A appreciate your attempt but I think you fail to understand what is meant by active and passive .
Because you say so?
In both of your examples ordinance or ordinances are still active.
An ordinance is actively created and actively controls behavior whereas foreknowledge is informed by observing events or knowing events before hand. The first is active the second is passive.
Knowing that the window is shattered is passive even if it was caused by one throwing a rock which would be active.
You're confusing active with activity and what I posted was not disproven.
It is more about the clumsy attempt to sound like one has a command of the English language.
Appeal to ridicule
No, earth’s does, eternally, he’s omniscient, yes, he’s omniscient
Half of those answers are incorrect.
- Does the Creator exist apart from and external to that which He created? Your answer: "No" incorrect
- Does creation have a beginning? Your answer: "earth's does" incorrect
- Did God exist beforehand? Your answer: "eternally" correct
- Did the Creator know anything before He created creation (or was He a completely ignorant God whose mind lacked any and all knowledge)? Your answer: "He's omniscient" correct; and that answer contradicts your posts
- Does the Creator have a purpose for creating creation? Your answer: "Yes" correct
- If He has a purpose, does he have and know that purpose prior to creation being created? Your answer: "He's omniscient" correct, but that is not a yes or know answer that actually addresses what is asked (and I suspect that was an intentional effort to avoid a conflict with your prior posts).
1. God existed
prior to His creating creation. He existed when there was no creation existing. God existed and He created. Creation does not exist apart from Him, but He exists apart from creation. Failing to correctly understand God's inherent, ontological, logically necessary, wholly scriptural pre-existing necessarily leads to an incorrect understanding of knowledge and foreknowledge.
2. The first verse in the Bible explicitly states, "
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." It's not just the earth that has a beginning. The heavens also have a beginning. John 1:3 explicitly states, "
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being." 1 Corinthians 8:6 states, "...
yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we exist." Hebrews 11:3 states, "
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." God existed prior to creation being created, all on His own. There was not heavens, no earth, nothing seen or unseen existed; they were all formed by God's command. God existed
3. See #2. God existed eternally, prior to creation's creation.
4. Yes, He's omniscient. That means He knows EVERYTHING that is possible to know AND He does so always and everywhere. In other words, if there is something He does not know prior to creating creation then He is not omniscient. If He has to create in order to know then He is not omniscient (or omnipotent). If He lacks any kind of logically possible knowledge then He is not omniscient, and if He doesn't know something and later learns it then He is not omniscient. This too is critically important to correctly understanding knowledge and foreknowledge. If God does not know
beforehand then He is not omniscient.
5. Yes. Proverbs 16:4 states God has made everything for Himself (even the wicked for the day of destruction). At the end of each day's creation God evaluated everything He'd made and declared it good (both morally and utilitarianly), necessarily implying He had a pre-existing (
beforehand) purpose, goal, and constituent criteria needing to be met. Not only does scripture state God created creation for a purpose, Job 42:2 states, "
...no purpose of Yours can be thwarted." Isaiah 46:10 states God's purpose will be established, and He will accomplish ALL His good pleasure.
6. The correct answer is "Yes." God has a purpose for creation. Since God is omniscient, He also knows His own purpose AND everything in creation serves that purpose AND there is nothing in creation that does not serve His purpose and God omnisciently knows ALL of the everything and nothing prior to His creating creation. Romans 8:28 explicitly states, "
God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Furthermore, there more than four dozen verses in the Bible declaring God is constantly entering into and proactively involved in creation to accomplish His purpose. He knows it all
beforehand. He is omniscient. Any argument saying God does not already know every constituent detail of His purpose ends up contradicting the fact of His eternal omniscience.
So let's run the tally. You're on record stating you don't understand Post #434, on record confusing active with activity, only half of the six questions asked were answered correctly, and the ones that were answered correctly contradict your own posts.
God knows everything
You have defined foreknowledge as knowing beforehand. You have also said God is omniscient and eternally omniscient BUT you have denied His existence prior to and apart from His creating creation = the heavens AND the earth, and all that is visible and invisible. The heavens and the earth, all creation, has a beginning, but God does not. NOTHING about God has a beginning. That includes His eternally omniscient knowledge. And these are the kind of things that prove the powerlessness of a synergist Jesus. They prove the poverty of the position you've argued in this thread.
Next question:
What is God's purpose?