #6 states, "The word does not mean SHORTLY, it means in a short time span, it means QUICKLY, SPEEDILY, or IN HASTE." Those are the specific words explicitly stated in Post #36.
Another preterist. SMH.
I like that content except for one aspect.

Where does Revelation use the word "rescue"?

I can find only two mentions of "rescue" in the entire New Testament that are related to anything future having anything to do with the ecclesia (there are a few mentions of individual rescue, but they're not eschatological).

Galatians 1:3-5
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen.

2 Thessalonians 3:1-2
Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; and that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith.

The first specified "this present evil age," which 1 Corinthians 10:11 informs us was coming to an end. The second specifically couches the rescue in the spreading of the gospel.

Where does Revelation use the word "rescue"?

I was referring to the last battle—or act of wrath—when the believers are surrounded in ch 20, the last thing before there is a NHNE.
This is again you using double speak on things I have already defeated, this makes more more or less throw my arms up and say this is troll worthy, or maybe you just did not read the posts you replied unto, which thus always becomes a huge problem, not reading a post that defeated your thesis leaves you in a bad predicament, you do nit know your thesis was defeated, thus you use it again, and then everyone is like, WHAT?

So, did God lie?

1 Cor. 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. 12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

So, did Paul lie about the Gift of Prophecy? You have lost this debate once before. Act's 1:8-9 says zero about Prophecy not being a gift.

Truth is not arrogance, if he had met anyone that knows what I know he would now what I know. I will go further, I have more knowledge of End Time Events than anyone I ever read, heard or seen. Don't despise my gifts from God, would you have despised men of God who gave these prophesies (HINT, many did, a lot of them were killed, most by their own tribesmen/Israelis). When God tells you in a dream that the "Man of Sin is Here" over 35 years ago you know your calling. When he showed me in another dream a wee bit later Jimmy Swaggart preaching in a HUGE AUDITORIUM to maybe 10 people, and he falls from grace via a prostitute within 2 weeks, that was God reaffirming unto a young Christian, my word and visions are always fast and true, never doubt them, even if they take 40 years to come to pass !!

So, why do I know these end time events when many most "big time" preachers are off kilter on many things in the end times? Because of ONE PRAYER I did right after my heart attack. I asked the God, "Lord, why is it that the Church are supposed to be one yet we have 100s of interpretations unto what Babylon means, who the Beast is, who the 144,000 are, who/what the Harlot us yet I know there is only ONE TRUTH, so why are we so discombobulated, disjointed and confused?" And I got this short sweet answer from the Holy Sprit.

"Ron, you guys already know it all"

That hit me like a ton of bricks, I knew I had to reread everything in Prophecy and WHENEVER I came to a contradiction or something that just made no sense, I had to do just as I did (we all did) with the Gospels, say Lord what does this mean, and he always told us, so I started doing that and in these END TIMES (KEY POINT) God was now ready to give us those things He had LOCKED UP until the very end as He told Daniel would happen, and most people, even famous Prophecy type guys are doing what? Preaching things learned from OTHER MEN (men's traditions) before God was ready to reveal His deep truths, now everything was not locked up until the very end, so some things were known, but many weren't, and God had just told me Ron, you guys can't understand these things BECAUSE you guys already know it all. So, as I stated I changed my thinking I had written a blog showing how Babylon in Rev. 17 was really THAT CITY Rome.....BUT.....Since just after I got my answer I told God to always show me when I was wrong, and that I was wiling to be wrong (NOT KNOW IT ALL) He did just that, the holy spirit was like "Ron, what did John see?" So, looked again, and the vision is only four verses long, Rev. 17:3-6 and John saw this (I will demonstrate), I will add in vs. 7 for a reason.

Rev. 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns(NO CROWNS). 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour(Not RCC), and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

5 And upon her forehead was a name written, (Header) Mystery, 1.)Babylon The Great, 2.)The Mother Of Harlots And 3.)Abominations Of The Earth.
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration(Wonderment).

7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore(Why) didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

So, this was NEVER a Mystery because the angel told John in verse 7 I will TELL YOU the Mystery of the Harlot Woman that rides the Beast with 7 Head and 10 Horns (NO CROWNS). Mystery thus is used like a question mark now before a revealing. The word Mystery is from the Greek word Musterion, and thus means to close the mouth or a SECRET by God's silence. Here the angel says I will show you the secret so it was NEVER Mystery Babylon!!

Mystery (?)
1.) Babylon the Great (Babylon was world renown for her FALSE RELIGION)
2.) Mother of Harlots (the Mother of all Harlotry was of course FALSE RELGION)
3.) Abominations of the Earth (God is a jealous God, He thus hates FALSE RELIGION)

So, now we see THE MYSTERY, by looking at the three name tags or descriptors of who the Harlot is, she is ALL False Religion of ALL TIME but does that add up? Yes, John made sure to tell us she had the blood of the saints (Jewish people were deemed the Saints) AND the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus on her hands, so she runs from Cain slaying Abel to the end times. This chapter is merely Daniel ch. 5 where Babylon is judged because she took the holy cups/plates of the Temple and had a big party unto their evil Gods using them, that very night we saw the Mene mene tekel declaration.

