Hi Lee
The sign gifts are: Languages, otherwise known as tongues. Healing, which is healing through human agency. In other words, it's not asking God for healing in prayer, either individually or collectively, or even if it's answered miraculously, or not. The gift of healing is a healing through human agency and was a person who could walk into a hospital and heal everybody, to authenticate himself as a true messenger of the revelation of God, and authenticate his message. Jesus did it, and the Apostles did it. Healed everybody, all the time, everything, even raising the dead, with a touch. And it did not rely on faith, in fact, many times it brought people to faith. Trust me, by those standards, nobody has that gift today. Most of these gifts have been redefined, putting the burden of proof on the receiver, requiring a "pure faith", as they say. Jesus said the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains. And of course, prophecy, which is no longer revelatory, in fact, the definition means to speak before, not in time, but before people. That too has been redefined. Sharing the written Word of God is to to speak prophecy. God's Word is complete.
Edifying oneself. Lee, it's right there in front of you.
What does it say? It lists the goal, then gives two options. One is 'what to do', the other is 'what not to do'. Paul does this over and over in that same chapter. The goal is to edify the Body. Then Paul gives two examples. Which one passes the test? Besides, Paul clearly states that prophecy is for believers, and tongues are for unbelievers. What unbelievers? Israel. That's why He quoted Isaiah, as was noted above. If you read it as such, it will paint a completely different picture. Edify the Body, prophecy is for believers, tongues are for unbelievers. That's two standards to help you decide between the two options that Paul gives. Read the whole chapter that way, by those standards, and you'll see the correct option given every time two options are offered.
The purpose of the gifts are to edify the body. And never to edify oneself.
Anything good that comes from us for the Church, is an undeserved gift from God. That's why they are called the gifts.