What is your answer to the deep theological question,
Who is God?
God is the Creator of all that is. He created it by the word of His mouth, and every speck of His creation contains within it physical elements that we define as science and some of which He has revealed to us, for His own glory, that we might glimpse His power and perfection, His trustworthiness and oh my goodness, His faithfulness. Daily since the beginning of our world the earth turns with precision upon its axis, sunrise, sunset, one season follows another without fail. All suspended by His power in space and upheld by the might of His power. Every star, every planet doing as God commands for His purpose. Oh that we would be so faithful to our Creator as the creation itself is.
A seed falls upon the earth and everything needed for that seed to sprout and become a tree, God has placed perfectly within the seed and the earth and the heavens. Sunlight and warmth for growth, all the elements in the very dirt that are needed for nourishment, He has designed and placed there. He sends rain, rain He creates and sends where He wills, to water the earth, cold and snow for a time of rest. And that is just a tree!
All of these things are in everything God created. The wisdom and knowledge He must contain is unfathomable to our finite minds, but what joy He brings us to contemplate Him this way. Look at the perfect functioning and design of the systems of life that operate in perfect unity. Molecules, and dna, cells, brain, heart etc. all sustained by the very breath of life from the giver of life who is life. Should He turn away for but a moment, every bit of it would cease to exist. He made us able to think, and make, and move and we do it all in Him and there is no other way. He knows every bird that falls by name, sets a flight path for migrations and tells the migrators when to go. When we destroy their habitats, He sets them on a new course. He tells the deer when to lie down and give birth.
He reveals Himself as being perfect in righteousness and holiness and perfect in all His ways. So alien is that to fallen man in his falleness and finiteness that we can not grasp such a thing, yet we know it because He tells us. Why does He tell us I wonder? Could it be for His glory. Could it be to make His glory known in us as it is made known in His infinite and every new painting in the sky, new and never repeated, as feathery clouds reach our eyes, feathery in a wind so high we cannot feel it, shifting and changing by light cast on them, first one way and then another, caught gold here by the sun, pale yellow there as winter light seeps through and patterns on floors or shimmers on rust colored leaves dancing, just dancing for joy in the wind. I cannot go on. I can only cry "Behold! Behold! Behold! But His glory covers the earth, everywhere and all the time.
Could it be that as His crowning glory of creation, we are being taken to a place through His reaching down to us, and healing His own through the suffering and death of His Son, He is taking us to the place where we reside with Him, made holy like our Father who loves us, to live,actually live! within that glory that we now only see. Rescued.
His mercy is seen too in that in spite of man's treason against Him, and as a result He subjected the entire creation to the damage we do, and subject to natural disasters, yet we remain, and His faithfulness stands true. He continues to water the earth and to unhold it.
Though we see His love in all of this He hates evil and wickedness as only perfect love can. So His own glory demands that we see, this is what I do to evil, I bring it under judgement, and I destroy it. And we shout "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and evermore shall be. It is to His glory that He does this. And He sent His Son to do the work of saving a people in mercy, and He does this by defeating the power of sin and death by facing their judgement for those He came to save and setting them free.