So, what did John SEE? He saw Babylon the Great not Rome, so I had to redo my blog I spent a lot of time writing. But that was a good thing, I learned that day how to not let your own IDEAS Quench the Spirits pushing us towards God's truths. The reason there are NO CROWNS in Rev. 12 is because the Scarlet Colored Beast is a Demon named Apollyon.

So, I had to recheck many things, there is no such thig as 144,000 Super Preachers. There is no MEAT SACRIFICE that is TAKEN AWAY (Dan. 9:27) it is Jesus Worship being forbidden. The 1335 comes 1325 days BEFORE the 2nd coming ends all of these wonders, it is the Two-witnesses, the 1290 comes 1290 days BEFORE the 2nd coming, the False Prophet is the actor of the 1290, not the A.C. who only comes on the scene 30 days later. The 1260 is the Beast and he will go forth conquering 1260 days BEFORE the 2nd Coming, which will see Jesus ENDING ALL OF THESE WONDERS Daniel saw in Dan. 11:36-45. Not understanding this basically leaves one at a major disadvantage on understanding End Time Eschatology.

The fact that you are so off should tell you something is wrong, you are repeating thigs taught by men long ago.

The last is Acts 13:32+. Don’t forget to peek at the 4 OT quotes while there.

I won’t read long self-justifying posts.

Prophecy in 1Cor 14 is not what you are doing , not in the least.
I’m only interested in care shown in how the NT interns the OT.
The last is Acts 13:32+. Don’t forget to peek at the 4 OT quotes while there.

I won’t read long self-justifying posts.

Prophecy in 1Cor 14 is not what you are doing , not in the least.
Well then from now on I will leave you on ignore. A know it all who knows it all but knows nothing is a propagandist, you just proved my point, you were replying without reading, that is a NO NO.
Another preterist. SMH.
I did not once assert any preterism.

What I did do is cite scripture, read it exactly as written, and ask you and everyone else to do the same. One of the reasons I did so is because some (if not many) of the things asserted in this thread are much different than what is explicitly and specifically stated by the text itself. Another reason I did so is because it has proved difficult to get direct answers and difficult to get posters to stay on topic and not jump wantonly for one different passage to another. Getting agreement on what is explicitly, specifically stated is elementary and a veracious and valid means of garnering and then building from consensus.

Attacking others and boasting are not.

I'm still waiting on a list of exegetical precepts e can all agree upon, apply collaboratively, and with which we can all measure the posts and hold one another accountable.
Last edited:
I was referring to the last battle—or act of wrath—when the believers are surrounded in ch 20, the last thing before there is a NHNE.
Please clarify further. What do you mean by "rescue"?
Rev 20:9. Your word choice for the scene there? I’m trying to put the outcome in one word. I’m not translating a verb there in the text.
I did not once assert any preterism.

What I did do is cite scripture, read it exactly as written, and ask you and everyone else to do the same.
That is your fatal flaw, the English translators DID NOT WRITE THE SCRIPTURES, why is it you do not seem able to grasp that? Likewise we were created in 6 YOWMS not days, a YOWM in Hebrew, an early language with 4000 words, used a word like YOWM then described the reference TIME PERIOD, so YOWM was used for day, month, years, years, evermore, X whole, Chronicles an about 50 other things, we can now see that "God's Description" of creation took 13.7 billion years and the first YOWM lasted 9.2 billion years until earth as created. People thinking it means one day are just naive. Not studying the original meaning is just being a tool for Satan's propaganda machine.

I'm still waiting on a list of exegetical precepts e can all agree upon, apply collaboratively, and with which we can all measure the posts and hold one another accountable.
It's a nonsensical question. Any human being is capable of studying history and ascribing facts to those historical points in time. Those blessed by God with the gifts of Wisdom, Prophecy, and the word of Knowledge would have a great advantage, the fact that you think is a young person, that only certain yes are qualified tells more more about you then anything else. These nincompoops teaching in college that we evolved from apes and other perverted assumptions are not bright people, they are are ignorant.
Well then from now on I will leave you on ignore. A know it all who knows it all but knows nothing is a propagandist, you just proved my point, you were replying without reading, that is a NO NO.
Posts that are timecconsuming are a no no to me.
That is your fatal flaw, the English translators DID NOT WRITE THE SCRIPTURES, why is it you do not seem able to grasp that? Likewise we were created in 6 YOWMS not days, a YOWM in Hebrew, an early language with 4000 words, used a word like YOWM then described the reference TIME PERIOD, so YOWM was used for day, month, years, years, evermore, X whole, Chronicles an about 50 other things, we can now see that "God's Description" of creation took 13.7 billion years and the first YOWM lasted 9.2 billion years until earth as created. People thinking it means one day are just naive. Not studying the original meaning is just being a tool for Satan's propaganda machine.

It's a nonsensical question. Any human being is capable of studying history and ascribing facts to those historical points in time. Those blessed by God with the gifts of Wisdom, Prophecy, and the word of Knowledge would have a great advantage, the fact that you think is a young person, that only certain yes are qualified tells more more about you then anything else. These nincompoops teaching in college that we evolved from apes and other perverted assumptions are not bright people, they are are ignorant.

Why are you talking about issues about evolution under a question about preterism?

I’m a NT historian emulating Grant, Barnett, Nolland, Brinsmead, Sandmel, Longenecker.
That is your fatal flaw, the English translators DID NOT WRITE THE SCRIPTURES...
I did not say they did.
why is it you do not seem able to grasp that?
I fully grasp it and it is on YOU if anyting is thought otherwise.
Likewise we were created in 6 YOWMS.....
Irrelevant. This discussion is about the "tribulation outakes" as specified in Revelation 1:1. the commentary is off-topic.
It's a nonsensical question.
LOL! The relevance may not (yet) be understood, but it is not a nonsense question.

Proper reading and rendering of scripture is dependent of long-held, well-established precept beginning with the top principles of first 1) reading a text as written, with words understood in the ordinary usage and normal definitions, 2) understanding the text as the original writer and his first century readers understood the text, and 3) working outward from the immediately surrounding text to the larger scripturally-established contexts. These precepts are held by all hermeneutics, not matter their doctrinal diversity. A simple Google search will provide websites from Historicist, Amilennialist, Postmillennialist, Idealist AND Dispensationalist sources ALL adhering to these precepts.

You're now on record refusing to answer the question and stating the question is nonsense!

It is not a nonsensical question. Thinking it is a nonsense question is nonsensical.
Any human being is capable of studying history...

You have proven incapable! Scripture defines history, not the other way around!!! I have endeavored to stand firm on what is explicitly and specifically written in scripture in an effort to garner and build from consensus - not an agreement between us, but an agreement with scripture and what is plainly stated therein, beginning with the verse specified in this op. In response I (and others) have received frequent off-topic non sequiturs, red herrings, straw men, ad hominems, appeals to authority and genetics, appeals to purity, blatantly false statements, and prideful and dismissive self-aggrandizement.....

... which is antithetical to any claim of "capable of studying history."

  • Scripture is not as written.
  • A short list of precepts by which everyone's posts can be objectively measured is thought nonsensical.
  • Everyone else is wrong but you, and you alone are always and everywhere correct because you know more than everybody.
  • Unrepentant fallacy is standard operating procedure.

Thank you for your time.
I did not say they did.

I fully grasp it and it is on YOU if anyting is thought otherwise.

Irrelevant. This discussion is about the "tribulation outakes" as specified in Revelation 1:1. the commentary is off-topic.

LOL! The relevance may not (yet) be understood, but it is not a nonsense question.

Proper reading and rendering of scripture is dependent of long-held, well-established precept beginning with the top principles of first 1) reading a text as written, with words understood in the ordinary usage and normal definitions, 2) understanding the text as the original writer and his first century readers understood the text, and 3) working outward from the immediately surrounding text to the larger scripturally-established contexts. These precepts are held by all hermeneutics, not matter their doctrinal diversity. A simple Google search will provide websites from Historicist, Amilennialist, Postmillennialist, Idealist AND Dispensationalist sources ALL adhering to these precepts.

You're now on record refusing to answer the question and stating the question is nonsense!

It is not a nonsensical question. Thinking it is a nonsense question is nonsensical.


You have proven incapable! Scripture defines history, not the other way around!!! I have endeavored to stand firm on what is explicitly and specifically written in scripture in an effort to garner and build from consensus - not an agreement between us, but an agreement with scripture and what is plainly stated therein, beginning with the verse specified in this op. In response I (and others) have received frequent off-topic non sequiturs, red herrings, straw men, ad hominems, appeals to authority and genetics, appeals to purity, blatantly false statements, and prideful and dismissive self-aggrandizement.....

... which is antithetical to any claim of "capable of studying history."

  • Scripture is not as written.
  • A short list of precepts by which everyone's posts can be objectively measured is thought nonsensical.
  • Everyone else is wrong but you, and you alone are always and everywhere correct because you know more than everybody.
  • Unrepentant fallacy is standard operating procedure.

Thank you for your time.
I destroyed your thesis. As a Preacher of 40 years I see these things all the time, you can't think your way into knowing God.
I destroyed your thesis.
Only in your own delusional imagination.
As a Preacher of 40 years I see these things all the time...
Me too. However, I don't appeal to anecdotal reports because they are always and everywhere logically fallacious. Presumably, someone with 40 years of knowledge, understanding, and experience already knows that AND knows not to make that mistake. Appeals to self-knowledge are fallacious. They evidence a lack of knowledge and understanding, not any veracity of either. Several others made note of this. I was not alone.
...you can't think your way into knowing God.
No one has said a person can think their way into knowing God.


...we can add another red herring to the fallacies employed.


Can you and will you address the fact(s) of scripture as they were posted or not? The word "tachus" is used to mean rapidly and/or over a brief period of time and in Revelation 1 the term is further qualified explicitly in the context of the time being near. The word "engys" is always used in the New Testament to mean near in space or time and never used to mean anything else. An individual's time studying those terms does not change those facts. Arguments to the contrary are illogical and unscriptural.